15. Who are you ?

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Lucy's POV

It's been a week and I perfected my celestial dragon roar , I didn't fully master it yet but , I'm close . Today I'm going to learn the celestial dragon iron fist and maybe a celestial dragon secret art : blazing stars . Just the basics......

" before we start , I want to ask you something " I said

" yes of course princess , what is it ? "

" this thing the celestial spirit King did to my arm ? Umm...."

" I get it.......Concentrate a little magic to your right arm " I did what she told me and soon enough 15 signs appeared , I recognized the 12 familiar zodiac signs and the 13th forbidden one . But I don't recognize the 14th and 15th , my silver and bronze keys weren't put on my arm as tattoos or whatever stach face did......so it can't be one of them .

" Celeste , there's something wrong ! What's that ? " pointing to a tattoo that looked like a sword with a star in the middle and another one like a dragon

" oh that ?! That's a sign for the celestial spirit King so you can summon him and the dragon one is me " she said casually pointing at the two signs respectively

" w-what you can't be serious !?? " I said shocked

" but I am " she said smiling , I felt so happy " now on with the training ! "

" okay " we went outside and did the routine : running , push ups , sit ups and breakfast....after that

" okay princess , you have done so much in so little time !!! Anyway let's get down to business ! " Celeste said cheerfully

" yeahhhhh ! " I cheered with her

" ok this one is kind of like the celestial roar , but concentrate your magic in your hands , and shape it around your fists....."

" like this ? " I asked while my eyes were closed , I was concentrating

" yes very good , but your using normal celestial magic not celestial dragon slaying magic . But your getting somewhere at least......now imagine the stars , and do the same as you did with your magic....." As she said that I concentrate more , I began to sweat sightly , but ignore it and continued to do what I was told

" now come on punch me " Celeste asked


" princess we talked about that more than once , I won't get hurt , I promise..." I opened my eyes and glanced at my hand before looking back at her . They were surrounded by a dark blue light , like the night , with stars .

" o-okay then....... Celestial dragon : iron fist !! " I shouted and punched her , she caught my fist with her hand , but I pushed her harder and she started to move away from me leaving a small trail of dirt on the ground . I screamed and used more force and magic than I intended to......... Celeste went flying and hit a rock , breaking it to little peaces . I stopped my magic , and the light around my fists vanished , then I rushed to her worried

" CELESTE !! I'm so sorry ! Are you okay ? Are you hurt ? Do you want me to call grandeeny or- "

" A-Are you kidding me ? "

" h-huh ?! " I was taken aback but what she said

" THAT WAS GREAT !! " she looked at me with stars in her eyes " you did it from your first try just like the roar....your really awesome princess " she said the last sentence with a warm smile on her face

" t-t-thanks I guess ? B-but more importantly...are you okay ? " I looked at her worried , checking for any injuries or anything

" I'm fine , princess , I'm fine . Don't worry about me " she stands up and proceed to speak again " now do it again , come on and don't hold back ! "

" b-but...."

" Luuuucyyyyy....." She said with a warning voice and she glared at me . I flinched and did what she said . I learned that dragons can be very protective but you don't want to get on there nerves . When I do something wrong they call me by name but other than that , it's princess this princess that.....*sight* you can't but love them....

We did that all day , then before the sunset (taking from the whole dragon world / don't forget that Celeste's island is always night with stars ) .... I was exhausted by then and needed rest but my training today wasn't finished , I still had to summon my spirits and perfect my 'stardress' forms

" okay princess , I think this is enough for now . Go rest , you deserve it "

" b-but you said you may teach me a secret art today..." I whined like a child

" no , not today , maybe a week later after you perfect your dragon roar and fist , and after you can summon all your spirits at once...."

" Ohhh come on.....pleeeeaaaaseeee , just to try...." I continued whining

" I don't know.....you're exhausted....and..."

" Celeste....." I looked at her with my best puppy dog face

" o-okay then , but don't look at me like that , especially with THAT face " she said glaring at me

" yaaayyyy !!!! " I cheered happily , I see her shake her head with a smile then she looks at me

" okay then......to do the blazing stars , you must concentrate around you , imaging pulling the stars toward you , it's kind of like eating them , but different at the same time . You have to make them get down from there place to all around you especially to a target , but you have to pull them in a way they'll get down fast . I'll make it more simple , imagine having a shower , imaging the water how it goes down fast to wash you , that is how it should be.....fast , all around you especially on a target..." Celeste explained

" wow.... I'm going to try it ! " I said cheerfully , I was so eager to learn , Celeste watched me a bit of worry and hesitation showing in her eyes

I closed my eyes and started to concentrate my magic to be like a gravity to pull the stars toward me , I made the gravity more intense pulling the stars faster toward me , then I tried to spread this 'gravity' around the area . Since my eyes were closed I wasn't sure if I was doing it right or if I was doing it at all ! Celeste was so quite , I could be making a fool of myself and just standing in front of her , but I kept going , I didn't really care . I continued to do what I was doing , and I felt like I was drained of magic power , I was panting heavily already . I opened my eyes weakly and looked around to see a bunch of small holes in the ground around me . I turned and I saw a shocked Celeste In front of me

" I-I-I c-can't believe it ! " she whispered , but with my new hearing , I heard her clearly

" Celes- " I couldn't continue, as I started falling to the ground , but before I even could touch it , arms wrapped around me

" your crazy...." Was the last thing I heard before blacking out

When I woke up , i was in a bed , I sat up and looked around , then I got up and started searching for Celeste . Then while searching , I passed by a mirror....

" really !!?? how did this get there !!? This thing is getting annoying..." I grumbled , my crown suddenly decided to show up on my head , seriously this thing has a mind of it's own !! it suddenly appeared !! And of course the white dress and long golden sandals . I sighted , oh well.....I kinda got used to this....craziness......
As I neared the front door of the house I started to hear unfamiliar voices...... What ?
I listened closely ,

" I've missed you my love " a masculine unfamiliar voice said . Who the hell is that ?!

" me too my darling , me too....." that voice....Celeste

" Anti ! Anti ! Anti ! " a small child's voice screamed

" Anti Celeste !!! We missed you !!! " another child's voice screamed

" ohhhhh , my powerful nephews are here !! I missed you too you know ! What a surprise! Thanks for bringing them here galactic " Celeste said , wait ?! Who's this galactic guy ?!

" no problem anything for you love , besides they begged me to bring them with me , I couldn't say no , so I asked your little brother and he agreed " this 'galactic' guy said , Celeste has a little brother ? And nephews ? She never told me any of this......but then again I barely know her.....and here I thought I knew everything about her....we'll have to talk later....

" but , you know you can't stay here for long , you have to return to the city , along with those two little brats " Celeste said in a mocking tone

" HEY !! " the two children screamed playfully , I chuckled

" b-but , Celeste , we just arrived a few minutes ago...." Galactic said

" I know but as leader of the celestial dragon tribe , I'm appointed to protect and teach the princess , and right now she is resting , she doesn't need anyone to disturb her . Y-you have to leave , now " Celeste said , movement could be heard , I think she turned her back to them or just turned her head away from them , she's really touchy and can't really deal with situations like that . At least I know her enough to know that

" Celeste , love , I- "

" galactic take them and leave now.......please " Celeste said with a quivering voice , there was a said dog like voice coming from galactic I think

" me won't leave mate now " galactic said childishly . Ohhh so they're mates , they're destined to be together , well I read some werewolf stories and I assume it's the same....right ?

" we won't leave Anti either ! " the children protested along with galactic

" not you too..." Celeste sighted " please don't make this hard on me "

" then let us stay ! " by then I had opened the door and was leaning on the door frame , but no one noticed me yet , Celeste was in her dragon form , beside her stood a gigantic masculine dragon , he was taller and larger than Celeste , he had golden scales but darker than Celeste's .....then there was two little cuties beside him one was dark blue like the night with some white tach , and the other was white with black tach .

" galactic....didn't you hear what I just said !?...the princess- " I decided to cut her off here , she deserves to have some fun , right ?

" -the princess wants to be introduced to your mate and nephews ! " I screamed , and that's when all the attention was on me , oh god how much I hate getting attention.... I pushed myself of the door frame and started walking toward them with a big welcoming smile

" that wasn't nice Celeste , keeping secrets from me ? Huh ? " I teased her , I just couldn't resist

" p-Princess , I-It's not what you t-think , they were just about to leave......right ? " Celeste said nervously . I rolled my eyes playfully . I ignored her and turned to the others with a smile , they had stunned faces , I looked at them with a confused face turning my head sightly to the side , what ?? when they didn't react I shook my head sightly and decorated my face with a bright smile .

" hello , my name is Lucy heartfilia , pleased to meet you " I bowed sightly showing respect

" that's the princess ? " the black dragon with white markings said

" starlight !!! " Celeste scrolled one of her nephews but she -taking from her name witch sound feminine- ignored her

" so cool !! Can we touch her ??!! " the white dragon with black marking said with excitement

" Galaxy !!! " Celeste scrolled him -his name sounds like a boy -

" P-princess , I-I deeply apologize for there behavior , please d-don't punish them ! T-they will leave at once ! " she said shuttering , I looked at her shocked

" C-Celeste , w-what the hell are you saying ? Since when did I ever punish anyone ? You make me look like a bad person " I looked at her kind of angry , then I sighted and sat on the ground like a lady should : legs on the side , my right hand with the fairy tail insignia resting on them and the other supporting me on the ground , I closed my eyes for a second . Then I felt two little head nudge me , I opened my eyes and looked at the two little cuties , starlight was on my left , while galactic was on my right . I reach my hands and started scratching behind there ears , they started to purr and advanced slowly toward me till they sat very close where I could reach them easily

" your such little cuties !!! Your so adorable !!! " I giggles as they purred louder after that , we fooled around for a bit and played together , me chasing after them...

" p-princess...." A voice called

" huh ? " I looked up at galactic to see him looking at me

" my apologies for not introducing myself earlier , I am galactic , Celeste's mate . I humbly ask of you to not be mad at her , she didn't have the best childhood , so she is used to punishment....if you get what I mean " he said , Celeste and I gasp and I stopped what I was doing earlier . I know what he meant.....and that was bad.....

" galactic ! W-why would you say that ? " she had tears in her big eyes

" I am deeply sorry , my love . It's an honor to meet you princess " he said bowing

" no , no the honor is mine . No need to bow to me . I'm just a regular human " he smiled and sat down calling the two little dragons to go sit beside him . I looked at Celeste and she was still in a daze . I got up and went to her , I sat near her leg and hugged her . She looked down and sat curling up around me , she looked at me with teary eyes and I returned it with worried ones . I hugged her huge head and started to sing her a small lullaby to make her feel better . After a while I looked around to see everyone sleeping , wow was it THAT effective ? I decided to try and sleep.....

I was woken up by a loud roar , that sounded like a worried call , I got up and was surprised that the dragons were still sleeping . I approached the two little dragon who were cuddling with galactic , I wanted to wake him up , but keep Celeste sleeping . As I was about to poke starlight and Galaxy . The earth shook all of a sudden , and a loud roar startled me to death , it scared me so much I was shaking . I hesitantly turned my head to find two large dragons , one bigger than the other , one was like starlight and the other was like Galaxy . I suppose we slept and there parents got worried that they came searching for them . BUT , THE HELL ??!!! I'M NOT A THREAT TO YOUR CHILDREN !!!!

The male , I presume , roared loudly in my face making my ears hurt and making me back away from there children till My back hit a tree . I won't fight back , I won't....they're just protecting there children , but still......please don't eat me oh nice and pointy teeth dragon....pretty please ?!

" w-wait ! I-I can explain !!! " but the two wouldn't hear and continued roaring in my face I covered my ears and closed my eyes as they were about to attack , despite the loud roar of the two dragons in front of me , I could hear my heart that wanted to burst out of my chest . Can't they see the crown on my head ? Or the resemblance with there queen ? Oh my god help me

Just then a louder roar was heard making them stop in there track and look at the source of it , I opened my eyes to see an angry Celeste . God she was pissed...... Galactic, starlight and Galaxy were behind her watching the scene . Celeste roared again making the other two dragons back in fear

" s-sister I-it's me , your brother , planet , and his mate . Our children didn't return , so we came searching for them.....when we saw this filthy human was going to harm them ! " he said the last part glaring and growling at me , by now I wasn't leaning on the tree anymore I was standing straight , my hand clasped with each other in from of me . I just looked at the ground frowning

" let me tell you , my dear little brother- " she had so much venom in her voice that the little dragons coward behind galactic who was kinda scared too . She's there leader after all , meaning she's superior right ? "-that , that 'filthy human' is your princess " she finished and growled

" wha- what ?! "

" I'm sure if you look closely you can see the resemblance between her and queen Layla , beside why don't you look what's on her head ?! OR WHERE YOU TOO DAMN BUSY ??!! " she suddenly shouted

" Celeste ! He's your brother...it's ok , I'm fi- " she interrupted me

" NO ! It's NOT okay !! That's not a subject that should be taken lightly ! He's my brother , if ever something happens to me , HE should be protecting you , along with the other dragons . BUT NO !! Look what he's doing instead !! " planet lower his head to the ground . I go to him , well to his leg , and look up with a reassuring smile while rubbing his leg

" I'm sorry planet " I apologize

" w-what ?....." He asked shocked

" I shouldn't have gone too close to your children , my dearest apologize " I said and bowed a little , while knowing very well that a very VERY angry dragon was gonna burst at any moment , but a single glare from me , Made Celeste restrain herself . Well for as long as she can.......

" I-I should be the one apologizing for being so foolish princess . Please accept my apologies . But we were blinded by rage when we saw you near our children that we didn't really care who you were and......" He trailed off

" it's alright , you were long forgiven " I said smiling brightly " now if you would excuse me , I have a wild angry dragon behind me , to tame " I said winking , they all chuckled except for Celeste who was fuming

" Princessssss......" Celeste said in warning

" if you would excuse us we must leave " planet said " come on children "

" I must leave too , it's been an honor meeting you personally princess " galactic said

" the honor is mine galactic , planet and his mate " they nodded and prepared to go back to the city that was about 10 minutes from here , I don't really know because I never went there but I intend to , the children came my way and buried there faces in my arms , I hugged them

" bye little cuties " I waves with a big smile as we parted

" will you play with us again princess ? " starlight asked

" of course ! I can't wait to see you again ! "

" yeah ! Us too ! " Galaxy said excitedly . They smile and flew to there parents who were waiting for them , along with galactic , in the sky , then they all flew away . Galactic gave a last worried glance to Celeste before he turned and continued his way slowly disappearing in the night shiny sky . I turned to see , a still angry Celeste , sitting there . I sighted and walked to her , I laid on her stomach and she curled up around me , keeping me warm

" thanks Celeste......for everything "

" I'm still mad at you princess.....but tell me something ? "

" hmmm ? " I hummed

" I don't understand , why didn't you protect yourself against them , while you clearly could..."

" because they were just protecting there children , I just couldn't hurt them . And besides.......I know your always there to protect me....right ? " I said as I drifted asleep

" oh princess.....you're gonna be the death of me "


An update !! Yayyyy . It's long too . Anyway I'm planing on doing a nalu one shot . And no ! no lemon !
Anyway I'll tell you when it's out .


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