The Other Royals

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Name: King Harold Bert Regium (Yes his middle name is Bert.)

Nickname: Harry

Age: 56

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: King

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Harold you could say is quite the opposite of his oh so lovely wife. He is fairly easy going but stern at the same time. He is compassionate towards others and has a rather interesting sense of humor. (which Esmerelda tries to keep in check) He is very wise and is a people person. He enjoys talking to others and getting to know them, although he is usually to busy solving the counties problems to every sit back and relax.

Strengths: Giving good advice as he has learned from many mistakes, being a good judge of character, and solving arguments.

Weakness: His weaknesses are similar to his wife's being; his loyalty to his family and his country, trying to make everyone happy, hurting other people.

Likes: Being able to relate to people, being with his sons, and just relaxing once and a while.

Dislikes: When people try to tell him how to run his country, and if someone says something bad about his family.

Fears: Losing his family, spiders, and what could happen to his country and his people.

Pet: He has a white horse named Cloud.


Name: Queen Esmerelda Rosalie Regium

Nickname: Don't you dare call her anything but the queen or her majesty unless of course you want to get on her bad side.

Age: You aren't supposed to ask a lady such a thing!

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Queen

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: When one thinks of their queen the first word that comes to mind is definitely not nice. She is very proper and strict always acting pristine and regal. She can be determined woman and does not appreciate being told she is wrong as she likes to be in control at all times, and some people may call her a control freak.

Strengths: Her ability to take charge, her strength, and willingness to do whatever she can for what she believes in.

Weakness: She is very loyal and would do absolutely anything for her family. And I mean anything. As well as she tends to get stressed easily and can be overcome with worry.

Likes: People who are polite and have good manners as well as good taste and know their place.

Dislikes: Wild people who think they know everything.

Fears: Losing power, being looked down upon, losing her family

Quote: "Off with their head!" Oops, wrong queen although she will not hesitate to say those words. So it would be wise to stay on her good side.

Pet: A grey horse named Majesty.


Name: Grandma Vivian Lorraine Sorotta

Nickname: Granny

Age: "Ahem it is none of your bees wax."

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: She is just Queen Esmeralda's mother.

Powers: Feature Changing

Personality: Granny is slightly off her rocker as she is becoming older, however she is possibly the nicest person you could ever meet. She is a typical grandma always chatting about, drinking tea, and baking cookies treating everyone as if they are her grandchild.

Strengths: Her kindness, and incredible amount of wisdom, also the fact that she is a bit off her rocker helps with many stressful situations.

Weakness: She is crazy for one, she can only help others so much, and cookies. She has a weakness for cookies.

Likes: Cookies, her grandchildren, and tea.

Dislikes: Sassy girls who are afraid of dirt, people who tell her she is crazy (even though she already knows she is), and when she hasn't had tea that day.

Fears: Not drinking tea for a whole day, losing her priceless glass, oh and don't forget losing her family. Thats important too.

Quote: "If you don't stop calling me crazy I'll throw you in the moat and feed you to the crocodiles!"


Name: Victoria Ann Regium

Nickname: Tori

Age: 15

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Princess

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Victoria is a rather dark and gloomy princess. She is sarcastic and snooty; the exact opposite of how her mother thinks a princess should act. She is a major tom-boy always wanting to go outside and sword fight or ride horses instead of drink tea and gossip. She comes across quiet at first when meeting new people because she is usually trying to figure out if she would like to be friends with them or not. She is sneaky and coy always up for a challenge. So, beware of her and try to stay on her good side. (She would fit in well with Sadness or Disgust from 'Inside Out' )

Strengths: Her ability to take risks and learn things quickly, also her confidence helps her make tough decisions and stay strong in tough situations.

Weakness (at least three required): She is much to stubborn and can be angered quickly. She also is a very 'glass half empty' kind of person and can be a real downer when people need to stay positive. Her ability to make decisions in not always a good thing either. She makes up her mind to quickly about someone or something and doesn't take the time to look at other ideas or people.

Likes: Honesty, people who can start a conversation, drawing, taking risks, and sword fighting.

Dislikes: Gossiping, girly girls (Like her sister), people who are overly dramatic, and when people are always happy.

Fears (at least three required): Victoria seems daring and fearless but don't let that fool you, everyone has a fear of some kind. Although she would never admit it she is scared of losing her family, and being kidnapped, as well as a fear of the dark.

Quote: "Go away I'm busy being grumpy."

Pet: She has a horse named Raven.

Other: She is one of the only members of the family who is good at art.


Name: Princess Evelyn Frankie Regium

Nickname: Evie

Age: 11

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Princess

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: She is the sweeter of the two sisters. She has more of a fairytale carefree Snow White personality. She is easily distracted and talks a lot. She adores the color pink and loves sparkles as any little girl does, and makes a point to wear tiaras everyday. She is very sweet and considerate loving to meet new people.

Strengths: Her ability to charm people as well as understand others when they are having a problem.

Weakness: She is really innocent and easily tricked,

Likes: Pink, sparkles, unicorns.

Dislikes: Mud, dirt, bugs.

Fears: Bugs of any kind terrify her. As well as tomatoes because of a rather bad experience she went through that will not be mentioned here. Also of rebels. She is scared they will kidnap her.

Quote: "Everything looks good with sparkles!"

Pet: She has a pony named Candy



Name: Parker Harold  Regium

Age: 4

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing (Hasn't developed his powers yet.)

Personality: Parker is a cute little diva. He is way overly dramatic about everything and you will undoubtedly see him throwing a tantrum at some point during the selection. However, he is rather sweet when he feels like it (Which isn't very often so enjoy it while it lasts) and absolutely adores his brothers.

Strengths: Parker is just so adorable he can get  practically anything he wants with just one tear. So be careful of him!

Weakness: Well Because Parker is only 4 he has a lot of weaknesses. He is a little person for one. He is not very intelligent, yet. However, don't say that to him unless you want a tantrum on your hands. And he is incredibly gullible.

Likes: Ponies, wooden sword fighting, and being with his big brothers.

Dislikes: Girls, cooties, being told he's cute, and girls. SO the selection could be quite traumatizing for him.

Fears:  Although he claims to be a fearless little boy he is scared of crocodiles, bees, and flower pots as one hit him rather hard on the head and he has despised them ever since.

Quote: This really isn't a quote but is more just one of the funny things he has said "Wait, you mean the chicken I am eating right now came from a real live chicken!" After learning this he spent a good few hours crying about how he had eaten the 'Poor chicken'.

Pet: A miniature pony named Spot.


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