10. The 7/7/x777

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A/N : I hope you're liking what your reading guys :)

At the guild

" You guys are still feeling down ? " Ezra asked looking at the dragon slayers of fairy tail

" what's wrong with you ? you aren't yourselves today . What's going on ? " Mira asked

" simple : today is when our dragons disappeared , we just miss them you know ? " Natsu explained not moving from where he was . He was sitting on a table his head on it and his hands hung lazily .

" today's the 7/7/x798 , they disappeared the 7/7/x777 . It's been 21 year " Wendy sighted

" so many sevens...." Cana sweat dropped

" you too gajeel ? " levy asked " giving your personality , I don't think you had the best relationship with your dragon " gajeel being gajeel , just huffed in respond

" I'll take that as a yes "

" anyway has anyone seen Lucy ? I haven't seen her all day " Mira asked sightly worried , that sentence caught everyone's attention

" now that you mention it , I haven't seen her either " Ezra said in thought

" let's go check it out " Natsu said getting up . And so Ezra , Natsu , Wendy , levy , Cana , gajeel , Carla , happy and even gray and juvia who haven't said a word , all made there way to Lucy's house , and of course they entered from the window.......To there surprise they found nothing .

" I-it's empty , and her sent ! It's kinda fading , she hasn't been here from this morning " Natsu said sniffing around

" what if she left us ! " Wendy asked

" don't say that ! Lucy wouldn't do it , besides all her belonging are still here , even her cloths " Cana said

" maybe she went on a small vacation or something ? " gray stated

" let's ask master " Ezra said , and thus they made there way back to the guild and strait to master macarov's office . Ezra knocked a few times before she herd a small 'come in' signaling her she could now open the door . After opening it they all entered , The master was kinda shocked , so he cleared his throat and composed himself

" what can I do for you my children ? " he asked

" master , w-we can't find Lucy , no one has seen her all day . We checked her apartment but Natsu says that her sent is faint and she hasn't been in the house since this morning ! " Ezra said quickly , she was worried like everyone else

" I see....please everyone calm down Lucy is safe and sound . Yesterday , I think....or was it the day before ?......anyway she came to me and asked me if she could go to the heartfilia state . Apparently today the 7/7/x798 is the remembrance of her mother's death and she wanted to go to her original grave and look around . That's all , don't worry she'll come back . " macarov proceed to explain . Levy looked around thinking

" what's on your mind shrimp ? " gajeel asked , and everyone looked at levy

" w-well , I find it kind of strange . I mean what a coincidence ! the dragons disappear and Lucy's mom die . I have a bad feeling about this " levy said still thinking

" oh come on levy , you think too much ! Lucy's going to be back in no time you'll see " Cana said cheerfully

" I hope so..." Levy mumbled

" now that everything's settled......GET OUT YOU BRATS ! " makarov shouted and everyone obeyed , closing the door behind them . He sighted and took out his favorite magazines witch were about sexy girls in swimsuit and those kind of things . Oh man what kind of gramps is he.... ( A pervert obviously XD )

" stop worrying about it levy , it's just a coincidence , there's a million people who could have died the same day " Cana said and returned to one table drinking some booze with some other guild members

" even I am starting to think that there's something up " Natsu said making a thinking face

" Ohhh flame brain can think that's new " gray insulted

" what did you say striper ? " Natsu asked

" are you deaf FLAME BRAIN ? " and they began to fight , again

" DO I HEAR FIGHTING ? " Ezra asked with her menacing dark voice , oh yeah don't forget that dark creepy aura that surrounds her

" fighting ? What ? No ! We're besties why would we fight ? " the two were acting friendly , each one had an arm hung on the shoulder of the other with a big smile on there faces

" good ! I'm going to eat my cake " Ezra said leaving , as soon as she left all hell broke loose , and the two started fighting again

Seriously , they are things that never change . While other might turn your life upside down....

Lucy's POV.

I woke up to someone playing with my hair , and an arm around me pulling me closer to whoever this person was . Natsu ? Wait no the hands are feminine , besides why would Natsu play with my hair ? Just then it came to me , everything that happened yesterday . Going to the heartfilia state , the vortex thingie , the dragons , Celeste , the dragon world , my mom.....everything . S-so it wasn't a dream ? One way to find out....

I opened my eyes , but shut them quickly because the light blinded me . I shifted a little and yawned , than I opened my eyes once again this time succeeding, in keeping them open . I looked at my mom who was still playing with my hair , smiling at me . I placed my hand on her cheek and started to rub it with my thumb .

" you're real....." I mumbled staring at her and she chuckled probably hearing what I said

" of course I am Lucy , what did you think ? " she asked me calmly

" that everything that happened yesterday was a dream . I-I was afraid t-that I would wake up and you'd be g-gone " I answered honestly and cuddled with her , burying my face in her neck , as she rubbed my back with one hand and held me close with the other . I parted from her and sat up

" oh my god...." I mumbled

" what's wrong ? are you ok ? " she sat up and started to check me for any injuries or anything

" y-yeah , b-but the guild , I have to go back they must be worried . I told master makarov that I would come back...." I began ranting , mumbling under my breath

" calm down , time flows differently here . 1 day in the real world is 2 month here in the dragon world . And 1 month in the real world makes 7 years and 6 months here . The thing is we don't really age , so it's like your in the real word . " mom explained after that she didn't say anything , and I proceeded everything in my head .

So far I'm in the dragon world , mom isn't dead , apparently I'm the princess of dragons and other creatures , meaning mom is the queen , meaning she knows every type of magic , meaning that she's super powerful and couldn't beat zeref and acknologia . If that's the case how am I supposed to beat them ?

" simple , by learning the thing I didn't learn " she replied to my question

" what ? H-" I was about to ask when she interrupted me chuckling

" you were thinking out loud honey . Come on , lay back down we still have time , and it's still early " I did as she said and cuddled with her , but we were still awake . She started playing with my hair again.....when I was little she would do that all the time , so I don't mind , actually I enjoy it , it makes me feel calm and all fuzzy inside . I feel like a cat saying that , aww but who cares ?

" mom ? "

" hmmm ? "

" the dragons were talking about a potion that would help me remember what you made me forget , so what about I take it now ? " I said and looked at her

" now ? Why not later ? You just came " she whine and hugged me closer , I chuckle

" this will make me sleep , and when I wake up , remembering everything , we'll spend time together . I want to call them with there names , not the white haired lady or red head man or something . " I said and she chucked a little

" alright , we don't want that to happen . This white haired lady must be grandeeny the sky dragon , and this red head man would be igneel the fire dragon " she informed

" I knew it ! " I said smiling

" oh really ? " she asked amused

" well yeah , I saw there dragon form . They're just like how Natsu and Wendy described them . There's still metalicana , I want to see how he looks like , but given gajeel's personality , I kinda don't want to meet him . " I told her

" it looks like you enjoyed yourself at fairy tail " she said

" how did- "

" I was always watching you from a magic lake , but I couldn't do it all the time . i know what your father did to you , I know that 7 years of your life were waisted on that island , I know you have a lot of enemies , I know that you have gone through hell with this guild and always came back victorious . And I know about what happened to Aquarius....." I frowned at her last statement

" n-now that you mentioned it , Celeste did tell me about this magic lake ."

" don't change the subject young lady " I frowned more , if that was even possible , and looked down " don't be sad Lucy , Aquarius didn't really die , it's just that you won't be able to Summon her anymore . But who knows ? Your going to train for the next 7 years and 6 month , witch is only one month in the real world , and your going to train with Celeste she might have another way to summon her . I'm sorry I don't really know , I've been through the basics and didn't learn everything , but we will never make that mistake again , you'll go through all the training , with the dragons first , than with the gods , than with the fairies , and the demons . But don't worry because the elements of the dragons are basically the same as the gods , they just use them in a different way , and for the fairies and demons it would be easy too , you'll learn how to teleport , to turn into a demon or call upon one to help you . " she explained

" fairy tail is my home . zeref is an enemy of fairy tail , and acknologia is one too . Meaning they're my enemies as well and I'll do everything I can to help . But I'll have to tell master makarov about what's really happening , no need for the guild to know though " I looked back at my mother with determination in my eyes

" ok , I give you permission to tell makarov . Now before you write this letter , I'll call grandeeny to get you this potion , than when you remember everything , you'll write the letter and after that we'll spend the day together , so what do you say ? " she asked me

" yes please , that would be awesome . I think I'll call Virgo to get me something from my apartment "

" and what is this something ? May I ask ? "

" w-well , after you d-died , and dad became......um.....harsh , I started to write you letters everyday about how my day was , s-so I want you to have them , since your alive " I told her

" Ohhh Honey....... Anyway there's a lot of training cloth and stuff you won't need anything , just get the necessary " she said , got up and made her way to the glass door , she opened the curtain and the bright lights of the sun entered the room , she then proceed to open the glass door and got out on the balcony . A bird came flying and it looked like she was.....talking to it ? The bird nodded and went to who knows where . I looked at her confused

" oh you must be wandering what happened " she said chuckling " I talked to the bird so he could get grandeeny to come here he's really nice you know ? " I looked at her more confused as she continued to laugh " don't look at me like that . are you hungry ? " I nodded

" I'll call for breakfast " she said and made her way to the door , 2 guards stood there waiting , the same uniform as the ones who were in front of the gates . Wait , what ? Yesterday I don't remember seeing them , but then again I don't really remember anything from meeting mom and staying with her .

" my queen , good morning " they said bowing

" good morning you 2 . please , we talked about this before , no bowing to me "

" we're sorry " they said and bowed again , mom shook her head , I can already read her mind without needing any magic or power : they are things that never change . Well that's what I would say if I saw Natsu and gray fighting again .

" it's ok , I don't really mind , anyway could one of you please tell a maid that my daughter and I will eat breakfast in my room ? " she asked politely

" yes of course , my queen . Breakfast will be in your room in no time " one of the guard said and bowed , again

" thank you very much , I'll be waiting " after that she excused herself and closed the door . Than she sighted

" they never change " she mumbled . Hah ! What did I tell you ? Ok not the exact same words but still " did you summon your spirit ? "

" o-oh , I'll summon her . You know I managed to collect all 12 golden keys " she smiled at me as I said that . I took out virgo's key and held it in from of me " open gate of the maiden ! Virgo ! " just then , a lady wearing a maid's uniform , with pink hair and blue eyes appeared

" punishment , princess ? " she asked , as always , that's Virgo for you

" Virgo , I'm going to act like I didn't hear it , like every time..." I said and mom chuckled beside me . Virgo turned to look at her , then she look back at me , than at her , then back at me , and at her , me , her , me , her , her , me . Wait what ?

" p-princess since when did you have a clone ? " she asked still looking between us . Mom and I exchanged looks , than we laughed loudly .

" s-sorry , hehe..... Virgo this is my mom , Layla " I said gesturing to the said person

" O-Ohhh , I see . You looks a lot like her "

" she's my mom "

" makes sense " she replied , and for once she smiled , not that poker face , I smiled back " anyway did you need anything ? "

" ohh yes , actually would you be so kind and get me the letters I have in one of my drawers in my apartment ? All of them please . "

" I'll be right back " she said and then she disappeared in thin golden air . I sighted and leaned on the headboard

" are they all like that ? " mom asked sitting beside me

" not really , you have a flirty guy , a pervert one , the copy cats , the 'I'm alway sorry' girl , the 'I'm cool' guy , the medieval guy , the 'I always want a punishment' maid . There's more but I like all of them , even though sometimes they're annoying " I concluded , just then Virgo appeared again with all the letters in her hands .

" thanks a lot Virgo " I said smiling at her , and she's back to her poker face . I think her and rogue from sabertooth should be sibling if she wasn't dead

" no problem princess , anything else ? " she asked and someone knocked on the door

" well if you want to eat breakfast you can stay , other than that , thank you " mom answered the door and a maid entered putting us our breakfast on a small table that was in this big room then went back to the kitchen or something and closed the door behind her

" it was no problem at all princess , now if you would excuse me...." She said and disappeared , back to the spirit world

My mom and I sat and ate breakfast , it was nice they were eggs , bacon , pancakes , Orange juice and probably a coffee for mom . We ate in silence until

" HELLO MY......2 princesses ? " Loki appeared out of nowhere , looking at us confused

" Loki !!!??? Where are your manners ? "

" I thought you were alone , not with your clone " Loki said " oh it rhymes..."

" well I'm with my mom , why don't you come and have some breakfast with us ?? " I asked him " if it's ok with you mom " I looked at her and she nodded smiling at Loki

" no thank you , but you have some explaining to do to all of us princess , we're kinda confused " he said adjusting his sun glasses and going back to the spirit world

" some spirits I have " I mumbled shaking my head , making my mom chuckle , and we continued eating. after that grandeeny came and I took the potion . I started to feel sleepy so I laid in bed

" Lucy , baby , are you alright ? " mom asked worried

" sleep...." I mumbled before falling into a deep sleep full of dreams , or more like memories....


Another fast update XD
I'm going to start to put numbers on the chapters and I'll edit the others later
These comments are making me want to update more , so plz don't stop commenting :)


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