Summer Love (P.6)

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It's 6 PM now, we still can't find way to go out this forest. Oh my god, 2 girls in forest.

-"We will be eaten by bears or lions, won't we?"-I am so scared.

Chloe laughs: "Now show me your badass. Haha. Beca weak Mitchell"

-"Hey, i am not. Who doesn't scare? Tell me that you don't??"

-"...Forget it"-She smiles-"Do you have flashlight or something can light? It's quite dark now"

-"No...i don't have..but we have phones."

-"Yeah, so go find dry wood, i have a lighter here, lucky!"

-"You smoke?"-I am quite surprised.

-"No, for Tom. He smoke."

-"Oh...Tom"-I smile reluctantly.

-"I'll try it someday"-She winks.

-"Crazy youngster"-I smirk.

-"Okay, weirdo, let's find dry wood or we can be eaten by something...."

She suddenly stops...


-"AHHHH"-I turn around and start creaming.

There's nothing. Shit! Red threatened me! She lied to me! Ughh! Holy holy shitty. I was really scared. Damn it. So embarrass.
I turn head to Red, make angry face.

-"Hey, Fuck you!"

-"Haha"-She is laughing-"Haha, sorry not sorry, where's Beca Effin Mitchell?"

-"I hate you"

Chloe pinches my cheeks and smiles:

-"Hehe, you're so cute, little mouse"

-"Ughhhh..."-I pull her hands away.

-"Haha..just kidding, Mouse."

I pretend to be very angry and say nothing.

-"Hey, just kidding, I'm sorry, sorryyyyyy, don't get mad at me, pleaseeee"

She begs me with puppy eyes. I actually can't stand those beautiful blue eyes.

-"Don't make that face"-I glance and smirk

-"You love it"-She winks.

I laugh and roll eyes.
Everytime she does the "Puppy-eyes", wink, or being heart beats fast. Now i know why boys always like her although she admitted she's gay.

-"Go find woods, it becomes dark now"

-"Uhm"-She grins
Tom Jordan's POV:

Beca and Chloe have been losing.
I and Jesse'd found them, but saw no one.
We said we had gone first and found another way for us to climb easily. We'd gone for a long time because of the difficult road. When we came back, we couldn't see them. I and Jesse found them everywhere. Then we thought they might have returned the hotel, so we decided to go down the mountain. But when we backed to the hotel, we didn't see them too. We worried and phoned them, no signal. We announced to police to find them. Because of dark sky, they still can't find Chloe and Beca.
Hope everything will be fine with them.
Please god help them.
I am worrying for them. I wonder where they are now. I'm waiting for calls from police, hope they will be okay.

Jesse stands in front of the mirror and put on his black jacket. Where is he gonna go while his girlfriend's been losing. I glance at him and wince:

-"Where are you going?"

- "I have something to do"

-"Something more important than your girlfriend?"-I angry

-"Hey hey, calm down, we have polices, okay? Sit here can't solve anything. So...i have to go"-He sits on bed and wears his sneakers.

-"I can't understand you, Jesse Swanson! We don't even know if they are dead or not"

-"We will know soon. I have to go now"

-"JESSE!"-I shout angrily.

He turns head to me and winces: "What?"

-"Do you love Beca?"


He doesn't answer me.

-"Why, Jesse. You really wanted her, and now...? What happened?"

He sighs.
We are in silent.
I'm waiting for his answer. I know he's not that kind of people. He is actually a good guy, a best friend.
He sits down the bed next to me and sighs. He looks down the ground then looks at me.

-"I don't know Tom. I don't have any feelings for Beca..."


-"Yea, i don't know. At first, I'm impressed by her beauty and ability. She can sings like me, she is beautiful, she's talent...but...we don't have the same dream, same passion, same hobbies...She dislike movie, she wants to be a DJ, while i just want to have a romance story with her. And...She tells me about Chloe almost time...i don't care her friend, you know. I just care her, but she didn't understand...i don't know..i just need time.."

Beca told Jesse about Chloe? Did Becs tell him about Chloe have crush on her?

-"What did Becs tell you about Chloe Beale?"-I am curious...

-"Just something about their daily story. ...Boring"

-"You don't love her?"

-"Not really, i just...need time. I still love her, but not much...i don't know.. Please don't ask me about this. I still wanna date her and hope i can change her..and we can be a dream couple like i used to dream...."-He sighs

-"You know, can't change her. Never ever. If you love her, you will accept everything about her..."

Jesse looks at me and nods slightly, doesn't say anything..but i know he understands what i said.

-"Uhmm...but i have to go..please call me when you hear anything about Becs and Chloe..."-He stands up and walks to the door...

-"Okay...Bye"-I nods slightly.

Jesse left. I can't sleep because of Chloe&Becs.
I go out the beach and sit on the coast. A sky full of stars. They are beautiful, just remind me about Chloe. She is a weirdo with beautiful blue eyes, she is a shining star in my heart. I don't think one day i can have crush on a lesbian, i have many girlfriends, but she is the only one who denied my love. She is special person.
i love her?Of course, i always love her.
But you can't make someone loves you if they don't want...and i do not want Chloe loves me if she don't want...
I want her happy with her real-person, i will be a friend who always support her.
Sometimes you know, Friendship is better than Love. And i just wanna keep our friendship like this forever.
I lie on the coast and see the dark sky.
I wonder where they are now.
Hope everything is fine with them.

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