The Princes

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Played by: AliceMadCheshire

Name: Marco Luca Regium

Nickname: Marc

Age: 22

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Marco is not what you would consider an easy going person. He can be up-tight, and strict always following the rules as they should be. He does not approve of rudeness, but once you get to know him he isn't too bad and with some persuasion he will open up.

Strengths: Marco is good at taking charge, and being a strong leader.

Weakness: He has a hard time expressing his feelings and connecting to people on an emotional level. Usually thinking how his actions could affect a majority of people rather then just one, which can sometimes cause that person a great deal of pain. He can be selfish and hot-headed as well.

Likes: Following the rules, people who are polite.

Dislikes: Anything or anyone who doesn't follow the rules, people who are rude and or sarcastic. (Aka Jax)

Fears: Being disowned, hurting someone he loves, and spiders. If you are looking for a prince to smash a spider on your wall look elsewhere because he will run away screaming.

Other: Out of all the princes he is probably one of the best when it comes to handling a sword.

Pet: He has a horse named Gulliver.


Played by: AliceMadCheshire

Name: Nathan Blake Regium

Nickname: Nate

Age: 20

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Nate is a total rule breaker unlike Marco. He will do anything for attention depending on weather it's pranks, tricks, breaking rules, you name it he's there! He has a thirst for adventure and if he sets his mind to something he will not stop until he finishes it.

Strengths: His huge amount of determination and drive to get things done, along with his willingness to try new things no matter how crazy they might be!

Weakness: His determination can be a strength and weakness as sometimes he will go days without sleep as his mind is too focused to try to rest. His attention span is smaller then a hamster when he is doing something he doesn't enjoy so he has a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. And he can take his pranks too far and accidentally hurt those around him.

Likes: Pulling pranks, goofing off, and just hanging out.

Dislikes: Being scolded, when his pranks don't work, and overly happy people.

Fears: Losing his family, becoming a boring serious person like Marco, and being locked in the cellar.

Quote: "It wasn't me!"

Pet: He has a horse named Rambo.


Played by: Some_Random_Person98

Name: Beckett Regium

Nickname: Beck

Age: 19

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Nerd alert! This guy...bless his heart, is just a geek to the core. There's no way around seeing that. He isn't very courageous or much more than geeky. He's awkward and not very good in social situations. He's a bit shy, but once people get to know him, the crazy starts to come out...Lots and lots of crazy.

Strengths: Very intelligent, tends to think things through, good at decision making.

Weakness: He isn't good at reading people, has a problem with people thinking he's creepy, tends to think things through a little too much, and he can't hold completely still for the life of him.

Likes: Academics, books, storms, frogs, mice, happy people, and sweets.

Dislikes: Very loud people, sudden noises (except for thunder), cockroaches, water, and uncleanliness.

Fears: Cockroaches, rebels, drowning, caterpillars.

Quote: "Oh no! You're epidermis is showing!" He yelled in disgust before covering his eyes, followed by laughter. "Ha ha! I'm just messing. Showing some epidermis is inevitable--just not too much, please!"

Pet: He has a dappled grey horse named Hippocrates.


Played by: AliceMadCheshire

Name: Theodore Cade Regium

Nickname: Theo

Age: 19

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing.

Personality: Theo is probably one of the nicest people in the family. He has just a 'boy next door' kind of personality. He has a good sense of humor and is a total people person always enjoying talking to people and making friends. He is usually pretty cheerful and has and easy time connecting with other people.

Strengths: His ability to relate to others and use his words to get out of bad situations.

Weakness: He is not overly skilled in the athletic department. That does not mean he isn't fit, he just doesn't have much, if any, hand-eye-ordination. He also is bad with blood or any other injury, and does not know what to do most of the time if someone gets physically hurt.

Likes: Talking to his friends, hanging out, swimming, pie, and being outside.

Dislikes: When people are rude to him or his family, when people don't have their own opinions and just go with everything he says, and peanut butter. He thinks it tastes awful.

Fears: Being eaten alive, -with peanut butter on him!- being framed as a murderer, and losing those he loves.

Quote: "Pie solves all the world's problems."

Pet: He has a pet horse named Rhubarb. Yes, the horse is named after a kind of pie.


Played by: AliceMadCheshire

Name: Jax Rory Regium

Age: 18

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Jax is one of the most carefree princes. He is always joking around and showing up late to everything, planning pranks, and showing off. He is nice when he's in the mood, but other times he can be snarky and sarcastic, as well as competitive, but don't let that fool you, he's as loyal as a puppy. Get to know him to find out the rest.

Strengths: He is carefree and isn't easily stressed as well as being loyal and a good judge of character as he truly is a people person.

Weakness: He can usually be really nice but will snap and become rather mean. Also he isn't a very good leader.

Likes: People who are real, sword fighting, hope back riding, and playing pranks.

Dislikes: When people lie, or are overly dramatic.

Fears: Losing his family, being alone, and death.

Quote: "Shut up! If you're going to be so loud at least be quiet about it!"
"What's the worst that could happen?"

Pet: He has a horse named Jester.


Played by Some_Random_Person98

Name: Prince Ricardo Hensley Regium

Nickname: Car or Rico. Some of the other princes and 'paupers' call him Chubs, which offends him greatly though he won't show it.

Age: 18

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: In one word, he's flirtatious. Some other words that could be used to describe him are vain, sassy, and kind of immature. He can find something funny in just about anything and will sometimes just start laughing randomly because of a funny thought that popped up in his head. He isn't a troublemaker, just not serious and a bit sassy. He's loud and a bit obnoxious and definitely wants the spotlight on him.

Strengths: Can brighten most situations, he isn't shy, and doesn't have a problem talking to people.

Weakness: He is an obsessive dieter and watches everything he eats to the extreme. He can't handle being by himself at all. He laughs at the worst times, often getting himself into trouble.

Likes: People who aren't overly sensitive, girls who don't have a problem with him flirting, mirrors.

Dislikes: Any organized meal he has to go to, dogs, and showers.

Fears: Becoming overweight, being alone, and dogs.

Backstory: Well, he was born at a very young age and had a childhood.

Quote: Rico starts snickering without a real reason.
"I'll take the local, humanely harvested, organic, purified, all natural, free range water please--and don't think about handing me a bottle of spring water poured in a cup again--I can tell the difference!"

Pet: He has a very gassy horse he has dubbed Farticus, though its real name is Spartacus.


Played by: Some_Random_Person98

Name: Prince Jebediah Benjamin Regium

Nickname: Jeb. Call him anything but Jeb at your own risk.

Age: 17

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: He is a nice enough guy, but he is stubborn as a mule. Or, maybe I should say that mules are as stubborn as him--he's that stubborn. He's more calm and quiet mostly, but if he doesn't like something, it will become very obvious. One thing he totally disagrees with is the Selection. He was forced to participate and absolutely hates it. So, to protest, he tries to ignore people as much as possible and he acts as creepy as he possibly can.

Strengths: He's got a great poker face. Good at using his special crutches or wheelchair. Mentally strong. Good at drawing and painting. Does being able to eat a lot at a time count?

Weakness: He can't walk. Physically weak. He's not always nice. Sometimes doesn't show any emotion when he's supposed to. He's very stubborn.

Likes: Drawing, food, his parrot, riding in the car, food, flowers, plants, painting, quiet. Food!

Dislikes: People asking why he can't walk, having to explain why he can't walk, flirty people, watching people flirt, the selection, horses.

Fears: Horses, stairs, heights, losing his crutches or wheelchair, and deep water.

Quote: "You know, my parents always told me, 'It's ok if that girl doesn't ever notice you. It just means that she's not worth someone like you. There are plenty of fish in the sea...'. Apparently the sea is much smaller than I thought, because by 'plenty', they must have meant that there are thirty fish, and I have to fight for one of them. What's a guy to do? I just want one good fish I don't have to worry about someone else swooping in and taking. What if all thirty are like herring or something? What if I don't want a stupid herring? What if I want a flippin' beta fish or whale shark?! Is that too much to ask?!"

Pet: He has a talking African grey parrot named Diesel, since he is too scared of horses to have one. Diesel isn't a nice bird! She will run over to anyone who gets too close to Jeb with the intent to bite! She loves him and not anyone else! She isn't a respector of persons and will bite without mercy! (Even the king himself has been victim to her biting.) And, yes, she does wear adorable parrot sweaters.

Other: He is lame--no, not like he is stupid or slow witted; he can't walk. There are problems with his legs so they aren't strong enough for him to be able to walk.


Played by: Some_Random_Person98

Name: Joshua Alexander Regium

Nickname: Josh

Age: 17

Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Job: Prince

Powers: Feature changing

Personality: Josh is definitely not the smartest person in the world some people might even consider him rather stupid, however even with his lack of brains he makes it up easily with his athleticism. He is very competitive and is good at pretty much every sport, (Except chess) which can annoy the other princes/paupers and cause them to look bad.

Strengths: Well literally his strength is his main strength if you catch my drift.

Weakness: He can be uhem how can we phrase this in a nice way? Lets just say there is not much happening upstairs. He has a hard time following conversations and gets distracted easily, kind of like a puppy, well a puppy with lots of muscles.

Likes: Anything to do with sports weather its sword fighting horse back riding or just throwing a ball back and forth he enjoys it.

Dislikes: When people speak all 'sciencey.' Or call him dumb.

Fears: Losing his strength, being considered weak, and obviously losing his family.

Quote: "Brawn over brains, wins every ti- what was I saying?"

Pet: He has a horse named Tabasco.


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