Chapter 18 A June Wedding

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Werewolves were a very gifted supernatural species. They possessed super strength, speed, senses, shapeshifting abilities, and exceptional planning skills. This was particularly the case when it came to wedding planning.

For some reason, Hollywood rarely mentioned that last part.

"Awe. They're adorable. I wonder how they trained that husky to carry the ring?" Ivy heard someone say.

Indeed. Jack was in his wolf form and wearing a black and white tux. He also had a jewelry box strung around his collar with pride.

He made for an adorable ring bearer and thankfully, Kenji's family couldn't tell the difference between a white wolf pup and an overgrown husky.

"No idea, but it's so precious." Another person grinned, pointing towards Jack's sister. "The flower girl is cute too!"

Jack's little sister's cherubic face scrunched up in serious concentration while she threw flowers everywhere. Ivy doubted there would be a single person who didn't get smacked by the time the ceremony was over.

Of course, the pups weren't the only ones who were getting complimented.

"She looks beautiful, Son." A middle aged Japanese man with eyes identical to Kenji beamed.

There were times when Ivy considered her exceptional hearing a blessing. Being able to hear every word her future father-in-law, Daichi Woods, was one of them.

The words and warm caress of June's breezes made Ivy smile as her sheer, lacy veiled billowed around her face. Her silken, dress of ivory mimicking the fragile fabric with every step forward she took.

"She is. You should see her tattoo." Kenji winked at her.

Ivy refused to suppress her eye roll. While a werewolf's keen eyesight would pierce through the veil with ease, a human's would never be able to at this distance.

Saachi Woods, Kenji's mother, didn't have the luxury of a veil to mask her own eye roll. Then again, it was possible the beautiful matriarch simply didn't care. "A tattoo? She always struck me as such a sensible girl."

There were times that Ivy couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the petite woman's beauty. It was easy to see where Kenji had gotten his perfect hair from, but Saachi had always been the model of politeness to her future daughter-in-law. It was a shame that she and her husband would never know the truth. That their sons were werewolves.

Half muffled chuckles and mischievous snickers filled the forest. Most of their guest list wasn't human and could hear every word of the exchanges going on.

"She is, but it's life's moments of insensibility that make it worth living." Daichi kissed his wife's cheek. "Or did you forget about our own Honeymoon. I seem to remember you enjoying the hotsprings of our homeland rather thoroughly. I believe they call it skinny di-"

Saachi scowled at her husband, covering his mouth with a swiftness that could match any werewolf. "Alright. Alright. I suppose everyone is entitled to at least a few moments of irrationality."

Ivy laughed, holding the bouquet of red and white roses tighter against her chest. Though she was only at the end of her first trimester, she imagined the twins were shared in her mirth over their grandmother's outrage.

Dozens of velvet cushioned chairs and several long refreshment tables had been laid out in the meadow that surrounded the forest. Saachi had joked that there was enough food to feed an army, but it was appropriate. There was a reason why the term 'wolf down your food' was a well-known description. Werewolves seldom wasted food.

"There you are." Her grandmother's eyes shimmered with pride as Ivy reached the alter and took her hands into her own. "You look beautiful."

Ivy grinned. "So do you."

It was true. All her bridesmaids and Willow were adorned in green silk dress. Perhaps Ivy was a tad bit predictable, but green was the color of earth and of her magic. So, it hadn't been hard for her to choose which color gown her bridal procession would wear.

"You're a flatterer, but an honest one." The ancient werewolf giggled as if she were a pup again. "Attention! Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of my amazing granddaughter, Ivy Winters, and her beau, Kenji Woods. If anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace."

Jack growled at the word objections.

Ivy laughed as Kenji took her hands into his own. Feeling rather pleased to look into those beautiful brown eyes once again. It was the first time that she had seen him that day thanks to the combined efforts of her grandmother and Saachi.

Of course, she had expected Kenji's mother to be traditional about such matters. Still, the fact Willow had been so fanatic about it had shocked Ivy.

"I really wouldn't recommend objecting." Hoshi, who was reveling in his role as Kenji's Best Man, snickered at the pup's irritation. "Lest you potentially subject yourself to being mauled by massive ball of fluff wearing a tux."

Jack nodded his furry head with great vigor as the sound of chuckles once again filled the forest and meadow.

Willow grinned before deciding it was safe to proceed. "Wonderful. I'm so pleased that I'm officially licensed to do this sort of thing. Imagine being able to officiate your granddaughter's own wedding." Her scent was that of a cheerful lemonade as she everyone watched the ancient werewolf's performance. "It's such a beautiful feeling. Right. Right. Where were we? Oh yes, Kenji Woods, do you take Ivy Winters to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love, honor, and cherish her for all your days? To stand by her side in good times and in bad? In sickness and in health? To give myself and your parents adorable grandchildren to spoil and do you pledge to forsake all others until death do you part?"

Ivy bit back a groan. Of course, her grandmother had to put that last part in there.

"I do." Kenji smiled, his tropical scent soothing Ivy's fragile news as he removed the jewelry box from Jack and slid the ring on her finger. "Always and forever."

Ivy didn't miss the chorus of 'aws' that abounded from humans, werewolves, and witches alike at that. Her grandmother and future husband really did know how to put on a grand performance.

"Perfect." Willow radiated happiness as she turned her matronly gaze onto Ivy. "Do you, Ivy Winters, take Kenji Woods to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, honor, and cherish him for all your days? To stand by his side in good times and in bad? In sickness and in health? To give myself and Kenji's parents grandchildren to spoil and do you pledge to forsake all others until death do you part?"

It was such a perfect moment, that Ivy almost felt frozen in time. Well, at least until her Maid of Honor, Penelope, nudged the Alpha Female out of her daze.

"I do." She smiled at Kenji. "Forever and always."

"Then by the power vested in me by the state of Maine, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Willow grinned from ear to ear as Kenji wasted no time in pulling her veil back and doing exactly that.

In the back of her mind, Ivy was aware of all the catcalls. They didn't matter, though. They were nothing more than background noise. Nothing else mattered except returning Kenji's kiss in that moment.

No matter how many times she kissed him, he always managed to take her breath away.

The next few minutes of Ivy's wedding were a bit of a blur. What stuck out most were Kenji's heated kisses and what she liked to call the 'throwing traditions.'

"I can't believe you hit me with the garter belt." Hoshi raised an incredulous eyebrow at his brother.

Of course, the 'throwing traditions' were tossing the bouquet and garter belt into the crowd.

Her husband was utterly unashamed of his antics as he shrugged. "I can't believe a black belt couldn't dodge some lace."

Penelope didn't miss a beat as she marched over and swatted Kenji on the back of his head with the bouquet she had caught. "What makes you think he was trying to dodge?" The witch huffed before dragging her boyfriend off for the first dance.

That's when Ivy almost smacked her forehead in frustration when she saw Jack and his siblings by the DJ. That was a very bad sign.

"Alright. I gotta admit this is an unusual request for a wedding, but should be fun." The DJ cackled as he began playing the request. "I guess it's never too early to start celebrating Halloween. For our first song we have the Monster Mash sung by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers!"

Kenji started laughing as Ivy shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's not funny."

"Oh come on. It's a little funny." He smiled, kissing her forehead. "It's definitely appropriate for a wedding featuring a massive pack of werewolves and some witches."

Ivy decided it was best not to protest that argument on the grounds of accuracy. Still, Kenji's parents did look very bewildered by the song choice as couples began to dance to the famous holiday song.

"Alright. Just so you know even our twins are facepalming at this song choice." Ivy knew this because she could practically feel them doing so. While she knew that scientifically it was unlikely, it felt like they were.

Kenji smiled as he twirled her around the meadow and forest until late into the night. By the time the Sun was just beginning to kiss the horizon, he had managed to sneak her off deep into the woods.

Only they weren't alone.

"I've got a surprise for you since you were such a good sport about the song choices." He grinned at her, eyes filled with sneakiness. "The faeries apparently feel a little guilty about what happened to Hoshi. So, they decided to send us a wedding present."

Ivy blinked. Were her eyes deceiving her or was that a unicorn standing a few feet away from them?

"They gave us a unicorn?" She tilted her head as she stared in awe of the massive black stallion with a glowing midnight blue horn adorning his head.

The horse neighed, giving Ivy the distinct impression that he was laughing. "My name is Midnight and no one owns a unicorn. I've agreed to allow you two the privilege of riding me for the day because I owe Leaf a favor and I'm a sucker for Matings. No matter which species is involved." He stayed still, apparently waiting for them to get on his back. "You needn't worry, though. Humans can not see my horn unless I will it. We unicorns have magic of our own."

Ivy was speechless.

Kenji wasn't. "Thanks, Midnight. We really appreciate it." His scent was one of pure happiness as he helped her get on the unicorn's back. "Come on, Ivy. This will be fun." He smiled as he joined her on the stallion, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Like something out of a faerie tale."

"Pun intended?" Ivy couldn't help, but giggle at that.

"Oh yeah." Kenji urged Midnight forward with the utmost gentleness. "Pun very intended since we actually know some faeries and now, we've had the pleasure of meeting Midnight. So, we can add unicorns to our supernatural friends list."

Midnight trotted off at an easygoing pace. Ivy got the impression he was showing off. Not that she could blame him. He did paint a magnificent picture.

"I'm glad you feel that way." Midnight neighed. "I noticed there were some left over apples on the refreshment tables and was wondering if I could have them."

Ivy just laughed. "Of course. Feel free to help yourself to whatever you like."

The proud stallion whinnied happily. "In that case, I think I might try some of that forgotten bottle of champagne then. I've heard good things about it. The faeries always rave about the bubbles."

The supernatural world was a fascinating one, Ivy mused. Who would have ever guessed that faeries loved sugar and unicorns were interested in champagne?

Chapter 18 Wattpad Word Count Excluding Notes 2009.

Total Novella Wattpad Word Count Excluding Notes 33,220.

This story is not complete. Chapter 19 will feature an epilogue.

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