Guardians *Fluff! ^_^*

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*A couple weeks into the school year.*

Baldi had always been saddened to know that his students still remembered about his fire situation. As he stared down at his desk in thought while his students worked on their classwork, he realized that he sometimes still thought that he was in his house whenever he woke up in his boyfriend's bed. It saddened him so that he still hadn't got used to living in someone else's home. He did not want to have to tell his new boyfriend that he was troubled about living in his lover's place. It could hurt Principal a lot if Baldi decided to tell him that. Baldi's sleep pattern was off, even if Principal held him in his arms every night they slept together. If Baldi dared tell his boss that fact, then Princi may get disappointed and not love him anymore.

The lunch bell rang. The day felt too slow for Baldi. He sighed as he let the kids go first for once. They all looked at him worriedly, especially Player and Arts as they proceeded out through the dark blue classroom door to the cafeteria.

Everyone was in the cafeteria, Principal noticed as he skimmed through the whole room. Even Mr. Sweepers and 1st Prize was in the area. Then Principal realized that Baldi was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria. He told everyone to stay in the cafe for the time being as he trudged over to all the classrooms to find Baldi. He hoped that Baldi didn't disappear.

Principal finally found the classroom that Baldi was in, and what he saw was quite worrying and disturbing all at once. Baldi was just sitting at his desk, staring straight ahead at a wall while still sitting on his desk chair. Almost as if he was teaching a class, except his eyes looked empty like he was looking into endless nothingness. His eyes looked baggy. This was the first time Principal noticed how stressed and depressed Baldi looked.

Principal remained in the doorway, then asked, "Baldi, are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay, Kennith?" Baldi snapped, actually using his boss's real name in anger and annoyance.

"Baldi," Principal sighed, "You should talk about this if it is bothering you that much."

Baldi only shrugged, this time glaring down at the table.

"Is it about the fire?" 

"... Y-Yes." Then Baldi spilled the beans. "I feel as if I should've just stayed home that day and made sure that everything would remain safe."

"Baldi, you have no control over everything that happens. That's just the way life is. None of this is your fault. I am here to help you every step of the way. But if you continue on backing away from me and the others like this, then I may change my mind. I will not leave you of course, but I will leave you on your own on this issue if I have to." Principal's eyes pierced ever so much into Baldi's as the almost bald teacher began to think hard about this situation.

"... You know what, we should talk more about this. It will help me."

"Good." Principal had a light smile as he waited for Baldi to finish his darker, deeper thoughts into speech instead of mind.

"Because of that stupid fire, and ever since I moved into your place, I've felt like I have become a burden to you instead of a boyfriend. Like me and my girlfriend. I was her burden that she was trying to fix, but failed, and now it's happening again. You and I. The fire destroyed my house, and now I live here. Now you have to pay a lot extra because of me. It's also not just because of financial issues, but because I may become like my father still. Even my mother. So much bad could happen between us all because of me that... I don't think we could ever be a stable couple. Everything is always my fault. The fire may not be, but everything else was caused because of ME. Everything I do, touch, anything just gets ruined in a millisecond. I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up using my ruler unjustly towards one of my students. I am a disappointment, a wreck, but worst of all, a cruel teacher, just how my parents and my elementary teacher was." Baldi gasped as he hid his face in his hands and began to silently sob.

Principal's eyes were as wide as saucers as he watched Baldi continue to cry for a few more seconds, then he walked over next to his smaller boyfriend, knelt down, then hugged his shaky mate.

"Baldi, you know very well that everything is not your fault. You will never be a burden to me in a million years. Your 'girlfriend' thought of you as a burden, but she still took advantage of you and what you do in your life. Sure, you may have made the wrong choice with your first set of students at There School, but that alone doesn't make you a bad person at all. You just had a bad day is all. Those kids were not the best type of students to have. Your girlfriend and I could never be the same person. You never will be a burden to me because I love you. If I did think of you as one, I would've left you a long time ago. However, that is never going to happen. There are many reasons as to why I am allowing you to stay at my house. There would be too much to count and explain. I don't mind if I have to pay extra just for you to stay safe and healthy in my home. Once you have more than enough, you can decide whether you want to live with me or not. But for now, I will keep you here as best as possible. You may have caused some things to happen, but we all make big mistakes all the time. Lastly, you will never become like your parents, especially your father. Believe it or not, you do have a heart of gold. However, if you do use your ruler unfairly towards one of your students, I will become your personal therapist if I have to. You may be a bit of a wreck, but you are DEFINITELY not a disappointment. If you ever say that you are or if you continue on treating yourself so horribly, then I will have to punish you for real. I love you so much that I could keep you in my arms forever. Without you, I wouldn't have too much of a future ahead of me. I hope you realize how much certain people love you, because I wouldn't want to see you crumble to the point of possibly losing your life. Just... when I see you, all I see is hope, beauty, love, and happiness." Principal made sure to assure Baldi to the most of his ability as he hugged Baldi really hard. Baldi hid his face in Princi's shoulder as he continued to cry like there was no tomorrow.

"B-but Kennith, why m-me? Why do you love me so much?" Baldi stammered.

"My heart chooses you, Baldimore." Principal said as he let go of Baldi so he could stare firmly right into his small boyfriend's teary coal eyes. "My heart chooses you because I feel as if we are one. We both kind of have the same problems, so we could help each other's issues a lot. But it's not just that, it is how pretty you look, your personality most of the time is precious to me, and and how you take care of the kids and how you communicate with other adults is really heartwarming. It is just nice to see how much you have improved the last year or so. You have a certain kindness to you that could draw anyone to you. A kindness that you don't even realize. You are really smart too, especially with the maths. Everything about you just feels... right."

"R-Really, Kennith? But I look kind of ridiculous with the red lipstick. Everyone hates that I wear it. Also-"

"Well, I am not everyone. I love your lipstick. It actually suits you quite nice. You look beautiful with it on." Principal winked as he continued on the compliments that overwhelmed Baldi so. "That one hair on your head makes you look adorable. I could put a bow on it if I felt like it." Baldi now hid his face in his green shirt, his face as red as his lipstick. "Your green shirt looks simple but hot on you. Those tight blue jeans make you look sexy. I love your cute little butt. It may not have too much shape to it, but it is a bit curved and thicc enough for me to fall in love with it. Your coal eyes have so much emotion to them that they make my heart swoon. God, I love every bit of you that I could eat you whole." Principal licked his lips. Baldi finally showed his face, even redder than before, then he tried to stammer out, "B-But-"

Principal then gave him a little peck on the lips.

A really quick one.

"K-Kennith..." Then they leaned their foreheads together whilst they held each other's hands, both sets of hands clasping each other desperately, none of them ever wanting to let go.

"I... love you too, Principal. I just wonder how you can deal with me so well."

"My love for you keeps me by your side at all times, no matter if you bear anger issues or not. We all have our own issues. What makes us both truly love each other is when we are able to not just deal with each other's problems, but we are able to fix each other for good."

They let each other go for good.

"Do you think... we're ready to be parents? Are we ready to adopt?" Baldi asked.

"We're not married, and you're already asking for kids?" Principal laughed.

"Well, I don't think gay couples like us could marry very easily. Only straight people can get married, you know? That is the way it is supposed to be." Baldi sighed sadly. "And I don't think my parents would be very happy to know that their son is marrying a man who protects and loves him. They would hate me even more than they already did. Many others would judge as well. So, I don't think it is a good idea to marry on our part."

"My parents are the same way, but at least they never gave me physical punishment. They may be softer from your parents, but their views on this wouldn't be any more different then how your parents would feel. I say we should marry in private."

"But Princi, what about our school? Do you think that they should know about us?" Baldi bit his lip.

"Maybe. It all depends on how we both feel about telling them.

"Now, getting back to adoption. It is actually very expensive to even adopt just one child. To adopt only one, you would have to pay over 30,000 dollars!"

"Are you kidding me? How are we gonna do this?" Baldi groaned, hiding his face in his hands in distress.

"Well, I work as Principal here, right? You work as a teacher here as well and a cashier at your other job, right? So, with all that money, it could become a great possibility to not get just one child, but maybe even two!" Principal looked hopeful at that point.

"Oh, then it could work after all!" Baldi beamed, his face out of his hands.

"Yes, so all we can do is just hope at this point." Principal sighed.

They both were ready to start their family early.

*****(Next Day)

*Rainbow Adoption Agency--All Inclusive*

"There we go! We found a more fair agency than most others. Most of them won't even take unmarried couples, let alone gay." Principal sighed.

"30 day trial. They are giving us 30 days to find at least two children to adopt. This is just luck at this point." Baldi said, never feeling so happy his whole life.

"I don't know about you, but I've always wanted Playtime to be my daughter. Sadly, she already has foster parents of her own. So, adopting her is too much less of a possibility at this point." Principal groaned.

"You know what, she would be a fantastic daughter. She always seems full of energy and loads of fun to hang out with, even if she can be a bit of a nuisance at times." Baldi added.

"Yeah." Principal agreed.

Then, the school day began.

Everyone was there, but the day turned out to be a whole lot different than all the others so far. Playtime and Bully didn't seem to be around at all! At least, in anyone's line of sight.

Principal and Baldi got worried. They looked at each other with worried piercing eyes as they thought about Playtime and Bully's obvious disappearance.

As Player, Friend and Arts And Crafters waited in their usual classroom, with Arts pacing back and forth in the room worriedly, Baldi began searching in the halls for the boy and girl. Principal did the same, of course. Mr. Sweepers swept along the halls looking for them as well. Even with how quick the broom was, including Principal, there still was no sign of the bully and the jump rope girl.

Now, Baldi was pissed because of the annoyance and concern he was feeling for both the kids' lives as he returned back to his classroom.

With a slam of the classroom door shutting, that caused the three remaining kids to keep themselves quiet and have Arts immediately take a seat. Baldi sat at his desk, looking at the table in complete stress and anger. He couldn't even muster to look at the boys without scaring them out of the classroom.

"A-Arts, what is happening?" Player asked the sock boi that seemed to know almost everything that has happened in just a second at this school.

"Playtime and Bully have gone missing." Arts muttered.

"AAAnd why the hell would they go missing?" Friend asked impatiently.

"I-I don't know." Arts grumbled.

"Whoa, even Arts doesn't know why!" Player gasped.

Baldi was able to calm himself during their conversation, so he finally added, "Well, of course he wouldn't know. He isn't a mind reader after all."

"M-Mr. Baldi!" Player jumped in shock.

"Yeah, I really am not a mind reader. However, I only know what goes on inside the school, not outside." Arts explained.

"Okay, so they aren't here at all. What do we do now?" Friend asked.

"We should look for them one more time. You three will be involved this time, okay?" Baldi ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Baldi!" Player promised.

"Y-Yes, sir." Arts nodded.

"Whatever you say, teach." Friend agreed as the three boys went out of the classroom with Baldi to search for the two missing kids.

As the three boys and Baldi separated in different hallways, Player began to ask, "I remember when Arts talked about outside of the school. Maybe they are out there. Should we check, just in case?" 

"I-I suppose you may be right. If I haven't seen them in the school, then surely they should be outside." Arts admitted.

"But, aren't we not allowed to go outside?" Friend reminded.

"Yeah, but... it's worth a shot." Player shrugged his shoulders as the three boys exited the schoolhouse from the front area.

As they got farther and farther away from the school, like almost 25 feet away, they all finally found Playtime on her hands and knees, almost out of breath like she was running away from someone or something.

Then Bully appeared, just barely able to walk towards the three boys.

"O-Oh... m-my... g-god." Arts googly eyes went wide as Playtime could barely get up and Bully could barely make a step towards them.

"Playtime! Bully! What happened to you guys?" Player freaked.

"Hey! You three are in so- Playtime!? Bully!?" Baldi scrambled right over to the kids without slowing down.

He slid right to Playtime's side, then said, "What happened to both of you?"

"I-I am scared, M-Mr. Baldi." Playtime stammered.

"Why, Playtime?" Baldi was afraid of her answer. Now, she couldn't even look at him as Bully growled in answer, "Her foster parents aren't the best you could have. They took away her jump rope as punishment while they also beat her with many items they could find. At least, that's what she told me. They are chasing after her right now. Those frigging bastards..." Bully kicked the grassy ground in frustration. "I saved her, of course while I had to escape from my stupid parents. Luckily, they haven't followed me, but her parents are pyscho."

After he was done answering, Mr. Sweepers, 1st Prize, and Principal made it over to the others. Now everyone was outside as Baldi's voice boomed, "THEY WHAT!?"

"Wait, happened to them both?" Principal panicked.

Baldi repeated what Bully told him, then Principal never looked as livid as he did now. 

"Everyone, inside, to my office, IMMEDIATELY."

Everyone complied without second thought. As the robot, broom, and three boys made it inside, Baldi had to have Bully lean against him for support while Principal carried Playtime bridal style as them four took longer to get inside.

"Hey! Give us our daughter back!" All them four heard a man yell, which caused them all to strum around to face the crazy man and woman.

"Not. A. Chance." Principal growled as he held onto Playtime tighter.

"Try me." The foster father sneered as he began to charge right towards where the two adults and kids stood.

"Here is Playtime, Baldi. I will take care of him. You three just wait for me in my office while I deal with this damn monster." He placed Playtime, who now seemed to be unconscious, in Baldi's arms.

Of course, Baldi couldn't help but stay to see what was going on. Bully finally could walk more easily as he entered through the front doors of the school and waited in the office.

"That girl deserves what she gets! That fucking brat!" The mother screeched.

"Hey, you bitch! She's disabled! She can't help the way she was born and the way she was raised by you freaks!" Principal boomed.

"I resent what my wife said. That girl needs to learn who the boss is." The father snapped as he tried to shove into Principal. Principal punched him once with loads of force across the guy's face, and the crazed man fell on his ass with ease. The woman lost it.

"How DARE you fucking hurt my husband! How DARE-"

"YOU SHUT UP!" Principal roared as Baldi held Playtime tightly and stiffly in complete terror. "This poor little girl does not deserve the way you both have been treating her! You both have been abusing her to the point where she's unconscious! How DARE you both hurt her so!"

"Well, she has to learn one way or the other." The father grumbled as he struggled to get himself up.

"Yeah, she's spoiled shitless! A spoiled little bitch is what she is! I hope that little brat dies!" The mother spat.

"I resent that! She is a useless, hopeless waste of space!" The father agreed.

"YOU- YOU..." Principal couldn't even speak as a black substance began gushing out of his mouth and eyes. He looked terrifying as Baldi began to shake in complete fear. He held Playtime even more tightly than ever before as he backed into the yellow front doors and he sprinted right into the office without looking back.

Once Baldi laid Playtime down on one of the tables in the office, the boys began to ask one by one, "M-Mr. Baldi, w-where is the Principal?" Arts stammered as he saw how scared Baldi was.

"Yeah, where is he?" Friend repeated.

"Mr. Baldi, are you okay?" Player asked.

"Is Playtime okay?" Bully worried.

"She is okay, a-and I am terrified. Principal is beyond livid right now. He and those crazy foster parents are still outside." Baldi explained, his face never looking so pale in his life.

Playtime woke up just in time to hear all of what Baldi said.

"Mr. Baldi, did he have black stuff coming out?" She wondered.

"Y-Yeah, it terrified me so." He shook at the memory of it.

"That only happened a couple of times before now." Bully explained. "It usually only happens when he is really stressed, sad, or livid. In those couple of times it happened, only Mr. Sweepers, Playtime and I were around to witness him.

They heard stomping arriving towards the office. Baldi and the others immediately backed up when Principal slammed open the door and he sat right at his desk and glared down at his table in rage.

Everyone remained silent, not making a single sound. Baldi never felt so uncomfortable around his lover like he did now. This was like a different side of Principal.

Finally, Principal calmed down, and he muttered, "Okay, now that we all are here, we-"

"Wait, what happened to them pyschos?" Friend asked.

"They both ran once they saw my true form. The black substance just ruins my image, doesn't it?" Principal seemed more grumpy than anything. At least he wasn't livid anymore.

'Oh my, why did I have to scare poor Baldi?' Principal thought sadly. 'He must think of me as a monster. He still looks as if I am about to pounce at him!'

"Bully," Principal kept the pain and black substance in as much as possible as Baldi's eyes never left his, "What did your parents do to you?"

"My dad just started beating me with a bat as my mom looked on in satisfaction, like she's been looking forward to that moment." Bully grumbled.

Baldi's eyes teared up and clenched his fists as his heart melted for the two children. He could understand their pain, considering his father did the same thing to him, and his mother never bothered to check on him. She was too scared to ever do anything. She was always a coward. Bully's mother seemed completely heartless in comparison though, including Playtime's.

"I am so sorry that you both have to go through all of that." Principal shook his head in disbelief.

"As for you three," Baldi finally began to speak, with Principal's solid attention on him. "You all will stay after school for punishment, each receiving a worksheet as a lesson for you all."

"Baldimore, what did they do now?" Principal groaned.

"Friend, Player, and even Arts And Crafters ran outside kind of far from the school without any adults to look out for them." Baldi answered solemnly.

"Wait, are you telling me that Arts actually broke the rules?" Principal couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Well, when I went outside, I clearly saw them three when they found Bully and Playtime. So yeah, Arts broke a rule." Baldi shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't believe you three broke the number one rule which is to never go outside without an adult's permission! You three will stay here for a little while so Baldi and I can figure out what other punishment to give you. Worksheets isn't the only thing that could teaher you all a lesson." Principal criticized as Arts was hunched over, shaking and freaking out. He began to whimper as Friend merely shrugged and Player gulped in nerve.

"Baldi, Playtime, Mr. Sweepers, 1st Prize and Bully, you all can leave to your destinations." Principal said.

"I am going to have to carry Playtime to my classroom then. She is still a bit woozy. Very unbalanced, that poor little girl is." Baldi shook his head as he lifted her in his arms, then he left with Mr. Sweepers, Bully and 1st Prize following suit.

"Well, it looks like I am going to have to go back to my damn home." Bully grumbled as he held Playtime's hand carefully.

"M-Me too. B-but I don't want to!" She was close to sobbing. "And I miss my jump rope! It is at home."

"Looks like we have no choice here, don't we?" Bully sighed as they were about to exit the school, but then Principal stepped in front of them, preventing them from leaving the building.

"What is it, M-Mr. Principal?" Playtime sniffed.

"I hope that this isn't too much for you kids to handle, but Baldi and I decided that we wanted to adopt at least two kids. Then I realized that the both of you are completely vulnerable to abusive parents. I decided that I could adopt you both, If you don't mind too much." Principal began to twiddle his index fingers.

"Yay! I want to stay with you guys instead!" Playtime hugged Principal's torso tighter than ever before.

Principal beamed as Bully murmured, "You know what? I would rather live with you guys than my parents any day. Just... don't you and bald head kiss each other too much when I'm around, or I may change my mind about this."

"Bully, someday you are going to understand love for what it is in many forms." Principal said as Playtime let go of him.

"Nah, never." Bully grumbled, his face turning slightly pink.

Baldi came down the hall, stood on his tippy toes, then lightly pecked Principal on the lips.

Bully swiftly exited out the front doors as Playtime said, "Awww!" Then she followed Bully out of the school. They both waited outside for Principal to bring them into their new home.

"Baldi, I decided to adopt them both, if you didn't know that." Principal said, his face a bit red and trying to get himself out of his fluster.

"Yes, I do know. I was thinking about adopting them all day." Baldi smiled.

"Perfect." Principal looked lovingly in his boyfriend's eyes.

Baldi stared right back, his face turning pink bashfully.

They were about to kiss until Principal remembered that he had to bring their new adopted kids home. "Alright, you go take care of the three kids while I bring Bully and Playtime home." Principal then left the building.

Baldi glanced thoughtfully at the front doors. 'How did I get so lucky?' Baldi mentally questioned himself as he strides towards the classroom to prepare for the after school class. 'Arts too? How unbelievable!' He shook his head.

(Holy shit! I wrote too much here. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed and it is not too overbearing. :])

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