22 - ●○ Ladybug ○●

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When Marinette arrived home that night, she had de-transformed, ignoring Tikki, who knew what had happened, although she had hidden after. She slept in late and walked drearily through the day, until she could hear screams through her window. She transformed, angrily pushing off from her balcony. Ladybug was excited to be able to punch out her frustration and anger.

When she arrived at the scene, Chat Noir was nowhere to be seen, and so she began to fight the akumatized villain herself. It was an old-ish looking man, butterflies surrounding him. "Ladybug! At last, we meet! Where is your Chat Noir?" He boomed out.

"He's here." Ladybug responded, lying through her teeth.

"Oh really? Where?" The victim asked, stepping aside to reveal Chat Noir, surrounded by butterflies, each coming so close to touching him, him side stepping as many as possible.

Ladybug gritted her teeth. "Ladybug it's-!" The butterflies flew around Chat, keeping him from finishing his sentence.

Ladybug couldn't help but notice that the butterflies resembled Akumas, some purple, others cleansed and white. "No." Ladybug breathed out, drawing the connections.

"It's high time I introduced myself, Ladybug. My name is Hawkmoth. What a absolute pleasure it is to meet you." Hawkmoth smiled, holding arms out grandly, Akumas flying up around him.

With a flick of his wrist, a swarm of Akumas flew at Ladybug. She swung her yo-yo and it swung in circles, providing a makeshift shield. Ladybug hit as many as she could, the purple simply falling from the wings of the butterflies, leaving them cleansed. A few escaped, hitting nearby citizens. They fell over, bodies bubbling with purple matter. Ladybug looked away, frightened, and faced her challenger again. She swung her yo-yo directly in front of her, which Hawkmoth easily side stepped. It instead barreled into the butterflies shadowing Chat. They flew apart in a fury, coming back a second too late to catch Chat, who had gripped the end of Ladybug's yo-yo. Chat landed in Ladybug's arms, taking them both down. Ladybug was quick to recover, shoving Chat off her, placing her hands on the ground and launching herself up onto her feet. She landed in a fighting stance, arms poised to attack. "Where's his akumat-" Chat began.

"He's Hawkmoth! He sends out the Akumas!" Ladybug said, irritated.

"Right, sorry. Force of habit."

"Oh, you two are just so entertaining!" Hawkmoth said, pretending to be excited.

"Shut up!" Ladybug snapped.

"Jeez." Hawkmoth chuckled, throwing his hands up. "Let's be civil, shall we?"

"Civil." Ladybug scoffed.

"Yes, Ladybug, civil. Something you two are clearly never." Hawkmoth retorted.

"Cut the chit-chat, Hawkmoth." Ladybug said, unimpressed by the great Hawkmoth.

Neither of the two noticed the other superhero sneaking away. Chat Noir came up behind Hawkmoth, grabbing him around the neck, choke-holding him. "Look, Ladybug! Your companion is clearly understanding." Hawkmoth said, annoyed.

He swept his hand lightly, and hundreds of butterflies pulled Chat from Hawkmoth's shoulders. Chat landed forcefully a few yards away. Ladybug kept her composure, choosing to attack the moment Hawkmoth turned around to inspect his damage. Ladybug pounced on his shoulders and threw a knee sharply into his face. It was stopped before connecting when she was taken up by a cloud of butterflies, them depositing her on the ground next to Chat, dropping her from a good height. Ladybug landed on her back, pain screeching through her shoulders and back. "Ladybug, are you okay?" Chat asked, holding out a hand.

"Yeah. Let's kick his ass back to wherever he came from." Ladybug said, taking his hand.

Chat fist bumped Ladybug, a silent agreement. Ladybug moved into another fighting stance, shoulders aching. Ignoring it and refusing to show any pain, Ladybug held it. "You two just don't stop, do you?" Hawkmoth asked, angrily raising his eyebrow behind his mask.

"Of course not. What's the fun in that?" Chat asked, dropping his stance in a are you dense? way.

Hawkmoth's eyes widened briefly before sharpening. He flicked his wrist again and Ladybug braced herself for the onslaught of butterflies. She slung her yo-yo at the swarm, sending some away, some falling apart into dust and others escaping Ladybug's wrath and attacking her. "Ladybug!" Chat yelled.

Ladybug thrashed as the crowd of wings flew her quickly around. She gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tightly. She had no sense of direction as she thrown about in the storm of white. Chat on the other hand, was in combat with Hawkmoth, expertly punching and kicking. Hawkmoth had sent what was left of his butterfly army after Ladybug, and they simply held her in the air, tossing her around. Chat took an opportunity and punched the old man in the stomach, earning a groan. "You little-"

Hawkmoth grabbed Chat by the neck and threw him into a wall. He hit the side of his face on the brick, his nose bloodying. Disorientated, Chat clutched his head and stood up, extending his baton. He threw his baton at the horde of white surrounding Ladybug. Ladybug fell from it, a few yards in the air, and Chat pushed off with the little fight left in him, catching Ladybug, the two of them hitting the ground and rolling into a heap. "Chat Noir! What happened?" Ladybug had ended on top of Chat, and she grabbed his face, concern crossing her face as she inspected it.

Ladybug's concern warped into anger and she stood up, pulling Chat with her. "Hawkmoth!" She yelled.

The two glared at each other before Marinette rushed at him, aiming to kick him the chest. Hawkmoth grabbed Ladybug's leg and swung her around, throwing her behind him. For his apparent age, Hawkmoth was quite strong. Ladybug landed flat on her face and jumped back up immediately, seeing stars in her vision. She wiped her bleeding lip on her sleeve, putting up her fists. "Ladybug! Stop!" Chat Noir yelled as Ladybug ran back at Hawkmoth.

She ran straight at him, throwing a fist angrily at his face. Ladybug's fist punched through thin air and and she landed on it, bending it to keep narrowly escape a break. This meant that her face took the brunt of the hit. Ladybug smacked her forehead, nose beginning to bleed. "Ladybug, there!" Chat rushed over, pulling Ladybug up.

He was pointing at someone standing on top of a building. "She's the victim. She's sending out illusions!"

"At last, the two 'Superheroes' figure it out!" She cackled, jumping from the roof, landing on a flag pole, then a awning, and finally the ground.

"I'm the Illusionist, at your hindrance!" The Illusionist threw up her arms.

Ladybug ran up to the illusionist, punching her in the face. She fell over, clutching her nose and groaning. Ladybug leaned down and picked up the magicians' wand the villain had been clutching. She snapped it in half and caught the Akuma in her yo-yo, cleansing it.

But for some reason, the three or four citizens that had earlier been covered in purple bubbles arose and came towards Ladybug and Chat. Ladybug let out a frustrated noise as she realized she had to fight these people, too.

"Are you okay, my Lady?" Chat asked, coming over to inspect Ladybug's face.

"Now you care." Ladybug scoffed quietly, pulling her face out of Chat's hands.

"'Course I do." Chat said, taking his baton and running at the first person.

He swung it like a baseball bat, the citizen falling to the ground, purple bubbles popping. "I think you need to use a lucky charm to clean this stuff up." Chat said.

"Okay." Ladybug requested a lucky charm, throwing her yo-yo up.

She gained a spray bottle, which she was dumbfounded at. She aimed it at the first person to come her way, washing the bubbles away. Suddenly, one of the masses of bubbles launched a car at Chat Noir and Ladybug. "Duck!" Chat yelled, hitting the ground and throwing the car away with his baton.

"Thanks!" Ladybug yelled, suddenly remembering how little she told Chat that she was grateful for him.

It hit her like the car smashing into the ground behind her. How much she needed Chat and how little she showed her appreciation. Her eyes filled with tears as she recalled what had happened the previous night. "Ladybug, what's wrong?" Chat asked, bumping into her.

"N-nothing." She said, forcefully wiping her eyes.

"LB, tell me." Chat commanded, taking out another purple person.

"Chat," Ladybug breathed out, voice raspy.

"Throw the lucky charm!" Chat said.

Ladybug threw up her spray bottle. "Miraculous Ladybug!" The ladybugs shot up, surrounding the bottle.

They were suspended in the air, fluttering nervously against the lucky charm. "We have to take out the last one." Ladybug said.

The last one tossed multiple cars, and Ladybug chucked her yo-yo at the civilian. Cars started to fall, and Chat looked at Ladybug, waiting for his explanation. "We're the same person." She yelled over the noise.

The ladybugs shot up, rushing to repair the damage. "I know." Chat said, smile crossing his face.

Ladybug's eyes widened in fear. A car came crashing down on Chat, the ladybugs seconds too late to save him.

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