Chap 3: Mom

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I woke up in my lovely bed. Wait, how did I go home? How? I just remembered that i was drunk, but drunk in another bars, not Jesse's party....after fighting with Beca...


I slapped my forehead, tried to remember what happened last night. I looked at my dress which i was wearing. It was the dress i wore last night. Yeah, party and war. I remembered. Beca...Did she take me home? I bit my lip and deep in thoughts. Then i heard mom's voice was calling me:

-"Hello, baby. Are you okay?"

-"Morning mom"

-"You drank so much last night"- My mom looked at me and said.

-"Sorry mom, but wait. Who took me home last night?"

-"Your boyfriend. And I absolutely like him. I'm glad for you, baby!!😘"-She looked so happy when she said that.

Boyfriend? WTF?

-"Wait, my boyfriend?? I don't have boyfriend. I'm gay. You know it!"- i was very surprised when i heard that. I was shocked.

-"You are bisexuals. You are just don't know what your sexuality is. You are not gay baby"- She hugged my tiny body in her arms. My eyes were wide open. I still wanted to know "my boyfriend"

-"Who is he?"

-"He introduced that he was Tom, your boyfriend." -

-"Oops! fuck him"- I felt angry

-"Your language, young lady. He looks nice, huh "- my mom said and smiled. She looked so happy when i was home with a guy. Okay. She hasn't admitted the truth. When i was 16, i decided to come out with my parents and Beca's family. My dad was okay, he always support whatever i do and whoever i am. Beca's family felt okay too. Of course, Beca was the first person knew the truth. "i totally support you"-That's what she said. She knew all my secret, except one thing that i love her. I have hidden it for 3 years and everything was destroyed completely last night. :( I suddenly remembered last night, I shook my head to forget it. And about my come-out story, only one person couldn't handle that was my mom. She was shocked, she cried a lot but time passed, everything was better. Although she secretly admitted that i was bisexual, she still wanted to changed me to be a real-girl. Ughhh...
Mom waved her hand to make sure that i was okay because i hadn't replied her for a while.

I deepened in my thoughts and forgot that I was talking to my mom.

-"Hey are you okay, Chlo?"

-"I'm fine, mom. Just thinking about something"

-"Tell me what happened"-She asked me gently.

-"Just a problem between me and Beca. It's ok. Don't worry"-I smiled. I didn't want to tell her the truth.

-"You know, Chloe. I will always be here whenever you need help..."

I looked in her eyes and said:
-"Okay. I need your help. Mom, I'm I'm sure. I am not bisexual anymore. So can you...? Mom, i really want your support. That's the only thing that I hope you can help me."

I decided to say this. I hoped she could accept me. After everything, i knew that i was not obsessed with boys anymore, like Tom. I didn't have any feelings for them.

My mom was in silence for a few minutes. But then, she smiled gently, sat in my bed and brushed my hair:

-"That's okay baby. It was difficult for me at first. But now it's ok. I've learnt a lot of things to be a good mom. If i don't support you, i'm not a good mom. Chloe, I love you, i don't care whoever you are, what sexuality you are. You are my lovely princess, and you will be my daughter forever..."-She pulled me in her arms.

- "Don't worry, your mom is here..."

- "Mom..."

I felt so tiny in mom's arms. I made her disappointed. My tears started falling down:

-"Thanks mom. And sorry, i made you sad. I'm not a good daughter..."

-"You are stupid. You are my daughter. I must be the person who said sorry. I always hope you have a boyfriend and maybe you will change. When i saw a boy took you home last night, i was so happy..."-She was crying too.

I suddenly felt so so guilty:

-"I am so sorry. He invited me to the party. I attended and hoped i could find someone for me. Tom likes me, but i don't know, i don't like him. I do not have any feelings for him...i..."

-"What happened last night, baby? You drank so much"- She worried

-", are you ready to hear it?"-I felt so nervous

-"...about Beca?"- She brushed my hair

What? She knew?

-"Why do you know?"- My eyes were wide open. Very surprised.

-"When you was really drunk, you said Beca's name and apologized to her. What happened?"

- "I..."

- "Baby, you can tell me everything. Don't worry."

-"...i love, and she knew it."

-"awww i know this"


-"The way you look at her...oops! I'm your mom, baby, i know everything"

-"That's embarrassing..." - i felt timid. My cheeks were red like apples.

-"That's okay. Baby. So Beca knew, right? What did she say?"

-"She has crush on a guy in school. And i saw him leaned to kiss her. I was mad and punched in his face...well..."

-"Wow. That was brave lol!" - She laughed. I haven't seen she laugh like this for a long time. Maybe since the day i came out.

-"...but mom, Beca.... She said she didn't want to mess up our friendship. So i accepted. But how my life will be if i keep meeting her everyday, talking or touching ...we even shared our bedroom. It's hard for me"- My tears were falling down as i said.

Mom pulled me into her arms again. She was so warm.

-"Everything will be okay, baby. Thing you should do now is brush your teeth and have breakfast. After that, you and Beca should talk about last night. By the way, Lucky for you, it's Sunday today and you don't need to go school" - She slapped slightly my back.

I smiled and wiped tears in my face.

She stood up and said:

-"Okay baby. I put your breakfast in the kitchen. I have to go to the company now. There's some trouble now. Have lunch and dinner yourself, baby. Me and your dad are busy tonight."- She winked😉

-"Bye mom"

-"Bye baby. Fighting!"

-"Wait, mom..."


-"i love you and thanks"-i winked

She smiled and winked to me with her gently voice:

-"You are welcome"

The best morning of my life. :)

P.S: my english is not good. So sorry and please don't judge me

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