Royal Munchies

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[Requested by @DABOOMDOTCOM]
"He~llo!" Roman leapt up to greet the other two traits.

Logan waved his hand absently, his eyes unwavering from the textbook in his grasp before closing it and pulling a deck of cards from his pocket, flipping through them before landing on one, "Ah...'ss...up?"

"Very good, Logan!" Patton clapped, hopping slightly in joy.

Logan grinned, "Why, thank you, I try."

"Maybe let's work on attitude next time as well?" Roman suggested with a grin, earning a glare from Logan.

"Oh, now come on, let the moment last." Patton chuckled.

"Well, I think that it's wonderful that you're at least trying, Logan!"

Logan dropped his text book to the ground.

Patton's eyes widened and he beamed from ear to ear.

Roman stared in absolute confusion.

"What's wrong?" Virgil cocked his head.

Logan closed his gaping mouth, "...You just complimented me- and it wasn't sarcastic or mumbled."

"Yeah? Oh, mm! That's nice! I love it!" Virgil nodded.

"You used the word Wonderful..." Patton squeal-whispered.

"Virgil... you're seriously scaring me." Roman stared Virgil dead in the eye.

"But...this could be a good thing! My dark and broken son is blossoming into a wonderful Ray of sunshine!" Patton leapt up with glee.

"I have to say...I don't dislike it- my question is, how did this happen? How is this possible?" Logan inquired, bending down to pick up his fallen textbook and brush it off while murmuring quiet apologizes to it before looking back to Virgil.

"I dunno'." Virgil shrugged, "It just...kinda happened? I think?"

"You think?" Roman took a step forward, "Just...all of a sudden you're this..." Roman waved his hand, "Happy, shiny figure?"

"It seems so." Virgil shrugged with a bright smile.

Logan approached Virgil and circled him curiously, "It doesn't make sense. How can one's trait suddenly- switch roles like that?" He inquired.

"Yeah! Maybe next I'll be the logical quarter and you'll be the moral-" Patton began.

"Don't. Don't even suggest me loosing this-this-" Logan motioned to his head and tapped on his temple, "Palace."

"Whoah there! Big ego alert!" Patton laughed teasingly.

"Are you positive that you've changed nothing?" Logan ignored Patton's comment.

"" Virgil shrugged.

"Hm. Well...Patton could be...right..." Logan sighed.

"Really?" Patton squeaked excitedly.

"Yes...but only theoretically- that we may be switching roles as traits." Logan frowned.

Roman crossed his arms, "But how is this fair?"

"You don't like it, princey?" Virgil frowned.

"I just...I..." Roman rolled his eyes helplessly before putting a hand on Virgil's shoulder, the other not flinching for once, "I could never... not like you... I- suppose."

Virgil smiled, "Alright."

Roman felt his heart sink at the response and stepped back to his usual place, biting his lip subconsciously.

"I think it'll work. As long as Thomas doesn't get too side-tracked from his needed stabilities- I hate to admit it, but...anxiety seems to be the key to keeping Thomas motivated in some... odd manors..." Logan shrugged.

"Well, kiddos! Now that that's settled I suggest you all-"

"Abuse the straw?" Logan added.

"It's uh... hit the hay, Logan- but, A for effort!" Patton gave two thumbs up.

Logan straightened his glasses with a grin, "I'll take it."

"Good for you!" Patton clapped before ducking down into his own room with a wave.

Logan looked from Roman to Virgil and then back, before shrugging with a farewell and ducking down as well, nose deep in his textbook and leaving the other two traits to themselves.

Roman was quiet for a moment, staring down at his feet and finding them very interesting at this very particular moment. He finally dared to look up and saw Virgil happily waving. Roman frowned, "What is it?"

Virgil skipped up to Roman, "I dunno'! I just like looking at you." He shrugged

A light blush dusted Roman's face but he shook his head to ignore it, "Virgil...what's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong!" Virgil grinned.

Roman groaned, "Yes- yes, something is very wrong."

Virgil frowned, "Can I not just decide to be happy?"

" being happy isn't the problem." Roman shook his head, "It's how you're're happy a lot of the time but- in your own...Virgil way..."

"So you don't like fanciful Virgil?" Virgil pouted.

"I like Virgil Virgil." Roman nodded, "I like how you're and that you express yourself as you and that I️, you being you."

"But, I...did this for you." Virgil shouted.

Roman paused and furrowed his brow, "Excuse me?"

Virgil glanced away and picked at the sleeve of his jacket awkwardly, "I...may have gotten into your... Royal Munchies..."

Roman looked at Virgil in disbelief before slapping his hand over his face in a face-palm, "Virgil! You know that that stuff contains a high level of Sodium-Fancide- that stuff makes you as giddy and as fanciful as me!"

"I know! I know! That's why I had some..." Virgil frowned guilty, "Are you mad?"

Roman took in a deep breath before puffing it out again, " I'm not...mad. I'm just...disappointed that you felt like you needed to do that..." He approached Virgil and put his hands on either of the other's shoulders, "You should know that I'll always... appreciate you no matter what your personality is...but...I really do like the you that's most like- you, Anxiety, because if I like you it's because I like you."

"You've said the word you about a thousand times in the last minute." Virgil pointed out with a smirk.

"Because I love you!" Roman finally stated.

Virgil was quiet for a few minutes as he let the statement soak in and the blush rise up before clearing his throat, "O-one thousand and one times..."

Roman rolled his eyes with a small frown, the statement not meaning as much as Virgil as Roman had expected, "Whatever, hot topic."

"...I guess" Virgil shook his head, "Nope. No. I'm going to go apply eyeshadow until Logan may have it with his words, edginess has returned." He smirked before ducking down.

Roman grumbled to himself.

" too..." Virgil finished his sentence silently once in his room, almost glad Roman couldn't hear him- but also a bit disappointment. But nonetheless- it was an... 'understood thing.'

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