Hellish Reality *Loads Of Angst And Some Fluff/NSFW*

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*A few months later into December in a Winter-looking environment.*

Principal and Baldi laid together in bed in their usual position, with Principal spooning him from behind. Except... something seemed slightly different. Baldi felt something throbbing a little against his behind as he moved a little to get a bit more comfortable. He attempted to avoid the hard thing as he closed his eyes to try to get a little more sleep. Principal moaned a little as he woke up and realized that he had a hard on against his boyfriend's behind! He couldn't believe that he would wake up like this, let alone Baldi not getting bothered by it whatsoever! Or, at least trying to.

He rubbed his lover's behind a little bit, not too much for Baldi to take notice. He was surprised that he and Baldi never got it on these past few months at all, but that was because Baldi wasn't so sure about wanting to get it on so quickly. Of course, Principal rubbed again.

"Ahhh.~" Principal loved the feeling of Baldi's small posterior as he desperately continued on grinding in between the boxer covered cheeks. Baldi finally was fully awake as he felt Princi's hard cock rubbing up and down on his bottom. That began to turn Baldi on immediately as he groaned in realization of the whole situation he was in.

Principal almost stopped completely when he heard the girly moans of his boyfriend taking pleasure to the grinding he was giving him.

"P-Princi?" Baldi stammered, his face beet red in complete humiliation.

"S-Sorry, I can't hold back a-anymore." Principal grunted as he never stopped grinding his boyfriend's rear.

"W-What?" Baldi quivered in fear and shock as Principal didn't even attempt to slow down in the slightest.

"Baldi, we have been together for almost a year and a half. That is ten times longer than when my ex girlfriend and I have been together. We've only been together for a month, and we already started bumping uglies. No regrets, no questions, we just did it. Of course, there were regrets when our relationship ended. I never had anyone else after her except for you now."

"That doesn't sound like true love. You kind of sound like you are getting back to your old ways when you were with her." Baldi sighed as Principal finally stopped to listen, even though it was painful for both of them to stop at this point. "And you wonder why I don't want to get too close to people at all. All everyone wants to do is to get it on for the sake of getting it on. All people want is pleasure for themselves, nothing else. Where is the love, the romance, in that? Where is the permanent companionship I've been looking for? Well, ever since you explained that to me, now I've come to the realization that perhaps you are only here just to be 'bumping uglies' with me. And if that is why you have been trying to bond with me for almost a year and a half, then I say it would be for the best if I left this relationship for good." 

"Baldimore, roll over to face me. Now." Principal's demanding tone was more than enough to let Baldi know that he had no other choice but to obey his questionable boyfriend.

Baldi rolled over, then asked, "What is it?"

"Did you know that people learn from their mistakes? Well, I did. My ex taught me a lot. She said that if I wanted to have a future family for good, then I would have to know how to personally bond with my lover first before anything else. Baldi, that is what I have been doing with you. Because if I wasn't trying, I would've fucked you the first month we were together. Like I said earlier, We've been together for almost a year and a half! That has GOT to mean something to you." Princi sighed.

"I-I don't know how I feel about this." Baldi shook his head as he freed himself from Principal's grasp and walked over to the bathroom to get washed up.

"Baldi." Principal had a stern tone now. "Baldimore." Baldi still wasn't listening to his confusing boyfriend as he seized a washcloth to clean his face.

"BALDIMORE! GET BACK HERE!" Principal suddenly exploded.

As Baldi finished washing up, he peaked out of the doorway, and snapped, "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM TODAY!?"


"GOOD! WELCOME TO THE CLUB!" Baldi sighed, then rubbed his forehead, and murmured, "I am gonna go to school now. I am not even going to wait for you there. I am just gonna go straight to my classroom. Hope you are able to cool down." Then Baldi seized his backpack, then left their house.

"BALDIMORE! GET- ugh, whatever! Just go right ahead! I will be there anyways!" Principal grumbled as he seized his own backpack and was about to leave until he remembered that they have Bully and Playtime living in their home now.

'How did I forget about them so easily? They've lived with us for a few frigging months now! Goddamnit!' His mind went crazy as he went to their bedroom that they had to share.

"Playtime, Bully, get up. Have to get ready for school now." He tapped his foot impatiently as the kids slowly rose up in their beds.

"Do we really have to go?" Bully groaned as Playtime whined, "I just want to play jump rope all day!"

"YES! YOU BOTH ARE GOING TO SCHOOL TO LEARN SHIT AND THAT IS FINAL!" Principal boomed without being able to think twice about it, then he turned around to exit out their room and get outside just to wait for them two.

Playtime would've sobbed if today wasn't such a weird and messed up day. The kids just felt angrier and more tired as they jumped off their beds and went into the bathroom at the same time so they could get ready quicker.

Once Baldi entered the school building, he immediately forgot where he was supposed to go. So, he decided to remain near the entrance until the kids entered the school.

Player and Friend walked on the dirt road towards the school building. Player felt a certain dread that he never felt before, and it just got bigger and bigger the more he went towards the building.

"Friend, do you feel weird?" Player asked.

"No. Why do you ask?" Friend raised an eyebrow.

"I-I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. Something about the school seems really different." Player described.

"How do you know? We didn't even enter yet." Friend said, a bit worried for his friend's random thoughts.

"Okay... maybe I am going crazy." Player admitted as they both opened the front doors, then they met Baldi, who surprisingly wasn't waiting in the classroom like he usually did. 

A chill went down Player's spine as he saw how empty and lifeless Baldi's face looked. Baldi said to them, "Oh, hi! Welcome to my schoolhouse!"

His waving arm looked atrocious and sickening to the two kids.

It seemed as if Baldi couldn't think of anything besides the two kids in front of him and the math that he was about to teach to them.

Friend shook, his face completely pale. His bag felt lighter, then he checked in there as Player went to another set of yellow doors, but then Baldi said, "You need to collect 2 notebooks before you can use these doors." Player then went back over to where his friend was standing as Friend whispered desperately, "Player! Where are my notebooks? I could've sworn that I had all seven in here!" 

"I don't know. What I am wondering is why Baldi is acting as if we just came here for the first time. He never acted like this when I came here during the first day of summer school."

"I don't know, Player. This is fucking freaking me out!" Friend snapped.

'One *beep* day.' Some male voice said in Player's head as he and Friend entered the first classroom that was closest to them. Player shook his head and forced himself to forget about what the voice said and just continue on what they were doing.

"Ah! There's one of my notebooks! ...Why is it on Baldi's desk, though?" Friend wondered.

Player just shrugged his shoulders.

"And why isn't Baldi coming in here?" Friend asked.

Before Player could answer, he noticed a You Can Think Pad sitting on the desk, the one that hid under Friend's notebook. Player turned it on, then Baldi appeared on a little screen in the bottom left corner of the pad. He said, "Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject: Math! Answer the three questions correctly, and you might get something special!" The first problem appeared on the main screen of the pad. "Problem 1! 6 + 7 equals?"

"Is this all really a joke? So Baldi seems to have hidden my notebooks in different classrooms, because I don't see any more than just one in this room." Friend snorted as Player entered the answer without acknowledging his friend.

"Good one!" Baldi complimented as Player and Friend stared at each other with eyebrows raised.

The next problem popped up.

"Problem 2! 0 - 9 equals?"

Player answered with a -9.

"I can't believe it... you're incredible!" Friend rolled his eyes.

Last problem was shown.

"3 × 10 equals?"

In Player's opinion, this was an easy 30.

"Great job! That's right!"

Friend placed his first notebook in his backpack, then they exited the classroom to go near Baldi.

"You did great! Come here and get your prize! A shiny quarter!" Baldi reached the quarter in his long slender arm towards Player and Player took it without question.

"But... you NEVER gave us quarters before, Baldi." Friend reminded, but Baldi didn't say anything more. He only stared them deep in the eyes as Player and Friend proceeded into the next classroom without looking back.

"This is scaring me shitless. Where are the others?" Friend freaked out.

"I don't know what to think of this. I still believe that this could be a joke. This could be an April Fool's joke." Player attempted to assure his shaky friend.

"But Player, it's not even April! It's fucking December!" Friend snapped at his friend's utter stupidity.

"Well... whatever! We have to get your second notebook now. Who knows, this may be the last pad we have to deal with." Player said.

"At this point, we can only hope. But yeah, no more You Can Think Pads." Friend nodded in agreement as they went towards the teacher's desk.

They entered the right answers in the first two problems of course, with Baldi saying, "Haha! You got it!" and "You're doing faaantastiiiiic!". They could've sworn that Baldi was merely being sarcastic in his last compliment.

They were on the last problem. This one killed their brains.

"Problem 3! 3847ynrji7484h97gfhri84u789284u658i874y + 937***8485*4*5 ("**4*58374775i4n4i885748r847747483ht87t71098457573) equals?" 

"Excuse me? Is our teacher really tricking us now? There is literally NO WAY that we could solve this." Friend was incredulous about the whole ordeal.

The fifth graders struggled to wrap their minds around the logical ways that they could solve this problem with, but nothing came up.

"We're gonna have to wing it, Friend." Player sighed.

"Go right ahead. I am definitely not attempting to answer this bullshit of a problem." Friend shook his head as he looked away from Player and the Pad.

'Every *beep* December.' The static male voice spoke in Player's mind again! Player shook his head as if shaking away old memories, then went back to guessing the problem. The answer he gave was 12,946.

Baldi's facial expression was what terrified Player the most compared to the words on the main screen that said, 'I hear every door you open.' Baldi's face contorted into an angry expression that Player had never seen before.

Player gave the second notebook to Friend as a slap was heard out in one of the hallways. Friend's back stiffened as Player began to bite his lip.

"Player, what did you do?" Friend lost it.

"I couldn't solve the third problem, okay!?" Player answered quickly as he was the first one to exit the room, then Friend followed suit.

"It sounds like someone is spanking someone." Friend muttered as they inched further down a hallway. 

"Maybe-" Player was cut off as Baldi stepped right into their line of sight. He glared daggers at the kids as he walked forward, slapping his hand with his ruler.

"Player... we need to book it(No pun intended!). NOW." Friend cried out as he took Player's stiff hand and literally drug him away from the crazy teacher, the teacher they used to know and love like a father. *Insert sad face*

"What do you think he could do to us if he ever catches us?" Player wondered as they entered another classroom and found the third notebook.

"Uh, what do you think, Player?" Friend rolled his eyes at his stupid friend.

"Oh no! There's still more Pads!" Player cried out as he gave the notebook to Friend.

"Couldn't we just skip them all?" Friend wondered as the male voice spoke in Player's mind again, 'Of *beep* every year. You shall *beep* You will answer *beep* all the problems wrong *beep* so you both *beep* so only you can find me.' Player lost it at this point. "Friend, there is this guy that has been talking in my head for the past few minutes! He has been saying to me about one day, every December of every year! Also, he said we should get all answers wrong just so we can find him!"

"... Are you kidding?"

"*sigh*, I wish I was, Friend."

"Then go ahead. I am not daring to answer them. I really don't want to be in your shoes." Friend raised his hands up as if defending himself.

"Hey, I am getting all the rest of them wrong anyways." Player said while he collected most of the notebooks and gave them to Friend. Many Zesty Bars and Bsodas were placed in Friend's backpack, including the Principal's keys. As they were searching for the 7th notebook, everyone ended up appearing and doing their part on the poor boys. Playtime turned a corner and said, "I wanna play with someone!" Once she saw them, she went right over to them and begged, "Let's play!"

"This can't be real." Friend muttered to himself, shaking his head at the whole situation.

Player luckily was the only one who had to jump rope five times. Friend didn't have to do it for some weird reason.

1st Prize was behind them in a hallway they entered into. 1st Prize mainly focused on Player as he pushed down the hallway, just barely skidding by Friend.

Friend laughed, but realized that he was alone now. His face paled at the realization of that fact, then tried to find Player. He heard the slaps get closer and closer as Baldi walked towards Friend. "Oh shit!" Friend shouted as Baldi only passed by him. "Wait, what?" Friend was too confused to try to figure that out, so he continued on trying to find his friend.

Player wandered through the halls as he struggled to find the last notebook. Friend wasn't with him anymore! He ran and ran, then the Principal shouted out, "No running in the halls!" Then he drug Player to the detention room. "15 seconds. Your parents will hear about this one." He doubted that, considering the whole school seemed to be possessed anyways. He hated this, because they were never like this before.

Finally, he left the room, and saw Baldi walk closer to him as he fled into a longer hallway. Bully stood there, then growled, "I'm gonna take your cAnDyyy." Then he took The Principal's keys from Player's hand as the little boy passed by him. "Thanks for the generous dOnAtIoNNN!"

He entered the classroom with the last notebook in it, and he picked up the notebook and finished it as quickly as possible, getting all the answers wrong as usual. Friend was in a hallways as Mr. Sweepers appeared out of nowhere and began to push him into a classroom, the classroom which ended up being the one that Player was in. 'Mr. Sweepers seems to be the same, but more pushy than usual.' Friend thought as he went towards his friend.

"Here's your last notebook. We need to get the hell out of here!" Player freaked out as the whole place turned red all over the walls. Baldi shouted, "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU FOUND ALL 7 NOTEBOOKS! NOW ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS: GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!! Heh-heh-heeeeeh!" Friend seized Player's hand as they both tried to find an exit. Once again, Mr. Sweepers pushed into Friend as Player was all alone again. Arts appeared out of nowhere, screeching as he glided towards Player and teleported him where Baldi was trying to find him. Now, he was screwed because he was teleported into a corner of a dead end. Where a big telephone stood, by the way. If it was even possible, Baldi's facial expression was more empty than ever before as he advanced upon Player.

The crazy teacher seized his wrist and brought him to a classroom that was closest to them. His grip was vice and painful as he sat in one of the student's chairs and pulled Player over his lap.

"No, please! Mr. Baldi, we can talk about this!" Player begged for his life as Baldi started whacking him across the ass with his ultimate ruler. 

A little more than five minutes passed, and Baldi was still spanking him! It felt as if Baldi was beating him to death!

"OWWW! Pleeeaaaseee!" Player sobbed uncontrollably as Baldi showed no sign of pausing anytime soon, still spanking the poor boy at the same speed that he did minutes ago.

Friend entered the same classroom that Player and Baldi was in, then Friend shook the Bsoda and opened it, spraying it at Baldi's back.

Baldi's grasp loosened as they both fell off the chair. Player ran right towards Friend, limping desperately.

As they both exited the classroom, Friend asked, "Was he literally beating you to death?"

"I-I-I think so." Player sniffed.

"We are not gonna exit the school. I found Baldi's office right over here." Friend pointed out as they entered the small hallway leading to the office door. The wall closed behind them as they were in the small hallway.

"Are you sure that this is a g-good idea?" Player stammered, his bottom still feeling the unbearable pain.

*Warning: Filename 2 is considered a douchebag in this story. If you are still reading now, then read with alarm and remember the warning as you do.*

"Well, this could lead to our answers we've been needing!" Friend said as a voice hissed, "Alright, *beep* you both *beep* you win, Player. Proceed *beep* on inside."

Both boys entered through the green door, and stood in front of the big desk that the entity stood behind. He looked invisible except for his clothes, eyes and dark brown hair.

"Oh jeepers, you found me. Good job, I'm glad you found me, because I have something kind of important to say. *beep* It's about th-the game... Don't, *beep* Uh, Eh. Don't *beep* Don't, just, *laughter* this is.. This is probably looking pretty ridiculous *beep* Don't tell anyone about this game. You wanna.. Don't, don't bring attention to yourself. Destroy it, destroy the game. Destroy the game. Before, it's too late. *beep* What I'm saying is... is get out of this, while you still can. *beep* Just, don't.. don't know that you probably know I'm not saying that I'm trapped inside the game, no, that would be ridiculous-" The entity explained as Friend interrupted him.

"What do you mean that you aren't trapped here? Why else would you be in Baldi's office, a room we never thought existed? Also, why are talking about us as if we are a game?"

"This is *beep* this has been a game for quite some time. Ever since *beep* when the school was first built, that's when *beep* I went here to become a teacher. A *beep* math teacher."

"How come Principal never told us that?" Player asked incredulously.

"Because *beep* Well, I forced him and the others to forget about me completely. I look *beep* I search for fresh *beep* newer minds to free me from this hellhole of a school."

"Why? You could've gotten help the first year you were here if you didn't act like such a Arts And Crafters, except you are more cruel and unfair it seems." Friend snapped.

"Principal *beep* Kennith is my big brother. And *beep* I hate him. I hate him *beep* And his school of cronies. If he didn't exist, he wouldn't *beep* have trapped me in the school like he did those 5 years ago."

"Why did you come here if you hate him so bad?" Player wondered.

"Because, you *beep* fucking fool, I would kill him and his pathetic *beep* wimpy friends if it weren't for me being trapped here. *beep* If I could get out of here, I would. I died in the janitor closet cause I was kept trapped in there for like *beep* over three days. I starved to death."

"It can't be Principal's fault though, right?" Player asked, biting his lip.

"Yes, it *beep* kinda was. He was the reason I never was able to get out. Including that crazy sweep guy. God, *beep* I hate this *beep* damn school so much *beep* that I could just-"

"Alright, alright, we get it." Friend rolled his eyes. "Just get onto your point."

"Oh *beep* fine. Anyways, you *beep* both better find a way to get me out of *beep* here, or else, I will sick Baldi onto you both, until you both are no more. Also, I killed Kennith's first dog to get back at him. Kennith *beep* just was always too perfect. It made me so angry then. So he has another dog now. *Beep* Of course, I forced Kennith to remember that horrid moment."

"Okay! We will find a exit for you!" Player promised as he seized Friend's hand and they both looked everywhere in the office for a possible exit anywhere. 

"Goddamnit, why is it always the dog that gets killed?" Friend sighed.

"Shut up and *beep* find a damn exit." The entity growled. "Oh, and by the way, *beep* I go by the name Filename 2."

Player touched a corner. It was an opening to somewhere!

"File! I found an exit!" He shouted.

"Wait, really?" File was bewildered. "It couldn't be that quick!"

"Yes, he found an exit, now fucking leave you sick fuck." Friend growled as Filename 2 just rolled his eyes and left through the crack.

"Oh, and by the way, they all will be back to normal forever because I will never be here anymore. *beep*" Then the evil entity left forever and the office disappeared.

Friend and Player were back in a hallway as Baldi and the others were sleeping on the ground in front of them. They all slowly woke up one by one, and they all looked up at the boys in a daze.

"Ugh, what happened?" Baldi asked. "And why is there Bsoda on the back of my shirt?" (Baldisoda Lol)

"Why are we all sleeping here? Am I gonna have to say no sleeping in the halls now?" Principal groaned.

"Where is my jump- oh here it is!" Playtime said, reaching for her jump rope.

Bully grumbled as he struggled to stand including the others. Even Mr. Sweepers struggled to get back up! He's only a broom for crying out loud!

"There was this crazy entity guy named Filename 2 that called us all a game to him. I am glad we found him an exit when we did, or else he would've just let you beat us to death Baldi." Friend murmured as Baldi freaked out in realization.

"I did this too back in my first year of first being a teacher! Let me check you both."

"Baldi, I am fine, but you beat Player pretty badly." Friend sighed as Baldi desperately checked the poor boy's bum.

"Oh God! How could I do such a thing!" Baldi almost fainted but before he could, Principal began to comfort him while Playtime hugged him.

"It wasn't your fault, baby. Only my screwed up little brother can be blamed here." Principal assured as Baldi sniffed in his boyfriend's shoulder.

"We all should get back to our homes and try to forget this day. I doubt if we will, Filename 2 will not be here anymore. Hopefully."

Then everyone went their own separate ways.

As Principal, Baldi and their adopted children made it home, they went right to bed.

As the kids went in their bedroom, Principal and Baldi went into theirs. Baldi laid in bed, then Princi began to spoon him from behind as usual. Then, Baldi remembered their argument from that very morning when they were slightly being altered by File himself.

"Princi, sorry about the argument that morning." Baldi sighed.

"No, it was my fault, Baldimore. I should've not been so quick without your permission. What was I thinking?"

"We both were in our faults." Baldi said.

"Yeah." Principal agreed. "I promise that I will always love you with all my heart, and not my dick." Principal laughed as Baldi hit a pillow across his face.

"Come on, it's sleep time!" Baldi said as his blush wouldn't go away.

Principal smiled as he tightened his hold around Baldi even more as they both fell into a deep sleep at the same time, their breathing in sync with the other.

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