Chatty Patty

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[Requested by @AnimeMacy64]

"And then he lost a finger!" Patton exclaimed with excitement.

Roman glanced to Virgil who was looking at Patton like he had just committed murder.

"And this was all...while playing Patton-Cake?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.

"Yup! It grew back though...I'm pretty sure." Patton nodded.

"Actually... fingers don't...grow ba-" Logan began but was shut down by a furious shake of the head of no from Roman, "-Don't grow on trees!"

"That they do not, Logan! Silly goose!" Patton grinned before continuing, "So, anyway!" Patton continued with his story as Roman sunk down in his chair.

Virgil glanced over at Roman with a wince of guilt as he too wasn't very interested in the conversation. Somehow Logan was getting away with full on reading a textbook while Roman and Virgil had to sit and listen intently. Though, to be honest, neither of them were really listening- it was just that nobody could ever say No to Patton- he was just too damn cute and even Virgil couldn't honestly deny that. Though, he couldn't honestly deny either that Prince was, nonetheless, way cuter than-

"And we almost died!" Patton giggled.

Roman's eyes widened, "Oh. That's...unfortunate."

"But we didn't, don't worry- I'm still alive!"

"What a relief." Virgil forced a grin for Patton.

"I know right?" Patton smiled.

Patton took a breath to began before Roman fell to the ground with a gasp.

Virgil flinched and was about to get down to help when Roman winked at him, catching the dark trait off-guard and also causing him to want to slap him on the head for the moment of absolute horror he had just caused.

"Oh- Oh my stars! I-I think I'm going through- deprivation of-" Roman tried to think for a moment, "Of angst!" Roman gasped out as dramatically as he could.

Virgil fought back the urge to burst out laughing at such a phony excuse, though he was a bit surprised when he saw Patton looking genuinely confused.

"Are you going to be...alright?" Patton frowned.

"I-I think I need to head to Virgil's room stat to fill up on angst- before I become unbalanced!" Roman put his hand on his forehead as if he might actually be dying.

"Oh, you poor little bean." Patton frowned with a squeak and patted Roman on the head, "You go get some rest in there and come back whenever you feel like it."

Roman nodded frantically before ducking down and winking at Virgil once again.

Virgil shook his head to clear his mind to take that as a hint to do something and tried to come up with an excuse frantically, "I't...go in" Virgil murmured sarcastically, not particularly trying to act well one way or another.

"Don't be too hard on him, he clinically needs it!" Patton pointed at Virgil with a reassuring nod.

"Will- er...won't? Do?" Virgil simply nodded before sinking out.

Patton turned to Logan, "Wanna' get in our onesies and have a cat-walk?"

Logan paused and slowly closed his book, adjusting his glasses and looking up at Patton, "Yes."

Virgil sighed in relief as he opened the door to his room, "Patton is fine but...-" He paused when he saw Roman taking up the whole bed space. He groaned, "Save me some room, I wanna' watch YouTube videos."

Roman turned onto his side and curled in a tiny ball, hugging something close to his chest, "What is...this?" Roman held up the item he was holding to reveal a small teddy-bear with a stitched on red-sash.

Virgil's eyes immediately went wide and his cheeks red. He leapt forward and crashed onto the bed as he scrambled to grab the bear, Roman holding it up higher so the other couldn't reach it, smirking, "Give it back!" Virgil growled.

"Or what~?" Roman grinned.

"Just give it!" Virgil whined and sat up to snatch at the bear, only to have it moved higher as Roman sat up and balanced into a standing position on Virgil's bed and nearly touching the stuffed-bear to the ceiling.

"Just tell me what it is and I'll give it!" Roman chuckled.

"Please!" Virgil finally begged.

Roman lifted his eyebrows in surprise at Virgil actually pleading, but held the bear up still, "Well, it looks like my sash? Doesn't it?" Roman grinned.

"Shut up, sir singalot!" Virgil yelped, "I'm as tall as you- why can't I reach it!?"

"Maybe if you weren't so hunched over and scared all the time you'd be a bit taller." Roman giggled.

Virgil rolled his eyes before making a bold move and jumping on Roman, knocking him down flat on the bed and nabbing the teddy in a moment of weakness.

Roman huffed in defeat as Virgil sat down on his chest in triumph before rolling off to lay beside him.

Virgil hugged the bear quickly before returning it to it's spot under his pillow. He stayed silent as he stared at Roman for a bit before the other finally spoke.

"So...what's with the red sash?" Roman inquired.

"He's a Cub Scout." Virgil replied flatly.

"Ha. Ha." Roman replied sarcastically.

"...Yeah..." Virgil shrunk down.

"Virgil?" Roman cocked his head on the mattress, "You know that I'd be totally flattered, if that bear was to represent me?"

Virgil simply shrugged, "If you want to believe that I hug it at night when I'm lonely because it reminds me of you holding me...then go ahead and believe that- but I never said it was true." Virgil stated quickly without a change in expression.

Roman's features beamed and he smiled widely, "Alright...then you're welcome to believe that I steal your eyeshadow sometimes and mock your voice in the morning if you'd like to believe that- but I never said it was true." Roman winked before leaping up, and over Virgil.

Virgil chuckled before letting the comment sink in, "That's where my eyeshadows been going!" He raced after the now fleeing trait, "Get back here, charming!"

"Wonderful comebacks, Virg!" Roman called back as he ducked down.

Both traits reappeared in the main room and froze to find Patton and Logan flailing around and dancing in their Unicorn and Cat onesies.

Roman turned to Virgil, "Let's go try and wipe that from our eyes?"

"Deal, Princey- but you're providing the eyeshadow for the aftermath."

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