Pretend Love

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[Requested/Suggested by periwinkle_moonlight ]
[Now back to your regularly scheduled- notreally- regularly aged, Aspects]

"Blasted dragon-witch! You shall not take awayeth my fair maiden!" Roman took a few stances forward and back, poking Virgil with the tip of his sword.

Virgil flinched and signed with an unamused look, "Oh no..." He muttered sarcastically and raised both his hands with a quiet growl.

"Now I shall leapeth at you!" Roman announced and jumped forward, Virgil easily sliding a step to the left and sending Roman to the ground with his falter.

Virgil blinked, unfazed.

Roman whirled onto his back and kicked his way into an upright position, getting into another stance, "A clever beast indeed!"

"...Rawr..." Virgil murmured.

"But I shall now kill you!" Roman grinned and sent his sword plunging forward.

Virgil simply took a step back and avoided the blow with ease.

Roman frowned in defeat and advanced forward, "Don't believe I'll give up so easily! I'll try again!"

"Maybe if you stopped proclaiming your next actions?" Virgil suggested.

"Oh- I shall stop then." Roman nodded.

"Mhm." Virgil sighed.

Roman took a few steps forward before leaping and knocking Virgil to the ground, stabbing his heart- and by that, Roman was actually stabbing the gap between Virgil's side and arm, "Alas! I have killed the treacherous Dragon-Witch!"

Virgil made a squeak of pain.

"Alright now you turn into the beautiful maiden- since you were cursed but now I saved you by killing the bad dragon-witch side of you." Roman whispered out of character.

Virgil rolled his eyes before pushing Roman off of him, "Yay, I'm free- woo hoo- oh no I still have a giant wound in my chest- bleh, I'm dead- the end."

Roman furrowed his brow in disappointment.

"I think I'm about done playing pretend for awhile, Roman- and by awhile, I mean, I'm good with never doing that again in my entire life."

"Pretend?" Roman scoffed, "At any moment a dragon-witch could attack- and curse you for that matter! I want you to be prepared!"

"By killing me?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.

Roman crossed his arms, "Well obviously not."

"Great, now when a dragon-witch actually comes then maybe I'll give you some credit- but for now I'd call this a waste of my time." Virgil shrugged.

"A waste? And what better could you do then this?" Roman challenged.

"Make a list, prepare for the worst, remind Thomas of all his deadlines for the next month, lots of things." Virgil leaned back against the wall beside the living-room stairs.

"But those things aren't fun." Roman frowned, scooting over to sit beside Virgil.

"And this was?" Virgil huffed.

"Why would it not be?" Roman whined.

"It's not edgy. I need to be More edgy." Virgil smirked and flipped his hair over one eye, "So edgy."

"Oh my god I can practically taste the angst." Roman winced.

"Oh yeah?"

"It tastes like an oatmeal raisin cookie- like with lots of raisins." Roman shuttered.

"Ah, of course it does." Virgil raised his eyebrows.

"Plus it's fun because the reason you were still bleeding out after you were uncursed-"

"You take your dress-up seriously-" Virgil chuckled.

"Hush- was because you didn't receive of a true-love's kiss." Roman grinned.

Virgil's face turned light pink for a moment before he shook his head and turned it away from Roman, "No such thing." He rolled his eyes.

"There is too!" Roman pouted.

"Love is just...a word, just a word." Virgil shrugged.

"It's so much more than- than a word!" Roman fought back.

"Love never lasts, thus making it impossible for true love to exist." Virgil shrunk back, "Ew, I sound like Logan."

"True love does exist and it does last if it is indeed true!" Roman huffed out.

"Not for me." Virgil simply shrugged.

"There's true love for everyone!" Roman frowned.

"Is there now?"


"It's just a word, don't get so worked up." Virgil began to pull out his phone.

Roman grabbed Virgil's hand along with the phone, getting his attention and getting the darker-aspect to turn his head back towards Roman.

Roman kept eye-contact with Virgil, "Love- true love- is so much, so much more than a word, Virgil. Love is sacrifice, love is kindness, love is looking into that person's eyes and seeing them shine through the midst of the darkness and finding that light that's always burning. Love is that feeling in your gut that seems to lift up and drop whenever you see the one, the feeling of absolute relief and nerve all packed into your chest and release when they hold your hand. Love is Love."



"Is it okay if...I love a part of myself?"

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