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"Uhh mumma, mumma wake up, mumma Preeta mumma, mumma wake up, mumma wake up."

(Pics are blurry because Preeta's memories are also blurry)

She stirred in unconsciousness and woke up with a jolt and looked around registering her surroundings, she was in an unfamiliar house, a simple bedroom lying on a double bed on which an ethnic designed bedsheet was spread. Over her petite body, laid a soft brown blanket that gave her enough warmth. The bed had many cushions of all sizes. On each side of the bed, there was a wooden bedside table over which a lamp was placed on each of them. On some distance from the bed, was a wooden cupboard, beside it was a dressing table with a mirror.

The remaining walls had painting frames tucked over it, below them was a beautiful glass window. She searched for the sweet little girl whose voice woke her up and that called her mother, but to her dismay, there was no one in that room besides her. She held her head, her vision blurred, many blurry visions ran in her mind.

"Where is my daughter? Pihuuuu!"


Then she heard a loud crash in her mind and felt a sharp pain in her head, the whole world spun around her and she fell back on the bed holding her head. The visions kept going on and on.



She even heard her own crying voice, it was weird but she felt as if the same little girl was also crying along with her as she cried in those visions.

"Nothing would happen to you now that your mumma is here."

Her head felt as if about to explode.

"Dare you to touch my daughter again, I am a shape shifting serpent, I would crush you all by my tail. I would bite you all therefore poisoning you. If you worry for your life, kindly don't come forward or move a bit."

She went unconscious again by the constant headache and visions.

In another room, a little girl woke up nervously and looked around. She was also on a double bed that had two spongy pillows, the room had a drawers cupboard and dressing table, glass window, and a desk. "Preeta mumma, mumma," she spoke nervously and pushed the blanket from her small figure and carefully got down the bed. She walked out with her little feet holding her head. The unfamiliar room and the unfamiliar house was enough to freak the little girl out. As she exited the room and came to the hall, she was once again met with a feeling of dreadfulness as it was empty and there was no one to care for her. She walked wandering around the house.

Searching through the rooms, she came across the woman's room, she entered inside almost running to her finally feeling the sense of comfort for which she longed, as if they shared a deep bond. She climbed the bed and lied near her cuddling to her seeking her warmth like a baby does to her mother. "Mumma," she said and the woman stirred in her sleep. The little girl sat up and eyed the woman. She cupped her face by her tiny hands. "Mumma wake up, mumma, pretty Preeta, Preeta mumma, wake up, mumma," she said endlessly to wake her up and finally she woke up and their eyes met.

Outside, in the hall, a silver colored snake came crawling inside and rolled and rolled piling up its tail, heightening its head and suddenly turned into a beautiful woman, just that the lower region was still that of a snake, but the width and length was different from before. She had a beautiful face, with long hair at her sides, golden jewelry which enhanced her beauty, she wore a golden blouse that made her look even more attractive. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, soon her long and wide snake tail disappeared and she was back in her humanly form.

Her human version was different from her shape shifting serpent version. Whenever she was a human, she always had silver blouse and matching dhoti style salwar and a matching pair of shoes. Other than that, whenever she had to mingle with humans, she would always have different attires, but the blouse plus dhoti attire was the most intact. Even the serpent attire was. She crossed her arms again and closed her eyes changing her attire for the third time now, it was quite normal for her and for the other shape shifting serpents to do that. She began to walk towards the same room where the woman and the kid was.

As their eyes met, the woman sat up, the little girl took no time to climb her lap and hug her. "Mumma, thank God I could find you, and thank God you're awake, I was so scared in this unfamiliar house. Mumma I am really scared of Sonakshi aunty. When we will go to our house, then will she harm me again mumma?" she asked cutely. The woman hugged her back and seemed confused. "Sonakshi? Mumma?" stuttered the woman.

The little girl released the hug and cupped her face again. "Mumma, tell me, will she harm me again?" asked the kid. "Who are you? Have we met before? And who are you scared of? Do you know how did I come here? Is this your house? You live here? Please call someone, is any elder here in this house? Go kiddo, call someone, so that I can go back to my house, please kiddo," she said and the kid's eyes pooled up with tears. "Mumma? You forgot me mumma? Preeta mumma, I don't live here, I live with you and with papa, we have to go to papa, you live with us only," said the kid to the woman who was basically named Preeta.

"What? Papa? Mumma? My head... I live with you? Ahh," she said while her head throbbed all the time. "Good thing you both are awake," said a voice interrupting their conversation, the duo turned at the doorstep. She might be the owner of this house, Preeta assumed. The kid clung onto Preeta getting somewhat uncomfortable by the stranger's presence near her. Preeta didn't even resist a bit. The owner of the voice was none other than the shape shifting serpent.

A man was sitting gloomy in his room recalling something.

An eagle was flying and landed somewhere behind a tree and changed in its human version which was none other than him only. He eyed a beautiful girl who was standing alone. "Husn ki rani?" he called out and the girl turned to him.

She was none other than Preeta. Her beautiful long hair swayed in the air, her face was glowing as their eyes met. He came into view moving the hanging branches from his way, he looked like a warrior, his face had black marks, he had worn a black robe, his eagle attire was such. "How come you are here?" she asked. "Your love brought me here," he replied making her blush crimson red. "Aakesh," she said lowering her gaze. He grinned. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" he asked. "I am not that beautiful," she said sulking at herself.

He pulled out a knife which was earlier tucked on his back startling her. "Hey, what on earth are you doing?" she asked. "Showing you how beautiful you are, see, this is you, my husn ki rani, the shape shifting serpent who belongs only to me, beloved," he said, she blushed again and turned away from him, he tucked the knife back at its place and hugged her from behind, she gasped as his breathe fanned her neck tickling her. "You never meet your gaze with me, beloved," he said. "Aakesh," she said and made him leave and ran away.

A lone tear escaped his eye recalling his past. He smiled, he felt as if she would be coming. An eagle flew inside and changed in its humanly version. "Aakesh aaqa, till when will you turn your face from your real world?" he asked. "Let her come first, then only I would come, leave," Aakesh said. He changed in eagle and left.

He was named as Aakesh in his own world, but on earth, he was called Karan. In childhood, he got badly injured on earth losing his memory when Luthras adopted him and named him Karan, but gradually he recalled everything, and lived a double life.

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