Other Important People

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Name: Sofia Blairio Enderson

Nickname: Sofie

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Province: Angeles

Caste: 3

Job: Reporter for the Illea News

Does she help Vivian? Well not directly but her reporting and snooping could be helpful, that is if she was always truthful.

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Sofia is aways determined to find a gossip worthy story and she will do whatever it takes to find one. Whether it's sneaking onto the grounds or changing some of her features to tail a potential story she will do it. She is fiercely determined and can come across rather mean. She will bend the truth to make a story cry worthy or at least capture more people's attention. So you must always be carful what you say around her as she will bend the truth.

Strengths: Her determination along with her drive to get a good and juicy story out of anyone. She even will occasionally be asking for some juicy gossip from the palace maids!

Weakness: Her determination can be both good and bad as it gets her into trouble at times. She can also come across blunt and rude and the way she twists words can really hurt others.

Likes: She loves finding a juicy story one that she won't even have to bend the truth on. She also loves the royal family. She would never dare try to ruin the king or queens reputation.

Dislikes: Sofia hates people she deems "bland" and people she can't get any kind of scoop on no matter how hard she tries. Occasionally when this happens she will simply make up a ridiculous story about them just to cause trouble.

Fears: Oddly enough although Sofia writes about people all the time she has seen what can happen to people who get on the wrong side of the story. Therefore she has an intense fear of being written about or in any type of news at all. She keeps her personal life very private and is often fearful someone could dig up some kind of dirt on her.

Quote: "So when you say that you're not a rebel you really mean that you're pretending not to be a rebel but in reality you are, am I correct? Oh of course I'm correct I'm always right."

She is also found saying "No of course this is off the record. I would never publish any pf this." She would do this while pulling out her hand held recorder and saying "Could you please speak a tad louder?" 

But most of all she will be found asking for an interview.


Name: Basil Abner

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Province: Baffin

Job: Head Guard (And Official Date Chaperone)

Does he help Vivian? Definitely.

Powers: Animal Communication

Personality: He may seem a bit strict, but it is just his job. He is always very concerned with safety. Maybe a little too concerned. He is quite the motherly type and is very gentle, despite his appearance and job. He is a sensitive individual, and can pick up on what other people are feeling very quickly. He will flirt with the girls when the princes are not looking, as Vivian has told him to do, but will always keep it subtle and classy as he can.

Strengths: He is an understanding individual and a good listener. He is fiercely loyal and will lay down his life to save the royals if he has to. He is extremely strong, fast, and an excellent fighter.

Weakness: Because he is an understanding individual, he can be convinced to bend the rules a little if it is by someone he cares about. However, if he doesn't really care about someone and they ask him to bend the rules, it won't end well. In a serious situation, he becomes very serious, which can scare people, even those who know him. He is a bit of a gossip, unless it is important castle secrets. Just assume that anything he sees will be known by at least a few of the guards and princes he hangs out with. He is obsessively clean, often washing his hands and using hand sanitizer.

Likes: Working out, animals, swimming, his job, riding horseback, the snow, and watching the sunrise and sunset.

Dislikes: People who refuse to listen, people who throw themselves at someone else, when people outside the royal family act like he has no right to be as close to them as he is, jellyfish, and things that are too sweet.

Fears: Jellyfish, not being able to protect the royals, becoming paralyzed, germs, and getting sick.

Family: His parents still live in Baffin, but they visit occasionally.

Backstory: He was in the army before he was a guard. For his distinguished service, he was given the honor of being a guard in the palace. He talked to some of the princes often, since they were the same age, and they all started to become friends. In the grand scheme of things, you are who you know, so when the last head guard was executed for treason, the princes conviced their parents that he was the best for the job.

Quote: "Six inches! Every time you break the six inch bubble, I'm going to add an inch you have to stay apart."

Other: To the royals he isn't just a guard, he is family. Saying anything against him to one of them is just as bad as disrespecting their mother to most of them. Because of how dangerous the rebels have been (and because the parents of the princes don't want anything to go too far) he is the official date chaperone. That's right! Those special dates with the princes? He has to tag along.

Pet: A palamino mare he named Sriracha. If he is seen riding quickly anywhere, it means that there is trouble. Either he is riding out to stop a problem, catch someone who is being a problem, or to get someone to safety. Usually, however, he and Sriracha are simply accompanying the royals.


Name: Charity Patel

Nickname: Give her a nickname at your own risk.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Province: Sonage

Job: Second in Command of the Royal Guard (She is the one in charge of the female guards, who guard the women when it wouldn't be appropriate for men to be around.)

Does she help Vivian? Reluctantly, yes.

Powers: Sand Blasting

Personality: She takes everything extremely seriously. Everything must be just so. She is an obsessive check-lister and will always check her watch very often. Without her, who knows what horrible things would happen in the castle. Though many don't like how stern and strict she is, she is the glue that keeps the guards together.

Strengths: She is great at keeping things on time and she always knows the schedule. In a bad situation, she keeps a clear head. Despite what people would think by looking at her, she is very strong, fast, and is possibly a better fighter than Basil.

Weakness: She is often too serious, which can be quite intimidating. She has a hard time making friends or holding a normal conversation. She is very uncomfortable with emotions, which makes her not the best person for emotional support. She is most likely too paranoid for her own good. She tends to overwork herself, leading to exhaustion. Her people skills and manners aren't good. She has a nasty temper, even if she tries to keep it hidden. She has celiac disease, which makes her unable to eat things with gluten in them.

Likes: Working, when things go right, spicy food, her horse, and walking on sand.

Dislikes: gossip, wasted time, inefficiency, cows, cream cheese, anything with gluten in it, people who are too nice, and liars.

Fears: losing her job, being the lone survivor in a situation, fireworks, and spiders.

Family: Her father, who was a guard for an embassy in Sonage until he retired. Her mother, who is a stay at home mother. Her three brothers, one older and two younger.

Backstory: Her father, grandfather, and great grandfather were all guards at an old embassy in Sonage. Ambassadors of the royal family stayed there, taking care of disputes that were too big for the normal way of being taken care of, but too small for the royal family to deal with. She picked up the family tradition along with her brothers. For her distinguished service, she was given the honorable position as a guard in the palace. It only took a few years for her to work her way up in rank. By her skill and knowledge, she was the rightful head guard after the last head guard was executed, but Basil took it from her because the princes preferred him over her. She has remained bitter about it ever since, even though she was given charge over a branch of the guards made as a kind of consolation prize to her.

Quote: "I am not quite understanding the problem here. If he doesn't like you, then just move on with your life. A lot of people don't like you--he's not that different."

Pet: She has a horse named Freckles. Just like Basil and Sriracha, when she comes riding in quickly on Freckles there is often something wrong.


Name: Harrison Vyle

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Province: Carolina

Job: Royal Hair and Makeup Artist

Does he help Vivian? Not intentionally, but he does. He doesn't really know the plan, since he can hold a secret about as well as a bottomless bucket can hold water.

Powers: Crop growth manipulation

Personality: He is pretty much all sass all the time. He says mean things, but usually it's in such a weird metaphor or put in such a funny way that people don't think of him as a mean person. He is always one for gossip. He will subtly pry into pretty much every person's life and, if they don't tell him anything, he'll more openly pry. It makes him feel important when people confide in him. He sees himself like a psychiatrist, except instead of a couch his patients sit in a salon chair while he does their hair and makeup. Though he loves finding out things about people, he also loves to gossip. He is not a keeper of secrets. When people ask him not to tell anyone, he will still tell those in his inner circle of friends, but at least he won't tell everyone...Most of the time. He tries to be nice sometimes, but his complements could use some work. He is very obsessive and will work on someone's hair for hours if it means them looking good. He can't handle bad hair and makeup and will pull anyone aside, no matter who they are, and fix it.

Strengths: He is a great hair and makeup stylist--considered the best in the country. He could be an interrogator if he wanted to be with how well he can get information from people. He isn't scared to speak his mind, even if he knows it could get him into trouble. Despite what people would think of him, he is a strong fighter. He had to have been to survive where he did.

Weakness: He can't keep secrets at all. People can't trust him with major secrets so, unlike certain staff members, he has no idea of many of the castle secrets. He will speculate, but he doesn't actually know much. He is too picky at times. Waaay too picky. He pays extreme attention to details, which makes him sometimes take a very long time. He doesn't do competitions or gamble often, but when he does, he cheats.

Likes: Dying hair. Dying hair is probably his favorite thing to do...except maybe contour and eyeshadow. He especially loves using crazy colors. However, most people don't let him do that, so he has to trick people (like Dave) into letting him do their hair. He loves to gossip, or talk in general. He likes attention and recognition. No, he loves recognition. If someone wants to get on his good side, they best direct all compliments on their hair and makeup back to him.

Dislikes: People bashing his work. People judging the fact that he wears makeup. (What? You thought his skin was naturally that flawless and his lips were really that dark? Ha!). People who question his choices in hair color. When the dress code for the workers in the castle gets updated.

Fears: When he can't see his feet while walking, accidentally bleaching someone's hair too much so it disintegrates, bugs of any sort--if it creeps or crawls, he's terrified of it.

Family: He lived with his single mother as an only child. He has no other family.

Backstory: He never knew his father and all of his family was either deceased or so far away that he never saw them. He and his sickly mother lived in a very bad area. It was so bad that not even the police would go there if they weren't forced to. His mom worked in a salon to get money. Because it was so dangerous, he would have to stay at work with her. Because of that, he learned hair and makeup from a young age. Even though he had no license to do so, he would still help out at the salon. With his slim figure and, at the time, long brown hair and just the right amount of makeup he could fool his mom's boss ("Bat Blind Bertha") into believing that he was his mom whenever she couldn't come, which became more often as she became more sick. The staff are all pretty young, which was for a reason. The royals seem to have a thing for Selections, and had many versions of it to gain staff members. Such was the situation that led to his hiring. He sent a letter, was selected, and competed in the Beauty Selection for the job of royal hair and makeup artist. The old didn't do well under the stress, so this time, like many other of the situations like it, a younger person got the job. His mother now lives in the castle with him. She has no hair, but he will literally punch anyone who brings it up or stares.

Quote: "I know I should be humble right now, but, dang! I have done it again! You are gorgeous!" (Subtly suggesting that they were ugly in the first place.)


Name: Tessalyn Miguel

Nickname: Tessa

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Province: Angeles

Job: Royal Clothing Designer

Does she help Vivian? No.

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: She is the giggly sweet type most of the time, or at least tries to be, but she focuses too much on the small details. She is very truthful about her opinions, but if it would be something that could be considered rude or taken offensively she will try to put it jokingly. She loves fashion and is living her dream. Despite the fact that many people don't see her as pretty, she is pretty confident and is actually happy with the way she is. Because of her weight she knows how hard it is to find clothes for people her size, so she much prefers to make clothes for plus sized people. She is good at keeping secrets, unlike Harrison, but, like him, will pry until she finds out some of the details of what's going on. She will not tolerate negativity of any sort in her presence. If someone says something rude, she will shut it down immediately, whether it involves her or not.

Strengths: She is confident and actually quite strong. She pays close attention to the little details and will always do everything she can for other people. Her upbeat, optimistic personality tends to lighten the mood. She can give pretty good advice, though most of it has to do with self respect. She has an eye for fashion. She also has good connections, so if a selected needs something she could help, even if it's something not in her department. If Harrison gets upset, everyone looks a whole lot uglier--thank goodness she can calm him down. She's one of the only ones who can. She can not only design and make clothes, but can also do hair and makeup. (In fact, she was also in the Beauty Selection that Harrison was in. She was trying to get the job Harrison has.)

Weakness: She can pay too much attention to details. This can lead to her making tiny changes no one would notice to a dress that would keep her up all night working. She tends to get very upset by what people say and do and won't drop it. She won't show others how she feels, but she'll be fuming about it for hours. She can come off as too friendly quite often. She and Harrison often bicker, since they mostly share the same workspace and have their own opinions about what hair and makeup they should put with what outfit, which can make things a bit awkward for the girls. She believes people much too easily and will often see one as the victim and the other as the monster.

Likes: Designing clothes, specifically for the plus sized women. Dresses. Doing makeup. Doing hair. Being right. Sketching. Colors that normally aren't seen in clothing. Jewelry.

Dislikes: People who are rude for seemingly no reason. When Harrison decides to be all sassy. When people bring up that she was second best in the Beauty Selection. Mustard yellow. People who judge others based on weight. Women who refuse to wear dresses. When people don't like the clothes she gives them  (after all, she did design them.) Chocolate cake--chocolate is good, cake is good, but together they are gross.

Fears: Scorpions, snakes, spiders, getting fired, and rebels.

Family: Her mom, an English teacher, and her father, an attorney. She also has three younger sisters.

Backstory: She was the daughter of a school teacher and an attorney. Naturally her parents wanted her to have a good job. Her dad wanted her to be like him, but her mom was more passive. Unfortunately, Tessa was terrible at making decisions. She felt like she liked a lot of things, but wasn't good at any of them. After working in a hobby store, in the fabrics section, for about a year after she graduated high school, her mom decided for her that she'd go into cosmetology in college. Her mom bugged her until she did it. Turns out, that was the best thing her mom had ever done. Tessa fell in love with it. When she heard about the Beauty Selection she signed up and did everything she could to build up her skills. She and Harrison were in the same competition, yet, ironically, never thought of the other as actual competition. They were too busy worrying about who they thought would win. Imagine their surprise when they were the only two left in the competition. They both thought the other wasn't very good, so were both pretty sure they'd win. In the end, Harrison won, which he still brings up sometimes to annoy Tessa, but the royals decided that Tessa was too skilled to lose. However, that skill wasn't what she had thought it was. She was saved by the fashion sketches a maid had found in her room. She didn't get the job she was aiming for, but she got one she loves even more.

Quote: "You know what this could use... Some magic! ...and by magic I mean some bling!"


Name: Mary Jaques

Age: 27

Province: Fennley

Job: Head Maid

Does she help Vivian? Yes.

Powers: Voice Manipulation

Personality: She acts very kind to people, but she judges them quickly. If she likes a person, she may leave an extra chocolate in their room after cleaning it. If she doesn't like them, she may 'forget' to give them towels or toilet paper or 'accidentally' give them two bottles of conditioner and no shampoo. She is extremely intelligent and a great leader, though many people assume she is not since she is only a maid. She can read people like a book. It's insane. She probably would've been a better investigator than the actual investigators on the plane. Perhaps that could have something to do with her very recent hiring... Oh well. There couldn't possibly be any conspiracy there.

Strengths: Her extreme intelligence. She is a very good liar. She can lead others very well. She is an excellent manipulator. She can manipulate people without people even realize they're being manipulated.

Weakness: Despite her being a maid, she isn't very clean herself. She even has other maids who clean her room for her. She hasn't worked here long, so she doesn't know her way around the castle yet and may occasionally get lost. She doesn't know much about cleaning, which can sometimes make the orders she gives to the maids who actually know what they're doing confusing.

Likes: Anything in the horror genre...unless it's completely stupid. She also likes anything that smells or tastes like vanilla. Because of that, most of the soaps given to the selected are vanilla scented. She likes being in control of the situation. She also likes fencing...not that anyone else would ever find that out...

Dislikes: Despite being a maid, she hates cleaning. So, she has other maids do most of the cleaning while she supervises and snoops--I mean takes care of the finer details. She can't stand overly sappy or emotional things. It's just ridiculous. She doesn't like animals. She isn't bad to animals, she just sees them as a waste of time. She hates wastes of time.

Fears: Gophers, getting called out about not being a good maid, people realizing her true job, donkeys, and storms.

Family: Her parents and her grandfather.

Backstory: Despite the fact that she is clearly from Asian descent, she doesn't have an Asian surname. This is because when her great grandparents came into the country with their son, they had come in illegally. In an attempt to blend in better, they changed their names to ones that would fit that country and did their best to hide their accents. They didn't want to go back to their homeland and worked hard. They were harshly taken advantage of by those who employed them. Their employers paid them so little for the tortuous work they made them do, but they knew they couldn't ever do better. Their employers held it over their heads that they were illegal immigrants. It was very difficult. Both of the great grandparents died at a relatively young age, but the grandpa married an Illean. He was able to use that to become a legal resident. Of course, it was more complicated than that, but there's no need to go too into detail. Even though they were so mistreated, the great grandparents and her grandfather love this country. They were glad to be there. It was better to them than where they were. They taught their children to also be appreciative and to know that they were blessed. This still lives on in Mary. She cares very much about the country. She likes the current system and wants it to stay in place. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Because of this she has been a strong defender of the royals in many ways...Of course, those ways are currently classified and will not be mentioned here.

Quote: "She irks me...I believe that we should de-roll her room. After all, rolling is just so cliched...Fetch the rolls of toilet paper from the bathroom. We'll put them in the next room."


Name: Melody Draw

Nickname: Mel

Age: 23

Province: Midston

Job: Event Coordinator

Does she help Vivian? No.

Powers: Grass growth manipulation

Personality: To some she may seem eccentric and a little over the top...because she is. She loves color, she loves music, she loves dancing--she wants it all! However, despite her inner party animal, she is probably the most antiromantic person anyone will ever meet. Want a hundred reasons not to get married? Just come to her! If it weren't her job, she'd have nothing to do with this Selection business. She actually stands with Jeb and many of his views about it. Of course, she's not as vocal about it, but she doesn't like it. She doesn't like depending on people and her patience is always a little thin. She always tends to work late into the night, as she is an insomniac.

Strengths: She works until she gets a job done. She is very energetic. She has an eye for decoration. She isn't scared to get a little crazy when it comes to planning. She won't tell anyone your secrets (mostly because she isn't listening, but that's not important.)

Weakness: She doesn't listen very well. She's often too lost in her own thoughts. She is an insomniac. She works mostly at night, which sometimes makes plans change suddenly first thing when her helpers come in or things being rearranged when people get back. She is very impatient. She will oftentimes see what she wants, but not be able to make others see what she does. When the deadlines close in, she becomes a ball of rage and panic.

Likes: She loves photography, as her picture suggests. Her favorite thing to photograph is birds. She loves designing parties, especially holiday themed ones. When she has free reign over designing a party.

Dislikes: She hates having to collaborate with others, especially those who don't know what they're doing. She doesn't like when people tag along when she's birdwatching and scare away the birds. When people move the deadlines forward. When she has to abide by a strict theme. When she has to work with Dave about the food for the events. When people are all lovey dovey. Weddings. The idea of marriage in general.

Fears: Alligators, dogs, the freaky basement on the east wing of the castle, and Dave. Yes, she is afraid of Dave.

Family: Her two parents are her only immediate family, however, she spent a lot of time with her great aunt.

Backstory: She was an illegitimate child. Because of her, her parents married out of obligation and to make the other family members less irate about the situation when they found out. She always remembered them arguing. She'd see them fight occasionally and argue often. Divorce was threatened many times. The parents both confided in her, as the eldest, about how much they hated each other. They would say that they were only keeping the family together for her so she wouldn't live in a broken home. She never mentioned it, but she often hoped that they would just go on and break up so the fighting would stop. She felt like she was responsible for their misery, since she was the one who was the reason they married in the first place and the reason they were still together. This lead to very toxic thoughts and sunk her into depression. That's when her great aunt stepped in. She was the one who taught her about photography and bird watching. Because the great aunt was retired she was able to spend much more time with her than the parents could. Not being near her parents so much helped with the guilt. When they finally broke up, it was bitter sweet for Mel. She felt that she should have been sad, but it took the guilt of keeping them stuck together. Her aunt had connections with an event planner for the castle and asked about getting a job for her grand neice. After all, who could say they had worked in a palace? So, at 18 she was sent to work as a helper. She excelled so much that when the planner retired last year she requested that Mel be her replacement. Was Mel chosen? No, of course not. They picked someone older and more experienced. However, when they figured out that that person was embezzling...they arrested them. Then they hired someone else. They were an idiot and Mel had to do pretty much everything. That person got fired...only for another idiot to come! This one retired, leaving Mel with the job, as she seemed to be the only person in that department with brain cells.

Quote: "Remember how we were putting the streamers up over there? I thought about it last night, and...don't you give me that look, buddy. I will poke those peepers if they keep death glarin' me and I'll say that I was scared for my life! That's what I thought. Now we need some lanterns to put there instead. So much classier, and you know how much I like class."


Name: David Greyhound

Nickname: Dave

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Province: Honduragua (though he claims he's from Panama)

Job: Head Chef

Does he help Vivian? Absolutely not

Powers: Gemstone manipulation  (though he keeps that a strict secret, as they are often looked down upon and are technically not allowed in the castle. )

Personality: Despite what his looks might tell people, he isn't all that eccentric or bubbly or edgy. If anything, he's actually a bit of a stick in the mud. He loves food. It is his passion and is something he takes very seriously. He is a bit judgemental. He tries to listen, but people just annoy him so much that he will likely walk off in the middle of the conversion, blaming it on 'something burning' even if there is nothing cooking. He is not a trusting individual and is definitely cynical. He has a dry sense of humor that a lot of people can get offened about. He sees the world as very black and white and sees no reason to beat around the bush.

Strengths: First off, he is an excellent cook. Obviously he wouldn't have become the head chef (after a 'Culinary Selection' where the royals chose their new chef--the royals are seriously obsessed with the Selection concept. By now they've done it enough to get it down to a science.) if he wasn't a good cook though. He pays exquisite attention to detail. He can envision something in his mind and be able to make it happen. He doesn't worry about sugarcoating things, which makes him a better communicator in some ways.

Weakness: He does have kleptomania, like many with his powers. He loves small, shiny objects and will often take them when he can. After the guilt sets in, he will usually put them somewhere that they could be found and that would look like the person left it. He has a love for jewels and jewelry, but he must hide that at all costs, as it is the reason that gemstone manipulators aren't allowed in the castle. He is way too blunt and honest, and offends people daily. The hills are alive, with the sound of...swearing? He tends to yell at those in his kitchen once they get on his nerves too much, which often includes some bad language. Once he loses his temper, he also loses control of his tongue. He takes his job extremely seriously and will let nothing tarnish his good name if he can help it.

Likes: cooking, silence, bacon, revenge, and shiny things.

Dislikes: when people scarf down food, people mocking his job, his hair color, Harrison, people, being forced to socialize, his powers, and raisins. Never will a single raisin be found in anything he makes.

Fears: One day having someone report a fly in his soup, any blackmail on him getting out, people finding out about his powers, mice, rats, and bats.

Family: His parents were divorced and split custody of him, so it was kind of like having two families. His mom and her new husband, who Dave hated, who was also named Dave. It wasn't the reason he hated him, but it was part of it. His mom and the other Dave's daughers, his half-sisters, who were surprisingly cruel and insensitive. He is sure they are both psychopaths. His father and his new wife, who his father divorced, and his other new wife were the other side of the family. The first stepmother never spoke to them again after she left and the second one was so brick stupid that he wasn't even sure how to speak to her. In other words, he wasn't too fond of any of his family.

Backstory: Through all the heartache that came with the divorce of his parents and the feelings of being misunderstood, Dave turned to food. It was one thing he could control. It was very comforting to him. Due to that he was always very overweight when he was younger. He was picked on, and every word he said was mocked. Because of that, he ended up going mute for several years. Through plenty of therapy he was able to get his eating under control and started to speak again. To this day he doesn't like to speak much. However, that persistent old therapist still calls him from time to time, despite having been retired for many years. Dave isn't sure why the old man still does it--Dave definitely isn't still paying him. He assumes that it must be because the therapist was an empath. Either that or he had some sort of creepy obsession with his patients or couldn't let go of his job. Either way, Dave was always a bit of a cook. He liked to eat, and no one in his family knew how to cook, so he learned. Considering that he'd started learning by the time he was eight, he had plenty of time and practice to become the master he is. He competed in the Culinary Selection, but filled out the form in Panama, as those in Honduragua weren't allowed to compete. He lied in the form that asked where he was from and gave falsified information. This was obviously very dangerous for him if he were to get caught. He made it pretty far in the competition before his lies were discovered--which is part of the reason security is so high now. Unfortunately for the royals, there was much unrest at the time about mistreatment of those from Honduragua. If he went to the press it would be disastrous. It would show that the royals were saying one thing and practicing another. It was for political reasons that he was swept into his job in the palace...well, that and his tiramisu was so good that they couldn't ever find any desert to replace it. They told him not to tell anyone of his abilities, as it would become obvious that the palace security was not as good as it needed to be. Dave knew too much so they had to keep him. Plus, he knew how to make turkey that wasn't dry.

"Shut your mouth and eat your food."

Other: He got colored hair after losing a bet with Harrison. He isn't pleased with the hair color at all, but a bet was a bet and if he didn't want to be blackmailed he would have to let Harrison practice coloring hair on him.


Name: Rice Blakeley

Age: 27

Province: Angeles

Job: Raid Party Leader (Rebels)

Powers: A stronger form of feature changing and voice manipulation

Personality: She is extremely strong in her beliefs. Of course, her beliefs are very extreme. There are feminists, and there are people like Rice. She doesn't want gender equality, she wants female superiority. Long story short, she is trying to change the gender roles completely by any means necessary. She has no respect for men whatsoever and will often murder them or torture them for the smallest reasons. She doesn't care for anyone but herself, but would lay down her life for her cause. She has neither sympathy nor empathy. She isn't a Rebel who hides in plain sight--if she shows up, someone is going to die.

Strengths: she is physically strong, cunning, and is one of the best shape shifters in the country. Her powers were strengthened and added to by the Rebel scientists once they realized what they were onto. She can't be guilt tripped and it is next to impossible to find mercy from her. She's six feet tall, which gives her long strides and a long reach. She is fast. She is exactly the wrong person to get into a fight with. Never confront her alone. Planning and strategy are the only way to take her down. Just make the plan good, since she is extremely intelligent and, if she picks up on the plan, she will play along until she makes it backfire.

Weakness: she is terrified of cats. She has specific types of people she will target and specific types she will leave alone or at least leave alive. Her powers are stronger, but in a sense have stronger weaknesses to match. She is not necessarily loyal to the Rebel leader, since he is a man. She tends to talk to herself, especially during stressful situations. This makes it so she may let something slip or will give away where she is. If she thinks it, she will usually say it. She is extremely impulsive.

Likes: Getting tattoos and peircings. She believes it makes her look more fierce. Murdering. Seeing those she disagrees with suffering and/or dying. Animals where the female is dominant, such as black widow spiders. They make for great examples of what she's doing. She likes strong, brave, and rebellious women who will stand up to others. She sees somewhat of a kindred spirit in them and will avoid killing them when she can. She likes it when people agree with her (even if they're only pretending to).

Dislikes: Sweet, shy, quiet, and submissive girls. She has publicly murdered several well known women with those personalities, since she says they are setting bad examples for young girls. As such, her targets when attacking the selected girls will be the girls with those personality traits. She hates the manly men, especially those with more traditional beliefs. She dislikes men in general. She hates cats with a passion. She doesn't like people discounting her cause or calling her crazy because of the means she uses, even if she is crazy.

Fears: Being beaten by a man, cats, her cause dying, and death.

Family: Her husband, who she forced to marry her or die. She treats him like garbage and beats him quite often. He is more a slave who is her example of reversing gender roles than a spouse. However, he can't leave or she'll kill him. The rest of her family isn't worth mentioning, since they have all cut contact and moved where she wouldn't be able to find them.

Backstory: Once upon a time, there was a serial killer. She haunted a city in Angeles, striking a total of twenty-seven recorded times before she was captured. Her victims were typically very manly men or sweet and shy women. Her methods of killing them were slightly different every time, but always sadistic. Hair and skin cells left with the victims by mistake when they tried to fight back were the only way they could attribute the murders to her. She was on death row with no hope of getting off of it. That is, until she and another inmate struck a deal. The rebels were coming for him, and he agreed to let her out too if she would join their cause. Her skills in mass murder and evading capture would be good for the Rebel cause. So, she was released by a guard who was secretly a Rebel and has been a part of the Rebels ever since.

Quote: "She has some sass...I like it...I think I might let her live today..."


More will be added later.

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