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-"Hey, Chloe, wait for me"

I run after Chloe.

-"Oh come here"

We are climbing mountain. Jesse and Tom are going behind me and Chloe.

-"So tired."

-"Fighting, Beca"-Chloe gives me a bottle of water. I take it and drink immediately. Chloe looks at me and smiles.

-"Huh? Smile what, Red?"

-"Nothing...just look at you funny"-She grins.

I glance at her. "you're such a weirdo"

I turn around to Jesse and Tom, who are going behind us.

-"Can we have a rest. I'm tired"

Tom says loud:

-"Yes. We should"

Then i and Chloe sit down without thinking. We are so tired. Jesse and Tom come to us. They're so strong, like they don't feel anything calls "Tired". I think if i go on now, i will die soon.

-"Hey, girls, sit here, i and Tom will go find easy way to go."

-"Okay" - Chloe says and i nods agree.

The guys have gone.
Just only me and Chloe here.

-"Well, two girls lonely in forest, we might be eaten by a snake, Won't we?"-I joke

-"You scared, huh?"-Chloe smiles

-"No way, i just worry for you, Red. You're just a little girl hehe"

-"Really? I will go with Tom and Jesse, can you stay here alone?"-She smirks

-"Seriously? Hey...don't do that. I know you won't do that, right?"-I look up at her and grin.

-"I will, haha, just kidding"

I smile slightly then look down the ground. God! I'm so tired. Why Chloe and those guys are so strong? Just feel ashamed because i always said Chloe that i was a badass, i would protect her, i didn't know what scare is..bla bla..

-"You seem so tired. Do you need a back rub?"

-"What? don't need...just a little tired"-I stammer.

My face is suddenly turning red. shy..ugh...

-"Boys have gone for a long time. Why so long?"-Chloe asks

-"Uhm..Maybe we should find them."-I stand up and carry my bag.

-"But you're tired. Just take a rest..."

-"I'm okay. I'm stronger than you"-I wink.

-"You're so weird, Mouse"-She grins

-"I said you don't call me that"-I pretend to be angry.

-"It's fucking cute, mouse mouse mouse mouse"-She jokes.

-"Shit. Why sometimes i love you so much?"

Shit. I just said something bullshit again. ughhhh!!! i hate myself!
She just looks at me and smile. I'm quite confused because of that smile.

-"Give me your hand. I will pull you up"-She says as show me her hand

-"Thanks Red"-I smile and hold her hand. So warm...

-"I official hate climbing"-I

-"It's interesting, isn't it?"

-"Nope"- i wince

-"you're such a weirdo"

She looks at me and smiles gently. I always know Chloe is hot, but I've never realized how perfect she was when she smiled before.
I've acted so weird recently. Like I've in love with Chloe. I don't know. Nope, nope...Maybe I've thought so much. I'm straight, i have a boyfriend. I shake head to forget what i thought.

-"Ugh..Bec..There are 2 ways now, which way we should go?"

We are standing in front of a crossroads.
Holy shit. HOLY SHIT! Hawaii is HEAVEN? I hate it

-"Serious? We don't even know where they go."

-"Oops..don't say to me they've lost"

-"Phone them"-I say as i find my phone in my bag.

-"Beca Effin Mitchell, are you kidding me? We are on a high mountain. Phones are useless now"

-"SHITT!! I forgot! I'm so silly. What should we do now?"

-"uhmm..Let's try to call them"

-"Uhm.." Then we call their name, but no one reply.

-"We should find them. Go this way first, then back and find the second one. Okay?"-I point at the right way. She nods.


I and Chloe call Tom&Jesse as we are walking. But we see no one.
We've gone so far but we still don't see Tom and Jesse. Chloe seems tired, so do i...

-"I don't think they are here. No one reply us. Maybe we should back to the start."

-"Uhm"-I nod.

Ugh. Now we have to back to the start.

We just keep going and going until i can't walk anymore.
I'm so tired. I stop and wipe sweat on my face.

-"How do you feel, Beca?"

-"My legs..."-I sit down and rub my legs.

-"We should have a rest. We've gone so far, why i can't see the start?"

-"Are you sure this is the right way?"

-"I don't know...oops, don't tell me we are losing."-She wince

-"I hope we are not...But..i think so"-I sigh, then drink water.-"Water, Red?"

-"Uhm, yeah, thanks."-She takes the bottle from my hand and drinks

-"What time is it? I am so hungry"

-"oh...3:05 PM"

-"WHAT? We've found them for 3 hours"

-"I think we are actually losing. Damn it"-She winces and slaps her forehead.

-"Chloe, I'm hungry"

-"Wait for me...I've brought few breads"

-"Thanks god...Wait, i wonder if Jesse and Tom have anything to eat"

-"They're lucky than us. Tom's brought foods. He tried to bring all things but his bag couldn't contain anymore. So he gave these breads for me..."

-"Lucky, so we don't have to worry anymore about foods and water. The only thing we have to do is find them and get out of this damn forest."


I look around, all are trees. And so many branching roads. I surprise and look up at Chloe:

-"Wait, Red, i think we have many branching roads here...shit..fuck...ugh..I'm blind!"

She turns and looks around then yells:


We might die here. God blesses us.

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