Forced Cooperation

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Edited 6/22/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing.


"Does it always look this pretentious for parties?"

"If Alice is the one decorating, yes."

The Cullen household has been done up with an array of colorful garlands and streamers. Tinted windows make fairy lights seem dim, but they're still noticeable from outside. The first three floors are lit up with the remaining ones being dark. Strongly fragranced foods permeate from the second level. It smells similar to Esme's cooking, so she probably used her own culinary skills to prepare dishes for the graduation party.

Even with only half of the house containing occupants, it's clear that there are a lot of people present. The realization draws a rather exasperated grumble from a certain vampire.

"Ready to mingle with a bunch of teens straight out of high school?" Marshall feigns enthusiasm by coupling his question with a false grin. It drops mere seconds later when his arms cross over his chest. "Last chance to back out. Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

"C'mon." Paul chuckles.

The two lead in front with Jake, Embry, and Quil—the newest shifter—in the back. Marshall and Paul clasp their hands together as more than just a routine public display of affection.

Both men are very out of their elements here.

They only agreed to come because Esme and Carlisle asked; and because it was ensured that they wouldn't be bothered. It doesn't make this situation any better though.

Just being in the same room as his siblings makes Marshall exceptionally angry. He's not too keen on seeing Bella either since the last time they spoke, she outed his relationship. He's concerned that this night may not go as smoothly as planned.

At the same time, a party actually does sound nice. So even though it's in the immediate vicinity of people he doesn't really like, an honest attempt will still be made to enjoy the festivities.

When Paul opens the front door, multiple people look in the group's direction to see who else has arrived. Marshall bites the inside of his cheek to try and distract himself from a suffocating aroma which stems from crowding humans. He leans toward his bonding mark in search of reprieve.

He may have better control than his coven mates because of his experience with a sensitive nose; but it's that same trait which causes sensory overload during times like this. Aside from work and occasional trips to the bar, Marshall isn't normally around large groups of humans.

He doesn't like being put in that situation and has already deduced that it's going to be an exhausting night.

"Oh my gosh- guys, is that Marshall Hale?"

"Marshall Hale is here- look over there!"

"Dude- that's Marshall Hale- like, the actor!"

"Who knew he'd be here tonight?"

Golden eyes sweep over to a group of partygoers attempting to whisper to each other. Hushed voices sound normal against his enhanced hearing.

Choosing to be friendly, the vampire smiles at them. A short wave is offered. They wave back with total excitement. Luckily, no one tries to approach him out of respect for personal boundaries. A sigh in appreciation is given in return.

"I suppose this is where we part ways for now," Marshall states, turning around to face the other pack members.

"Mhmm." Jacob nods in agreement. "We're going to go find Bella. You two do what you have to, but behave yourselves."

"No promises."

The couple are left to their own devices when their friends walk off. A muscular arm wraps around Marshall's shoulders. It's a territorial gesture, as well as one meant to bring support. He grabs the hand dangling over his chest and kisses it. Together, they begin their ascension to a different floor.

People are grouped in almost every place imaginable—even on the stairs. Some girls excuse themselves while walking by. One of them isn't subtle about her clear interest in Paul.

She winks at him.

He frowns, pulling Marshall closer.

The vampire's glare is enough to make the girl scurry off with her tail between her legs. He wraps his arm around his boyfriend's waist. The territorial reaction is a nonverbal message to anyone giving them looks: they're both taken and aren't afraid to flaunt it.

"You hungry, Tiger? We could go grab something if you want."

"I'm good, Honey Bun. Might just wait til we get home. At least I know our food won't be poisoned."

"This is why we're dating."

The couple share a quick laugh together, giving themselves a chance to expel some residual discomfort. They continue onto the second floor. Additional passing glances and comments from strangers are ignored.

Upon reaching a more open space, Marshall looks around. He sees Bella talking to some of her friends in the distance. She brings her attention to the older male. He isn't subtle about a venomous glare shot toward her.

Bella's simply looked up and down before Marshall turns away. His focus is brought to a less crowded dance floor in one of the other family rooms.

Some people are swaying rhythmically to an alternative rock song. It's one of those tunes that's more fun to sing than it is to dance to. It's not the most exciting scene, but it is one that's more up Marshall's alley.

He aims to walk away, but is surprised when he's pulled into the room. The vampire is led to an unoccupied back corner near a window. Firm hands take hold of his hips like clockwork. He wraps his arms around hard shoulders just the same. The two begin swaying in time with loud music playing from multiple speakers.

"I thought you didn't dance."

"I don't. Never said I couldn't." Paul gives a playful wink. "Plus, if it's with you, I don't mind too much."

Marshall smiles. A gentle kiss is pressed onto a pair of inviting lips.

He rests his head against a set of cozy, defined pecs. Golden eyes close. Laughter and clinking glasses melt into the background. Overwhelming scents from excited humans fade away. His favorite musk and a familiar apple scented detergent invade the vampire's senses instead.

He revels in the heat bleeding through the fabric of a formfitting short sleeve. Large hands on his hips tighten. His arms do as well. A single appendage trails up the length of his back. Warmth settles beneath his shoulder blades.

Such delicate grazes along his spine cause Marshall to shudder.

The couple continues to dance for a few more songs. Being in each other's space like this helps them feel more at ease. It also makes them feel even closer to each other.

With one last twirl, Marshall is pulled into Paul's side again. Laughing, they leave the room with a more lighthearted atmosphere settling between them. Golden eyes widen though, at the sight of a trio of younger shifters and Bella following behind a rather frazzled Alice.

She notices her coven mate and beckons him over.

"I need you- both of you- to come with me. We have a problem that needs to be discussed with Carlisle."

Marshall doesn't offer a response. He simply follows behind his other pack members.

The group of seven make their way up to a much more desolate third floor. A couple of people are sitting around making idle conversation with each other. It's still active enough to keep their collective attention elsewhere.

Alice walks down a hall passed a few doors. She comes to a study where Carlisle, Jasper, and Edward are talking. Dr. Cullen pauses in response to seeing his children with some additional company.

"Oh, hello, everyone," he greets with a warm smile. "Is everything alright? Alice, dear, you seem upset."

"I- I had a vision. It was concerning the recent issues regarding Bella's household breach from that rogue vampire," she explains, her voice becoming more frantic. "I saw some guy passing around a red blouse- it probably had Bella's scent on it- and he was handing it out for other people to learn it. From what I can tell, we won't be meeting the army in Seattle. It looks like they're coming here."

"How long?"

"Four days."

"Hold on a second- what exactly is going on here?" Marshall pipes in, confused. He understands that the notion of an approaching army means danger, but he isn't entirely sure why one would be coming. Alice's description of events only gave a limited amount of information.

"If you were involved and paid attention to important things, maybe you'd be in the loop," Edward mutters.

The comment is loud enough for everyone to hear. Anger immediately overtakes Marshall, and he aims to shoot back. Carlisle beats him to it.

"Edward, enough- please don't pick an unnecessary fight. Now is not the time." Dr. Cullen moves to address the pack members. "It appears a group of rogue vampires have teamed up to hunt down Bella. Their numbers have been growing over the last few weeks. It's why the media coverage on animal attacks has been so high. We were under the impression that we'd be able to stop them in their tracks by going to Seattle. But it looks like they're on their way here instead."

"Who's behind it?"

"We're not sure," Alice answers with a frown. "The only person I really recognize is Riley Biers. But even then- I don't know why he'd start something like this. We don't even know him. And if he isn't the one pulling the strings, then the person who is knows about the blind spots in my visions. If Riley isn't the brain behind the attacks, he certainly is the brawn making everything happen."


The incredulous tone from Marshall catches everyone off guard. He finds himself rolling his eyes.

"Considering the information and recent turn of events, I think it's pretty clear who's behind this." He pauses, giving anyone a chance to speak up. They don't, and he sighs. "Playing with your blind spots? Letting someone else decide? An unknown face doing the bidding of someone who knows how to mess with you? I didn't think I needed to spell it out- it's Victoria. With what happened between you guys and her mate, I wouldn't be surprised if she was gearing up a newborn army to get revenge on Edward for causing James' death."

"Hm," Carlisle ponders aloud, rubbing his chin in thought, "it makes sense."

"Wait- what damn army?" Jacob asks.

"Newborns. Our kind. If things turn bad, it could mean a bloody battle with many lives lost."

The five pack members all make eye contact with each other. Based on the expression on Jake's face, Marshall immediately understands what's happening here.

He squeezes his free hand with enough strength to make it shake. He clenches his jaw. His fangs dig into the sides of his tongue as a distraction to keep himself from lashing out.

He can understand the wolves' motivation behind doing this. But with Marshall's desire to keep his new family and lover safe, now he doesn't have a choice but to do what he never thought he'd have to. What he never thought he'd be forced to. Yet, here they are.

Things are falling apart again all thanks to Bella being a fucking liability.

"Alright, we're in," Jacob states.

"What- no!"

"I wasn't asking for permission, Bella."

She turns to face her mate. "Edward- say something!"

"...The wolves getting involved will mean more protection for you. You can't have too much of that." Marshall rolls his eyes in response to his brother's words. "Jasper, what do you think? Since you're the one most experienced in fighting battles like this."

"The wolves will give us the necessary numbers. And the newborns won't even know they exist- they'll be superbly underestimating the situation and will be outmatched."

"I see." Carlisle turns to regard the pack again. "If this is the case, we would need to meet for some fight training. Newborns are frightening, ravenous creatures motivated by wild power and supreme bloodlust. They will be worthy opponents, but as Edward stated before- Jasper has the necessary tools to help us be ready. So do you think Sam will allow all of us to meet for the sake of training and fighting together?"

"If it means we're able to keep people safe, then yes," Jacob answers.

Carlisle nods in appreciation. For a brief moment, he makes eye contact with Marshall.

The older vampire's eyes are apologetic; he knows how devastating this must be to his son. He had the freedom to do as he pleased, and now he suddenly has no choice but to get involved. Carlisle is sorry that things have had to turn out this way.

Marshall appreciates the sentiment—he really does. And he aims to say so aloud. He's just interrupted by Edward chuckling.

"Isn't this just a sight to behold." His tone of voice is nothing short of mocking. "You were so adamant on not getting involved. Look at you now though. Now you'll have no choice but to do what's asked of you- rather than acting like a child and doing nothing. At least now you'll be doing something worth everyone's time by protecting Bella."

Marshall rips himself away from the protective arm holding him back. He's only able to take a few steps forward before he's grabbed by his boyfriend and Carlisle.

The younger vampire glares at the couple in front of him. They both look so pleased with this turn of events. Since Edward wants to be confrontational though, it's in everyone's best interest to make some things clear.

"Listen here, asshole." Marshall's tone is sharp. A threatening gaze hints at his rising anger. "I'm only getting involved in order to look out for my pack. I don't give a shit about what happens to you or Bella. I stand by what I've been saying. She's a goddamn liability- and if something happens to her it'll be on your head. Not mine. So no, nothing's really changed. You're just as ill equipped to protect your mate as you've always been."

Edward growls in response to the declaration. Marshall does the same, and his body vibrates in anger. The familiar scent from his bonding mark envelopes him. It helps calm him down.

He keeps his expression hard but allows for Paul to pull him back toward the pack. Marshall can hear the other members going over more specific details with Carlisle. The younger vampire doesn't actively listen to them. He continues to glare daggers at the couple in front of him until Paul leads him out of the room.

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