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At night, Karan was trying to make Pihu sleep. "Papa, I want mumma to sleep by my other side like she always does," she said. "Bacha, right now mumma doesn't remembers that she is my wife, so she also doesn't remembers that she is your mother as well," he said. "A mother never forgets her child," Preeta said entering the room. "Mumma," Pihu said and stood up on the bed, Preeta rushed forward to hold her in nick of time and picked her in her arms. "Pihuuu, third time now, what did I say? No dangerous act again," Preeta said.

"Sorry mumma, I grew excited seeing you," she said and hugged her melting her instantly, Preeta wrapped her arm around her petite body. "Its okay, but no more repetitions to it, hmm, come sleep, its late," she said and walked forward lying her on the bed and then lied beside her. Karan looked on. "Karan, the one at whose house we both were, that girl Bela, she told me that this Luthra house is my in laws house, Pihu is my daughter, I even get flashbacks, blurry flashbacks, I told you, right? But today I got one clear flashback, I told you your doll's name," Preeta said watching Pihu sleep.

"Preeta, look, I will tell everything but, just don't panic, okay?" he said and she nodded. "Come outside," he said getting off the bed and she also got off the bed placing pillows around Pihu. "But Karan, leaving her here alone, I don't feel right," she said. "That's what I am gonna tell, come," he said and she looked back at Pihu while leaving and then stopped at the entrance while looking at her. "Preeta," he said snapping her out of her thoughts, she turned to him. "Come, please," he said and she exited the room.

They walked to Pihu's play room and Karan opened the door, she stepped in and he also followed her. They sat inside maintaining some distance. She waited for him to speak. "Look Preeta, I don't exactly know who this girl Bela is, seriously, but... Whatever she told you is 110% true," he said confusing her. "What? You are my husband who I don't remember marrying clearly, there are just blurry flashbacks out of which I can't make anything out clearly, Karan I hear voices, crying voices, it's my and a little girl’s crying voice. In my life, the only little girl is Pihu. And... The only clear flashback I saw is today, the doll one, and also that flashback where Pihu called me pretty Preeta and mumma both," she said holding her head.

"I know, but this is the only thing which I can tell for now. My wife is you, the mother to Pihu is you," he said. She looked on creasing her eyebrows and held her head between her hands, her vision grew blurry, her head began to spin, her eyes began to close. "Preeta?" Karan said getting concerned seeing her like that.

Suddenly she lost her consciousness and fell on the bed closing her eyes. "Preeta!" he exclaimed worriedly and lied her properly on the bed and hurried out of the room to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and rushed upstairs with it to the room and splashed water on her eyes. She squeezed her eyes and opened them registering her surroundings. He helped her sit up with the support of headboard. "Slowly Preeta, have some water," he said handing her the bottle. She took the bottle and their hands slightly brushed together and they had an eye lock for a slight second.

She gulped down water. I shouldn't force Preeta to recall anything, else anything may happen. She can even have a stroke or a total memory loss, no, I can't do the mistake of telling all this all at once and lose her totally. Karan thought. His chain of thoughts broke as she gave him the bottle back. "I don't care, even if Pihu isn't my daughter, I want to be with her, let's go back to room Karan, she's alone," she said and got off the bed and almost ran outside. He stood up, switched off the lights and the door and went back to their room.

Karan and Preeta both were met with a shocking gaze, their blood boiled seeing the person standing near the bed. "Sonakshi!" Preeta exclaimed and crossed her arms transforming into a half serpent and caught her with her tail dragging her close to her startling her. "What the hell Sonakshi? Weren't you in jail? How dare you to come here?" Karan asked raising to fury. "And what were you doing near my daughter?" Preeta asked angrily. "Preeta, ahhh," Sonakshi groaned in pain as Preeta tightened her tail's grip on Sonakshi.

"Don't you Preeta me, whoever you are," she said. "I am Pihu's mother!" Sonakshi said angrily and Preeta's vision grew blur again. Blurry flashbacks ran in her mind along with some voices.

"Sonakshi, you kidnapped Pihu, but why?"

(Preeta Pihu Sonakshi fb scene pics r blur because Preeta's memories r also blurry)

"Because I want Karan, when the daughter is mine, so technically her father is also mine, father's relatives are also mine so then who are you and why are you here?"

"For getting all of this, you kidnapped my daughter and hurt her so much? So much hatred for my daughter? Now I don't even think that Pihu is your daughter."

"Oh just shut up, the ones who have it all are the ones like you who can be so emotional and talk emotionally but I have nothing."

"You have nothing? You had nothing Sonakshi, you got into an accident, we kept you in Luthra house, we took care of you, did so much hospitality, gave you a family and you are saying you have nothing? Now see Pihu, how mumma would take you from here, that too alive, no one would do anything to you."

"Now you see what may happen Preeta, the whole Luthra family will accept me."

"Oh just shut up."

"You shut up, and you listen to me, they will accept me, and they will kick you out, and then the whole game would reverse, your place in that house would be mine, even your husband and in laws would be mine."

"Now do you know how much strength a mother has, don't you dare to move, it will just take me a second, I would shoot you... Pihu, what happen beta? Hey! Don't come close to me... Hey you! Leave my child."

"I am giving her to you only."

"Monu what are you doing?"

"If I don't give Pihu to her, she will shoot."

"Hey, don't come close, don't you dare do this mistake, before going I may tell you Sonakshi that you're the world's worst mother, eww, you are a stain on mother's name."

Preeta's tail's grip loosened over Sonakshi and she left her, she was feeling dizzy again but something in her, basically her motherly instincts, asked her to be strong for her daughter. As Sonakshi began to near Pihu, Preeta rushed forward and grabbed her from behind. "I will kill you Sonakshi, I am not lying," she said. Karan phoned the police who arrived and quickly, the duo dragged her down and the police arrested Sonakshi who glared at Preeta and Karan. "It's good that you called us because she escaped from the jail, we had a doubt that she would come here only and we were about to come here but then you people yourself called us here," said the police officer. "What kind of security does your police station have? What if she would have harmed our daughter again?" Karan said angrily. "Sorry sir, it won't happen again," he said and left.

Preeta panted heavily. Karan held her. "Karan, my daughter, Pihu, she's safe, Karan, she's safe," she said happily and he nodded. They walked upstairs and rushed to the room and saw Pihu sleeping peacefully. They smiled at each other. Suddenly, Preeta got the urge to look inside the drawers. She walked towards the bedside table with baby steps and opened the drawers and gasped seeing her photos with Karan and Pihu and looked back at him. "What is this?" she asked and got out the photographs. "Preeta, relax Preeta," he said. She began closing her eyes feeling dizzy again and went unconscious on the floor. "Preeta!" he exclaimed worriedly and rushed to her taking her in his arms.

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