18. The tables have turned

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Lucy's POV

The dark arrows that hit my celestial shield vanished , the barrier stood it's ground protecting everyone from further attacks , better stay on guard

" well , well , well.....if it isn't fairy tail....." I knew something wasn't right here . I could feel it from a Mile away......literally .

" who's there ?! Show yourself you coward ! " Natsu screamed looking around , before he started running and banging on my barrier to go and search for whoever attacked us

" Natsu ! You idiot ! Sta- " he looked at me and just then I noticed other black arrows going in natsu's direction and some on the other's direction , but the others were safe " Natsu !! Look out ! " he looked ahead of him with wide eyes . I groaned and gritted my teeth extending my barrier a little more just in time . Even if the arrows hit the barrier he was there and he was too close he could have got hurt , even thought the barrier was extended and a little distance from him , he got send back a little from the force . From the look on his face he wasn't happy

" who the hell are you ??!! " Natsu screamed

" I bet he's the one behind those huge crazy giants....." I mumbled , but apparently he has super hearing or something

" that would be correct young lady , your pretty smart , I give you that......"

" cut the crap , and get out of your hiding place ! " grey screamed frustrated

" my , my.....why so angry ? " I could feel this person smirking , he was making fun of us ! Who is this persons anyway ?! I wanna know !!

" you better come out or we will force you ! " erza screamed getting inpatient

" ohhhh....? But I don't think your little blond friend here would let you out of her protection...." he said . well he wasn't completely lying , but we're fairy tail , and I believe they can win against....umm....whoever this person was ! This is getting really frustrating !

"....especially after this......" Something collided with the shield , and a little crack was seen , just after that a hundred of dark arrows were send our way . Damn it ! I'm running out of power ! The barrier is going to vanish soon , I'm nearly at my limits . Maybe if I remove my limiter......no if I do that they'll find out about my secret , besides this person shouldn't be hard for the others . grey , erza , Wendy and Natsu.....they're all strong , and I believe in them . It doesn't look like he's gonna stop his assault any time soon , I was trying my best to protect them , but it's getting more and more difficult , as my magic power was nearing zero and the attacks were getting more powerful . Wait a second......the key ! I have been storing magic in the key ! I could get some just to protect them

" Lucy ! " Natsu screamed in concern , he must have noticed something , he knows me too well . My back turned to them , I started absorbing a little magic from the key who started glowing golden , just a little so I wouldn't collapse , I was planing to keep a lot of magic in the key for when I truly need it , but for now I only need a little , the others could take care of the person . Then soon enough , I was the one glowing

" I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS ! YOU HEAR ?!! " I screamed at the anonymous persons .

" Lucy......" Wendy whispered , I could feel everyone looking at me but now wasn't the time to get distracted . The attack stopped after a while and the barrier was still standing .

" hmmm impressive, I was pretty sure you were completely drained from magic power from your fight with the Giants "

" I've had enough ! Show yourself already ! " I screamed angrily

" sorry but I came here for a purpose , and I'm done seeing what I wanted to see . You have entertained me , and for that I will reward you by seeing me again sometimes soon . This isn't the end......fairy tail "

" hey ! Come back here ! " grey screamed

" aye ! " happy agreed

" hello ?! " Wendy screamed , no answer

" you bas- "

" that's enough Natsu ! He's gone he won't hear you " erza said

" and how do you know that ? "

" aye ! He might be watching us , still hiding somewhere " happy said

" no....he's gone " my back was still facing them as I spoke , but I could feel there gases on me

" and how do you know that ? " Carla asked

" I don't feel any negative presence coming from where he was in the forest . And to be more sure why not ask Natsu or Wendy ? You guys can smell if he's still here right ? "

" oh yeahhh " Natsu said , he was probably sniffing the air now " Lucy's right he isn't here anymore . But his smell....its familiar , I just can't remember who "

Now that we confirmed that he's or she's or whoever it is , is gone , I deactivated My barrier . I took a deep breath , I was feeling exhausted , drained , and kinda light headed , all I wanted to do was go home take a shower and have a good night sleep , but that would take a while since the ride home would take time . I turned around , my eyes half open , to find everyone chatting about what happened . I started to make my way to them , but I was never able to arrive at my destination....


The stellar Mage started to fall , and a certain someone instantly was by her side catching her , not letting her fall to the ground , after that he proceed to carry her princess style and make his way back to the others .

" Wendy ! "

" right ! " apon hearing her name from Natsu she understood what she had to do , the fire boy put the blonde on the ground gently , and the little blue haired girl started to do her magic

" so ? " erza asked after a while of silence

" she's alright just drained of magic power . A few hours of rest is all what she needs . " Wendy explained

" good " erza said

" no wonder , she did protect us from some damn powerful attacks , plus she summoned 2 spirits and helped us fight " grey said shoving his hand in his pocket , everyone agreed . Natsu took her back in his arm sightly tightening his grip on her . and then they made there way to the mayor's house to tell him the good news

" before we go , are you guys alright ? " Wendy asked worried

" we'll be fine , thank you Wendy . A little rest is all we need , what about you are you alright ? " erza asked , Wendy nodded and they continued there way . When they arrived at the village , they were met with hopeful looks on people's face

" we bring back good news " erza stated making everyone cheer with happiness

" thank you very much fairy tail , we will forever be in your depth , if there's anything we can do for you , please feel free to ask " the mayor said handing them the money , and that's when he noticed " oh my ! Is she going to be okay ?! "

" yes don't worry , she just needs some rest " Wendy assured

" well , we have to go back to guild now , so good bye and thank you for the money "

" no please , stay here and rest for the night , you need it " the mayor said

" we can't , even though your offer is tempting . But as you may know , after the giant incident there aren't a lot of trains that pass by . So we have to hurry and catch up with one , plus the ride is long " erza explained

" t-train...." A certain dragon slayer was feeling uneasy just by the name of a transportation

" I understand , a-are you okay sir ? " the mayor asked

" aye , he just gets motion sickness " happy informed

" really ?! I get them too , that's why I always carry with me some anti motion sickness pills . Here take these , they aren't much , but that's all that was left , I'll buy some later when the village is repaired . It should last you for a week or so " he got out about 7 pills from his vest and handed them to Natsu

" really ?! You don't mind ? " Natsu asked happily

" not at all , take them " the team , especially Natsu , thanked him and left . Natsu was still carrying Lucy , so after taking one of the pills and boarding the train , he decided to lay her head on his lap and play with her golden locks . He would always lay his head on her lap as she played with his hair , excluding the times when erza would knock him out and put him with the luggage , plus Lucy would always make him feel better , so why not return the favor ?

The tables have turned , And for once it was Lucy laying in natsu's lap in the train resting peacefully , the team soon fell asleep , still thinking about that mysterious person . who could he be ?


Okay not the longest , nor the bast chapter. But.......
Anyway thanks a lot guys for all the views , votes and comments . I'm very happy when I read what you wrote and I try and answer everyone as soon as I can ^_^

There's something important , I don't know if I should make this fanfiction with my favorite ships ( nalu , gruvia , gale , JERZA , miraxus......) or I should keep it neutral for everyone to enjoy . Tell me in the comments what you think please


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