I Remember

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After Hugo put on clean clothes, the huntswoman took him out for a hike in the woods. When Hugo wasn't looking, the huntswoman took out a sharp knife and got ready to kill him. Hugo turned around and was horrified. Seeing how scared the handsome prince was, the huntswoman stopped and dropped the knife.

"Oh, I can't do this!" the huntswoman exclaimed. "How could I almost perform such a horrible deed? Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Hugo was shocked and confused. "All is forgiven, but why were you trying to kill me?" he asked.

The huntswoman told Hugo of his stepfather's jealousy. Gaston wanted Hugo dead, so he could be the most handsome in the kingdom again.

"You really need to run away, champ," the huntswoman told the prince. "If you're not careful, the king will kill you himself! Run away, and don't come back!"

Hugo ran into the woods as fast as his legs could take him. He was all alone in the woods, and he was sure that he was safe from his wicked stepfather. But since Hugo can't go home, he was homeless. He didn't know what to do with himself. Hugo started humming the beautiful song his mother used to sing to him. Then he started to remember his parents, and he started to sing to himself.

Wait, I remember that

Oh, I know that song

I remember sitting in the moonlight and that feeling

What's that feeling?

I remember

Yes, how I know that song

Though it's been so long

I remember happiness without a floor or ceiling

What's that feeling?

I remember

When Hugo wasn't looking, a young woman in a blue dress had heard the singing and saw him singing and dancing to the animals around him. She listened to the words in the song.

Oh, I remember them

And how we'd been

I remember wanting what the evening would be bringing

I remember singing

Under the bright blue endless sky

Waves try to measure

The days that we treasure

And I remember

I remember music

And I'm never going to put up with Stepfather's bossiness

I wish for everything to be back to how it was before this

For I, I remember them

I remember music

And I remember love!


Hugo turned around and saw the woman. He was a little embarrassed that somebody had walked in on him singing to himself.

"Oh, hello there," Hugo smiled sheepishly.

"Hello, child," the woman smiled. "You have quite a beautiful voice."

"Thank you," Hugo smiled.

Suddenly, Hugo and the woman heard somebody calling, "Lila, what's the holdup?"

Six other women came up to the duo. They were wearing the same outfit as Lila in different colors. Each woman wore a different color: green, purple, yellow, pink, red, and orange.

"Oh, hello, child," said the woman in green.

"Hello," Hugo waved. He turned to Lila and asked, "Lila, these are your friends?"

"Yes, they are," Lila smiled. "This is Sarah, Kathy, Jane, Carol, Alana, and Kim."

"Nice to meet you," waved Sarah. "Who are you, my boy?"

"Oh, how silly of me," giggled Hugo. "I'm Prince Hugo."

The women gasped that they were with the prince and curtseyed before him.

"What are you doing out here all alone, Your Highness?" asked Kim. "Are you out on a hike?"

"No, I'm looking for a place to hide," Hugo replied anxiously. "If I'm not careful, then he'll kill me!"

The women were horrified to hear this. "Kill you?" they gasped.

"Who will?" asked Carol.

"Yes, who?" added Jane.

"My stepfather, King Gaston," Hugo revealed.

"King Gaston?!" cried the women.

"Why would he do such a thing?" Lila asked.

"Because he wants to be the most charming in the kingdom, but I'm more handsome than him, and the only way to be the most handsome in Arendelle is to kill me," Hugo replied.

The women felt terrible for Hugo, and they wanted to help him. They huddled together and talked about how they could help the prince.

"Hugo, if you don't mind, how would you like to live with us in our cabin?" Alana asked. "Your stepfather will never find you there."

Hugo thought about this. He really need to be safe from his stepfather, and he wondered what the common life was like. "Thank you, my ladies," he smiled.

The women took Hugo to their beautiful cabin in the middle of the woods. It wasn't like his palace, but it was breathtaking.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Hugo smiled.

"Now, Prince Hugo, you need to stay inside this house," Sarah told him. "There's no knowing how that wicked king can find you."

"Okay," Hugo nodded.

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