Chapter Twenty-One: Spring Fling

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A/n: Oh just to clarify what a Spring Fling is. I do this thing at my school in May where we get out class early and we sign yearbooks, eat ice cream, hang with friends and just enjoy the nice May whether at the football field so that's what this chapter is. Anyways on to the chapter!


"Wait?! Suspended?!" Una exclaimed.

She was currently in the student council room with the rest of the council minus Kion since he was suspended for a week for fighting with Xander the day before and Xander only got three days since he wasn't the one who started it yet fought back.

"Wait, why are you surprised, Una? You had to know that Kion was going to get punished for starting that fight." Fuli said with an eyebrow raised, hands on her waist.

"Uh, yeah, I know but the Spring Fling is today." Una said with hint of nervousness in her tone.

"Chillax, Una. The Spring Fling is going to go smoothly even without Kion. So, don't worry about a thing." Bunga said patting the girl's back.

Una inhaled and exhaled slowly giving calm smile. "I guess I do have nothing to worry about." She said.

Her smile dropped once she turned her back facing her friends. She couldn't help but get caught up in her thoughts about what happened that day between her two friends.

'Kion seemed so angry. It wasn't like him at all. And Xander... I couldn't tell what emotion that was on his face... anger... disgust... I didn't know.' Una sighed and shook her head a put her thought on hold.

*time skip*

Walking through the hall with books in hand, Una was deep in thought about Kion and the fight he got himself into with Xander and also hoping to God that this Spring Fling goes well even without him like Bunga said but she still had her doubts.

Though she was still trying to figure out what Xander did to make Kion so angry. I mean they've never spoken to each other well to Una they haven't but they did, the day Kion beat the shit out Xander and Una was oblivious to that fact.

Honestly, Kion's reason to fight Xander was pretty elementary. Kion's temper most comes from the curse that dwells inside him. It's the curse that all the second born of the King name. Happened to his great uncle, Scar and now it's happening to him.

Kion's impatient and stubborn which Rafiki has stated that it's normal for the boy's age. Yet, for Kion, it's more dangerous. Kion's strong feelings for Una and his curse clashed and Xander paid the price though that doesn't mean he deserved it. Xander have feelings for Una set Kion off and his curse blinded him from reason and now he's in room lockdown and hasn't really moved since his suspension. Both Simba and Nala are concerned yet know that their son is in the wrong.

Kiara, who wanted to tell Una about Kion's state thought it would cause some amount of stress to the girl in question and decided against it. Honestly, Kiara thinks that Kion needs figure this out on his own and Una doesn't need to interfere with that.

Una sighed out. 'Maybe I should just stop thinking and just have fun before summer break comes around hoping that this whole thing blows over.'

*time skip lol sorry i'm a bit lazy rn*

"Una!" Una was walking outside in the parking lot of the school not far from the football field hold a year book when she heard her name being called.

Seeing purple streaks of hair, Una smiled and stopped walking as Jasiri caught up to her.

"How are ya? Doing alright?" Jasiri asked her friend.

Una nodded with a smile. "Yeah. Everything is running smoothly just like Bunga said it would, so that's a relief honestly." Una said.

"That's good. You look less stressed than you did this morning." Jasiri said.

Una chuckled a bit. "I guess. I was just worried that things were going to fall apart without Kion but I guess I had nothing to worry about." She said.

"Speak of Kion, have you... have you heard anything from him or Xander maybe?" Jasiri asked, Una could hear the concern in her friend's voice since she's friends both boys like Una was.

"I've heard from Xander," Una said as she touched the necklace that he gave her the last time they spoke. "He's doing just fine. He's anxious to get back to school, which honestly baffles me." Una chuckled.

Jasiri laughed after her. "That does sound like something Xander wouldn't say unless it meant he's serious," She said. "And what about Kion?" Jasiri asked.

"Nothing... nothing from Kion. He either got his phone taken or he's just ignoring me, but the first one seems plausible." Una said.

"Yeah. He's probably got grounded." Jasiri said.

Una nodded. Don't get it twisted, Una is very worried about Kion but she told herself that she wasn't going stress over Kion so much that she neglects herself and her other responsibilities as well as her other friends.

Una sighed. "Jasiri, let's go get some ice cream. It's hot and I'm burning up." She said to her linking her arm with Jasiri's.

"Sure! Then let's find the Lion Council afterwards and watch people play stupid games on the football field. Heard they got inflatable hamster wheels!" Jasiri said.

Una laughed. "Yeah. The seniors were the ones who asked us to buy them." She said.

"Again genius." Jasiri laughed.

The Spring Fling went off without a hitch. Students were happy get this time to goof off and have some downtime before finals and graduation day for seniors. Una was happy things went well even though she felt like Xander and Kion missed out on this, but then again there'll be more in the future.

Una hopes that in the future as they go thought high school that the two would settle whatever happened between them. Sure, Una should think positively though sometimes things sound less complicated said than done.


a/n: lol hi! sorry, this took way too long. Haven't had the inspiration to write for this book in a while. I do have sparks here and there but they kinda fizzle out when I start writing and I push writing for months. Hope to get better with managing that, but this happens. See in the next chapter~!

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