20 . 3 weeks later

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Warning : long chapter XD

Lucy's POV

It's been 3 weeks , 3 weeks since the last mission for team Natsu . Strange right ? Since Natsu would probably go on a mission everyday if he could , I myself am kinda curious as to why he hasn't asked me on a mission yet . i kinda miss the adventures you know ?

Today I'm thinking of picking a job myself , and if Natsu doesn't want to come , then I guess it'll be a solo mission for me . But I doubt he would refuse . Right now I'm making my way to the guild , plue is walking beside me in silence . Sometimes I wonder what plue can actually do , I mean every spirit has something special about him/her , so why not plue ? And before I could think about anything else we were already in front of the guild

" pun puunnn ! "

" huh ? You sure ? You can stay if you want you know ? " I said looking at his small shaking frame

" pun ! "

" okay then ! I'll see you later " I said cheerfully waiving my hand as plue disappeared into small golden light that floated in the air for a while before they too disappeared . I opened the big double door , and greeted everyone, who greeted me back in return . I spotted Natsu sitting at a table eating some food with happy beside him , so I made my way to that table and sat opposites of him

" hey Natsu " I greeted

" yooo lushyyy " he greeted back with a mouth full of........I don't know what he's eating exactly but it's food

" you wanna go on a job today ? " I asked with a hint of excitement in my voice

" yeah sure ! Go pick a job " he said after he gulped down another bite of whatever this food is .

" and you happy ? Are you coming ? "

" aye ! " he said and continued eating his fish .

" where's grey , erza , wendy and carla ? "

" popsicle and the demon aren't here yet , as for wendy and carla they're on a job with chelia from lamia scale . but we can still go together if you want , just like old times " Natsu replied

" okay then...." I stood up and went to the requests board

" still can't decide , aye nab ? " I asked the African looking boy who is always in front of this board . I never saw him pick any jobs , he just stares at them , I wonder what's his magic ?

" huh ? Oh Lucy , hey there . Here to pick a job I see "

" yup , what about you ? " I said while looking at the available jobs . I need a job that pays money but doesn't require much effort . Well I'm okay with any job , heck even the S-class jobs are easy for the new me . But if I suddenly go picking dangerous jobs while I usually go for the easy ones , someone might get suspicious

" ahhh well , you know me " he replied with a smile . I finally found the perfect job . Capture a bunch of bandits hiding in a forest near the town , that should be easy and the reward is 200 000 j . 100 000 for me and the other for Natsu and happy , with that I'll be able to pay my rent and have some more cash in my pocket

" well I'm off , if you want I could pick a job for you " I offered nicely looking at him

" nah I'm fine , go have some fun " he replied looking at me

" okay , but you should consider that waiter job there " I said pointing at the paper " you could get 50 000 j easily without much effort , anyway see you around , bye " and I walked back to Natsu but I still herd him mumble

" she's actually right , I think.....for once.....I'll be taking a job " I smiled , happy that I could help a friend , and my smile grew bigger when Natsu approved saying that I picked an awesome job . We made Mira stamp the paper and then we were off . Next stop : whiterun city ! Well it will take a while , it's a long ride for Natsu . The poor guy . He laid on my lap the whole time , but he was able to sleep the 2 hours ride

" LAND !!! OH SWEET LAND !! I'm never leaving you my darling . I'm never riding the monster again ! " Natsu screamed not minding the people's stare , they're probably debating if he's crazy or not . Witch he is totally insane right now

" uhhhh Natsu , come on let's go we have a job to complete and if we hurry we might be back home at night " he just stood up and we started walking to the Mayor's house

" ne Natzu , why didn't you use the Anti motion sickness pills you got at our last job ? " happy asked

" huh ? " I looked at happy confused . Did they go on a job without me ?

" because there is only 6 of them , and later it won't work on me anymore just like Wendy's spell . So I'm keeping them for more important situation . And no Luce , we didn't go on a job without you , it was the one of the big Giants , you were knocked out when we got our reward " he replied looking at happy and then me

" how did you- "

" you said it out loud Weirdo " he said giving me his signature grin and putting his arms behind his head

" lushy is stupid "

" shut it tom cat ! "

" lushyyy isss stuuupid " the little annoying ball of fur sang

" why you....." I was angry and a dark aura formed around me as I glared at the flying cat

" Natzuuu !!! Lushy is scary " happy said as he went to hide behind Natsu

" I had it with you- "

" enough you two , we're here . Come on hurry I wanna kick some butt ! " Natsu butted in the fight and walked ahead of us

" next time you won't be so Lucky.....cat " happy shivered as i whispered those words in his ear . I chuckled darkly as he sped up and was beside Natsu in seconds . Okay maybe that was a little overboard, but he started it ! So it's his fault ! We took the information we wanted from the mayor and got to action , it was pretty easy . Natsu took most of them while the rest was taken care of by Loki and some with my whip .

" that was too easy " was natsu's statement as we exited the mayor's house after collecting our reward , and apon arriving at the train station we were surprised to meet some unexpected people

" flame brain !? "

" ice princess !? "

" what the hell are YOU doing HERE !!?? " the two said in sync while pointing with there index finger at each other

" erza ? grey ? what are you guys doing here ? " and while the 2 idiots began fighting erza replied

" oh Lucy ! Since you , Natsu and happy went on a job . We decided to go on a job as well since we needed money . But we never thought we would meet you here "

" wow , well you weren't at the guild and I wanted some money and couldn't wait so....." I said scratching the back of my neck nervously while looking at the ground

" no worries , would you like to come with us ? " she asked and sightly turned around to find the two 'friends' with there arms around each other

And as soon as she turned back to get my reply , they started fighting again

" really ? You wouldn't mind ? I would really appreciate it . But on one condition.....you and grey will get the reward , we're just here to help " I replied ignoring the two behind erza , I was kinda exited

" but-"

" no buts erza , we already have money , you don't " I reasoned

" if you insist " she said closing her eyes for a second as she crossed her arms

" well , what's the job ? "

" hmmm it is kind of unclear , we need to solve a mystery in order to find a ancient ring and then bring it back to the mayor , for 500 000 j "

" wow that mayor sure is rich " I mumbled

" did you say anything lu-" just then Natsu hit erza . he probably earn a powerful punch from grey , but he didn't mind and continued fighting . As for erza......well that's another story . Dark aura formed around her , her eyes were no longer visible , she slowly - and creepily might I add - turned to the two idiots who cower in fear

" e-e-erzaaaaa !!! "

" I didn't do anything " said happy as he flew to my side

" Natsuuuuuu ! Greyyyyy ! " she's scold the two menacingly while dragging there names slowly , and suddenly Natsu and grey were smashed to the ground , and I think they lost there souls not sure though . The demon - I mean erza turned to me , back to normal and clapped her hands like she's removing some dirt , she then cleared her throat and proceed to speak

" as I was saying , let's go to the mayor and get more information on the mission "

" o-okay " I said a little shaken . We walked to the mayor's house , well except for Natsu and grey who where dragged by erza and happy who was flying . We were there in seconds and just as we were about to go in the 2 idiots woke up

" we're back ! " yelled Natsu happily raising his fist in the air , earning a punch to the head by erza

" you idiot , this isn't the guild " she whispered " I apologize , please don't mind him " she said bowing a little to the mayor

" it's you again " he whispered smiling " no no it's fine . not to be rude but , why did you come back here with two of your friends miss Lucy ? Is something wrong ? " he asked

" w-well , no , actually we met at the train station . It appears that you have another request that they happened to take . So we're here to help " I said , and for fun , I smiled at the though

" I see , you must have the request of the ancient ring . Come let's have some tea while we talk " he said walking to the living room and we followed , sitting on the cough and taking the cup of hot tea that the maid did , slowly drinking it . While Natsu and grey , well for once they were doing fine .

" as stated on the paper . We need to solve a mystery in order to find an ancient ring , is that correct ? " erza asked setting her empty cup on the small table , the mayor nodded

" yes , you have to solve the mystery with these clues , I already have 1 . The one I have , will take you to the place where you need to start searching . But they say it's full of traps and other mysteries to solve " he explained " oh ! And I should warn you , lots of you tried but no one was able to even begin the quest "

" awesome ! Oh man , why didn't I notice this job before ! " I literally had stars in my eyes , everyone looked at me curiously . I cleared my throat before saying with a nervous smile " s-sorry but solving mysteries is kinda my thing , hehehe... "

" it's fine "

" say......if you don't mind me asking sir , why do you want that ring ? For what purpose ? You don't really have to answer if you don't want to"

" it's alright you deserve to know . you see my grandfather was an adventurer , and he tried whatever he could just to get this ring but he could not get it . He spend years trying and trying and trying but to no avail . I went with him countless times , and I enjoy it a lot . I even tried to solve the mystery myself when he was.....well......gone...but it proved to be more difficult than I expected . I just feel like i should try and get the ring . I hope this little story answers your question miss Lucy "

" yes thank and sorry "

" like I said it's alright , I don't mind . if I did I wouldn't have told you anything " he replied kindly

" well , did you find anything while trying to solve it ? " erza asked

" I managed to find something , but it isn't much . All I know is that the location is somewhere near here , other than that......I'm sorry , but you'll have to do the rest "

" don't worry sir , that was really helpful " grey said for the first time in a while

" he's right , at least we have a limited radius to look at . If you could please give us a map of this city and her surroundings with the names that could be really helpful . Oh and the clue you were talking about please " erza said

" yes of course , I have a map , as for the clue It's wrote on a paper from an ancient book , here take it . I'll be in my room if you need anything , and the maids are available if you are hungry . just ask " we nod as he climbed the stairs to the second floor

" Food !! " natsu yeeling trying to run to the kitchen but erza got him by the hem of his shirt and glared at him , giving him a silent warning

" fine then read it out loud erza " Natsu said pouting . Hmmm natsu and grey were really quite a while ago , I wander why ? Strange.......Erza nodded and started to read

" hurry take a shelter
You feeble , foolish Mage !
Quickly dispatched ,
Worthless weakling ,
Though this riddle I gladly claim
A diamond in the rough , I find ,
Shining gems from feeble mind
Now die , and curse my name ! "

" uhhh.......what ??! No wonder no one was able to start this job , what the hell is that ?!! " a shirtless grey yelled , honestly I'm impressed he could stay with a shirt up till now . Natsu was still trying to proceed what erza said , keyword : trying . Witch he failed miserably , well that's Natsu for you . It was the same with happy and erza they were clueless

" Lucy ? Any ideas ? " erza asked still looking at the paper

" could you lend me the clue for a sec ? " she nodded and handed it to me , I looked at it for a while , examining the ripped paper closely , I looked at the table to find some papers and pencils . I went there and started copying the riddle

" uhhh....Luce ? What are you doing ? " Natsu asked

" you'll see " I said finishing with the writing , and examining the paper again

" it looks like lushy has a clue how to solve it " happy said

" Natsu ? I want you to smell this paper and tell me what it smells like " he took the paper without questioning me and sniffed it , while the others looked curiously

" ancient, if that wasn't clear enough . And dust " I narrowed my eyes looking at the paper suspiciously

" anything else ? "

" it has that strong smell of smoke , but the smoke smells weird " I nodded . ha ! I knew it !

" one more thing Natsu . Could you light your fist on fire please ? " he looked at me with a confused face , but did what I asked anyway . I went close to him and let go of the ancient ripped paper . as it started burning , grey freaked out

" are you crazy ?!!! " just then the little smoke the paper created while burning wrapped around my left arm , in a arrow like Tatoo . as I moved around the arrow moved pointing to one specific direction . I smirked , too easy . I looked at everyone to see shocked faces

" close your mouth guys , you might catch flies " I said and started laughing , after a while I calmed down and there were back to there senses . Well...kind of

" h-how did you know ? " erza asked

" easy....it smells like smoke , I read it somewhere in a book "

" and what if it was near a fire , or someone smoking was in this house ? " grey asked

" if you looked closely at the paper , you could see small ashes glued to it , and the touch of the paper , it was......unnatural , well unnatural for an ordinary paper . " I explained , and they were back to shock mode

" you know a lot lushy " happy said in awe

" yeah yeah thank the books I read . Now come on , who knows when this thing will disappear " I urged everyone as I motioned to my left arm Where the Tatoo thingy , or whatever , was . They snapped out of it and we got to action , but before we exited the house Natsu yelled

" Oi !!! We're going , we found a clue . Be back later ! "

We started running in direction where the arrow pointed . Erza had brought the map , the paper I wrote the riddle on -I did it just in case we used it- and some other blank papers and pencils just in case we would need them . On the way I received some complements from erza and Natsu , I thanked them and we continued our way

" I hope we're close , because it's fading " I said , looking at the fading smoke around my arm

" come on , run faster everyone " Natsu yelled

" I have a better idea ! Happy ! take Lucy and use your max speed we will catch up later , Natsu will follow her scent ! " erza yelled

" good idea erza ! " I yelled

" not so good , lushy is heavyyyy " happy complained . that cat is gonna get it one day !

" shut it tom cat ! This isn't the time , come on " as soon as I finished my sentence , I was levitated to the air

" aye sirrrr ! ready lushy ? Point the direction . Max speed ! " and we were gone in a flash ! I pointed the directions to happy as best as I could , we arrived in front of a cave when the smoke unwrapped from my arm and went inside . So that's the place.......it wasn't that far after all . Happy put me down on the ground gently , and we sat there waiting for the others to show up . After about a minute , my sensitive ears picked up a sound . Huffs and gasps with crushed fallen leafs......Definitely them . We waited a little longer and here they are , the poor guys were desperately gasping for air .

" sit down guys , come on , take a break . Here I brought some sandwiches with me . I thought i would eat them with Natsu and happy , but turns out our jobs was easy . I made plenty , since Natsu eats a lot . No offense Natsu " I said handing everyone a sandwich

" non taken " he said smiling happily as waited excitedly for me to give him a sandwich . I giggle , how childish . There was still more for round 2 . So everyone had 2 sandwiches to eat , except for happy , I gave him 2 fishes instead . After a while of resting , we looked at the entrance of the dark cave

" are you sure this is the place ? " grey asked

" yes , the smoke that was around my arm , entered the cave "

" well then , let's go ! " erza said with determination

" just a second erza " I went back in the forest and returned with some sticks , leaves and vines .

" what are you doing lushy ? "

" torches , Natsu is the only one who can light our way with his fire . I could cast a celestial light spell , but it takes too much energy " as soon as the last word came out , I had 2 torched in my arm . Natsu lit his fist , and the torches , I gave one to grey and one to erza , and we were off looking around

" watch out guys , the mayor said that it's full of taps " grey warned . As we went deeper and deeper into the cave , we started to see strange drawings on the walls , and then we saw it . An exit . We kept going and reached the sunlight , it burned our eyes so we had to cover them with our arms . After our eyes adjusted to the sunlight we looked around and we were surprised to find......a temple , a big ancient temple . Yes you heard me - I mean read me right . A . BIG . ANCIENT . TEMPLE . There was even a water fall

" wow , well I think all the traps would be in there " I blurted out , everyone agreed

" but to thing that such a place still exist , and it's still intact " erza said awed

" yeah we made a huge discovery here " I said , the temple was big they were vines everywhere around it , I bet if we remove them it would be beautiful . The vines and the ancient rocks that were used to construct this building made it seem like we're some treasure hunters or something , all that we needed was some appropriated cloth

" princess ! " I stiffen for a second before realizing who it was

" Virgo ? What are you doing here ? " I asked as I turned to the blue eyed maid , she had some cloth in her arm . Oh well talk about mind reading

" I thought you guys might need some appropriate cloth for this kind of adventure " she replied with her poker face

" I don't think - " I started but was cut off

" thank you Virgo . A moment shall be lived with his appropriate cloth , food and everything else . For example this ! We need those cool and awesome hats , with wimps and Ropes and a belt , with a simple shirt and pants . just like the real adventurers " erza said dreamingly , I sweat dropped at her

" no worries , I have everything you need including the Ropes , the belts and the wimps " Virgo said with a satisfied voice , and handed everyone some cloth

" this is stupid " grey mumble

" did you say something......grey ? " the red head demon asked

" t-this is c-cool ! " he said nervously , and erza was back to normal . While Natsu was laughing at grey but a single glare from erza made him shut up .

" well I'll be off then " Virgo bowed and disappeared back to the spirit world , we took a while to get dressed but after that

" come on everyone let's move , but be on your guard . The adventure has just began " erza stated and we entered the temple

On the inside I was super exited , I mean imagine yourself a treasure hunter going in ancient ruins , discovering things no one has seen in millions of years , fighting the dangerous traps courageously......oh my god ! Suddenly the ground shook . And a giant appeared and started attacking grey and erza . Natsu and I hurried to their aid , but the giant pained no attention to us . Anyway he was easily brought down by a simple punch from the red head , as she shouted angrily

" YOU WILL NOT RUIN OUR ADVENTURE TIME YOU STUPID GIANT ! This reminds me of my first picnic...."

As we walked inside with new torches I made , we found more of those strange painting on the walls . I got closer to examine them

" impossible ! " I whisper yelled . Everyone came beside me

" what's wrong Luce ? " Natsu asked

" this is unheard of ! "

" what ? " grey asked

" Egyptians ! " I exclaimed still not believing this discovery " here take a look , it's hieroglyphics ! " I pointed my torch toward the wall so they could see

" hero what ? " Natsu asked

" not hero idiot , hieroglyphics . that's what these paintings are called , that's how the egyptiens wrote things a long time ago. " I explained

" and what does it say ? " grey asked

" I'm not very sure , but if I'm not mistaken they're talking about a pharaoh and his wife . How they lived , And how they met . Their story continues down on the walls of the temple . It seems they were powerful " I said as I turn my head to look further down the temple

" wait phao ? " Natsu asked

" no Natsu . It's pharaoh , he ruled over all Egypt . More like a king if you prefer " I looked at him for a second and then I looked at the paintings again

" so his wife......the queen ! " Natsu said smiling , like he discovered something big I nodded

" yes Natsu , the kind and queen . And it looks like they were the most powerful of all the kings and queens that passed on the Egyptian race . " I said reading what is written on the wall , oh well that elder dragon was right when he said that learning this would be useful . But I never thought I would actually use it

" Lucy , keep reading what you can and tell us . These informations might be useful " erza said , she has been quite for a while , I nodded and we continued our way but slowly as I continue reading

" It's stated here that the two King and queen , were deeply in love . The king once called a powerful Mage and asked him to create a unique ring that could protect his beloved when she's in danger , he promised him money if the ring worked . As soon as the ring was done , the king took it to his wife and told her to wear it as it will protect her when she's in danger "

" wow " happy whispered

" on the same day they were ambushed by bandits , the ring worked as a powerful barrier formed around the queen and 2 creatures appeared to fight her enemies while the king fought bravely , defeating the 10 bandits in minutes with the help of the two creatures . they returned home safely and the Mage got his money . Since then Mage's were deeply respected in Egypt . Later on another ring was made for the king . The ring of the king would summon a powerful creature to fight at his side in battles as well as to protect him from any danger - I should totally add things like this in my novel ! "

" Lucy , this isn't the time " erza stated

" oh yeah sorry , my beautiful writer mind got carried away . It seems there is 2 rings not one , Anyway....in this time Egypt was at peace , having people mastering magic to empress the king or build powerful weapons that would help the Egyptian army . The king and queen died in peace , when their ages were over and the God Anubis , God of the dead , wanted them in his realm " we continued down the only path and came across a room

" wow " Natsu said running in there but before he could I stopped him

" wait , let me read the inscriptions up there first "

" you sure know a lot lushy , how come ? " happy asked , and everyone looked at me probably having the same question in mind

" ahhh well you see , when I was little we had a big library at home , and I was alone so the only thing I could think of was reading . I read a lot and learned a lot , plus my father obliged me in studying different languages including this one , and I thank him for that . I never thought I would use it " I explained with a smile and they nodded smiling , believing my half lie , what ? it wasn't completely a lie , don't judge !

" so what does it say exactly ? " erza asked

" let me see....hmmm....
do not enter this room
Or else you'll be doomed
If your a descendant of the almighty king and queen
Step in without fear "

" that sure means we'll be facing a trap " grey said as I wrote this on a paper , just in case

" prepare everyone " erza said

" finally some action ! I'm all fired up ! " Natsu yelled exited

We opened the door and entered inside , there was another hallway , so we started walking cautiously . As we got further down , no traps were activated

" I thought there was supposed to be some traps now ! Where's the action !? "

" Natsu ! Don't go all crazy now " I scolded him and he pouted . We continued further and further till we reached another room . No trap in sight , not a single one . That's strange , if I recall correctly, Egyptians were very good at making traps especially to protect the tombs and treasure of there kings and queens . and these inscriptions stated that they were the best , the most powerful and the most respected of all . that mean this place should not allow anyone in at all cost , then were are the traps ? this place should be full of them . not that i'm complaining

" we need a way to light the room " erza stated

" leave it to me " I said " celestial light ! " as soon as those words left my mouth I started to glow then the light dispersed to all the room , and the big room was revealed . The main visible thing was the big double door in front of us

" nice going Lucy , now let's search around , if you find anything just yell for us to come . Lucy your the translator here , try to figure out how to open this door " erza instructed we all nodded and everyone went their seperate way . I looked at the big door , wow how could they build something so....so beautiful and so big ? I got lost in my own thoughts for a while , when....

" Luce ! Come here for a sec would ya' ? " Natsu yelled

" coming ! " I replied and made my way toward him , as I approached , I saw big drawings on a wall

" what are those ? "

" let me see " I said as I started reading the writings on the wall , just bellow the pictures

" so ? " happy asked

" those two creatures are the ones that come out of the queens ring to protect her , like I said before while telling their story - "

"- as for that one , it's the creature that comes out of the king's ring to help him in his fights "

" Wowwww , cool ! " Natsu yelled seeming exited , I laughed

" yeah right ? it's stated here that these creatures are called titans....hmmm....interesting...."

" WHAT THE HELL !!!??? " grey suddenly yelled . We all hurried his way

" grey ! Are you alright ? What's wrong ? " erza yelled

" T-t-this....thing ! " he said pointing at a painting . We looked at it only for me and Natsu to shout

" EHHHHHHHH ???!!!!! "

" oh my " was erza's statement . The blue cat started laughing . There . On the wall . Was a picture of the pharaoh and his wife . And . And they look like me and Natsu ! (I drew it on my iPad on an app it took time . I took the pic from Google . just search nalu in Egypt or you know what , look down )

" tsuna and ylcu " I mumbles reading their names ( tsuna kinda like tuna XD , and eel-sou. Kinda like feel you but it's s . You know what pronounce it like you want XD )

" even their names are alike . Look ! if you shuffle the letters you get Natsu and Lucy " happy said laughing , then there was a flash , I turned and saw him with a camera " Mira has got to see this ! "

" don't you dare you stupid cat ! "

" this isn't the time ! come on its probably night time now , let's finish this and go back " erza said

" your right . Aw look I found inscription there , just beside the picture " i siad

" yeah ! Luce your the best ! " Natsu said , I blushed and thanked him

" but to think that they look exactly like you two " grey said

" wait a minute..... The riddle we read before coming in ! Just a sec " I said as I took out the paper

" do not enter this room
Or else you'll be doomed
If your a descendant of the almighty king and queen
Step in without fear "

" that must be the reason why we could enter so easily , why no trap was activated " I said

" yeah because of you and Natsu , so that's why......no wonder the giant at the entrance only attacked me and grey " erza said

" y-yeah , anyway.....let's see here.
If you wish to take the rings
Then it's an impossible thing
Only the descendants might enter
If they stand correctly in the center "

I looked at the big door , the carvings....

" I- I think we have to stand there and do like the picture . I mean Natsu and me "

" okay , I'll do it " Natsu said

" lushyyyyyy , look what I found " happy said in a teasing tone , I looked around and my eyes grew wide

" no way ! " I said crossing my arms and looking the other way as the blue cat snickers

" but you have to , if you wanna complete the job " he said

" come on Lucy , it's not that hard " erza said and glare at me , I sighted and went somewhere no one could see me . seriously ?! it's there job not mine ! i did all the work ! but then again i accepted to help . I came back and saw Natsu wearing the king's cloth as I was wearing the queen's cloth . We stood on the platforms holding hands just like the paintings and then the eyes of the king and queen started to scan us or something , it emitted a green light . another flash was seen . that cat is asking for his death !

When it was done they glowed with a golden color , and the door opened , permitting us access to another room .

" Natsu ! We did it ! " I said enthusiastically

" yeah , we did it Luce ! all because of you ! " he replied with his signature grin . We entered together while the others stayed outside as I instructed , what if there was a trap ? We took the rings , and made our long journey back to the mayor's house . But before going there we slept in a hotel in the city . The next morning we got to his house and gave him the rings

" I can't believe there's not one but two rings . More importantly I can't believe you guys did it " he said happily

" turns out we have the descendants of the pharaoh and his queen " the little blue ball of fur had to open his stupid mouth . A tick mark appeared on my head

" pharaoh ? I had no idea they were Egyptian artifacts " the now shocked mayor said

" here take a look " happy showed him the photo , the mayor looked from the photo to me and Natsu then back again and again till his head started spinning

" what a coincidence ! Here this is for you then , oh and this " he said handing Natsu and me the rings while grey and erza got the reward stated on the request paper witch was 500 000 j

" but sir - " I was interrupted

" look here miss Lucy , it was really nice to see what my grandfather spend his life searching . But I have no use of it , and I don't intend on selling it , while the rightful masters of the rings are right In front of me " the mayor said " so please take it "

" thank you , we really appreciate it " Natsu and I took our respective rings and put it on . We thanked the mayor again and we were off . back to the guild . Things are getting a whole lot better .


Hello there !!! So a long chapter . I hope it wasn't boring , I even added a few pics here and there . Hope you enjoyed it :)

if my ipad is correct this story is 6804 words meaning 90 pages XD let's just hope it wasn't too boring


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