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"My face is full of spiderwebs, all tender, yellow, blue
And still with one eye open, well, all I see is you"

Clementine by Halsey

"Sooooo, how was the date?" Jimin asked the second I closed our front door.

I resisted an eye roll at his nosiness, also realizing that I needed to talk about it.

I sit next to him on the couch, ignoring his creepy smirk. "He was an angel," I admitted, unable to help but smile.

Jimin practically screamed as he squeezed my cheeks, making my lips form an extreme pout. "My child is all grown up! Look at you all smitten, baby child!"

I yanked his hands off, rubbing my sore cheeks. "Chill, Chim," I chuckled. "It was one date."

"The first of a lifetime of dates, I predict," my best friend said before leaning back against his arm rest.

I shrugged. "Who knows what will come of it? I'm trying to not jinx anything."

Jimin quirked up an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're not just being protective of your heart?"

"Of course I am," I frowned. "I've worked so hard to not let my... feelings towards those of the same gender identification interfere, but if I were to have a boyfriend, I-" I felt tears threatening to spill. "I would ruin the relationship with my father, Chim."

He sighed, giving a small nod of his head. "You would sacrifice your own happiness for that scumbag father of yours?"

I gave him a glare at his word choice. "He's not a scumbag. He was, and is, an amazing father. He just... has some viewpoints that don't align with current society."

"He's emotionally and physically abusive, Jungkook. Don't defend him." Jimin's tone of voice shifted to slightly more firm.

I stood up from the couch, talking down to my best friend. "I don't know any other life, Jimin, and you know this! Just because you decided you didn't need your family in your life because they didn't accept you doesn't mean I'm going to follow in your footsteps! I don't worship you."

Jimin's face changed to wear a look of hurt. I breathed heavily above him, no other sounds present in the room as we stared at each other.

After a few minutes, Jimin swallowed harshly, giving a small nod. After standing up, he walked past me, only muttering a quick final statement. "When you decide to grow up and live your life how you deserve, you know where to find me."


"Father, stop it!" I screamed, tears filling my eyes as yet another whip struck my back.

I let out another scream as I was pushed into the small wardrobe in his room, the door instantly closing and locking behind me. I heard the chair being propped up against it for extra reinforcement.

Tears paved their way down my cheeks as my fingers traced the years of claw marks on the wood of the wardrobe, bringing more tears to my eyes.

"You can come out when you decide to never go on a date with a male again. I give you so many opportunities to marry a nice, smart, well-off woman, and you betray me by engaging in such sin." My father practically spat the words, the venom staining the outside of the wardrobe.


I woke up as hands gripped my arms, Jimin sitting above me with concern written on his face.

"Kook? You were screaming in your sleep."

I was panting, chest heaving, sweat dripping off my brow. "I-I-I..." Words couldn't leave my mouth, my body merely pulling Jimin into a hug. And even after the tears stained his skin, he continued to squeeze me tight, as he always does to make sure I knew he was there.

"I-I l-love you, Jimin." I croaked out as my tears began to settle.

He hummed, rubbing my back. "I love you too, idiot."

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