Chapter Nineteen: Unexpected Kiss

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A/n: ight, this chapter is going to be spicy, drama~ so pardon language while I mean I put this book on mature for a reason. Their high schoolers... they swear like sailors and I should know bc I am one. Anyway, um, atheer5312468 actually helped with this chapter a while ago so I want to thank them again for that! On to the chapter


School was back in and rolling as usual after the weekend ended. Kion was with the rest of the council members getting things together with other students to prepare for the school's annual Spring Fling, a small get together for all the students just to have fun with friends and sign yearbook since it's getting to that time of the year again, the seniors are graduating and summer vacation starts.

Una was especially excited by this. First, she never had this sort of thing at her old school and second, she remembered Jasiri and Xander talked about in the group chat the three are in. Thinking back to the group chat, she hasn't heard from Xander in same time now and now that she's thinking about she hasn't talked to Xander in over a week. Shit!

Xander must have slipped her mind since she's been so busy lately that she forgot about him. How could she? Xander is Una's best friend, how could he slip away from her mind so easily.

"Una? You good?" Fuli snapped her fingers in front of her face to get her attention.

"Huh? What?" She mumbled out blinking her eyes a couple of times coming back to reality.

"Una, you've been space out quite a bit. Are you okay?" Ono asked the girl, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry, I need to... go see Xander, yeah. I haven't talked to him in a while and I just want to see if he's doing alright." Una said.

Kion squinted his eyes at her. "Can't you just text him?" He asked rolling his eyes, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah... I... I can but I want to see him.." Una said to Kion.

"But, we have a lot of work to do. Can't you do it later?" Kion questioned.

"I know but I think I need to see him now." Una said.

"But, we need you right now." Kion said. Una could hear the slight growl in his voice.

"Kion, just let Una go. She'll be back, right Una?" Fuli asked. Una nodded

"Yeah, Una's responsible! Come on, Kion." Bunga said softly nudging his arm with his elbow.

"Fine. Make it quick, Una." Kion said sighing in defeat.

"K! I'll be back." She said leaving the student council and made her way to the gym. She knew that the football team was done with practice and are in the locker rooms right now so maybe she could catch Xander there.


Meanwhile, Xander and rest of the football team were changing. He didn't really speak to anyone as of late even Kovu has noticed. He's usually talking the other guys' ears off but today was different. Xander seemed so depressed and so disconnected from the world around him. He seemed like he was trapped within his own thoughts.

Kovu frowned at his friend. Kovu has been in his mind too. But, he doubted if was for the same reason. After taking off his sweaty shirt Kovu made his way over to Xander. When Kovu approached Xander, he didn't even bat an eye at him or noticed him. Kovu frowned again tapping his Xander.

"Yo, Xander. You good, man?" Kovu asked as Xander's eyes shifting to him slowly. They seemed so dead like no color showed in them.

"Kovu... hey... yeah... I'm fine..." Xander said slowly.

Kovu didn't believe him as he clicked his tongue in irritation and said. "No you're not, man. You seem so down lately. All up in your thoughts, it's becoming... concerning."

Xander didn't say anything, shifting his gaze to the floor, mumbling under his breath, fiddling with his fingers.

"I know there's something on your mind. Just tell me. We're friends, you can tell me anything." Kovu said as weakly smiled as his eyes showed sympathy for him slinging an arm over his shoulders.

"It's Una.." Xander mumbled out.

Kovu's eyes widened hear the said girl's name leave his mouth.

Kovu chuckled nervously. "What about Una?" He asked.

"Well, Una and I haven't talked in a whole week. It feels like I've been forgotten by her. I feel like I'm just an after thought to her. I know she's busy with the council and she has other friends but I guess I'm bit jealous but also I miss her..." Xander said.

Kovu's eyes softened at Xander as a few tears slipped from his ruby red eyes.

"Fuck..." Xander cursed. "I guess I'm starting to realize how much I've fallen for my best friend. Everything about her I love from her personality to way she smiles. I love it all. But, she likes Kion, I know that for damn sure." Xander growled the last sentence clutching his hand into a fist.

"But I'm not going down without a fight." Xander mumbled out.

Kovu's eyes widened and he swallowed hard as he watched Xander's eyes blazed like a fire. He was determined and Kovu knew this wasn't going to end well.

*time skip*

Una was by the steps that went down to the gym. She was waiting to see if she could catch Xander after practice. She heard footsteps coming her way, she looked up seeing Kovu and Xander with their backpacks walking towards the steps.

She smiled a bit, seeing them both. "Xander, Kovu!" She waved to them.

She noticed that Xander didn't answer but Kovu did smiling at her and nudged Xander to look up. Xander looked up huffing a bit waving slightly at her.

"Una, hey. Thought you'd be with the council. Heard that you guys are preparing for the Spring Fling. Exciting stuff, yeah?" Kovu said.

"I know right! When I heard it from Xander, I was super pumped because I had nothing like that at my old school!" Una exclaimed.

Kovu chuckled at her as the three of them walked through the school with Xander being the only silent one. He would sneak glances every so often at Una, his heart fluttered whenever she smiled.

Kovu left the two leaving through one of the back doors of the school. Both Xander and Una sat in silence as they walked over to the council room.

Una stopped and said. "Xander, I'm sorry."

"What?" He questioned turning around as he noticed Una stopped.

"I'm sorry about forgetting about you. I bet I hurt your feelings but that was never my intention. You're my best friend and I should be making time for you and not spend all my time with the council. I hate myself for that. I should get better at balancing my ti-." Una stopped mid-sentence when Xander backed her up against a wall in the hall.

Una blushed a bit at his actions. Since Xander was taller then her, he had to look down to see her face. He put one of his hands against the wall next to her head. They both stared at each other in silence as Una felt Xander's breath tickle her face.

But little did the two know that Kion's amber eyes glared at the two as Kion growled lowly with hand over his mouth feeling the curse of the roar bubbling up inside of his throat.

"Una, can I ask you something?" Xander asked the girl.

"U-Uh, y-yes." She stuttered out.

"How does this make you feel?" Xander questioned the girl finally giving her eye contact with deep red blush on his face.

"W-What?! What do y-you mean by-." Una was cut off again by Xander.

"Just answer the question... How does this make you feel?" He asked her again.

Una stood there looking away from Xander as her face heated up and heartbeat quickened itself. She didn't know how to feel. Her feelings were all over the place at this moment. Did she have feelings for Xander or was she just caught off guard? She had no clue.

"This makes me feel nervous like my heart is about to beat out of my chest.." Una said softly to him.

Xander's eyes shimmered with hope. "So, that begs my question, do you have feelings for me, Una?" He asked.

Una's eyes widened. She paid attention to what he said for once, was he admitting that he likes her. Una took a deep breath. "I can't answer that question, Xander 'cause I don't know." She said.

"Then I'll wait for you." He whispered.

"But why?" Una asked.

Xander leaned in towards her face slowly seeing if she will push him away or tell him off but Una didn't and let his lips capture hers in a soft and gentle kiss. Xander wanted to show Una how much he loves her.

"Because I love you, Una." He said after pulled away from the kiss they shared moving away from the wall to let her free. That's when Una felt something around her neck. It was rose gold necklace with a pink heart charm. She didn't even know he slipped it on her.

"Why give me this, Xander?" She asked.

Xander chuckled blushing a light pink. "Take it as a early birthday day gift. I know it's next month but I couldn't wait and—" He paused. "And as a symbol for my love for you. See you tomorrow."

Una was stood there flushed as she watched Xander leave the school when she heard footsteps running the other direction of her. She didn't know who it was but she didn't care for it. She was too much in a daze to care as she went back to the council room.


In the courtyard in the back of the school stood Kion, angry bubbling up in his chest as her suppressed his curse in his throat. He closed his eyes as the scene he saw in the hallway between Xander and Una played over in his mind. Kion growled. How dare he! How dare he kiss her! But, then again she didn't pull away from him.

Is it because they've known each other for longer? Or is because all of them were confused about their feelings?

Kion's eyes watered as tear slipped from his amber eyes as he brushed his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated with himself. He should've told Una how he felt on Saturday when he took her home that night. Maybe what happened between Xander and Una would've never happened.

Yet Kion is not someone who calls it quits so easily.

A/n: Long ass chapter almost 2000 words!! I'm deceased lol 💀 see you guys in the next one.

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