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[AU where they've just figured out how to shape shift]

"And then I was just thinking about fluffy puppies and I just really wanted to be one and then next thing you know- bam!" Patton wagged his tail happily.

"You're...a puppy...?" Logan blinked in disbelief.

"Yup!" Patton barked happily.

"But...why?" Logan furrowed his brow.

"I just explained that, silly!" Patton lolled out his tongue.

"No but- you could be anything- and you chose a puppy?" Logan was having a hard time wrapping his head around this.

"Not just a puppy, a fluffy puppy!" Patton yelped excitedly.

"Well I think it suits your personality quite wonderfully, Patton." Roman smiled.

"It's okay." Virgil shrugged.

"As if you could do better Mr.Frown." Roman huffed.

"Bet I could." Virgil shrugged.

"Turn into a bird." Logan fixed his glasses on his face.

"Fine!" Virgil closed his eyes and focused hard on the animal, biting his lip in frustration and begging that he wouldn't ruin this and end up wrong- if there was one thing, one more thing, that Virgil hated- it was being wrong.

"Oh my stars!" Roman gasped.

Virgil blinked in confusion, "What-?" He shut his trap when he heard his voice come out in a squeaky, airy voice.

"You're adorable!" Roman squealed.

Patton was spinning circles, wagging his tail, "Virgils tiny!"

Logan snickered, "That he is."

Virgil looked down and his eyes widened in horror as he looked at his form. He was tiny, little baby Raven that still had some fluff on the feathers, "Sh-shut up!" And his higher voice wasn't helping with his embarrassment.

Roman came skipping towards Virgil and picked him up delicately in his hands, holding him in his flat palms as to not crush him and lifting him to his face, the others crowding their faces around soon after.

If Virgil could blush, his face would be a tomato.

"He's so fluffy!" Roman gasped.

"And teensy!" Patton woofed.

"And he has a nice wing span." Logan nodded.

Roman nuzzled his nose with Virgil's beak, "Who's a widdle birdy, who's a widdle birdy!"

"Shut up or I'll peck your face off, princey boy." Virgil chirped angrily.

"You can turn back whenever you please, Virgil, so stop complaining." Logan turned to Patton who was hastily chasing his tail, "That goes for you too."

Patton stopped and thumped into a sitting position with a whimper, "I don't want to, though."

"You're a grown man, Patton, you can't stay like that forever." Logan rubbed his temple in annoyance.

"But if I do then I can do this!" Patton barked and leapt up, grabbing Logan's glasses in his jaws and bounding away.

"Stop it! Come back here at once!" Logan went chasing after the pup, "You'll get dog saliva all over them- Patton!" In a moment they both disappeared around the corner.

Roman snickered before turning back to the small being, hardly as big as one of his fists, "You should stay like this all the time, it makes you all the more bearable."

"Once again- shut up." Virgil sighed before shutting his eyes and turning back into his usual self.

Except the only problem was-

He couldn't.

Virgil is opened his eyes and he was still a bird, as tiny as ever. He squeezed his eyes shut again and attempted.

No luck.

Virgil ruffled his feathers indignantly.

"What's wrong, Birdo?" Roman blinked.

Virgil glared at Roman before muttering out a string of words.

"I can't- I cant hear you, speak up."

"I can't...change...back..." Virgil murmured.

"You can't what?" Roman squinted his eyes.

Virgil let of a squawk of annoyance, "I can't change back!"

Roman was silent for a minute- but only for a minute- then he burst out laughing, staggering backwards and flopping down on the couch as he tried to catch his breath.

"Hecc! Take a pecc! You almost dropped me!" Virgil clung to Roman's hand with his extended wings.

Roman let out gasps of breath until he finally was able to breath again and wiped the tears from his eyes, "That's amazing!"

"How?" Virgil groaned.

"You can be my little birdy for the day!" Roman squeaked excitedly.

"No-No- No." Virgil shook his tiny head.

"All princes have little birds!" Roman protested.

"I'm not singing." Virgil stated firmly.

"Please?" Roman whined.

"Not in a million years, princey." Virgil chirped.

Roman frowned, "You're no fun."

"Well this form isn't exactly fun." Virgil grimaced.

"How so? It looks absolutely wonderful to me!" Roman beamed.

"Well you find a bright side to everything." Virgil called.

"Of course I do! I'm the creative side!" Roman moved to put his hands on his hips in a prince stance, before remembering Virgil was in his hand and darting his hands down to catch the now falling bird. He snatched up the frail creature delicately and cradled him in his arms, "Are you alright?"

"Other than you giving me a heart attack- yeah, sure." Virgil gasped.

Roman squinted his eyes guiltily, "Sorry about that."

"Whatever." Virgil muttered.

"Now- we ought to fix this predicament." Roman furrowed his brow in concentration.

"I could fall asleep and...maybe if I wake up I'll be...humanish- again." Virgil shrugged his fluffy wings.

"I suppose." Roman nodded.

Virgil happily closed his eyes and burrowed into Roman's arms, fluffing out his feathers before contently sighing.

Roman bit his lip as to not coo towards such an adorable sight but simply began rocking Virgil Bird back and forth slightly.

Virgil wouldn't admit this but this would probably that moment where if someone asked you one time you'd go back to if you could choose any time, his answer would be this moment right here- because moments never last. Virgil hardly shut his eyes when he was awoken by yelping, slamming himself into Roman's chest for protection as Patton raced through the room, now wearing Logan's glasses and still in dog form.

Patton paused a second and trotted in place to look at the two, "Still having trouble kiddos?" He barked out.

"Yes." The two aspects responded in unison.

"Well tell me if you find the right tweetment to fix this!" Patton panted.

"Patton no-" Virgil began.

"I would stay and chat but I have to fly." Before any aspect could object, Logan wildly burst into the room and leapt towards Patton, "I better duck out!" Patton yelped and ran away, Logan hot on his heels, "Try a peck!" He called over his fluffy shoulder before disappearing.

"What the peck?" Virgil huffed.

"Of course! It's so simple!" Roman gasped.

"What? What's so simple?"

"A peck!" Roman exclaimed.

"A peck?"

Without warning, Roman bent down and tapped his lips to Virgil's beak.

Virgil. Was. Gone.

Virgil could feel his cheeks flush up and his face burned. In fact, his whole body burned and blushed for that matter his- his body-

"It worked!"

"Wh-what worked?" Virgil swallowed at the sudden realization that Roman was still cradling him in human-form.

"True love's kiss of course!" Roman squeaked happily.

This didn't help the rising blush on Virgil's face, "No- No- No- that was not- it just- it wasn't even-" Virgil scrunched his cheeks to his shoulders.

Roman stood up proudly, hoisting Virgil along bridal style, "Now off to happily ever after."

Virgil groaned, "This is so Hawkward."

"But at least you're not owl by yourself!" Roman winked.

"Oh I see, toucan play at this game." Virgil smirked.

"Your puns are cheep and they duck." Roman sighed.

"Sparrow me the bird puns."

"Owl ove you."

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