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My mom went to her company. I had the best morning in my life. After 3 years, my mom finally accepted my sexuality. I was so so happy. Suddenly i missed Beca. Oh my god. Maybe she wouldn't talk to me, she might have confused now.
What should i do now??
I was lying on bed and thinking about Beca. I wondered what she did in the party last night after i had left. I rolled on my bed and felt uncomfortable with that pretty dress. It was a beautiful dress, but not a beautiful night. Right dress, wrong time..like me and Beca, she might be my right person, just wrong time. I had to practice getting over this stuff: Forget Beca. But at first i must have found her and apologized...
I stood up and took off my outfit. It was so uncomfortable. I sang Titanium while i was taking off the dress . That was our favorite song, i meant me and Beca. She said: "hey Chloe, this song will be our song. Okay?" "okay"-"Okay" We acted as if we were Gus and Hazel in "The fault in our stars". :)

Beca said she was a badass, she hated who called her "a cutie" or something like that, but she didn't know how much cute she was. I've missed her already...
Then someone suddenly opened my door. Shit! I was naked! OMG!
I took my hand to covered my boobs and dangerous zone. Then Beca's voice came as she opened the door:

-"Hey Chloe! Are you okay last night?"


Her eyes were wide open and smirked:

-"Oops, sorry sis! Keep on! I will wait"

She closed the door. I rolled my eyes. My cheeks turned red. So shy! OMG! We used to see each other naked when we were children. After i came out that I'm bisexual, i told Beca that we shouldn't do this anymore, because of my sexuality. Sometimes she forgot and took off her outfits in front of me, I had to avoided looking her. But she looked hot as fuck, and i couldn't...ughh...she was even in my dreams...I'm so weird.
And she just saw me naked , i wonder what she was thinking then? Ughh!! I shook my head and wore my pijama.
Then i opened the door, i saw her, suddenly i felt nervous. Beca heard the noise of the door, she turned around and smiled with me:

-"Hey Chloe..!"

-"Hey Beca"- I smiled back.

Ugh, i just wanted to return the dorm and avoid Beca. I was in a big trouble. I am really a big big big trouble.

-"How are you Chloe? I heard Tom took you home"-She asked. She looked worry

-"Yeah. I'm okay. ;). My mom said that Tom took me home. I must say thank him"-I smiled. She nodded slightly.

-"...about...last night?i am so sorry"-I said to her.

she hold my hand and winked:

-"It's okay. Don't worry sister"

Okay. "Sister"

-"How is Jesse Swanson? I'm sure that he really hates me"

-"He is okay. And don't worry. Jesse is a good guy, he won't hate you, Chlo"

-"Uhmm...I hope so"-I smirked. He is a good boy? Really, Beca?...I was really a dick, i always be mad when heard Beca talked bout Jesse. Jealousy....

Hey hey!! Chloe Beale! Ughh! Stop thinking about it! Sorry her! Now!

-"I'm sorry....i...made you uncomfortable. I ruined our friendship...Do you hate me?"

She smiled and pulled me in her arms, whispered:

-"No no Chloe, i should say sorry to you...I made you hurt...Sorry, why don't you tell me sooner?"

-"I...If i had said it sooner, would you....?" I almost cried, i tried to keep my tears were not falling down.
Beca didn't say anything.
Fuck me. Why did i ask her that question? So silly, Chloe.
She couldn't answer me. I understood. Me and Beca, never ever endgame. Never.
Okay! Tears...I cried. Again.
I smiled and pulled her arms out of my body and wiped tears:

-"Sorry Beca..."

-"Chloe, we have been friends for 7 years. I don't know what to say...but i love you, Chloe...but.."

-"But not in this way, i know"-I smirked

-"Don't hate me, Chloe...i am so confused right now. Everything is...strange.."

-"I know right. That's my fault. And i will never hate you, Beca."

-"You are my best friend. I love you so much, Chloe"
She hugged me. She was so warm and i could smell her scent. I hugged her back, and replied to her:

-"You are my weirdo"

-"You too. I got you back, bestie" She smiled.

I just smiled. Maybe Friendship is better than love.
-"I'm here for you Beca Effin Mitchell"

Sorry if my grammar was wrong. :(

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