21~Own Child

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In the midnight, Aneeta woke up weeping and Preeta also woke up. "Karan, Aneeta," she said shaking him as she couldn't get up without help. He woke up and picked Aneeta and cradled her, Preeta watched them and smiled. He kept her close to him giving her warmth and eventually Aneeta slept. He placed her near Preeta after sometime. "I will check Raunak," he said and she held his hand. "Karan, mom and dad looks after him if you forgot," she reminded. "But what may possibly go wrong if I check on him? I can't bother them too much," he said.

"Is a grandchild a burden on grandparents? No, right? They only chose to take care of Raunak as we were going to be parents ourselves," she said. "Preeta, but I am the one to take his custody," he said. "So that makes him connected to all of us equally because just like you are the son of this house, he is the first grandchild of the house, relax, they have experience of two kids already," she said. "Okay bubba, none can win an argument by you, sleep," he said and lied to sleep, they closed their eyes instantly and slept.


Since it had been nine months since Dev had been found, he was already engaged to Nalini now, he and Alia had bonded well with Rohit and got fatherly love from him, even Ishwari became friends with him, but even after being asked thousand times of the strange childhood moments witnessed between him and Arjun, he always refused to talk about it. Though Alia never told Ishwari about it, but it worried her deeply. Alia woke up in the middle of the night and switched on the lamp to have water and just then she saw a shadow in the hallway.

She gulped water and rushed outside and saw Dev going to kitchen and climbing on the counter having water anxiously. She gasped and went to him and touched his arm, he startled. "Alia?" he said in surprise. "Bhai, why are you so anxious? What happen?" she asked. "Alia, nothing, really," he said panting heavily. "Do you still have nightmares about him? All the torture he did to you? All the pain caused by our dad?" she asked painfully. He looked on and climbed down the counter and hugged her, she hugged him back. "Bhai, hiding things won't do any good, why don't you understand?" she asked.

He released the hug. "Alia, how to tell? I don't know," he said. "Try," she said. He sighed and then looked around double checking to see no one i.e Ishwari was around. "Come," he said and took her by her hand to his room and closed the door. They sat on his bed. "Bhai, if you think you have been hiding something really important and that you should tell us but you can't tell it because you are not able to, so then tell it by some other way, okay? Truth matters," she said.

He nodded. She looked on as he didn't speak a thing. "Did he do some other wrong things as well?" she asked. "Like what?" he asked. "Inappropriate things, like bad touch," she said and he looked away. "Bad touch? No, not at all," he said. "Promise?" she asked and he nodded. "Did someone else do that?" she asked and he shook his head but then closed his eyes and lowered his head as tears rolled down his cheeks and she gasped as he sobbed continuously without stopping. She stood up and went to the bedside table and poured a glass of water for him.

She went to him and gave him water, he took it and gulped some of it but then took whole water in his mouth and choked on it and coughed. She took the glass from him and patted his back, after sometime he became fine. She stooped down near his legs and looked up at him. "Your tears are screaming that all of it did happen bhai," she said and his tears didn't seem to stop. "Bhai," she said painfully and stood up and hugged him. "I promise no one would do it again, it's okay because it wasn't your fault but that person's fault, you are safe, none would harm you now," she said and he nodded.

He lifted his head and wiped his tears, she released the hug. "Bhai, was this the thing which dad stopped you from telling mom?" she asked and he didn't react. "Alia, I need some more time to prepare myself to speak the truth, as this much time was also less for me," he said, she nodded and kissed his forehead. "Bhai, just one thing please, it wasn't dad who did it, so then...," her voice trailed off.

"Dad protected me," he said and she got shocked. "Really?" she asked. "Yes, he really did, but it doesn't matter now when he himself tried killing me," he said and she nodded. "But I am thankful to him for protecting you at least then at the time when you needed him," she said. "Your wish. Alia, I am having problems with sleeping alone, can you sleep beside me?" he asked and she nodded and then went and switched off his room fan and came to his room. They lied and she switched off the lights and they slept finally after talking too much.


One year passed by, now Aneeta was one year old and was walking around the house holding onto different things, Preeta, Karan, Sandhya and Gajendra smiled seeing her. Raunak who was two years old, came walking and gave her a cushion, she smiled and took it and played with it. Everyone smiled seeing their cute bonding. "So cute siblings," Sandhya said. "No one can say they aren't related by blood," Gajendra said. "He is our first child, it doesn't matter if he's adopted," Karan said, his parents smiled at him. "You are a father to both of them, both calls you papa very sweetly," Preeta said and the duo smiled.


Nalini came to meet Dev, Alia answered the door and she walked to his room. She saw him sitting in dim light. "Dev?" she spoke but he didn't react. She looked at Alia questioning by her eyes. "Something from past bothers him, he's still taking time to open up," Alia whispered. "Okay, you go, I will see him," she said and Alia went. Nalini walked to Dev and touched his shoulder and he startled, she got shocked. "Oh its you? I got scared," he said and pretended to laugh.

She sat in front of him and pulled him in a bone crushing hug. "Baby what has happened to you? If you tell me, do you think I would judge you? Did you judge me when you got to know I was epileptic? No, right? Instead you helped me and because of you only, my seizures have subsided, now its my time to help you out and subside whatever is bothering you," she said and he hugged her back and couldn't help but cry, she became heartbroken hearing him cry and tightened the hug and rubbed his back.

"Baby? I am here, right? I will help you, what happened? Please tell? Alia told me about those strange childhood moments, she also told me your dad protected you from bad touch," she said, he sobbed. "Yes, dad never stooped so low to touch me wrongly, he was always very loving to me and Alia both, until the day I got to know about his affair and he turned cruel," he said and she released the hug and wiped his tears. "Baby, I know, but please tell, who was the person who did all that to you?" she asked.

"Dad's friend, Shaurya uncle," he told her, she looked on. "I was just five years old when it first happened," he told her, she cupped his face. "What happened? Tell me, I am here and I am listening," she said. "I had just got out of bath and I was in bathrobe, dad was with me only, but his friend entered the room to meet him, he looked at me strangely, I felt awkward, dad was searching for my clothes in the wardrobe and asked Shaurya uncle to take care of me, Shaurya uncle sat with me and picked me and put me on his lap without dad's knowledge," he told her.

Flashback :

Five year old Dev had just got out of bath and Arjun was searching for his clothes, Shaurya entered the room. "Hi," he greeted Arjun. "Hey, please look after him that he doesn't falls off the bed," Arjun said and Shaurya sat beside Dev and picked him and made him sit on his lap. That's when he was about to touch him but Arjun turned and got shocked, he rushed to Shaurya and snatched Dev from him. "Shaurya! How dare you? Get out!" he shouted at him, Shaurya went from there. Arjun made Dev sit on the bed and calmed him down and dressed him.

Fb end.

"But after that, did it happen again?" she asked, he nodded and continued. "Shaurya uncle never dared to touch me again as dad never left me alone with him ever again, until one day, it happened again," he said.

Flashback :

Shaurya was waiting outside his school and it was really unusual for him to do that, Alia was absent that day, Dev was seven years old then. Shaurya picked Dev from school and Dev was a little naive, he thought it would be safe to go with him as he's Arjun's friend but of course he was too small to understand his intentions.

Arjun didn't know about this, when he went to pick Dev, he got to know from the gatekeeper that his son went with someone else and this caused him stress. He phoned Ishwari. "Hallo, did you pick Dev?" he asked. "No Arjun, I am with Alia, I had to take her to the clinic as she had fever," she said. "Okay, don't worry I am finding him," he said and disconnected the call. He went to the gatekeeper. "Do you know exactly how the person looked like? Was it him?" he asked showing Shaurya's photograph and the gatekeeper agreed.

Without wasting a nanosecond, he drove off towards Shaurya's house and he stopped in the middle noticing something, he was shocked to see little Dev inebriated in a beggar's arms, he got out of the car and rushed to the beggar and snatched Dev from him. "How dare you? He's my child, what did you do to him? Dev?" he asked the beggar and then Dev but saw him unconscious on his shoulder. He showed a photograph to the beggar. "Did he give you this child?" Arjun asked and the beggar nodded.

Arjun grabbed the beggar's arm and dragged him to the car and threw him on the backseat and locked both the doors and he also sat inside with Dev putting him on the passenger seat and drove off. "Reveal all this to the police, by doing that your punishment would lessen, and if you don't, then I have my child who would speak the truth," Arjun said angrily and drove off to the police station. He picked Dev and dragged the beggar out and went inside the police station.

"Now tell everything, don't try to escape," he said. The beggar remained quiet. "Speak up!" Arjun said angrily. "Sir, its true that this child was sold to me, but like all beggars give sedatives to children, I didn’t give to him, he was already sedated before he was sold to me," said the beggar. "And the person was him, right?" Arjun asked showing Shaurya's photo and he nodded. The beggar was put behind the bars and Shaurya was arrested. Arjun took Dev to pediatrician and all the sedatives were pumped out of him, he became conscious.

Arjun smiled emotionally and him and made him sit up and hugged him. "Dev, baby, thank God you woke up, I was so worried for you," he said. "Dad, what had happened? I only remember Shaurya uncle picking me," Dev said and Arjun released the hug. "You don't remember anything else? Do you feel any pain in your body?" Arjun asked in order to know if he got sexually abused, Dev got confused and didn't react. "Doctor, is it safe to get his medical done?" Arjun asked. "Yes it's safe," the doctor replied. "Who would do it?" he asked. "A healthcare professional would do it," the doctor replied.

Arjun nodded. "But what has happened? You can't get the medical examination done without police involved, was the kid sexually abused?" asked the pediatrician. "I think so," he said. "Well then you need to tell the police, they can help you with it," the pediatrician told and Arjun got Dev discharged from the hospital and took him to the car. "Dad, I am very scared of Shaurya uncle, I don't like him," he said. "You would never get to meet him again, don't worry," Arjun said and fastened his seatbelt and drove off to the police station.

He took Dev with him and told everything to the police. "Okay so then get the medical examination done," the inspector allowed and got the formalities done and sent them in police jeep to the professional healthcare and there Dev's medical plus forensic exam was carried out and there was no such signs that he was sexually abused. But his forensic exam did have something. There was blood on his trousers and that was it for Arjun. He took every safety measure to protect him and that Shaurya never gets to get out of the prison. All this truth was told to Ishwari but not to Alia as she was too small and even when she grew up, she never got the courage to ask Ishwari.

Fb end.

"God, you went through too much, but you didn't tell me as well, Dev, I am so sorry," she said and hugged him. He hugged her back. They remained in the hug for a very long time. "Don't ever feel weak that being a man all this happened with you, nowadays even men aren't safe, many people have no one to protect them, but at least you had him," she said.

"I had him in the past, I have you now," he said, she smiled and released the hug. "Cutie pie, look, we would marry soon, live together and have a fresh start, a life full of happiness and without a pinch of pain, me and you, and our budgie, along with our children," she said and he gasped. "Budgie?" he asked. "You only gifted me one," she said and he got thinking and then understood it might be a plan by Pragati to make Nalini happy when he was missing. "Baby, I never gifted you a budgie, it was your sister's gift," he said.

"Oh, in that case, my sister is the best," she said. "No, my sister Alia is the best," he argued. "No, my sister Pragati is the best," she also argued. "Aray, wait, call them both here, they would only tell who's the best," he said and she nodded. He went and brought Alia, she called Pragati who arrived after sometime. "What happen? Why did you drag me here bhai?" Alia asked placing her hands on her hips, he chuckled, she got confused and looked at Nalini and didn't get a reaction. "Yes, why did you call me all of a sudden, Nalini?" Pragati asked.

"He's saying his sister Alia is the best," she told Pragati who gasped. "Yes, and she's saying her sister Pragati is the best, so you both are here so that we can see who's the best sister," he said, Pragati and Alia looked at each other and shrugged. "Awww, bro I have to be the best. Even after being a little sister, I care about you the most, I went on a hunger strike for you, and I gave you my blood even after being so weak," she said, Dev smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh, baby doll, even I care the most about Nalini, I always took care of her like a mother, and I have always been there by her side since forever," Pragati said. "Ohhh, even I was by my brother's side since forever," Alia snapped back. "Hey? I am elder to you, okay?" Pragati said. "I am smaller than you," Alia said. "Okay okay fine guys, why are you guys fighting?" Dev asked, Alia and Pragati looked at each other and laughed. "We were just having fun," she said. "You both are the best," Nalini said and the four of them shared a group hug.

They heard some voices and went outside to check. They found Rohit and Ishwari walking inside together. "Umm, Dev, Alia, Shikhar wanted to meet you both to check that you both are okay," she said. "Shikhar uncle," Dev and Alia exclaimed and ran to him and hugged him, Shikhar smiled and hugged them back. After sometime they released the hug and Rohit kissed them on their foreheads. "Good to see you both happy after a long time my babies," he said and they got confused. "I meant, you both are like my kids to me," he clarified and they smiled.

"Don't know why, but it felt good to hear it when you mistakenly said we are your kids only," Alia said, Shikhar smiled. "Even I felt good," Dev said, Shikhar cupped his face and looked at him emotionally, Dev felt confused and overwhelmed both at the same time. "Are you okay uncle?" he asked, Shikhar smiled and nodded and hugged him, Dev hugged him back and felt good while hugging him. Ishwari smiled seeing them. Shikhar released the hug and caressed his head, Dev smiled at him. "Shikhar uncle, my brother would get diabetic if you see him with so much love," Alia said.

"Aww, are you jealous?" Dev asked. "No ways," she said, Shikhar called her as well and hugged both of them together. Ishwari got emotional seeing them like that. "Okay kids, you both continue your talk, okay, go," he said and they went. Ishwari came to Shikhar . "What's going on? My kids feel so good with you, as if they have some old connection with you? Why?" she asked. "Nothing such Ishwari, we know each other for a year now, so we all grew close," he said, she nodded.

"By the way, thanks a lot for saving Dev and Alia earlier, and also for being their friend," she said. "Ishwari, we are friends, okay, friends doesn't thank each other," he said, she smiled, they shared a friendly hug. "By the way Shikhar, even I feel connected to you, why?" she asked releasing the hug and he shrugged. "Don't know, really," he said and she got suspicious. "You are hiding something Shikhar," she said and he shook his head. "No Ishwari, am not, and even if I am, you would know it on the right time," he said and she nodded.


Preeta and Karan played with one year old Aneeta and two years old Raunak. "Karan, see how cute both our children are," she said hugging Aneeta from behind as she played. Karan smiled. "Yes they are," he said and kissed Raunak who smiled at him. "By the way Karan, mind if I say something?" she asked. "I won't, say," he said. "Karan, you love these children as your own, but you don't have your own children, I am saying, why not think of the treatment of infertility again?" she asked and he nodded. "I was thinking the same but, now its not needed, I have two children, and it's a big deal for me, I thought I could never become a father but now I am a father of two children, a girl and a boy, and I don't want anything else," he said. "Karan, your parents are happy with these children but... I can sense the emptiness in them, they want your child, your own child, they want your own child as well," she said and he got thinking. "Preeta, I got tired with it previously, I don't want it to begin once more," he said.

She looked on. "And besides what's wrong with them? See, when you were pregnant, we were discussing that I would give my name to Aneeta, and some days later only I got Raunak, then Aneeta was born, Preeta they are my own children only, see they would call me only as papa, not someone else. Plus, I won't leave them ever, my happiness dwells in them, they are my children and none can call me infertile now. Besides, I am over all the pain of the past, as I got you and our children, baby Raunak, and baby Aneeta," he said.

She looked away. "Oh I know what you want, pick Aneeta, and then let's go," he said and stood up and picked Raunak. "But where?" she asked. "To mom and dad, and let's get to know it from them only, come," he said and she picked Aneeta and they walked out with their children and proceeded to Sandhya and Gajendra's room and knocked over their door, they looked at them and smiled, they entered. The duo made the children sit on the bed and without wasting a nanosecond, Sandhya and Gajendra picked them and began to play with them.

Karan smiled. "Preeta, ask what you wanted to," he said, she sighed. "Mom, dad, I was thinking that Karan should begin with the infertility treatment once again, and have his own child as well," she said. "And mom, tell her Raunak and Aneeta are my children only, yes I know Raunak is Sonakshi's child, to be honest, I have no hard feelings for her now that she's no more, and about Aneeta, her father didn't ever want her, I accepted her, so then they are my children in true sense, explain her please," he said. "Karan is right beta," Sandhya said.

"And if he himself doesn't wants it so then how can anyone force him?" Gajendra asked. "Mom, dad, I really want his child, am I wrong in asking this? Where Karan is an adoptive father to Raunak and Aneeta, he does deserve to become biological father as well, the one who would resemble him, and would have his qualities, and everything else," she said. "His companionship can also bring all his qualities in these children Preeta," Sandhya said. "That's what she doesn't understand," he said. "Karan, for once, at least get your sperm count checked, who knows you might have healed naturally by a miracle," she said.

"What are you saying? How's it possible?" he asked. "Don't you have faith in God? He can do everything, He does everything before you even ask for it, He has everything planned, but also that God helps those who helps themselves, who knows you might get to become a biological father soon? Can't you do this much for your own happiness?" she asked. "My happiness is in six of you. Mom, dad, Reema, you, Aneeta and Raunak," he said and hugged her. "Karan, I have so many hopes about it, please," she said hugging him back.

"I had many lost hopes Preeta, but you only brought my hopes back, we have our children Preeta," he said. "You are adamant, that's it," she said and he chuckled and broke the hug. "Mom and dad are looking after our children and...," he said. "And?" she asked. "Its your birthday after two days, and I am going to buy something for you, but you also have to tell me your wish," he said. "I told you already, I want your child," she said and went from there. "Mom, what's happening?" he asked. "Now you can't say no for it if it's her birthday wish," Sandhya said smilingly.

"But mom...," he was cut in between. "Please just go beta, have your sperm count checket, don't lose hope, if not for yourself, do it for her," she said and he smiled. "Okay mom," he said and went. Reema came to them excitedly. "Mom dad, I want you both to meet someone," she said and a person revealed himself from behind the pillar. "He's my friend turned best friend turned love Vivaan, we both love each other and we want to marry," she said. "Yes uncle and aunty, I love Reema," he said.

"Beta all of a sudden all of this? Since when were you both in love?" Gajendra asked. "We met a year back in dance class, he was a new choreographer and while he was teaching me and I was getting taught, we both fell in love," she said. "Yes but first we would meet Vivaan's family of course and then only we would decide the marriage, right?" Sandhya asked. "Of course, how can we decide all of a sudden," Gajendra said. "Okay mom, I know that's necessary, we will wait for it," Reema said, they smiled.

Mauli and Sagar were also married now and had a daughter named Krishna. And they were also very happy. Karan returned and came to Preeta who was sitting folding her arms on her chest looking down, she didn't care how Aneeta and Raunak were playing with her hair messing them. He approached her and placed her hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him and then looked away. "Preeta, look, I visited the doctor, because I am ready for it," he said showing her the prescription and she smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Karan, I would be really happy," she said and he smiled.


Alia was bringing her water bottle to the dining table and just as she had reached, the bottle fell from her hands and the cap broke, the water leaked. Ishwari was coming outside, Alia went to bring a clothe to wipe the water from the floor. Ishwari stepped on the water and slipped on the floor and got hurt on her head and went unconscious. Alia returned and got shocked seeing her unconscious. "Mom!" she shouted, Dev too came outside and got shocked. He tried waking her, Alia called Shikhar and they got her to the bed and called the doctor who checked her and gave her an injection. She woke up holding her head and sat up, seeing Shikhar , she sat up and smiled and ran to him hugging him shocking her children.

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