The Big Reveal

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Edited 6/22/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing.


Marshall is silently fiddling with the pendant of his choker. Both arms are resting atop his knees in a comfortable seated position on the ground. Golden eyes are watching a group of ants trudging along a leaf by a nearby tree.

For today's fight training, he's clad in a pair of his go-to joggers, sneakers, and a sleeveless T-shirt. One of his fingers is tracing random outlines into the fibers of his pants. He focuses on that instead of focusing on distant yells and grunts.

He's sitting by himself since the wolves have yet to arrive, but it's not that big of a deal.

Jasper needed Marshall to come earlier than the rest of the pack so they could go over strategies. Since he's been around the wolves more, he has in depth knowledge on their fighting styles. The blond saw it appropriate to talk these observations out to get a better read on how today's training should commence.

An engaging discussion about fighting and strategizing only really lasted ten minutes. They actually ended up joking around with each other for a good half an hour.

At one point, Jasper asked about his brother's relationship with Paul. The blond was awkward in his mannerisms, but he also seemed genuine in his questioning. Because of that, Marshall was honest about how things have been progressing. He even flashed his promise ring while trying to stave off a warm fluttering in his gut. Jasper was surprised the relationship had become so serious. Nonetheless, he offered a smile alongside his sincerest congratulatory statement.

The conversation on the interspecies relationship stopped there though. Jasper didn't dig any further due to some minor discomfort about the topic. Still, Marshall found it more endearing than anything that his brother tried to be open.

It's given some life to a previously crumbling relationship.

Multiple closing doors can be heard beneath the sounds of fighting. Two of his least favorite scents invade his nasal cavity. Knowing who's just arrived, the vampire doesn't bother looking up. He doesn't even greet anyone. He simply continues messing with his choker. Even with his gaze on the floor though, his nose warns him of the pack's simultaneous arrival.

A delighted grin plants itself onto Marshall's face. Intense heat envelopes him from behind, as well as the pungent aroma of dog.

A fragrance he's come to adore.

Something large and furry settles directly behind him. His smile widens even further. Gentle licks are placed onto Marshall's exposed skin. He looks up while trying not to laugh, coming face to face with his boyfriend towering over him. The wolf huffs as a means of giving a verbal greeting.

"There's my big guy." Marshall's expression softens. "Hey, Tiger."

A fuzzy snout is pressed against the vampire's cheek. He reciprocates the gesture by burying his hand into soft, silver fur. It's a warm embrace that actually makes him swoon. Their little moment only lasts a few seconds, but it's wonderful all the same.

Marshall's hand falls into his lap. He leans back and settles against Paul's frame. The couple bring their collective attention to the Olympic coven, everyone watching the loving interaction from afar.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward states.

"They came- that's what matters." Carlisle smiles. "If you could translate, please."

A nod is given in acquiescence.

Dr. Cullen walks forward with a lax posture. His expression is welcoming. Marshall can't help but relax himself in response to his father's hospitable nature.

"Welcome, everyone. We appreciate you taking the time to come and train with us. I'm assuming you all know the gist of what's going on. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them."

"...They'd like to know how newborns differ from us," Edward says after a short pause.

"They're a great deal stronger than more seasoned vampires because their human blood still lingers in their tissues. They're also much more ravenous since they are driven by the sole purpose of feeding and consuming as much blood as they desire. Our coven member, Jasper, has dealt with the likes of newborns before. He can offer more insight on their mental workings thanks to his experience."

The younger blond walks forward. He offers a nod toward Carlisle before taking over.

"Carlisle is right- newborns are ravenous creatures concerned only with their next meal. They'll kill anything that threatens to get in the way of it. Something to be wary of is that, unlike a human army that requires thousands of individuals to fight, a newborn army only needs a couple dozen. Even then, that number could slaughter a human army in a matter of minutes.

"There are only two big rules to remember when going against a newborn. Number one: don't let them get their arms around you. Injury or death would be instantaneous. And number two: never go in for the obvious kill. It's something they'll expect that could result in the loss of your life.

"For fight training, we will have members of the coven go against each other. Marshall has informed me that you guys mostly deal with vampires running away from you. The purpose of today will be for you to get used to vampires coming toward you with the intent to kill. It'll help you get used to our fighting styles, along with the way newborns will maneuver themselves in order to get the upper hand. So please, watch carefully and with intention."

Jasper turns away from the wolves. Any remaining Olympic vampires do so as well. All eyes lock onto the scene when Emmett is the first to go against his adoptive brother.

Normally, Marshall would be making jokes and comments to make the fight more interesting. This time though, he's quiet. Calculative. His aim is to store any necessary knowledge in the event that he decides to fight anyone.

He takes note of the way some people lean more to their left, while others lean more to their right. He takes note of the way some will use the charge first method. He takes note of which coven mates are more experienced in long range fighting rather than short range.

The sight of Alice and Jasper fighting makes Marshall stiffen. He knows they'd never hurt each other, but still. He can't help but think about Paul getting hurt during the more serious battle. It fills the vampire with a small bout of anxiety.

Marshall knows the wolves are more than capable of taking care of themselves. They're exceptional fighters with great skill. That being the case, all it takes is one wrong move to make everything go downhill. That's what happened during the fight with Red Eyes that resulted in Marshall's temporary decommission. If something like that were to happen to Paul, or worse...

A gentle lick is placed onto the exposed skin of Marshall's shoulder. He looks up, gazing into a pair of inquisitive brown eyes. He gives a simple shake of the head.

They'll talk about his worries another time.

"Considering this is substantial fight training for all of us vampires, wouldn't it be beneficial for Marshall to take part as well?"

Edward's voice makes everyone look in his direction. He isn't subtle about a judgmental glare pointed toward the shifters.

The pack lets out numerous growls in warning. Even Jasper and Carlisle are giving wary glances toward Edward.

He better choose his next words wisely.

"I'm just saying- if the wolves need to see how we are in battle, they'll need to see how he is as well. Considering his tendency to not want to do anything, they probably haven't seen him fight themselves."

It's a degrading jab that makes Paul snarl in a threatening, hostile manner. The sound is silenced by Marshall putting his hand up.

Smirking, he rises to his feet. He ignores the intense stares from the other people around him. He simply focuses on stretching his arms toward the sky.

Slow paces are taken toward the training area. A teasing smirk remains playful. Long strides remain confident. Defined arms are only set down when Edward takes a stance a short distance away.

Marshall chuckles to himself.

"You want to fight? That's fine- I'd love to put you on your ass." Surveying eyes travel toward dancing leaves above. "But it's a little unevenly matched because of your gift. With that being the case, it's only fair that I use mine, right?"

Before anyone can say anything, the atmosphere shifts.

Everyone watches with wide eyes as large, glistening wings sprout from Marshall's back. They're a bright, eye-catching shade of royal blue; the same as a pair of tattoos no longer present on his back. At their longest wingspan, the newly added appendages cause the vampire to appear dwarfed.

While unfurling his wings, he pushes both arms outward. Large, thorny vines extend out of his palms. Thick foliage encloses a large section of the area. It's noticed that winding tattoos along Marshall's wrists have disappeared as well.

Both hands are set down. Thick vines stay in place. He crouches as if he's ready to pounce.

Large wings curl toward the tips in a marvelous, predatory display that's rather intimidating. A playful glint in golden eyes has turned dangerous. Lethal. A devious smirk stays. If anything, it's gotten bigger due to the excitement of finally using such an amazing gift after a long time of keeping it dormant.

"We can fight if you'd like. Just do me a favor, and make it worth my while!"

Marshall flies at Edward with no warning. Blinding speed is so great, the brunet doesn't have time to fully react before he realizes what's happening.

Just as quickly as Marshall moves, Edward is punched in the gut. He's sent flying and lands sprawled on his stomach. A heavy foot digs into his back to keep him from moving.

"Let's have some fun," Marshall teases. "We stay in the boundaries of the vines. First person to three points wins. That's one for me."

He jumps back, successfully dodging an attack by Edward who tried to grab his brother by the ankle. Marshall plays the defensive as he's rushed at. His expression remains threatening. He dodges attack after attack by smacking elbows and fists away from him.

When Edward lunges forward, Marshall reacts by flipping over him with his wings stretched out. A daring attempt at trying to grab both appendages is made. It's met with fully formed wings bursting into swarms of detached feathers. Marshall utilizes the visual distraction by turning himself while still airborne. His feet make contact with hard shoulders. His hand wraps around an exposed neck.

Edward falls to the floor, subdued. A pair of wings reform themselves and reattach to their owner.

"That's two."

Marshall hops away to put some distance between them. He allows for his added appendages to recede. With a shudder of minor discomfort, royal blue tattoos reappear on his back. The feeling goes away as quickly as it comes.

He doesn't dwell on the situation because Edward lunges forward again. In order to avoid the attack, Marshall ducks to the side. Unfortunately, the inertia leaves him unable to dodge a sudden kick. He's hit rather hard in the chest and is sent tumbling backward.

The vampire catches himself in a crouched position. He wipes at his face, and a devious grin turns wild.

"Hell yeah, that's what the fuck I'm talking about!"

Marshall runs forward with great speed. No longer wanting to be on the defensive, he begins to throw fast paced punches. Since his opponent is more skilled at slower and longer ranged attacks, he utilizes his combat notes to get the upper hand.

There isn't a single moment of reprieve given. He doesn't give everything he's got into his punches either. They're more a diversion to tire out his enemy, so they aren't fast enough to stop the real threat.

Marshall is able to get a hit on Edward straight in the jaw. His head follows in the direction of the punch. The attack is followed by a stronger kick to his chest.

He's sent flying.

Marshall spreads his arms out once again, but this time long chains extend from his palms. Another set of tattoos disappear from his skin.

The chains wrap themselves around Edward's ankles. He's dragged down without the chance to stop his descent. Marshall completes his move by wrapping metal links around both his coven mate's body and one of his arms; the maneuver effectively trapping the limb.

Chains are tucked under Marshall's free arm. He uses one hand to hold Edward by the throat, while the other takes hold of the man's outstretched limb. For just a brief moment, everything falls silent.

"And that's three."

Marshall jumps back. This time, the chains and vines go with him. His tattoos reappear on his body once again.

Using enhanced speed, he disappears from his spot. The vampire reappears in his previous one in front of Paul. Playfully, he plops down onto the ground with a chuckle, leaning his head against the warm fur of his boyfriend's left arm.

"I don't like using my gift for combat like that, but it was a situation in which you needed to see what would happen if I did," Marshall explains, shrugging in an uncaring manner. "As you saw, whatever tattoo that's present on my body is what I can use at my disposal. It'll disappear off my skin when in use, and the effects of my gifts only last when in use. Look here- I have a fireball tattoo on my inner tricep. I can make things actually catch fire if I use it, but it'll go out once my tattoo reappears.

"That being said, my gift is something I like to keep hidden. I only use it if absolutely necessary. Albeit really cool to use and look at, I don't do so recreationally. At least, not often. Hopefully, I won't have to use it during the big fight. If push comes to shove though, you guys might see some crazy stuff."

The vampire looks back at his pack mates. They all seem to still be in awe at the display they just witnessed. Paul, on the other hand, seems excited.

A prior conversation of Marshall showing off his gift comes to mind. A talk that happened so many months ago—before the two were even living together. Before they even told each other about their honest feelings.

It's been a long wait, but the results themselves have made every second worth it.

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