Chapter Thirty Six.

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Chapter Thirty Six

SYDNEY FELT LIKE throwing up when she drove to the hospital. After her last class period, she wasted no time speeding through town to get to the hospital.  Her leg was shaking horribly and she almost hit another car by hard it was to keep her foot on the pedals.  Her hands were a ghostly white from how hard she was gripping the steering wheel.

The moment she had been praying for was finally here but she's still felt nervous to see him. Even after her confession, she was still full of anxiety.  As she walked into the building and down the hall,  her stomach twisted in knots and she began to think she couldn't do it.

Carmen and Rosa were outside of Miguel's room.  When Carmen saw the British girl walking toward them,  she gasped and immediately ran forward,  bringing her close to her.  "Oh Sydney,  he's awake."

Sydney held her tightly.  "I came here as soon as my classes were over."

Carmen cried into her shoulder.  "Thank you for being here.  He loves you so much.  I'm so happy he has you."

Sydney's eyes watered and she nodded.  "I'll always be here."

She let go and Rosa squeezed her hand before they led her into the room.  When she's saw Miguel awake, her heart fell to her stomach and she suddenly didn't know what to say. He was laying down in the bed with his head laid back and was staring at the ceiling. He looked so tired and drained.

"Miggy,  look who's here."  Carmen spoke in a gentle tone.  Her hand was wrapped around Sydney's shoulder.

Miguel turned his head and locked eyes with Sydney,  who shaking like a chihuahua and staring at him with nervous eyes.  His face softened and he lifted his head, a smile breaking on his lips.  "Hey Syd."

Sydney's words were caught in her throat.  They could see that she was afraid.  "Yaya and I will give you a moment."  Carmen said and smiled at them before they walked out of the room.

Sydney looked down at her shoes, not being able to look him in the eye. It was silent,  an awkward silence.  Something that was uncommon for the couple. She slowly looked back up to see him still looking at her. He was waiting for her to say something.

She took a nervous step forward.  "You've looked better."

Miguel instantly laughed and then groaned.  "Oh,  don't make me laugh.  It hurts."

She scoffed and grinned.  "Only you would laugh at me insulting you."

"That's cause I know you're nervous."  he said and gave her a soft smile.

Feeling slightly at ease, Sydney walked closer to him and eyed him. "H-How are you feeling? Wait, that's as stupid question. Don't answer that. Obviously you feel terrible—"

"Syd," Miguel interrupted her and grabbed her hand. "I'm okay. I promise."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I-I just don't know what to say."

"Don't apologize." He said and stoked her hand with his finger. "I'm happy you're here."

Sydney looked around the hospital room and back at him in sadness. "I've had nightmares about this."

"You have?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I used to dream about one of us possibly ending up in the hospital. I hoped everyday it would never happen but. . . here we are."

Miguel pursed her lips to the side. "Funny how life works, yeah?"

"You have no idea," she muttered. She looked at him again. "Why did you do that Miguel?"


"You told me not to get involved and then you go off and fight Robby? Why would you do that? Look what happened." she rambled. Her eyes started to water and her voice raised.

"I had to do something, Sydney. They were going to get hurt," Miguel said camly and kept a grip on her hand.

"Why are you always the one that has to do the right thing? Why can't you let someone else be the hero for once?" She cried. "God, you're such a Gryffindor."

His eyes widened in shock.

"I've been spending time with Demetri. Don't judge me." She muttered and wiped her eyes.

A smile tugged on Miguel's lips. "Sydney."

She looked at him.

"Come here." He said and motioned his head for her to come forward.

Miguel scooted over and Sydney sat on the bed awkwardly. She was still holding his hand. Miguel reached his hand up and pushed her hair out of her face,  tucking it behind her ear and leaving his hand on her cheek.  "Come closer,"  he whispered.

Sydney shifted on the bed and leaned over so her face was close to his. He traced her cheek with his thumb. His touch made her turn warm and she sighed, tearing up again. "I thought I lost you."

"You'll never lose me, okay?" Miguel whispered cause of how close their faces were to each other. "I'm so sorry."

Sydney scoffed. "You fell off a two story floor and were in a coma and you're apologizing to me? Again, Gryffindor."

"Remind me to thank Demetri for turning you into a nerd."

She cocked her head. "I am not a nerd. You're a nerd."

"I know," he smirked. "A nerd with a crazy hot girlfriend."

she's rolled her eyes. "You just woke up from a two week coma. Don't act all cocky now."

Miguel only smiled a wide smile. He looked at her with soft eyes. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"You have no idea," she corrected. She leaned her forehead against his. "God, you scared me so bad. These two weeks have been horrible."

He curled a piece of her hair around his finger. "I can't imagine how you've been feeling. I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing. You're the one in a hospital bed," she said and swatted his arm. "Just. . . I'm just so happy you're okay."

With another grin, he opened his arms. "Can I have a hug?"

Sydney scooting down the bed and moved so she could lay beside him.  She laid her head on his chest and laid her arm across his stomach.  His arm wrapped around her shoulder.  She teared up again.  "I've missed this."

"So did I."  He said and used his other hand to curl her hair around his finger.

For the rest of the day,  Carmen said that Sydney could stay at the hospital with Miguel.  They told the doctors that she was Miguel's cousin,  which made the couple cringe.  Sydney sat in the chair beside his bed with her legs crossed under her as she watched the doctor give Miguel his check up.

"You're progressing nicely.  How does this feel?"  The doctor asked and lifted Miguel's hand.

"Yeah."  Miguel responded weakly.

"Yeah?  How about this?"  He asked and started messing with his fingers.

"Normal."  Miguel responded.


she's smiled warmly as she watched Carmen feed Miguel.

"Yaya's so excited.  She's at home cooking up a storm,"  Carmen told her son,  making him smile.  "Tupperware full of dulce de leche.  How does that sound,  Sydney?"

"Sounds great. . . Aunt Carmen."  the Brit responded awkwardly.

Miguel wanted to throw up.  "That's great mom.  Thanks for staying,  sydney."

"Well,  you know me.  Always helping out family."  She replied to make him uncomfortable on purpose.

Miguel laughed awkwardly and mouthed,  "Stop it."

She winked at him.

The doctor lifted the blanket off of Miguel's feet and started moving his foot around.  "How about this?"

"No."  Miguel denied.

Carmen and Sydney looked at each other.

"How about this?" The doctor asked again and poked Miguel's foot with his pen.

They waited a few seconds for a reaction but Miguel didn't feel anything. "No."

"That's. . . That's okay," the doctor trailed and put the blanket back over his feet.

"You said the scans were okay, right?" Carmen asked.

"Yes. Yes."

"Am I going to be able to do karate again?" Miguel asked.

Sydney frowned slightly and looked down at her hands.

The doctor chuckled.  "One day at a time.  I'm gonna borrow your mom and aunt for a second, okay?"

Again, the couple cringed.

"Let me turn on the TV," Carmen said. "I think the dodgers played last night."

She turned on the TV and followed the doctor out of the room. Sydney looked at Miguel and smirked. "Hey, cuz."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You disgust me."

"Not possible."

He looked out the window and watched the conversation his mom was having with the doctor. She started to cry and covered her mouth at what he was saying.

Sydney frowned and looked up at Miguel, who was looking at his feet. She stood up and touched his arm gently. "I'm sure it's nothing. You just woke up. Your body's trying to get back into the gist of things."

Miguel didn't say anything and only gave a slight nod before looking at his feet again. She made sure the doctor wasn't looking and she bent down, kissing him on the cheek.

Sydney sat in the chair next to the hospital bed and watched Miguel sleep with warm eyes. His mouth was gaped open slightly and his lashes fluttered. His nose twitched occasionally making her smile to herself.

"I can feel you staring."  He mumbled with his eyes closed.

She didn't realize how long she had been looking at him.  Her eyes widened.  "What—I'm not staring,"

"The hole in the side of my head says otherwise,"  he said and opened his eyes,  looking at her.

She rolled her eyes.  "So conceited."

He grinned.

"Do you need anything?  Water?  Snacks?  Another blanket?"  She asked.

When he chuckled,  she looked at him confused.  "What?"

Miguel shook his head.  "You're just so not that girl that I met when I first moved here."

Sydney's face softened slightly.  "What do you mean?"

"When I first met you, you barely gave me the time of day. You called me Michael." He emphasized.

She shut her eyes tightly. "I did, didn't I?"

He nodded and then smiled. "Y'know, when you said yes to going on a date with me, I freaked out?"

"I'd be offended if you didn't."

"I was so excited. My mom and Yaya thought I was a crazy person cause I was freaking out the whole night. I just couldn't believe that someone like me actually got to go on a date with someone like you,"  he looked at her again and smiled with his teeth.  "And now you're sitting in a hospital room with me and you haven't left all day."

She blushed.  "Well,  I don't want to leave incase something happens."

"I don't know if anyone's told you this but I'm so proud of you."

Sydney furrowed her brows and titled her head.

"You've completely changed in the past year and half. You've opened up more and not just to me. You're friends with Demetri now. Who knew that would ever happen? I'm just. . . I'm really proud of how far you've come."  He elaborated and looked at her with adoring eyes.

That moment right there was exactly why Sydney loved him. "I love you."

His eyes widened. "What?"

She stood up from the chair and went to sit beside him on the bed. She grabbed his hand. "Nobody has ever believed in me the way you do.  The Larusso's have been like my family my entire life but even then,  I never felt like I fit in with them.  To some people,  I'll always been known as the primadonna and I understand why.  I was horrible.  I liked being horrible to people.  I was so mean to Demetri and Hawk when we were younger.  I got to used to the fact that nobody would ever accept me.  But then you came along and changed everything.

I don't know if it was your stupid cute smile or the way you never gave up on trying to talk to me but I felt somewhat gravitated toward you.  Which was unheard of cause I don't like people,"

Miguel smiled in amusement.

"You actually believed I could change.  You encouraged me to be a better person and to try new things.  You got me back into dance.  Tou just make everything so much better without even trying.  It's honestly annoying the way I can never be mad at you.  I. . ."  she felt like she was going to start crying again.  "And I tried so hard to deny how I was feeling because I was scared you would leave me.  It wasn't till what happened and I thought you were dead that I couldn't deny it any longer.  I love Miguel.  I love you so much."

Miguel leaned up and moved her hair out of her face.  His eyes scanned her face.  "I love you,  Sydney."

She let out a small breathy laugh and she kissed him.

I love them forever and always

Sydney's love language is physical touch + sarcastic mean comments when she's nervous

Do you guys think Sydney should forgive Tory and Sam?

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