13 - ❀ Marinette ❀

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The following chapter contains possibly triggering matter (Bullying).

Oh and profanity


Marinette nearly fell out of her bed when her alarm went off. An alarm? I never set it... Marinette thought, sitting up. Chat... Marinette recalled her thoughts from the previous night. She could feel herself blushing. "Marinette, you're up early for once!" Tikki said, flying in front of Marinette.

"Oh. Yeah."

"Your face is all red! Do you have a fever?" Tikki exclaimed, placing a small hand on her forehead.

"Oh, Tikki! No, I'm fine!" Marinette said, ducking back into her covers.

"Oh, alright." Tikki paused.

Marinette's face emerged from the blanket, looking at Tikki. "Marinette, up, up, up!" Tikki exclaimed suddenly.

"Did I fall asleep?" Marinette asked, standing up and nearly tripping over the blankets that fell on the ground in the process.

"No, but you're early! On a Monday! Show everyone you can get up early!" Tikki said enthusiastically.

Marinette deadpanned as she stumbled to her bathroom, stopping at her closet to grab some clothes. In the bathroom, she did her hair quickly, washing her face and changing into skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Emerging from the washroom, Marinette rushed to her balcony, testing the weather. It was chilly, so she decided to pull on a hoodie. She grabbed her backpack and purse, walking down the stairs. Throwing the two things by the door, Marinette stepped into her kitchen.

She filled a bowl with cereal, pouring the milk and beginning to eat it. She started quickly, but was soon dozing off at the table. "Marinette!" Tikki said, saving Marinette from face planting in her cereal.

"Thanks." Marinette finished her breakfast and discarded the bowl in the sink.

"Time to spare!" Tikki said, raising two thumbs.

"Yeah," Marinette reached up to scratch her head when it caught on some cotton. "My bandage!" Marinette took the stairs two at a time, rushing back into her bathroom.

She secured a new bandage and decided to brush her hair again. "Let's go, Marinette! Times a-wasting!" Tikki said, pulling at a string on Marinette's hoodie.

"Okay, okay." Marinette smiled.

Grabbing her bags, Marinette opened her purse, inviting Tikki in. She pulled on her shoes and left, locking the door behind her.


Marinette walked through her school's gates, smiling. Today was actually quite nice for late October.

Seeing Alya, Marinette waved. Alya just looked away, continuing to talk to Rose and Juleka. Marinette could feel an eyebrow raise in confusion, but she shook it off and headed towards the group. "....Believe she could do such a thing." Alya was saying.

"I didn't think she was that kind of girl." Juleka confessed.

"It's shocking." Rose said.

Alya looked up and noticed Marinette. "Hi!" Marinette waved brightly.

"Hey, Marinette. Come on guys." Alya spat the name like something disgusting, turning away.

"What's wrong?" Marinette asked, brow furrowing.

"I think you know perfectly well what's wrong." Alya said, turning back around.

"No, I don't actually." Marinette said, becoming defensive.

"You liar!" Alya said, voice rising in volume.

"You know perfectly well what you did. It's illegal, immoral, and stupid! Marinette, you lied to all of us! You dirty - You dirty slut!" Alya's rage turned to hurt.

"Alya?" Marinette asked, close to tears.

"What?" Alya spat out.

"What are you talking about?" Marinette's voice was almost a whisper.

"Jesus Christ! We found out about your little career, Marinette. We know all about your secret life, behind those cameras." Alya said sarcastically.

Marinette panicked. They knew about Lady Bug? But... what did she mean by cameras?

Alya stormed off, Juleka following close behind. Rose hesitated. "Rose...?" Marinette asked quietly, silently asking for an explanation.

"L-... Look online. On your social media and stuff." Rose whispered, turning and scrambling after the other two girls.

The yard was quiet, eyes on Marinette. "What the hell do you want?" Marinette said aggressively, directing her words at everyone staring.

The bell for class rung, and Marinette ran up the stairs, tears of fury blurring her vision. Walking in, she saw that Alya was sitting with Rose and Juleka instead of at her normal spot. Fine.
Marinette sat down and crossed her legs, pulling out her supplies for the class. What did Alya find out? What did they find out? Marinette wondered.

"Good morning class, hope your weekend was good." Marinette thought back to her weekend.

It had been good. A light blush crept up Marinette's neck as she struggled to stay focused on the problem at hand. "Alya, please sit in your regular seat." Madame Bustier noticed the misplaced student.

Marinette felt her heartbeat increase. She stepped out of the seat and waited for Alya to sit. With a scoff, Alya scooted down into her regular placing. Marinette slid as far over as she could from Alya. She noticed that Alya did the same.

"Alright, now that's settled. Today we are going to start with Art." Madame Bustier began to explain proportions and perspective while Marinette zoned out.

She already knew these things, and was getting straight As in most subjects. What could they have found out? I have no secrets, aside from Lady Bug, and I don't recall lying. Besides, if it was Lady Bug, Alya wouldn't be mad. Nobody would be ignoring me like this. "Pick your partners." Madame Bustier said, turning around.

Marinette looked at the board to figure out the assignment. She hesitated. Nobody was going to choose her, for whatever had happened. "Nino, partners?" Alya asked, leaning forward over the desk.

"Sure." Nino enthusiastically answered.

Marinette looked around a second before placing her head on the table. Nobody was going to choose her. Even the leftover student would rather go alone. "Marinette, partners?"

Marinette's head shot up and she looked at Adrien with doe eyes. "What, really? Aren't you mad or whatever like anyone else?" Marinette asked.

"I haven't seen whatever it is, and I don't really care. Whatever it is, if it's true, you probably have good reason." Adrien smiled.

"Adrien, come with us. We can be a group of three." Alya said, beckoning to Adrien.

She shot a nasty glare at Marinette. "Well, I've asked someone, just waiting on their answer." Adrien said.

He looked expectantly at Marinette. "Okay." Marinette said, dumbfounded and smiling.

"Adrien, bail on her. Go with Chloe instead." Alya insisted.

"We're partners." Adrien stated.

"Adri-kins! Partners?" Chloe asked, sashaying towards Adrien.

"I already have a partner." Adrien said.

"Oh... okay." Chloe said, shooting a glance at Marinette and strutting back to her table.

What was that emotion on Chloe's face? And where was her normal... attitude? Marinette pondered while Adrien switched seats with Alya.

"So. We have to do a collage of images and get to look like one entire picture. Any ideas?" Adrien looked at Marinette, placing his head in his hand, elbow on the desk.

"I don't know." Marinette was too distracted to come up with any good ideas.

What the hell was going on? Deciding to ignore it to focus on the project, Marinette thought. "I have an idea!" She exclaimed suddenly.

"What if we take pictures of a street at different times of day and then collage that together?" Marinette gushed excitedly.

"That's a great idea!" Adrien said, holding up a hand for a high-five.

Marinette hesitated half a second before smiling and accepting it. Her happiness wasn't long lived though, as Madame Bustier called for attention. "Everyone back to your seats." She announced.

Adrien gave Marinette a thumbs up before sitting in his proper seat. Alya's bitterness returned as she slid past Marinette into the row. The lesson dragged on.


When it was time for lunch, Marinette had another migraine. Digging through her bag, she realized she didn't have her pain relievers on her. She instead grabbed her water bottle and drank as much as she could, filling it once more to the top. Her father had insisted she drink lots of water to improve a headache.

She knew she should eat, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Marinette had forgotten about Alya's earlier insult, and remembering it left her without an appetite. What had she done so badly? And if someone framed her, why? 

But most of all, what? Marinette looked up as a shadow cast across her. "Hey, Mari." Adrien said, waving.

"Don't- Don't call me that. Please." Marinette said, squinting at her own rudeness.

"Oh, okay." Adrien smiled without a hitch.

"Where are you going?" Marinette asked.

"How'd you figure that out?" Adrien asked, hands on hips.

"Well, we're on the front steps of the school..." Marinette said.

"Oh, then where are you going?"

"No where. Eating lunch. What about you?" Adrien sat down.

"Photo shoot." He rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Model doesn't like the cameras?" Marinette laughed.

"Nope." Adrien laughed along.

Marinette stop laughing after a short moment. The word camera reminded her of the morning. "Are you okay?" Adrien asked.


"You're wincing." He said, cocking his head.

"Oh, headache." Marinette's headache had worsened.

"From..." Adrien pointed at his head, above his eyebrow, implying the bandage on Marinette's head.

Marinette nodded. "Didn't they give you any medications?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, but I forgot them at home." Marinette blushed slightly.

"Well, maybe take the rest of the day off." Adrien suggested.


"Marinette, it's been kinda tough. Just trust me, okay? Get away from all this stress." Adrien said, making eye contact.

"Okay." Marinette couldn't argue.

"Well, bye then." Marinette said, smiling.

It looked like any other smile, but it was really quite sad. Marinette stood up, heading towards the office. She signed herself out and headed back towards the doors, some eyes on her. Her shoulders slumped forwards and she looked down. Pushing past the doors, Marinette nearly tripped over Adrien. "You're still here?" She asked.

"Well, yes. Gorilla's late." He explained.

"Gorilla?" Marinette asked, confused.

"Oh, my driver. He's huge and only grunts." Adrien laughed.

"Oh." Marinette laughed, too.

"Well, feel better." Adrien said, waving.

"Trying to get rid of me, too?" Marinette asked, heart leaping into her throat.

She knew it wouldn't last. "No! You just need to take care. If you stay, I'll give you a ride." Adrien threatened jokingly.

"The Gorilla seems frightening. I'll pass." Marinette laughed, waving and turning.

"Bye!" Adrien waved back.

What a scene from a fairy tale! Her crush was the only one not against her! Marinette smiled for real, heading home.

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