Halloween Horrors

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Patton came bounding into the living room with a screech, causing the other three aspects to flinch from where they stood.

"Where's the fire?" Virgil muttered sarcastically.

"There is none, silly- is there?" Patton squeaked, sniffing for smoke before shaking his head, "Nah, there isn't."

"Well what seems to be the matter?" Roman crossed his arms.

"Nothings the matter! I mean- there is but- it's good!" Patton nodded vigorously.

"So? What is it?" Logan cocked his head.

"This!" Patton held up the case to a DVD, "It's almost Halloween so, I bought us all a movie to watch!"

"The nightmare before Christmas?" Roman gasped excitedly.


"Hocus Pocus?" Logan guessed.

"Spookier!" Patton was bouncing now.

"Halloween town?" Virgil smirked.

"Even bett- well, not much can top Halloween town- BUT-" Patton took in a gasp, "I got BlareWitch!"

Logan's eyes widened, "You like scary movies?"

Roman scoffed in disbelief.

"Of course I do!" Patton giggled, skipping towards the TV and popping in the CD, "Now get settled!" Patton went around to turn off all the lights.

"Maybe we should keep a light on...so nobody trips..." Virgil suggested.

"We should be fine, we have a mental lay out by now so as long as we're careful we can still get the full experience as well as safety." Logan nodded.

"Oh...okay..." Virgil nodded stiffly and ambled towards the couch, sitting down on the edge.

Roman took a seat beside the curled up, anxious aspect, and as per usual, Virgil scooted a few inches away.

Patton flopped down beside Logan and grabbed the remote and switched it the blue ray, turning the sound up and letting out noises of excitement, "It's supposed to be super scary the first time."

Roman flinched at a squeak from Virgil beside him and furrowed his brow, about to call him on it when the intro music blared through the speakers and quieted down as Patton pressed play.

The movie wasn't all too scary at first, just some exposition, and then the background music picked up, like you just knew that something was about to go wrong.

Roman bit his lip in anticipation and leaned forward as he expected a jump scare. And then-


The aspects all let out a gasp, but Roman's was for two reasons, the jump scare, and the fact that the wind had been knocked out of him when Virgil rammed into him. Roman looked to his side to see Virgil clinging to him like his life depended on it, burying his face in the royal's side and trembling as he let out various, almost inaudible, whimpers.

Roman leaned back, putting a hand on Virgil's back and rubbing small circles into it before leaning down to look at the darker aspect, the faint glow of the TV making out the pale, horrified face of the terrified aspect.

Roman kept his arm around Virgil, "Wanna' go to the kitchen?" Roman suggested, his voice being able to just barely be heard above the intense music.

Virgil nodded vigorously and Roman slyly got up, holding Virgil's hand and slyly sneaking them away, the darkness being their invisibility.

The two approached the kitchen and stopped once there, the surroundings being just a tad bit quieter and the fridge-water light making it seem friendlier.

Roman kept a hold of Virgil's hand, and for once, the other aspect didn't seem to mind.

"Are you alright?" Roman frowned.

Virgil was silent and looked down, shyly shaking his head no.

Roman simply nodded and pulled out two chairs as best he could with one hand and gently sat Virgil down on one, sitting down on his as well, "It's surprising how, the one who most drawn to the gloom is the same one repelled by horror movies." Roman chuckled softly but Virgil simply gave an embarrassed look, causing the royal to feel guilty, "It's okay though...to be...scared."

"I'm not...scared." Virgil murmured.

"My knuckles are white." Roman pointed out to Virgil's strong grip on his hand.

Virgil did not move his hand however, "...Do you get scared sometimes?" Virgil murmured.

Roman felt his heart sink, "Me? A prince- why would I get-?" Roman signed, "Yes, indeed I do."

Virgil smirked slightly.

"But mostly I worry."


"You," Roman admitted, "What you're doing to yourself and how you're handling things."

Virgil blinked in confusion, "Why me though? And- how?"

Roman chuckled, "You seem so astonished to the fact that people actually care about you."

"Well- yeah."

"Virgil...you act as if everyone is out to get you all the time and...you put up this...guard that you refuse to take down and it's hurting you, I know that it's hurting. I can see it in the way you warily walk around as if there's a hidden nail and you have bare feet. And the way you look at everyone as if they'd just killed your dog- it worries me because you bottle everything up and store away in some locked up portion of your mind where you're screaming to get out of." Roman frowned and shook his head, "That scares me."

Virgil sat in pure shock.

There was silence, only the quiet music of the movie was able to be heard.



"...That scared me too..."


Roman woke up to a shriek. His eyes shot open as he recognized the direction of the shriek and located the noise from Virgil's room. He instantly ducked out to leap into Virgil's room in seconds, he held up his sword high, "What must I slay!?" Roman paused when he saw Virgil curled up on the corner of his bed rocking back and forth. Roman then lowered his sword and sheathed it, advancing towards to huddled up aspect, "Virgil? Are you alright?"

Virgil flinched and let out a yelp, looking around wildly before focusing on Roman, his breathing settling down just a tad bit.

Roman crawled forward to sit beside Virgil, "Nightmare?"

Virgil nodded a yes.

"Anything I can do?"

"Can you...check under my...bed? For...witches...?" Virgil murmured shyly.

Roman smiled slightly, "Of course, Princessa."


Roman looked under the bed and jabbed his sword there a few times for good measure before leaning up, "Nothin-" Roman yelped as he was attacked and fell onto his back. He looked up and then realized he had been a victim to a Virgil boof, he chuckled and held up the other aspect, "Its funny how the others complain about how dark you are."

"Shut up." Virgil furrowed his brow.

"Well its true."

"I'm attacking you, duh, that's evil."

Roman snickered, "Its cuter than it is scarier."

"Alright I'll go then." Virgil shrugged.

"nO-" Roman continued to keep hold of the other.

"See, you're holding me hostage, this isn't my decision."

"You sly little son of a b-"


[BOnUs BoNus]

"Virgil, how many shoulders are there?" Roman giggled.

"I don't kno-"

"One," Roman tapped his own shoulder, "Two," He tapped his other shoulder, "Three," he tapped Virgil's shoulder, "Four." He snaked his arm around Virgil to tap his other shoulder.

"Oh my gOD-"

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