Chapter 4

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I woke up right as he moved. I opened my eyes to see his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and innocent. It was adorable. When he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey baby having fun watching me." He chuckled yawning stretching out.

"I can't help it you've got such a handsome sleeping face." I said, he laughed kissing me.

"Well come on we got to get ready." He replied, we got up. I seen my bag sitting on the dresser. I went straight to the bathroom I jumped in the shower. When he was in to brush his teeth. I grabbed a towel, dried myself off, and got out. I walked past him when he slapped my rear.

I walked over to my bag and started looking through it when he walked out. I looked over realising he was in nothing but his boxers and DAMN he had a really sexy body. It was perfectly toned with muscle.

"Like what you seen." He teased.

"Very." I replied, he laughed. Walking up behind me.

"Do you mind if I feed before you get dressed?" He asked.

"No go ahead." I said moving my hair exposing my bare neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my bare skin before biting into it. I bucked my head back allowing him to have better excess. He drank eagerly. When he was done he like the excess blood off his lips and my neck. He kissed me passionately.

"So have to you picked out what your wearing?" He asked. I pulled out a couple of dresses. He looked them over and pointed at a cute beautiful fancy red dress. It was a long fitting dress with gems all around the to and lace flowing down the bottom and a heart shaped neck lining. But I've never worn in.

"That will look perfect on you." He answered.

"Okay then I'll wear that one." I said as he walked over to the closet. I dropped the towel and slipped on cute lace underwear. I was about to put on the matching bra when I noticed him staring at me wide eyed from the mirror.

"What?" I asked.

"Damn you are such a tease." He chuckled.

"How its not like you haven't seen a woman naked before? I'm more then sure you done more then that not sure with how many." I replied.

"True and yes I have but I never cared about any of them and I'm not proud of that. But I was lonely for a very long time and stuff happened. But honestly your is the sexist body I've ever seen and I've seen plenty. A lot of them weren't intentional. They were girls that through themselves at me." He exclaimed, I knew that he was experienced but honestly I felt a little disappointed. I put the bra up to my chest. When he came up behind me, latching the back, and adjusting the straps. Then he put his hands on my shoulders kissing my cheek.

"But I promise myself only to you from now till the end of time so there's no reason for you to be upset. You are the only woman in my mind and that I truly want." He whispered in my ear making me blush and smiled. Then he kissed me and walked back over to the closet. I slipped on the dress while he put on a suit. I put in a necklace and earrings. I did my hair and makeup. When he looked over at me he smiled.

"You look gorgeous pumpkin." He said walking over.

"Thank you I want to make a good impression." I replied nervously, grabbing a small black purse with a thin chain strap with my information in it. Like ID and stuff.

"You'll do fine." He assured me. I nodded taking a deep breath. Then we walked to the car. He opened my door for me I got in, and he shut it. I slipped on a pair of sunglasses. He got in on the other side and started the car. As soon as he pulled out the drive way he grabbed my hand with his free one I kissed his cheek.

"Just for the record I don't drink that often. I only did it this time because I didn't want to get your dress dirty." He said, kissing the back of my hand. It did take us long to get to his parents house but only because he was going way over the speed limit. The house was a huge white mansion. We got out in front of the door when he handed his keys to ballet.

"Don't wreck it." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes my leisure." The man said, bowing to him. Then we walked inside it was jam packed. The inside was gorgeous it looked like a castle. When Kim ran over hugged us.

"It's about time you got here and omg sis you look absolutely fabulous." She smiled pulling away to examined me.

"Utah the bitch is walking over 12 o'clock." One of the guys warned us. I know looked over to see a red haired girl walking over with a man with bold hair and he was human. I don't see what the big deal is I mean she had no chest, no ass, not that pretty, and she wasn't even that strong.

"Hello BRENT nice to see you here. This is my boyfriend Seth. Isn't he perfect and he's good in bed. Jealous you should be cause I'm changing him soon." She smiled. Brent busts out laughing.

"Ya well have fun with that seriously your pathetic to think I'd be jealous when my mates this sexy piece of ass." He laughed slapping my rear. She glared at me.

"You found your mate." She growled crossing her arms as I wrapped mine around his waist when she seen my ring.

"You have her my ring?" She demanded showing her fangs.

"It was never met for you my mom intended me to give it to you. But i never agreed to it. I never loved you or even close. Oh did I mention I asked her to marry me and she said yes. So see ya." He said, kissing me pissing her off till she turned red and stomped off.

"Your so mean that was great." I said, letting out the laugh I had been holding in. We walked over to the side that wasn't as crowed with Kim and the others. Brent walked over and grabbed us a glass of wine. He handed me one. I took it as he draped his free arm over my shoulders. I sipped it.

"I agree with Avery that was pretty freaking hilarious. She actually thought she could make you jealous. Lame." Malinda laughed. When Savanna walked back over with his parents.

"Give it. If it's not for Savanna then Your not allowed to have it. It was met for her and only her and how dare you bring another woman. Especially a human." His mother said, opening her hand.

"First of all who said she was human?" He asked, sarcastically.

"Wait so she's not human?" His father asked calmly.

"No I'm not and I find that statement very offensive." I growled, taking off my sunglasses.

"Are you a wolf?" Savanna asked.

"No really I hadn't noticed. Yes I'm a wolf now get out of here before before I decided to use you as my next chew toy. No one tries to flirt with my man in front of me, brings his parents into it and expects me not to get bring my fangs out. He's my mate not your I love him and I'm not afraid to rip your head off to prove it. I've taken on a pack of rouges before by myself so you best believe I can take out one. Scrawny little vampire without batting a lash." I growled getting in front of him showing her my fangs. She backed away trembling and took off.

"Ya that's what thought." I said, baring my fangs. When he pulled me into his arms.

"You were bluffing weren't you." His mother said, crossing her arms.

"Dose it look like I'm bluffing no I'm not. I met every word of it." I answered, bluntly. They stared at me disbeilf.

"Except that there are no female wolves." She said, smiling.

"Mom stop it she is a wolf we all seen her shifted before. In fact just for the record she's actually a lot bigger and stronger then a regular wolf. So cut it out why can't you just be happy bro found his true love and wants to marry why is everything with you gotta be about Savanna? You can't force him to marry a woman or witch in her case that doesn't love why do you gotta be so controlling over everything he does. I mean he's a grown ass man who's over hundreds of years old I don't think he needs your input about who he's going to pick as his wife. Seriously." Kim yelled getting in her face.

"Kim!" She yelled when she cut her off.

"No I actually love Avery like she was my own sister. I never even liked Savanna and I ain't going to let you ruin it." She growled. She finally gave up and walked back over to Savanna. I hugged Kim.

"Thanks for standing up for me I love you like a sister to." I replied, she wrapped her arms around me and smiled. Her father smiled at us.

"I met every word." She said, putting her head on my shoulder.

"Even if you don't have your mothers consent you have mine. No ones ever stood up to my wife like that or cared for my son as much as you do I respect that. I know my wife's not the easiest person to get along with. But it doesn't matter as long as he's happy." He said, walking over to us.

"Thanks dad." Brent said, pulling me to his side.

"Now all we gotta do is get your parents consent." He said, kissing my head.

"Well see that's kinda of a problem since I don't know my real parents I never met them I was adopted when I was only a new born." I replied nervously.

"What so you don't know your biological parents?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Do you at least have your original certificate with their names on it?" He asked.

"Yes but I've tried tracking them down and never found anything." I replied.

"Do you have it on you?" He asked, as I opened my purse and dug through it. Till I found it then I pulled it out and handed it to him. He took it his face lit up as soon as he read it.

"So your 23?" He asked, I nodded.

"Well I happen to know your biological parents very well in fact I invited them so they should be here. The reason you haven't been able to track them down is because they both come from the most oldest and strongest packs so they have a lot of influence in government which of course humans know nothing about." He smiled, walking behind me.

"You see the woman in black with blond hair talking to the young chap in blue?" He whispered in my ear pointing at her. She was young in her thirties and gorgeous. She was about average height thin with a nicely curved body, with big blue eyes, long blond flowing hair, red lips, tan skin; like me, and long legs; like me. I nodded.

"That's your mother but in all honesty you look more like you father. See the man over there with black hair drinking with the woman in purple?" He whispered, pointing at a man around her age. He has black hair; like me, bright gold eyes, tall, muscular, and tan skin. But he was turned to the side so I couldn't get a good look. I nodded.

"That's your father. Do you want me to pull them out to have a word with them?" He whispered.

"I don't want to cause any trouble but I am curious as to why they gave me up and I would like to have their consent to marry him." I whispered in his ear.

"No problem sweetheart." He said, walking away. I turned back to Brent but listened in on what they were saying.

"Hello alpha so happy you could join us." He said, greeting him.

"Michel you know better then to call me alpha call me Nikolai." He smiled, shaking his hand.

"Very well Nikolai may I have a word with you?" He asked, he nodded.

"Alright can you meet me in the back room?" He asked, he nodded and walked down the hall in the back of the room. Then he walked over to my mother. He tapped on her shoulder. She turned to him and smiled.

"Hello Vivian so happy you could join us." He smiled giving her a slight hug.

"Michel the pleasures all mine." She smiled.

"May I have a word with you?" He asked, she nodded. As he walked her down the hall he looked back and winked at us. When Brent grabbed my hand and dragged me up stairs to one of the rooms. He closed the door and removed the rug revealing a small window where I could see my parents sitting at a table with Michel. I looked up at Brent he put his fingers to his lips.

"Its a special glass that doesn't break no matter how much pressure you put on it and to them it looks like a ceiling panel so they can't see us but we can see them. Father uses it when interrogating people." He whispered in my ear so they would hear us. I nodded and looked down.

"So Michel why'd you bring us here?" My father demanded.

"No reason for you to hide it. Do you have any children?" He asked.

"Of course not." They both blurted.

"Then whats this?" He asked pulling out my birth certificate and laying it on the table.

"How did you get that?" My mother demanded.

"Your little angel gave it to me. Did you even know she was a girl or that she was a wolf and might I add a very powerful one at that?" He asked, they both looked down.

"That's impossible even her older brother couldn't shift that's why we decided it would be best if she lived with humans. So she'd live a normal life." My mother answered.

"Well not according to her fiance because according to him she's bigger and stronger then a normal wolf." He smiled.

"She's engaged?" My father asked in disbeilf.

"Yes actually she is to her mate which happens to also be my son." He smiled.

"And your okay with this she's a kid." My mother protested.

"Actually no she's not she's a full grown adult. Vivian she's 23. Plus you should see those two love birds together they can't keep their hands off of each other." He exclaimed.

"I didn't realize she was that old already." My father said, sitting back in his chair.

"May I see her?" He said, right when Brent leaned forward.

"That's our cue to leave." He whispered in my ear. I nodded, he covered it back up and we left we walked down stairs to find the place empty except for our friends. We walked over to them.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Savanna decided to drink a little to much started trying to whore around with all the guys scaring them off and when our mom decided to step in and stop her she puked on one of the guest scaring the rest of them off let's just say moms pretty pissed at her. She told her she's never aloud at any of our parties ever again, that is never to set foot on any of our properties, and that she is to never see you again. That's what she gets when Savanna shows her true colors and the best part she blamed you for all of it." Kim said, trying so hard not to laugh.

"No shit." Brent blurted laughing, the rest joined.

"And I thought she couldn't get any more pathetic." I laughed. When his father walked up with my parents. Then I hear yelling it was Savanna.

"Baby you know you love me and not that flee bitten mutt." She said, running over to the door smiling. Her hair was an absolute mess and her dress was torn.

"That's it I don't care if I ruin this dress gets ruined babe hold my purse I'm rip this bitches head off." I growled handing Brent my purse and looking back at his dad. He nodded giving me permission I nodded back. I turned back to her and roar loudly shifting into my wolf form. She screamed taking off running. I dashed off chasing her into the woods. I pounced on her back only using my claws to tare her apart. I wasn't about to put my mouth on that. I buried the rest of her remains where no one would find them. Then I washed all the blood off my fur in a nearby stream. Running back to the house I noticed how bright the moon I flung my head up and let out a thunderous howl. I walked inside to Brent. I walked up behind him nuzzling up against him.

"Hey baby that was quick." He said, running his fingers through my fur.

'I know sad part is she didn't even fight back where's the fun in that. LAME.' I replied, he laughed. He picked be me up and propped me up on his arm. I rubbed my nose against his.

"Dude isn't she heavy I mean she's huge." One of the guys asked.

"No actually she's pretty light. Not much different from when she's in her human form." He exclaimed, lifting me up with one hand.

'Your enjoying this aren't you.' I teased, he chuckled.

"Maybe but not gonna lie I love holding you like this your so freaking warm and your furs so soft and fluffy like a cloud." He said, hugging me. I licked him.

'Well da what you expect wolves have to have thick fur to survive. I think I resemble more of a timber wolf though.' I exclaimed.

"What is he talking about?" My father whispered so we wouldn't hear him. So we pretended not to.

"Their talking telepathically." Kim whispered and my mother gasped covering her mouth and his father smiled brightly.

"Well you do have the thicker fur like one. So that's a possibility and also because your a different breed of werewolf. Which reminds me for what ever reason Nikolai and Vivian do any of you know anything about this?" He asked, turning to them.

"Nope not a clue." My father answered, when my mother lower her hand pulling something out of her purse.

"Actually I do but I thought it was only a myth passed down through the generations." She exclaimed, opening up a small book.

"He told me that there once was a bloodline of werewolves the first bloodline which happens to be mine. That were much bigger and stronger then you could ever imagine. That were both man and beast. Most of them were loners because they didn't need a pack because alone they could wiped a whole town off the face of the earth over night and trust me. You don't want to know what they could do as a pack. They could probably rule the word. Everyone feared them when they walked the earth that's why everyone boarded up they're homes at night because they were mainly active during the night. They were also said to be the most aggressive and violet breed. Even the most oldest vampires and beings feared them. No one ever dared to defy them. Not even wolves bane or silver worked on them. So they were practically invincible. The only thing that can kill one is a werewolf of the same breed." She read out loud.

"So how come we've never heard of them till now and there's no record of them?" Malinda asked, curiously.

"Because at the end of their rain they just up and disappeared without a trace. Since it was such a long time ago everyone that did know about them is long gone. The only ones with any records of them are the bloodlines they left behind. But they even called them myths. They were the only werewolves with females. But what I don't understand is how come it took this long for one to show up again. I mean Its been hundreds of years. A the genies left behind should have been breed out by now." She answered, shutting the book and putting back in her purse.

"So is their anyone else who can tell us more?" Brent asked.

"Avery's grandfather which is my father. He sent his whole life collecting data and searching for them. He even tried to make one with old DNA he found because their the only werewolf that could turn a human from a bite. But I haven't talked to him since she was born. He was so excited when he found out I was pregnant with her. He even made her a baby room in his house for when I took her to visit him. But when he found out I gave her away after giving birth to her. He was so angry and disappointed with me he wouldn't even look at me and he disowned me. He wouldn't even talk to her father because he let it happen. But their is one person he still talks to her older brother." She said, pulling out her phone.

"Well can he take her to see him?" He asked, looking up at me.

"I can ask. He should be going over to see him tomorrow." She said, when we nodded.

"You should come spend the night with us. I want to get to know my daughter better." My father said, nervously.

'Ahh daddy. Can we baby please.' I questioned, wagging my tail.

"Of course pumpkin their your parents how could I say no to that." He smiled, I hugged him. My parents smiled brightly.

"Well then you kids better get going." Michel said, handing my birth certificate to Brent he slipped it in my purse, he hugged us and kissed our head.

"Love you guys and be safe." He said, making my tail wag like crazy.

"We love you to dad and we will." Brent said, we said our goodbyes to our friends and left. We got in my parents car and went to their house. It was a beautiful huge log cabin in the woods. We got out and walked inside. The inside was just as amazing. My mother walked us up the stairs to a bedroom.

"This is the spare bedroom if we ever had guest but we never do so it's always empty." She said, turning on the light. When she grabbed my hand.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up and dressed." She said, pulling me into the bathroom. I changed back into my human form. I jumped into the shower got cleaned up, then I dried off. When my mom in handing my some clothes I took them. She grabbed my hand looking at my ring.

"Did Brent give this to you it's beautiful?" She asked examining it.

"Ya he gave it to me when he purposed. It was his mother I don't think she likes me all that much. But the rest of his family loves me." I said slipping on the cute jeans and cute flannel shirt she brought me.

"Well that was nice." She said, grabbed the brush. We walked into her and my dad's room which was across the hall from the bathroom. She sat on the bed while I sat on the floor directly in front of her. She gently started brushing my hair. Then she braided it.

"Thanks mom." I said, looking in the mirror. She walked, up behind me.

"Your welcome dear." She smiled softly kissing my head. I hugged her and she wrapped her arms around me.

"The suns going to be rising soon you might want to get to bed early." She said, pulling away.

"Your probably right, love you mom sleep tight." I said, kissing her cheek.

"I love you to my little angel sweet dreams." She kissed my head. I walked out when I seen my dad talking to Brent. I walked up to him and hugged my dad.

"I gonna go to bed. Love you dad. Sleep tight." I kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you to sweetie. Sweet dreams." He said, kissing my head. Then me and Brent walked into our room. He shut the door and I pulled off the blue jeans and laid them on the night stand beside the bed. Then I laid down with Brent. He chuckled.

"So are you hungry?" I asked, looking at him.

"Ya." He answered, I lifted my head. He wrapped his arms, kissing my neck before biting into it. I grabbed his hand. He tightened his grip. When he was done licked the excess blood off and kissed my neck. Then I kissed him.

"I love you baby. Sweet dreams." I said.

"I love you to pumpkin. Sweet dreams." He said, as I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

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