Chapter 19 Five Years Later

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"Richard and Daichi Woods, stop chewing on the beads!" Ivy sighed, placing her hands on her hips as she tried her best to do the impossible.

To make two werewolf pups behave and to save her beaded curtains from ruin.

Her eldest pup, Richard, looked up at her with his beautiful bubble eyes. Eyes that were as green as the forest he loved to run wild in. His panther black tail wagged in all its velvety glory. He was an adorable little fluffball full of mischief and he knew it. "Mom, we were just practicing our pouncing."

Of course, Daichi as always was ready, willing, and able to defend his identical twin brother at the slightest moment's notice. "Exactly. Papa says pouncing skills are very important."

Daichi was such a sweet pup. Most of the time. The only time he got into trouble was when he allowed his older brother to lead him muzzle first into trouble.

Ivy's only saving grace was that in wolf form, Daichi had inherited her fluffy fur and Richard took after Kenji. Velvet was the name of the game when it came to that pup's coat texture. Little things like that made it easier to tell the two apart in their animal forms.

"He's right." A familiar tropical scent drifted into the room as the kaleidoscope of colorful beads parted. "I did say that, but I never told them to practice on your beads. You've had these things for years. Don't you think it's time to trade them in for the cauldron?" Kenji's eyes danced with mirth as he closed the distance between them with ease. Reminding her of the reason why all those years ago, she once dubbed him Mr. Graceful inside the privacy of her own mind.

Ivy shook her head and wrapped her arms around her Mate's neck, kissing his cheek. "The beads stay. They're a trademark. So is the crystal ball, but you're never getting that cauldron. It's still tacky."

"Gross. Kissy kissy." Richard scoffed as glanced up at his father. "So does this mean we're going on a run?" His disdain for all things romantic vanished at the thought of running with his pack.

Probably because he was eager to run with his idol, Jack.

Yes, Jack and his family were still valued members of the pack. Thank the Moon that the teenager was beginning to settle down. His excess energy was now being channeled into becoming the best future Alpha he could be. At thirteen, Jack was more interested in impressing pretty she-wolves with his swift shifting and passing Algebra than in getting into trouble.

"Yes, that's exactly what it means." Kenji laughed as their sons' tails both wagged so hard it was a miracle they didn't fall off. "Besides, we've got a lot to celebrate. I was promoted to Head Veterinarian at the zoo."

Ivy beamed and kissed him. "That's wonderful news. Between that and the Halloween coming up, that means we'll be able to take the entire family to Disneyworld."

After all, Halloween was to the fortune telling business what Christmas was to retail stores.

"Did someone say Disneyworld?" A snowy white wolf darted into the room. "Oh wonderful. I can't wait to see that big castle that they always show on tv. I've wanted to go there since I was a pup. Oh, and you slowpokes need to hurry up. Penelope just called. The entire pack is waiting for us."

"Alright. Alright. We're coming." Ivy smiled as she and Kenji got down on their hands and knees. It was time to transform. "This shouldn't take more than a minute or two and then we'll join the rest of the pack."

Three hours and many fondly exasperated parents later, the pack skidded to halt in the woods. The run was always a joyous experience, but it was also an exhausting one when you were trying to keep up with werewolf pups.

This was especially the case when you had spent the majority of your evening chasing after two almost identical black furballs whose little paws barely touched the ground as they raced one another.

"Not bad for a Beta." Richard grinned as he traded his dark fur for human skin.

Daichi swatted his brother's shrinking muzzle while his own tail disappeared. "You're just an Alpha because you like to show off. Just remember what happens to the nail that sticks out the most."

As their canine features receded, the pair of them were mini Kenjis save for their eyes, ears, and eyebrows. That was something at least.

"Cuz-sins!" A tiny three year old with hair as black as any raven's feathers and eyes like coffee barreled towards them. "Ella here! Ella here!"

Hoshi smiled as he and Penelope made more s'mores over the campfire. "She's still working on how to pronounce cousin.

"Hey, Ella." Richard smiled, patting her head. "You did good shifting. Fifteen minutes isn't bad for a little puppy."

Ella was the daughter of Penelope and Hoshi. With the exception of her hair and eye color, she looked exactly like her father. The sweet pup had been nicknamed the Omega Princess because everyone was charmed by her. Whether she was in her fluffy, gorgeous gray wolf form or her cute, chubby human form didn't matter.

Ivy pitied the boys in ten years. She was going to be a heartbreaker one day.

"I was going to say the same thing about eight for you." Jack grinned, bounding over to Richard and Daichi. "Though I heard Daichi did it in seven."

Ivy tried to stifle her laugh, deciding to ignore the age old competition in favor of chatting with Penelope. "So, how is the business doing?"

Her best friend beamed, pride radiating from her entire being. "It's going great. I've got three weddings scheduled for this month and I finally managed to talk Mrs. Rodgers out of her Flamingo Theme. I'm really glad you guys had me help with your wedding. It really inspired me."

"Trust me, you don't want to know. The Flamingo Theme was weird." Hoshi caressed Penelope's cheek. "Penelope is great at what she does, though and sometimes I get to go on cake testing trips. So, it's all good. Got a lot of new signups for karate lessons as well. Willow's become something of a local legend. An eighty year old black belt."

Willow cackled at that as she popped a s'more into her mouth. The elderly werewolf adored parading her belt status around town, but who could blame her? She had worked hard to get it.

"Can't blame them. Willow could probably kick my tail." Josh, a former member of Ash's pack, threw his head back and laughed. "She's pretty feisty."

Ivy's grandmother winked at him. "That's true, but it's such a cute, fluffy tail that I'd feel guilty about doing so."

It had been years since the 'Battle for the Forest,' but for the most part Ash's pack had either joined or been reabsorbed back into the Lupine Pack. The rest had went their separate ways. Either content to be lone wolves or leaving to seek their furry fortunes somewhere else.

"Well, that's a relief." Josh chuckled.

Ivy found herself laughing as well until she heard the sound of hooves slapping against the forest and saw a blur rush into their campsite.

"Begone. Darken our home nevermore!" Midnight's bellows were heard throughout the forest. "Your kind is not welcome here. I will not allow you to disturb the peace that supernatural community has worked so hard to achieve!"

Ivy barely had any time to react before a woman scaled the nearest tree. "Peace, Unicorn. I have not come here to fight. Only to gain allies."

She was beautiful with a skin tone that rivaled that of a walnut and jet black hair. She was also a tiny wisp of a teenage girl, but Midnight's disgust made Ivy frown all the same. No human could have climbed to the top of a pine tree that fast and as lovely as she was, there was no denying the teenager smelled like death.

"Horsey no like you." Ella shook her head, raising her hands. "Ella trust horsey. Cuz-sins help Ella?" Just like that, a torrent of water erupted from the three year old's hands that somehow managed to smack into the the vampire sitting on a tree branch.

It was enough to make her fall, but the supernatural being landed on her feet with the grace of a cat. "I see that I've got the right pack and it appears that mixing werewolf and witch blood yields even more impressive results than even I anticipated." She smiled at them, her fangs on full display. "That was impressive, little one. My name is Julia and who might you be?"

"You're weird." Daichi summoned vines and tied the vampire to tree. "I don't like you talking to Ella!"

It was disturbing how easily the vampire broke the vines, but Richard was not dissuaded. "I don't either. Go away or I'll burn you!" Fire blossomed in his hands.

Julia was right about one thing, mixing witch and werewolf genes did yield some interesting results. Every single one of the hybrids had magic. Their powers were impressive, but Ivy knew that they were all only able to lobby one or two powerful spells at time and none of the pups showed any restraint. This was bad.

"They're adorable, truly." Julia smirked as she strode towards Ivy. "Given how the entire pack is looking at you, I presume you're the Alpha. As I said, I didn't come here to fight. I came here for an alliance. Look at these children. Each of them is gifted with the ability to transform into a wolf, magic, or both. Human society would force them to hide this for their entire lives. I'd like to put an end to that. Why should supernatural beings such as ourselves have to hide in the shadows?"

Jack transformed and raced between Julia and Ivy, snarling all the while. The teenage werewolf's Alpha tendencies shining through as he snapped his jaws at the vampire without fear. "Stay away from her."

"You know why we hide what we are from humans." Ivy's eyes narrowed. "It is for our own safety.

Julia shook her head, resolve etched into her pretty features. "So, we've been told. I envy you in a way." She gestured around towards the pack, her eyes landing on the pups. "As a vampire, I cannot have children of my own blood. The closest that I have come is siring someone who betrayed me to fight on behalf of mermaids."

Ivy didn't know what disturbed her more. That a random vampire wanted to bring about the Reckoning or that mermaids were somehow involved.

"Well, that's one point in their favor. If nothing else, it appears mermaids recognize crazy when they see it." Kenji's glare was so cold, it could have transformed an erupting volcano into a glacier. "My brother and I became werewolves to protect our humans and supernaturals alike from the Reckoning. This isn't a game. People will die if you get your way."

That was yet another thing that Hollywood got wrong. Contrary to popular belief, werewolves and vampires got along about as well as any random pair of supernatural species did. Merpeople and werewolves on the other paw, were another matter all together.

"You're right. People will die." Julia shrugged, her expression as blank as a canvas that had yet to be painted on. "There is no getting around that, but you know as well as I do that it is just dumb luck the Reckoning hasn't already happened. That is why it is my people's belief we should unveil ourselves on our own terms. Here's my card." The vampiress handed Ivy a business card. "Think it over and call me when you've made up your mind."

"How about you leave now and I might convince Midnight not to stake you? I'm sure a unicorn's horn will get the job done." Kenji's scent was laced with raw fury.

Julia laughed, shaking her head. "Werewolves always made for such overprotective Mates. It's sweet." She glanced at Kenji as if assessing him. "Though I wouldn't make threats that you can't follow through. I have seen empires rise and fall, you do not wish to make an enemy of me."

That was all the vampiress said as she disappeared into the night. Like she was never there.

"Maybe we should get that cauldron after all and brew a potion with holy water." Ivy sighed, biting her lower lip. It felt as though her entire body was made of lead as the implications of Julia's words sank in. "It seems that we may be on the brink of war. I'll consult the cards. In the meantime, we need to figure out a way to keep the pups safe."

"Awe, Mom! I'm not scared of the bloodsucker." Richard's whine made Ivy smile. Even now, their pups were so brave.

"Me neither!" Ella and Daichi puffed out their chests as if to illustrate their point.

It made Ivy's heart ache to realize she couldn't share their optimism. "I know you aren't, but we've gotta be smart about this. Everyone, it's time to head home. Whatever you do, don't go anywhere without another werewolf or witch by your side and do not allow any strangers into your home. Vampires always need an invitation to enter."

At least, Ivy hoped that was actually the case. Who knew if Hollywood had even gotten that much right?

There was a chorus of agreement before the pack began to disperse and Ivy hugged her family tight. Julia had just stacked the deck in favor of chaos and if she had her way, her canvas would be painted red with blood.

"Your mother is right." Kenji smiled as he gestured for the boys to follow him. "Let's go home and come up with a plan."

"Yes, Dad. Don't worry. We'll kick her undead butt!" The twins' vow brought a smile to her face as their family began the trek home.

Unfortunately for Julia, Ivy didn't intend to allow the bloodsucker to get her way. If that meant teaming up with a bunch of mermaids, so be it. Nobody was was going to threaten her pack's safety and live to tell the tale.

Chapter 19 Wattpad Word Count Excluding Notes 2373.

Total Novella Wattpad Word Count Excluding Notes 35,593.

Please check out the final author's note if you have any interest in finding out what happens next.

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