2~Bloody Handkerchief

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Just as Preeta was about to tell Mauli the name of the father of her child, a truck hit her and she fell on the road badly injured making Mauli shocked. "No!" she screamed in a shock and sat down near injured Preeta. "Help! Help! Please help!" she shouted and within seconds, people gathered around Preeta. "Please get her to hospital, call ambulance," she said. "Mauli, it will take a lot of time for ambulance to come, till then my child will die, I will also die," Preeta said almost in a whisper. "Do one thing, please take her to that car only," she said pointing to her car and all of them slowly lifted her, she unlocked the car and opened the door.

They lied her inside and she sat on the driving seat and drove off. Preeta was subconscious all the way to hospital. As they reached, Mauli got out and rushed inside the hospital to the reception. "Excuse me, I have a patient in my car, she's pregnant and met with an accident," she told. "Nurse! Please get a stretcher for casualty lifting," the receptionist requested and soon they brought a stretcher. Mauli guided them to her car.

Preeta was brought outside and lied on the stretcher and taken inside. Once they were inside, she was lied over the trolley stretcher getting wheeled to the OT. Mauli accompanied her as she was wheeled. "Don't worry, nothing will happen, I am here only," she assured. "That was all that was missing now," Preeta said feeling completely hopeless. "Nothing will happen, you will live for sure, you will have to live," she said trying to give her some hope. Preeta cupped her tummy. "My baby," she said worriedly. "Nothing will happen, he will be fine, that little angel won't be taken away from you," Mauli assured as Preeta shed a lone tear and went unconscious. They reached the OT, Mauli stood outside. She took out her phone and called. "Hallo, Karan, I am in hospital... No no I am fine, it's some other girl, she's pregnant and met with an accident, you're a gynecologist yourself, yes, come here immediately," she said over the phone and the call disconnected.


Arjun came from outside and sat on the couch and sighed. "What a day, now Preeta would've known what can happen if she dares to utter a single word against me, it's good that I saw her on time and did my work," he said and smirked.

After Arjun had threatened Preeta, he was driving back to home from audition when he saw her talking to Mauli standing in the middle of the road."Oh my God, this is Mauli, my best friend, and why is Preeta talking to her? What if she says it all? No no, I will have to do something," he said and got out of the car and went to a truck driver sitting in his truck and knocked on the door, the driver jumped outside."You know me, right?" Arjun asked. "Sir, who doesn’t know you, you are a very big well-known actor," he said. "Will you do my work?" Arjun asked. "Sir anything for you," he replied. "See that girl standing in the middle of the road? You have to hit her with your truck, and it should look like an accident, understood? Take this money, do it fast," Arjun said giving him a huge amount of money and then rushed back to his car. He watched as the truck driver drove towards Preeta and hit her, she fell on the road badly injured. He smirked.

Fb end.

Arjun lied on the couch. His room door opened and a lady walked outside towards the kitchen. She warmed some milk and then poured it in a glass placing it on a tray. He saw her coming out. "Ishwari? Where were you since so long?" he asked his wife.

"I was in office, you know that so why do you ask?" she asked with a straight face. "Just like that, did Alia come back from school?" he asked. "Yes, and she's very dull, I am going to give her milk. Since Dev went missing, neither does she eats properly nor does she drinks water, it has affected her a lot. Even her education is getting affected," she said and went to Alia's room. "Alia," she called out for her and found her sleeping. She placed the tray at the bedside table and sat on the bed.

"Alia," she said caressing her hair gently. Alia didn't wake up. "Aalu jaan, bacha, till when will you don't eat or drink? Why are you punishing yourself for your brother's disappearance? By not eating or drinking, will he return? Don't do this, I am worried for you," she said and Alia sat up. "Don't be, please. Be worried for him, how can I eat or drink? Would he have eaten something? Would he have drank water? No, right? If I would have disappeared, he would have united day and night to search me and what am I doing? Sitting here doing nothing, I feel helpless, at least I can do hunger plus thirst strike for him. May be God will have some mercy and return him to us," Alia said and lied down again to sleep.

" I know you miss him a lot, I know no matter how much you fight with him, he is still your brother at the end of the day. Sisters are like mothers, be it little or elder. He will return, for sure, I am going keeping this milk here, drink it please for your elder brother Dev," she said fighting back tears and went from there. Tears dripped from Alia's eyes as she recalled the past when they both were little.

Dev came and peeped in her room waiting for her to notice him and when she didn't, he jumped on the entrance scaring the hell out of her. "Bhai," she said and pouted, he laughed and came inside and pulled her cheeks.

They shared a hug. "You too do the same and always scare me, now for once when I did it, you startled, he he he, get habitual to it just like I am," he said and lifted her and made her sit on bed and they played together. Ishwari came there. "What had happened? Who fell?" she asked and Alia and Dev looked at each other. "Mumma, bhai jumped at the entrance with a loud thud and I got scared, I thought he fell," Alia told her. "She does the same with me," Dev told her. "But I jump slowly," Alia argued. "Jump higher next time just like I did," Dev too argued and Ishwari laughed and they stopped arguing. "Listen, don't do this again, you can fall and get hurt," she warned and left. Alia and Dev got into a cat fight and a pillow fight.

Fb end.

She opened her eyes and looked at the entrance. "Please scare me once again bhai," she said and she looked down crying badly.


He walked inside the hospital, his sneakers made a rhythmic sound as he walked. His baggy jeans suited him perfectly, the lab coat he wore enhanced his personality and appearance. His black shirt gave him a cool and professional look. A stethoscope hung around his neck. His one hand was in pocket and other carried his small bag. He was none other than Mauli's gynecologist friend, Karan Luthra.

He walked over towards the OT and stopped seeing Mauli. She turned sensing his presence. "You came," she said. Just then a nurse came outside holding a coat and a mobile phone diverting their attention. She handed both the things to Mauli. "It's hers, she had it with her," she said and went back to OT. "So? Who's the father of the child?" he asked.

"She was about to tell but she met with an accident, I am feeling so bad for her, that man should be ashamed to impregnate a girl and then leave her," she said. "You have her phone," he reminded. "Yeah, right," she said and checked her phone to get details of her boyfriend but didn't get anything. "Nothing is there," she said, then her attention went to the coat which Preeta was wearing at the time of accident. She looked at it carefully and checked its pockets.

Her hand touched something and she got it out. She got shocked seeing a bloody handkerchief inside. "What the hell?" he said. "Even I am shocked, whose blood it might be?" she asked and the doctor came outside. "Excuse me," he said and their attention diverted. "Are you with the patient?" he asked Mauli. "Yes, and he is my friend, he's a gynecologist, how is the girl?" she asked. "We have stopped the bleeding, and her baby is also fine," he informed and she heaved a sigh of relief. "Can we meet her?" she asked. "Sure," he said and the duo went inside. "Thank God you are okay," she said and Preeta smiled slightly. "He is the friend I was talking about, doctor said the baby is fine, but he will prescribe you the needed medicines," she said. "He is the doctor?" Preeta asked. "Yes, why? Don't I look like one?" he asked. "Yes you do, but...," she was cut in between. "I am an auto driver disguised as a doctor for you," he joked and she chuckled. "Karan," Mauli said, he looked at her and she signed her. "So what's your name?" he asked. "Preeta Deshmukh," she answered.

"Oh, so you should have told me before itself that you are related to Ritesh Deshmukh, OMG, anything for you Preeta jee, by the way I am Dr. Karan Luthra," he said smilingly, she laughed a little. Mauli suppressed her laughter. "Okay so Preeta, whenever you get discharged, first you will have to come to me for check up, till then I am prescribing some medicines and telling you what you can eat and what you can't eat," he said and continued to explain. Mauli looked at the bloody handkerchief and then at Preeta. The duo had finished talking and he began to leave. Mauli followed him outside.

"Do you think it belongs to her?" she asked showing the handkerchief. "If she would have known that the coat has a bloody handkerchief inside, she wouldn't have been roaming openly wearing it, do one thing, ask her calmly, okay, she should not have stress of any kind," he said and left. She walked inside and sat by her side. "How are you feeling now?" she asked. "Better," Preeta replied. "You were telling me the name of the father of the child," Mauli said. "His name is Arjun Sharma," she told her and Mauli got shocked.

She scanned her phone and showed her his photo. "Him?" she asked and Preeta nodded. "Are you his friend?" Preeta asked and Mauli nodded. "Its a very regretful thing that I am best friend of such a person who doesn't values relations at all, he already has a wife and two children, didn't you know that already?" she asked and Preeta remained quiet. "You did know it, didn't you? Still you continued all this? You are carrying his child? What should I talk to him now? You both are wrong," she said and Preeta felt really guilty. "Now you yourself are becoming a mother, didn't you think once about those grown up children and his wife?" she asked.

"He was the one to approach me, its not me, its him, he proposed me just to get pleasure out of me and now he left me, yes I knew it all but till I got to know, I had already fallen for him and we got intimate and then this happened, I have been betrayed," Preeta said and looked down. "I am sorry, but the truth is, you both are wrong and wrong has happened with you, but you always have my back, I am with you, even I would have been angered if someone had done this with me," Mauli said holding her hand between both her hands. "Thanks a lot Mauli," she said and looked away. I will teach you a lesson for sure Mr. Arjun Sharma, sooner or later your downfall will start, she thought.

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