||The invitation||

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Panchali's POV

"Please... Just come in my dream okay?" I almost pleaded to the picture in front of me

"You never listen to me" I let out an exasperated sigh "It's not like I am asking you to marry me" I rolled my eyes and huffed in disappointment.

I looked at those painted hazel orbs, Those eyes years ago came into my dream and stole my heart, made me lost in it, looking into those sharp eyes could make me forget everything of this world .

Rolling on my stomach, I rested my face on my palm. My lips curving into a dreamy smile "I wish you knew how much you've consumed my very being, how all I can think about is you, how all I can breath in, is you"

I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat, as I fought back the tears. I loved someone who wasn't even aware of my existence. It was equally fascinating as it is was poignant.

"Of course you don't, you never will" I let out a small laugh before taking a deep breath as I rose on my feet with the picture.

"But who cares? I love you" I winked before hugging the picture tightly

I strolled toward the small pond before sitting down, dripping my feet in its cold water.

It was a beautiful forest. This beautiful place, in midst of Panchala forest, was my sanctuary, my refugee. It had witnessed all my tears, happiness and sadness. It had provided me solace when no one could.

My eyes fell on those alluring painted hazel while my heart fluttered.

Unse lagi mohe kaysi lagan re,

Unse lagi mohe kaysi lagan re....

Samajh na pau karu kya jatan re.

I would definitely never know how and when the valiant prince of Hastinapur captured my heart and soul. What I felt for him was maddening and absolutely insane, people would never understand, hell even I didn't understand it... And probably that's the best part about it?

Who knows...

Ga re ga re sa re sa ni sa , ga ma pa ni sa re

Ga re ga re sa re sa ni sa

I sang the Sargam closing my eyes as the image of a certain curly haired prince with gorgeous bronzed complexion floated in front of me.

Bliss ran through my veins making me shiver for an unknown beautiful reason, which maybe wasn't unknown anymore.

I opened my eyes and saw my pet deers staring at me with their doe eyes. I ranj toward them before kneeling down as one of them licked my cheek and another brushed it's warm skin against mine.

Unkar chhabi maine basal nayanana mein

Unke jut Jagan rehel tan man mein

Indeed, not only he was painted in my eyes but in my heart and soul as well.

Bujhine pawaichhi kine man ghabrayal

Sudh Budh jane kona humra hirayal

Unse la-

"Panchali!" I was interrupted by two annoyingly loud voices making me whine. I absolutely despised when someone disturb me when I sing.

Pramila looked at me rather glared at me "Don't even dare" She came closer with Charu "Because when you hear us you'll be thanking me with Rajkumaar Arjun's paintings, which we've been asking for years"

Charu smirked "yes, I want one too"

"You wish" I rolled my eye before continuing as I stood up letting the deers go "Now tell me what that great news is, which made you disturb me?" I raised a brow

"Your Maa has gone crazy again, she is yelling like a madwoman, driving all the villagers insane" They together informed me their expression was of pure concern.

My heart dropped along with my smile. I didn't recall making any mistake, I had completed all the works she had ordered me with.

"Why?" I gulped.

"We don't know she just asked us to bring you back" They looked at each other and again at me

And I?

I just rushed towards my house, I had to reach there as soon as possible



Third Person

Arjun placed his head on his mother's lap before closing his eyes "I missed you" He murmured

Kunti caressed his curly hair and smiled "I still can't believe my little Arjun just returned defeating the notorious Yavana King whom every kingdom of Aryaavart used to fear. You've made us all proud dearest" Her voice thick with emotions.

Arjun opened his eyes and smiled "The credit goes to Guru Dron"

Arjun's answer made Kunti's heart swallowed with pride "But Karna, Yudhishthir, Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev, Duryodhan, Dussasana, these princes were trained by the same teacher, weren't they?"

Arjun stood up "Maa, I don't want to talk about wars, warriors especially not when I just returned after a whole month. I just want to relax"

Kunti laughed "Guess I'll have to bring my fourth daughter in law, since my son doesn't seem to get proper relaxation from his mother"

"Seriously Mata" Arjun rolled his eyes. The last thing he wanted was to talk about marriage and wife.

"Alright, alright" She chuckled before continuing "I have a surprise for you"

Arjun narrowed his eyes "And what is it? Pitashri and Chhoti maa came back from Madra? " Arjun's voice was drenched in excitement

"Nah, Your Madhav is here" As soon as Kunti's words left her mouth Arjun didn't think twice before rushing toward his mansion where he knew his Madhav would be.

As Arjun opened the door he saw the divine dark form of Vasudev Krishna, lying on his couch. His yellow upper garment was resting on the table as he checked the tip of Arjun's arrows.

"Madhav!! " Arjun threw himself at Krishna who just stops up

"Easy there Parth" Krishna chuckled.

"You always do this!" Arjun complained as they sat down on the couch "At least inform before you come, you know I like to receive you before everyone else"

"Just wanted to surprise you" Krishna continued "But the main reason is my wives want to celebrate this Ramanavami with all of you. Pitashri Vasudev has already invited your family. But I came to invite you personally"

"That's great Madhav and Dwarka's celebration means outstanding art performances" Arjun who worshipped every form of art enjoyed nothing more than a musical night at Dwarka.

"And your veena" Krishna added

"And your flute" They both laughed

"Paarth it's not fair, I got three wives and I am twenty five you are twenty four and still unmarried, so many beautiful damsels are throwing themselves at your feet. What are you, saint? "

Arjun rolled his eyes "And endure what my brothers and you're enduring? Not happening"

"Are you blushing Paarth? " Krishna smirked

"Of course not" Arjun glared at him.

"Yes, you are. I will have to break it to Bharata Bheem and Nakul!" Krishna stood up.

"Madhav, that's not fair, you very well know I was just embarrassed, I wasn't blushing" Arjun hissed and followed him outside.



"After nineteen, the fire mark was supposed to appear" Queen Parshati whispered to her husband.

"Yes, but it didn't" King Drupad heaved "I am surprised"

"What is this!" They heard a loud shriek "You call this shit food? You all are good for nothing" A shattering sound followed it, The royal couple looked at each other before rushing toward their daughter's room.

They were stunned seeing the scene in front of them. Uruvi was yelling at the maids while the food was scattered on the floor

"Uruvi!" King Drupad clenched his jaw.

"Parihar" The Queen ordered and the maids immediately left the Princess' room.

"What are you doing Uruvi?" Is this how we brought you up?" Parshati's eyes were full of surprise and sadness

"What did I do? The food was extremely tasteless" Uruvi rolled her eyes as she sat on the bed "And you are supporting those maids over me? " She accused

"Behave yourself, and clean the mess, I don't want to hear a single word from you" Drupad ordered

"Are you being serious?"

King Drupad left ignoring his daughter's groan so did the Queen.


Yay!! The first chapter is here...

I am nervous...

Hehe, I brought Uruvi 😈😈, Tit for tat,




Thank you

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