2~Face To Face

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"Good thing you both are awake," said a voice interrupting their conversation, the duo turned at the doorstep. She might be the owner of this house, Preeta assumed. The kid clung onto Preeta getting somewhat uncomfortable by the stranger's presence near her. Preeta didn't even resist a bit. The owner of the voice was none other than the shape shifting serpent who was now in her humanly attire, none could say that she's a shape shifting serpent. "You? Is this your house? What am I doing here? What happened to me? And why is this girl calling me mumma?" Preeta asked holding her head, meanwhile the kid clung onto her.

"Preeta? She is your child, your daughter, your Pihu, your and Karan's daughter, Karan is your husband, remember?" she asked and Preeta's jaw dropped. "What? Husband? Am I married? She's my daughter? Uhh, I can't remember anything, and by the way, have I met you before? Who are you?" Preeta asked holding the kid named Pihu. "I am Bela, we both haven't met before, this kid Pihu only told me your name, don't worry, you will recall everything gradually, but, let's drop you both home," the shape shifting serpent, named Bela, said. "Yeah sure," Preeta said still confused.

"Pihu, dear, come down, let mumma also get down," Bela said but Pihu was adamant to leave Preeta, every stranger scared her right now. "It's okay Bela, let it be, poor baby is scared of something maybe and maybe she sees a mother in me, I understand," she said and held Pihu tightly and turned placing her feet on the floor wearing her slippers. She stood up picking Pihu in her arms, she felt a sense of love for this little girl who called her mumma yet she couldn't recognize her.

Bela began to walk out, Preeta followed her carrying Pihu all along. The trio exited the house, Bela unlocked the car and opened the door for the duo and waited as they settled. Preeta smiled at her and closed the door, Bela walked to the driving seat and sat inside, fastened her seatbelt, and started the car and drove off. The whole drive, Preeta kept hearing voices in her head.

"Hey you! Leave my child! Leave her please! Please leave her! Please for God's sake leave her, how much would you hurt her more? How much more?
You have many guts that you would separate a mother from her child? If you are so courageous so then why are you wearing this veil over your face? Why don't you remove it and reveal yourself? Please give me my daughter back to me, please."

Said a sad crying woman's voice in her head. She held her head as it ached, the voices never seemed to stop and come to an end. Don't know why am I hearing such voices and getting visions? As if a little girl and a woman is crying out for help, who are they? Why do I feel pained hearing those voices? What's my connection with them? Who are they? I don't even know how I ended up in this woman Bela's house, that too with this kid Pihu who claims to be my daughter, even Bela claims the same. Preeta thought in confusion while Pihu slept in her arms peacefully.

Her thoughts came to an end by the screeching halt of the car. "We reached," Bela said and Preeta turned her face to see the Luthra house. Once again, a sharp pain triggered her head and blurry memories came rushing playing in her fuzzy mind. She sighed.

"Preeta, are you okay?" Bela asked seeing her so puzzled. Preeta forced a smile. "I am fine Bela, thanks," she said and turned her gaze to the mansion again. She had no choice but to step out of the car and go inside the mansion, basically the Luthra House, the house with which she felt connected a little, but couldn't recall coming here before. She opened the door of the car slowly and stepped out with Pihu in her arms sleeping on her shoulder and closed the door. She looked back at Bela who also stepped down and came to her.

"What happened? Preeta, don't you even recognize this house? This is your in laws house, you are married, she's your child," she said and Preeta glanced at the mansion. "I really don't remember anything, I just don't know how did I end up at your house, that too with this girl Pihu who claims to be my daughter, I just remember my sister Srishti and my mother, I don't remember anything else, and I have no idea how you know my name as well. Now you claim that I am married, I have a daughter, don't know what's happening. But I guess that this house does belong to Pihu, her mother might be somewhat like me, who knows? I will go and drop her inside," Preeta said and walked off before Bela could utter anything else.

"How to tell you Preeta? How to tell that what's your real identity? That this kid Pihu really is your daughter, this family is your family, even your sister is married in the same family, I wonder what will happen when you step inside this house and how would you react seeing your sister here, how would everyone react knowing that you don't remember a single thing, and most importantly, when they welcome you warmly, what would you feel?" Bela said sadly.

She crossed her arms over her chest and transformed into a snake within seconds and crawled towards the house entrance behind Preeta to see the scenario soon to occur. Preeta rung the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door, Bela stood in her snake version at a distance to witness the occurings. The door was answered by a handsome man who got emotional seeing the duo, his lips shivered. Their eyes met and once again Preeta was met with a sense of dearness and overwhelm.

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