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"Maa, did you call me?" My voice barely audible as I played with the edge of my sari.

"Where have you been?" She bellowed as soon as her eyes landed on me.

I flinched a little, although this was nothing new for me. I would never understand why my mother always stayed so furious with me, lashing at anything and everything I did or did not, in some cases.

"Maa, I was-" Before I could complete my sentence her palm slammed against my cheek.

She slapped me hard and because it was so sudden I lost my balance and fell on the mud floor. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked up at her and looked into her eyes, I tried to find anything other than disgust and hatred in them but failed miserably.

"Maa, what did I do?" I asked more like demanded "I mean, If you just tell me what my fault was I would not do it again" I asked standing on my feet.

"Oh! Now you are playing innocent" She cackled

"Why would I act innocent? I seriously have no idea what you're talking about" My frustration was growing with each passing second.

"Are you trying to tell me, you don't know that Dwarkanaresh Krishna has offered you to sing at Dwarka's Ramnavami function?" She spat at me as if I disgusted her but all I hear was Vasudev Krishna liked my singing and offered me to sing at Dwarka's Ramnavami function.

I literally jumped in joy and hugged the person next to me forgetting it's my mother who was super angry at me.

"Really?" I gushed "Maa, are you being serious? I can't believe it!" I removed myself from her "Oh my, Narayan, Vasudev Krishna himself liked my-my singing?" I pointed at myself.

"Don't be so happy my dear daughter, you aren't going anywhere!" She stated while undoing her braided hair.

And my smiled dropped I stared at her in confusion, she was kidding, right? I mean which mother would stop her daughter from singing at a Royal function?


"Are you deaf?" She rolled her eyes "You aren't going any-" Before she could complete I rushed into my small room before slamming the door shut.

I gasped for air, as my lips curved into a small smile before I threw myself on bed grabbing Rajkumar Arjun's portrait.

I had never seen him but heard a lot, a lot, a lot and A LOT about him and before I knew my obsession turned into something more stronger, something divine.

"You know... Krishna Vasudev, I mean THE KRISHNA VASUDEV liked my signing, can you believe it? Well, I can't... I mean when did he hear me?" I let out a small chortle.

"I am so happy, I think I am going to cry" I tried blinking the tears away as I continued "Arjun thank you so much, it's all because of you and my love for you what makes them soulful, at least soulful enough for Shri Krishna to like it" I exhaled.

"Though mata said she won't let me go, of course, I will, no one can stop me. Ramnavami is the day after tomorrow and I need to start my journey toni-"

Just then I heard knock on my door

"Who? "

"Arjun, I came to take you. Could you please open the door, my love" I heard Charu's voice, she was trying to speak like a man.

I rolled my eyes "The door is open"

They entered and before I could understand anything Pramila hugged me tight

"You are so lucky! We are happy for you" She gushed.

"How did you know? " I asked looking at them who were smelling at me

"Everyone in our village knows it. " They said in a duh tone as if its the most obvious thing in the world

"But Maa said she won't let me go, " I said bending my face, it obviously hurt me, I wanted her to bless me like normal mothers

"What?" Pramila almost gasped "I would never understand your mother"

"You know what? I think you are adopted," Chart said rolling her eyes.

"Why would they adopt me if they don't like me? " I shook my head with small smile "But don't worry, my mother or anyone in the three worlds can stop me. we will go, " I stated rising on my feet.

"We?? " They narrowed their eyes

"Yes, you two are going with me, how am I supposed to sing without your support? Please, even my own mother isn't happy about it. Without your dances my performance is incomplete, and I can't dance while singing "

"You are?" Charu gulped "are you really taking us with you? "

"Of course silly, after Arjun, I love you both the most... No one has ever shown the kind of love to me like you two did" I pulled them in a tight embrace..

"You're the best!" They gushed.

"We need to start our journey before dawn," I said and they nodded

Third Person

"Mata, where's the white upper garment Pitashri had gifted me few days ago? " Arjun asked with frustration clearly written over his face. He had been trying to find that damn upper garment from the past one hour.

"I believe it's your upper garment and not mine" Kunti who was massaging Nakul's temple arched a brow

Arjun grumbled "Pitashri has asked me to wear it on Ramnavami, I need to find it today"

"I seriously need to search for your bride. I and Madri are getting too old to take care of your things"

"Mata" Arjun didn't know why his mother was suddenly so determined to get him married.

"Yes yes Maa is right " Devika who just entered along Hidimba tittered.

"Exactly" Hidimba joined Devika "Its high time I get a devrani" She winked at Arjun placing a hand on Devika's shoulder.

"I seriously need to leave for Dwarka, as soon as possible" Arjun heaved a sigh.

"Yes please. You need to get married in order for me to marry, please!" Nakul pleaded

"Oh in that case I will make sure to never get married" Arjun smirked.

"You're so evil" Nakul whined

"Stop whining and get ready. Nakul Bhabhi you guys take way too much time to get ready. We're leaving in three hours" Arjun tried to change the topic and it actually worked.

Everyone laughed as Arjun mentioned Nakul's name along with the ladies

"Bhrata" Nakul glared at him "I don't take that much time to get ready" Nakul voice was unsure even to him

"Yeah. Whatever" Arjun left and Nakul flowed him

"Bhrata. That's not fair "


"This Ramnavami is going to be very special" Krishna mused

"Ramnavami is always special for us Swami, isn't it?" Satyabhama narrowed her eyes.

"Of course, I am not talking about us," Krishna winked mischievously

"Swami, I know you won't tell who is the person you are talking about so I am not asking, but are you sure everything has been arranged for the function?" Satyabhama who usually looked after all these function and cultural activities was quite taken aback that it's her husband who actually looked after it all by himself.

"Are you doubting my hard work?" Krishna expressed his displeasure.

Satya chuckled and placed her head on Krishna's chest before closings her eyes, listening to his heart beat.


Second chapter... Thank you so much for the read if you liked




Thank you

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