21 - ❀ Marinette ❀

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So... a little fluffy, a little sin (like no, they aren't going to make babies.). So, if you're sensitive/just don't wanna go there, pm me and I'll send a quick run down in return :)



Marinette's heart was bursting with emotion as she held Chat's hand tightly, avoiding his sharp claws. Little did she know, the boy next to her was also struggling to contain himself. "Thank you so much, Chaton." Marinette said, shivering.

"Are you cold? Here." Chat wrapped his arms around Marinette.

Marinette smiled and cuddled closer to Chat. She noticed how perfectly she fit in his arms and sighed. "What's wrong, Princess?" Chat asked.

"Nothing. Everything's just right." Marinette said, looking out at the horizon.

Marinette shivered again. "I should get you home." He said.

"What if I don't want to go?" Marinette challenged.

"I'm sure you will." Chat teased, slinging Marinette over his shoulder.

"Hey-" Marinette shrieked happily as Chat jumped from the structure.

"Okay, I'll go!" Marinette laughed.

In a breathless moment mid-air, Chat moved Marinette onto his back. "Better?" He laughed, pushing off another building.

"Yes." Marinette squeaked.

Marinette held on tightly to Chat's back, hiding her face in his neck. She didn't even know it when they landed on her balcony. Chat put down the bag of candy they'd collected. "After you, Princess." He said, gesturing to the door.

"Thanks." Marinette beamed, stepping inside and kicking off her shoes.

"What a long night." Chat yawned, stretching his arms.

"Mhm." Marinette agreed, laying down on her bed.

Chat, not bothering to turn on the lights to illuminate the darkness, lay down next to her. "Worth it though." Marinette added on.

Chat simply smiled in the darkness. Their hands were close enough that if either of them moved their pinkies, they'd be holding hands. I wish I could just tell him. Marinette sighed.


"Yes?" Marinette turned her head to face Chat.

"What's wrong?" Chat made eye contact, furrowing his brow slightly.

"N-nothing." She said.

"Mari," Chat insisted.

"Well... There's this guy," Marinette began.

"Who? Is he hurting you? Is it that Adrien kid? I'll punch the shi-" Chat grew defensive, forgetting he himself was Adrien, before Marinette cut him off.

"No, no. You see..." Marinette was too frightened to continue.

"You can tell me, Marinette. If you look at me after everything we've been through and tell me I won't understand, you're wrong. Listen, Mari. I'm here for you." Chat turned to face Marinette and gripped her hand.

Marinette bit her lip and searched Chat's eyes. The sincerity was there, she knew. Marinette nodded slightly. "I think I've fallen in love with someone, Chat."

Chat's eyes became downcast. "Me too, Marinette."

The two fell silent, Marinette looking up at the roof.

"Can I ask who?" Chat asked a minute later, at the same time Marinette asked, "Who is it?"

Marinette looked at Chat. "You." Marinette was still, looking at the roof.

Marinette turned on her side. She could just make out Chat blushing in the darkness. "Who is it?" Marinette asked again.

"I...." Chat faltered.

"Chat..." Marinette looked him directly in the eye before rolling on top of him, forcing him onto his back.

"Mari..." Chat's hands traveled to Marinette's waist, in a much less innocent way than earlier that evening.

His instincts kicked in and he flipped them over so he was on top. "If you can't tell me, maybe I can..." Marinette couldn't find the words to finish her sentence.

The two looked into each other's eyes, blue fighting with green, like water crashing into earth. "We can't" He whispered.

"We shouldn't" Marinette corrected.

"You wouldn't." Chat narrowed his eyes.

"But I have to." Marinette's eyes were clear waters, waiting for the earth to reject it and make the water murky.

"I'm rubbing off on you." Chat said fondly.

"Maybe I was always like this."

"Maybe you were, I wouldn't know."

"Why don't we find out?"

"Mari... No." Chat was barely keeping himself in control.

"What's holding you back, Kitty?" Marinette touched Chat's chin.

"You." Chat replied.

"No, no. You." Marinette corrected again.

"Mari, I can't hurt you like this."

"You won't."

"Oh but I will." Chat argued.

They fell silent again. "Where's your proof?" Marinette challenged.

"I just know."

"Can't know without scientific evidence." Marinette said.

"Mari..." Chat warned.

☆☆But he wasn't warning her not to. He was warning her to be careful, because he wasn't sure if he'd be able to hold back.

Marinette pressed her lips to Chat's, so much warmer than they had been that Valentines day. Chat melted against the kiss, knowing that in this moment, it was all he wanted. Their bodies moved in sync, Marinette's hands tangled in the hair she'd wondered about the softness of, Chat's hands on the hips of the girl he knew he loved.

Even as he loved it, wanted every part of this moment, Chat knew he couldn't do this. "Marinette, I can't." Chat pulled back, missing Marinette's lips after they had left his.☆☆

"Just for tonight. Just until you have to leave." Marinette pleaded with her eyes.

Chat was so tempted to say yes. To grab Marinette's face and kiss her until she was almost sorry she asked. "Mari, I can't."

"Why?" She asked desperately.

Chat looked up at his sweet Marinette. Could he do it? Shatter her heart to keep it from breaking worse? No, he couldn't. But he had to. "Princess, there's someone else." Chat said quietly, avoiding her eyes.

How Marinette began to despise the name. "When isn't there, Chaton?"

Now. There isn't anyone but you. You're Ladybug and Ladybug's you. Chat thought. Marinette crossed her arms and turned her head to face the wall. Chat rolled off of her and looked in the same direction, eyes aimed at the back of her head. After a minute, Marinette laughed bitterly. "I guess you could say I've been Princess-Zoned." She said, turning her head to the roof.

Chat could see the tears glitter in her eyes and held her, cradling her in his arms. Marinette rolled over and began to shake. She started to cry, and Chat heard her let out half a sob before it was muffled by her hand, clamped tightly on her mouth. "Get away!" Marinette pushed weakly at Chat's chest, finally releasing a sob.

"Let me go!" Marinette didn't move, sobbing aloud now.

"Princess," Chat said, placing a hand tenderly on her cheek.

"Don't call me that!" Marinette said, hysterically.

She pushed with what little was left in her, turning away. "Marinette..." Chat said, wanting Marinette to turn around, let him explain.

"Go." She heaved out, voice thick with tears.

Chat hesitantly stood, back to Marinette. She turned over the slightest bit, watching his shadow. Chat turned around, placing a hand on Marinette's shoulder. She forcefully shook it off. "Now." She whispered, barely audible.

Chat walked to the window, and Marinette finally rolled over to see him go. "Don't you want to know?" Chat asked, silhouetted against the night, head turned, back facing Marinette.

"I already know." She sniffled, voice shaking.

Chat wanted to turn around, grab Marinette, say sorry. Tell her he loved her, too. As if shaking the thoughts away, Chat pounced on the window ledge, poised to leave. He jumped off, disappearing into the night. "Chat!" Marinette exclaimed, seconds after he left.

She tripped over to her window. "Chat!" She yelled into the night, seeing his shadow swing from building to building.

Surely he could hear her? Of course he did. His hearing was enhanced as Chat Noir. "Chat! Come back!" Marinette rushed down her stairs, grabbing Tikki.

"Spots On!" "Marin-!" Tikki was sucked into Marinette's earrings as she cried.

Ladybug ran back up her stairs and jumped from the balcony, throwing her yo-yo. "Chat! It's me! It's me!" She yelled, knowing the words would be lost on him.

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug yelled angrily, sucking in shallow, shuddering breaths.

Before she could really comprehend where she was headed, Ladybug found herself at the top of the Eiffel Tower, crouching on the highest part. The wind was swaying her as she stood up, but she didn't want to sit down. "I love you! Why do I love you?" Ladybug yelled, voice lost in the wind.

Attempting to sit on the edge of the tower, Ladybug slipped and began falling rapidly towards the ground. She could only see the sky as she fumbled to get the yo-yo from around her waist. Out of the corner of her eye, Ladybug spotted a flash of black as it crashed into her, changing her course. "Chat." She breathed, tears that wouldn't stop getting blown away in the wind.

He wasn't smiling, face quite grim. He glanced at her, hair blown back. He couldn't stand what he'd conspired in Ladybug. He should have left Marinette when he had the chance. Did either of the two regret the time they spent together? Not one bit. Did they wish they'd parted ways when they first ran into each other? With all their broken hearts.

Ladybug's eyes were wide as she stared at Chat. The mere seconds they spend soaring through the air felt like a short eternity when they finally landed. Chat placed Ladybug softly on her feet before turning away, about to leave. "Chat!" Marinette grabbed his wrist softly, stopping him in his place.

His head whipped around forcefully. "I-" Chat's Miraculous beeped.

"I have to go." He said, pulling away his wrist in Ladybug's moment of confusion.

Chat launched from the tower, leaving Ladybug behind. She watched him spiral down and launch away, stepping from the tower to go home as well.




So? Did I hurt you? Aww Muffin! (im sorry ok)


Okay, first things first:

You got your sinny-ness. There will be the sadder ending, leading to a sequel in a couple of weeks. Originally, I had one cliffhanger that I was gonna use. Then I thought of a part to add on to this cliffhanger to make it even more cliff-hanger-y and then I thought of a way to kill everyone reading this and am contemplating using it.

So things I need you to vote for?

Sadd-ish ending (UPDATE: this is just a cliffhanger, I should have said this earlier hehehe so it's not happy, but not heart wrenching either)

Sadder ending

Saddest ending (But the sadder ending will happen and then the sadder part in the sequel.)

Also idk where to take the sequel... heheh

Okay. SO

To celebrate the ending of this book, I want to have a Join.Me stream where you guys can Q&A/Dare me! I'm still deciding the time/dates, but I wanna see who would be interested in that kinda thing (Join.me is a website where you can watch other people broadcast their screens. If you download it, (free and you get a free trial for fifteen days) you can stream your screen too. the free version gives you a "quick connect code" which is a series of numbers)

Would you want to participate in that? If I did do it, I think I would set it up an do it at intervals (Like for one hour, then not for and hour, then for another hour, etc.). So idk if you guys want that, but if you do, then I'll plan it out and tell you a week in advance!

*******VERY IMPORTANT: I will not accept votes for the ending after 11PM Central TODAY (which is now over sorry)! Sorry, I know it's a short window, but I have to keep it that to way to write the story! lol****


Dolly <3

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