14 - ☯ Adrien ○ / ☯ Chat Noir ●

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Somewhat triggering topics in this chapter (bullying, depression.).

Also the thing that happens to Marinette happened to someone in real life. So I didn't make it up. I want to apologize to the person who had to undergo that. Nobody deserves to be hurt or bullied for no reason. I may get more than my end of the stick, but I won't say that I know how they feel. If you are suffering cyber-bullying or anything like that, I'm here to talk. Seriously, just PM me. <3


Adrien had been lying. He didn't have a photo shoot. Or, rather he didn't have one immediately. He had called Natalie, requesting the rest of the day off to rest for the photo shoot in the evening. He had been planing to stick it out, but decided that he better check on Marinette. Seeing her sitting alone, he had decided to tell her to go home, in hopes that she would fall asleep. He was planning to visit as Chat Noir and remove the images of her from her feed online. 

After saying goodbye to Marinette, the Gorilla arrived, stepping out to open the door for Adrien. He sat down, buckling his seat belt. He noted that Natalie had not come along, but it didn't bother him. 

Adrien knew those photos were fake. Marinette had not done that. And of course, they were posted from Chloe's account. Besides, he'd seen a matching photo on Chloe's phone when she had shown him the video of Marinette from the hospital on Saturday.

"Thanks." Adrien said, stepping out of the car as it came to a stop.

The driver simply grunted, parking the car somewhere. Adrien pushed the doors of his home open, trudging up the stairs. Halfway up, a voice stopped him. "Why are you home from school?" Adrien tensed, looking up.

"I wanted to get some rest prior to the photo shoot, father." He explained.

"Quite responsible. I'll tell Natalie not to bother you." Gabriel said, continuing on his way.

His father was being quite flexible, and Adrien wasn't going to question it. When he reached his room, he arranged some pillows under the covers and hoped Natalie didn't decide to look at his face for whatever reason. Putting some cheese in his pocket, Adrien quietly exclaimed, "Plagg, Claws On!" 

Chat Noir's transformation completed and he launched himself from his window. His hair was filled with the wind as he jumped from building to building. He wondered what Lady Bug was doing currently. Maybe reading? Possibly sketching or drawing? He didn't know. Does Lady Bug ever wonder what I'm doing? Chat pondered.

He landed softly on Marinette's balcony, having made good time. He gently nudged the door open, hoping Marinette was sleeping. Fingers crossed, he looked first at her bed, finding it empty. He turned slowly to Marinette's desk and saw her there. Her body was heaving and she was breathing heavily. The picture was there on her screen - Marinette's head on the body of a naked woman. The indecent parts were censored out, but just the thought that someone would do such a thing was sickening. There was a name of some porn company in the bottom of the image, suggesting Marinette did this kind of thing for money. "Mari?" Chat asked.

Marinette sat up quickly, closing the page. She probably knew Chat had already seen it. She turned around, fake smile plastered on her face. "Hi, Chat Noir!" She stood up.

"Princess?" Chat could see she wasn't okay.

"Yeah?" She asked, sounding hyperactive.

"Are you alright, Marinette?" She so clearly was not.

"Yes." She said, smiling wider.

She twirled over to Chat. "Let's do something. Let's dance again." She spoke quickly.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she began to sway quickly, not at all right for that kind of dance. Chat put his hands on her wrists, pulling them away from her neck. "Marinette." Chat looked her in the eyes.

Marinette avoided his gaze, looking straight down. "Are you alright?"

"No." Marinette's face was still downcast.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Chat said.

Marinette looked up hopefully. Tears sparkled in her eyes and she was biting her lip so hard it was turning pale. "Really?" She asked quietly.

"Of course." Chat said.

Marinette's lip tore and began to bleed. "Don't lie to me." She said, a single tear falling from her eyes.

"I'm.... I'm not." Chat said confidently.

"You are!" She exclaimed, tears rolling down her face.

She pushed herself away, Chat losing his grip on her wrists. "Marinette!" Chat said, voice rising slightly.

She turned herself away, arms wrapped tightly around her own torso, squeezing tightly. Chat hesitated but a second before wrapping his arms around Marinette's back. "How's it supposed to be okay?" Marinette whispered, turning halfway around in Chat's arms.

Chat didn't have answer. What was he going to say? "Mari... This may not end now, maybe not for a while, but it will blow over. In the meantime, you have me. I'm here for you." Marinette turned all the way around.

She looked up at Chat before hugging him tightly, face buried in the crook of his neck. He rested his chin atop her head. "Thank you." Marinette's voice came out muffled.

"Of course, Princess." He said, nuzzling Marinette's blue hair.

"Why?" She asked after a moment.

"Because... 'Cause I care about you." Chat said.

He was tempted to tell her that he loved her, the revelation that had struck him late the previous night. And the heartbreak it caused when he thought of his Lady Bug. But this was different, he convinced himself. He loved Marinette too much to tear apart her life with his stupidity. With Lady Bug... Well, she knew how Chat was.

"I care about you, too." Marinette said.

Chat's heart picked up and then slowed again when he realized the innocence of the words. Of course Marinette didn't care about him that way. She wasn't that kind of girl. That was why he liked her. But it was also his demise. Then, although Chat didn't know why he did it, he kissed the top of Marinette's forehead. "Princess, promise me something." He said softly.

"Only if you promise me something." Marinette said, craning her neck to look at Chat.

"Alright. Promise me you'll never cry about something those stupid people do."

"Promise me you won't lie to me." Marinette said.

"I promise." He said, looking at his princess.

"I promise, too." Marinette said, squeezing Chat for good measure.

They pulled apart, tear stains on Marinette's face. "I'll be back in a minute." Marinette said, stepping backwards towards her bathroom. 

Chat left to feed Plagg some cheese. Plagg only said thank you, and, "Good job, Adrien." He showed genuine pride in his Miraculous holder.

Chat was back in Marinette's room before she had stepped out of the bathroom. Her face was tinged pink from being washed. "We never did finish that movie." Marinette reminded Chat.

She didn't bother to get snacks - the two hadn't eaten any last time. Glancing at each other, the two engaged in a war to get to the chair first. Marinette nearly beat Chat, but he used his baton to move the chair. "No fair! If I had my y-" Marinette cut herself off whilst laughing.

"What?" Chat laughed too.

"I don't even know." Marinette continued laughing.

"Sit." Chat said, after their laughter had died down.

"I'm going to buy a new chair." Marinette promised.

"Why? I'm more comfortable that any other." Chat boasted.

Marinette just raised an eyebrow while setting the movie up again. She was about to hit the play button when Chat casually slung an arm around her waist. "Come on, Princess. You know you want to."

Marinette tensed up before relaxing. "Why so eager, Kitty?" She asked.

"Ooh, Kitty?" He smirked.

"I can go back to calling you stray, but you've kind of worked your way into my home." Marinette said, glancing at him sideways and fiddling with the speakers on her computer.

"No!" He said, dragging out the O sound dramatically.

Marinette plopped down onto Chat's lap roughly, nearly throwing him out of his chair. "Happy?" She turned and smiled in his face.

"Very." He beamed back.

Marinette turned back around and hit play.


"Good movie?" Chat asked.

"Yeah!" Marinette said, pumping a fist in the air.

"Glad you enjoyed it." Chat smiled.

He found her excitement adorable on so many levels. "I'll be back - Need to recharge." Chat winked, showing his hand to Marinette.

"Okay. See you soon." Marinette said. 

When Chat had refreshed Plagg and transformed back, he slunk back into Marinette's room. She had pulled out some papers and a camera. "What's that for?" Chat asked.

"I have a project." Marinette smiled, a dreamy look glossing her eyes.

"Why so excited?" Chat asked, some jealousy leaking into his voice.

"I just have a good partner."


"Well, I think so, I don't know him very well... I always stutter in front of him." Marinette blushed, bringing her hands to her face.

"Why?" Chat smirked, trying to maintain his normal attitude.

"I'm not telling you!"

"Ooh, does Marinette have a crush?" Chat sing-songed.

It came out sounding bitter. "Maybe, why? Is Kitty jealous?" Marinette smirked, hands on hips.

"No!" He said quickly.

Marinette just laughed and shuffled the papers, reading a criteria. What project was this? One they had started when the two had left for the hospital a few days ago? "I still want to know."

"Oh, really?" Marinette asked skeptically.

"Yes." Chat childishly put his hands on his hips and stood tall.

He was tempted to stomp his foot. "I don't wanna tell you if you're going to 'take him out'." Marinette let out a laugh at Chat's posture.

"I won't 'take him out.' I just need to investigate him so he's fit for my Princess." Chat said, crossing his arms.

"Okay, if you insist. Adrien Agreste. You've probably seen his posters around town." Marinette blushed.

"Oh, I know him. I've seen him before. Sometimes in the bathroom mirror." Chat said, lips pressed tightly together.

"Oh, does someone in your family plant photos of him in the bathroom?" Marinette teased.

"Something like that." Chat had inched towards the window.

"Are you going?"


With that, Chat launched out of the window.




So a few people wanted to know what was happening to Marinette, so there you go!

A couple updates:

1. I, Author-chan, shall be creating a Miraculous Ladybug One Shots book.

2. I will be switching the POV to Unlimited third person. It is currently limited third-person, allowing us to only see into the head of one character. For an example, I've written this chapter in Adrien/Chat's limited third person---- We only know what Adrien/Chat is thinking. This means we'll be able to see into EVERYONE's Minds!




         AUTHOR-CHAN, DOLL <3

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