3~Anonymous Letter

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At night, the doorbell rung and Ishwari went to open the door thinking it's Dev but found no one and was returning but then saw a letter in an envelope. "What's this?" she said and picked it and closed the door. She pulled out the letter and unfolded it. It read, "Your husband is a cheater, he is cheating on you and your children, get away from him as soon as possible." Ishwari got shocked and opened the door and ran outside the house and looked around to see if someone is there but she found no one and returned inside.

Alia came to her. "Who was it?" she asked. "No one," Ishwari replied hurriedly and rushed to her room. Alia shrugged and went back to her room and closed the door. "Firstly bhai is missing and no one is trying to find him and then mumma is acting as if she's hiding something, whatever. So what if they aren't doing anything? What would have bhai done if I would have gone missing? He wouldn't have been sitting quietly, he would have been searching me, but I am also not a coward, tomorrow in lieu of going to school, I will go to police station and file his missing complaint. If he is my brother and is very close to my heart, then even I am his sister and even I am his jaan, I won't give up, I will find him," she said.

She turned on the bed and picked his photograph from the bedside table and caressed it. "I am missing you a lot bhai, I wish you were here, I wish you are okay, come back please," she said and hugged the photo. She got an idea. "I will print flyers by myself and take permission from police to paste them, no no, they will do it themselves, but I should do this printing work myself," she said. She opened her laptop and began to work.


Mauli came to Preeta and sat by her side. "Job done?" she asked and Mauli nodded. Preeta rejoiced. "Now whatever he already has will be taken away from him, and whatever I am doing isn't wrong and isn't a lie, so I am not guilty, plus I am damn sure that this accident was done by Arjun himself, he can go to any extent to make me quiet, or anyone else quiet, lesson has to be taught sooner or later," Preeta said.

Mauli nodded and showed her the bloody handkerchief shocking her. "Is it yours?" she asked. "Where did you find this?" Preeta asked. "In the coat you were wearing at the time of accident," Mauli said. "That coat I was wearing doesn't belongs to me but Arjun, he himself gave it to me before throwing me out of his house, so of course the handkerchief also belongs to him, but this blood, I don't know where it might have come from, I really don't know," Preeta told her. "You sure Preeta?" Mauli asked.

"Of course, I am sure," she said. "No, you do know something about it, tell me," Mauli said. "Mauli, I really don't know," Preeta said. Mauli frowned.


Ishwari sat in front of Arjun and snatched his phone from him. "Ishwari?" he said in a shock as she kept his phone aside and hugged him. He hugged her back. "What happen?" he asked. "It was a nice joke Arjun," she said. "What was a nice joke?" he asked cluelessly and she showed him the letter shocking him. "I didn't write this Ishu," he said. "Oh come on, silly, it's you only, you're checking my trust on you, right? And you know I am worried about Dev so you are enlightening my mood, right?" she asked.

"Yeah yeah, I did it," he said and kissed her forehead. She rested on his chest and slept within seconds. "Dev, Dev," she whispered in her sleep, he looked on and made her lie on the bed.



Dev woke up restrained to a chair and tried to untie himself but in vain, he coughed badly. A man entered and offered him food but he refused to eat. He stuffed the food in his mouth and Dev coughed throwing up. The man made him drink excessive wine and he coughed up blood. The man opened second bottle to make him drink but he refused to drink. "Enough! Please!" he begged but the man continued making him drink and he coughed blood again. He took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood. Dev went unconscious. The man caressed his hair and went.


Next day, it was time for Preeta to get discharged and Mauli had called Karan for help. He helped her stand, she lost her balance and he held her in the nick of time. She gasped.

"I am sorry," he said. Mauli and Karan helped her and took her to Mauli's house for time being. They made her sit on the bed. The duo began to leave. "Dr. Karan?" Preeta called and he turned. "I want you to prescribe me some antidepressants which won't affect my pregnancy, my depression may affect my child and in these nine months, it's very necessary for me to be happy," she said. "Sure sure, no need to explain," he said and then went and came back with a prescription and gave it to her. "But I can't go by myself," she said helplessly.

"I will bring," Karan said and took the prescription and went. Mauli sat near her. "What's next? What are you going to do next?" she asked. "Continue sending anonymous letters, and you know what, please ask your friend to give that handkerchief in forensic lab, it can be something against Arjun, and when it's three days while sending letters, I will send those photos, the biggest proof of my and Arjun's relation and then the pregnancy report, everything would be snatched by him, he will have nothing left besides money, rest I will tell later," Preeta said and Mauli nodded and went and brought milk for her, Preeta smiled and drank it, Mauli went. Karan came back and gave her the pills and explained her how and when to consume it. "You will become a very good husband, in fact, you are one to your wife, right?" she asked and he became dull. "I am a divorcee," he said. "Sorry, but surely your wife was blind, and what about children?" she asked. "I can never become a father," he said and went. Preeta looked on.


At morning, around 7:00 am, the doorbell rung and Ishwari opened the door and saw a girl standing there. "Yes?" she asked. "Aunty, I am Nalini, Dev's girlfriend," replied the girl. Arjun came there and she hesitated seeing him. "Dev is missing," Ishwari replied. "Then why aren't you finding him?" she asked. "We are, we complained to the police already," Ishwari said and invited her inside and gave her water, she drank it staring at Arjun. "Aunty, whenever Dev is found, please tell me as well," she said and Ishwari nodded and left for office. Nalini too began leaving but Arjun fisted her hair, she writhed in pain as he pulled her back and grabbed her neck and dragged her to his bedroom closing the door. "Stop finding Dev, understood? Idiot girl," he said and threw her over the bed. She panted heavily and sat up.Arjun threw money on her face and then opened the bedroom door and dragged her till the main entrance and threw her out.

Nalini cried endlessly. "Dev, where to find you? I love you a lot, I don't care whatever this stupid man says, I will find Dev at any cost," she said and went to police station and gave Dev's photo to the policeman. Alia too came there and gave Dev's flyer. "You both want to find the same person?" the inspector asked. "Yes," Alia and Nalini answered in unison and noticed each other and told their names to each other. "Fine, Alia and Nalini, we will post them, we will get even more of them printed, you don't worry, just focus on your studies, your mother complained about it already, don't worry," the inspector assured. "Alia, come, I will drop you to school," Nalini said. "No Nalini didi, I miss him even more over there," she told. "But you can't miss your studies baby," Nalini said. "Please, I don't want to go," Alia said. "I understand but we will find Dev together, he is lucky to have a sister like you," she said and hugged Alia, they both were emotional.

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