Truth or Dare [Part2]

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Logan cleared his throat, "So it seems Roman is...regaining consciousness again." Logan bit his lip in concern, "However, it was only be a minor set back as it was only in shock- and anyway, the majority of the questions are now set for Virgil-"

"Why, what, and how-" Virgil sat at the edge of the room with his knees tucked towards his chest, face barely starting to regain its usual pale hue compared to the vibrant red it had previously been.

"Everyone loves a Villain." Roman croaked out, blinking as his head stopped throbbing for a moment.

"You just lean back, kiddo." Patton leaned Roman back against the wall.


"Oh just-"

"Nothing." Virgil hissed.

"Virgil confessed his love towards you during a live stream." Logan stated plainly.

Roman's face immediately turned a bright red and he began to lose consciousness again.

"No, no, no!" Patton squeaked, holding Roman's head up, "Logan, be a dear and grab him his Royal Munchies, would ya' please?" Patton blinked kindly.

Logan sighed, "Fine- but make sure Virgil answers his questions, I don't want us getting off schedule."

"You diddly darn got it!" Patton giggled.

"As long as these people stay out of my business, then fine." Virgil shrugged, grabbing hold of his laminated question sheet and looking over the next question, "Are you kidding me?" Virgil simply dropped the paper.

"What? What is it?" Patton asked curiously as Logan returned quickly with the Royal Munchies, prying open the Prince's mouth and pouring them in, moving his jaw to chew and eventually swallow.

A few moments later Roman blinked open his eyes, "What's going on he-"

"On a scale from one to one-thousand, how much do you love Roman?"

Roman was out cold once again.

"How is this even possible?" Patton whined.

"Virgil is taking all the romantic themes away from Roman, thus the balance being off, and there for we have these." Logan stated as he began pouring the Royal Munchies once again.

"It was rhetorical but- okay!" Patton squealed.

"Derf."." Virgil answered.

"That's not a real number." Logan frowned.


"I don't- I don't understand." Logan furrowed his brow.

"Exactly." Virgil leaned back, "Now you do something."

Logan sighed, "If I must." Logan positioned his glasses to a comfortable spot on his face while Roman was slowly waking up, once again, and coughing up the Royal Munchies.

"Patton," Logan began.

"Mhm?" Patton grinned.

Logan sighed with a groan, "We're supposed to do the Gallus Gallus Domesticus dance in our onesies for a minute."

Patton gasped instantly, "Oh- my-" He popped up in his cat onesie a moment later, "Y E S!"

Logan begrudgingly popped up with his Unicorn Onesie on.

"I only heard dance- but I'm in." Patton nodded, "But- what exactly is dance?"

"Gallus Gallus Domesticus Dance." Logan corrected, "More commonly known as- The Chicken dance."

"YES." Patton shrieked.

Roman was practically exhaling the Royal munchies by now as well as inhaling them. His choking finally stopped once it was all gone, "Oh my- Stars- that was an awful feeling and-" Roman looked up and saw Patton and Logan doing the Chicken Dance. In their onesies. In sync. On beat. And immediately started choking again.

Virgil was on the floor dying of laughter and struggling to get his phone out in time and managing a few quick snaps before collapsing.

"Fifty-Eight, Fifty-Nine- Sixty!" The second it had been a minute, Logan ducked down and back up again in his usual attire, sighing in relief.

Patton however, decided to stay in his Onesie and simply plopped down in his spot, awaiting the next question.

"Alright then." Logan tried to ignore the fact that- well- tried to ignore the last minute.

"Logan, go again! That was fun!" Patton couldn't help suppress a string of giggles.

"I suppose...but only because Roman still needs...a cool down period, before participating again."

"There are too many emotions for me to comprehend..." Roman whispered as he rocked back and forth before clearing his throat and attempting to reassume his royal stance, in sitting firm of course, "I shall bare through, as always."

Logan snorted in amusement before reading his dare allowed, "Dye your" Logan face-palmed, "No."

"Yes." Virgil smirked.

"Honestly, it's not even that hard-"

"Yes." Virgil nodded again.

Logan rolled his eyes and dipped down, reappearing a few moments later with black hair.

Patton let out an ear-splitting shriek of excitement and clapped his hands gaily, "You look like a little, baby K-Pop star!"

"I most certainly do not!" Logan hissed.

"You do. A little more on the emo side too, so- nice." Virgil gave a small thumbs up.

"I do have to say, it does match your aesthetic quite well, Logan." Roman nodded admiringly.

"Watch. It." Virgil muttered under his breath.

Logan was quick to slip away to change his hair color back to usual before heading back, "Now you try and do something creative. See how hard it is for you and then judge." Logan crossed his arms.

"Nothing can be that bad." Virgil shrugged.

"Oh, really? Let me see your sheet."

Virgil sighed and handed over his sheet.

Logan snagged it and read over it quickly, the corners of his mouth sliding into a menacing grin, "Try this." Logan set his finger down on a dare, tapping it with delight before handing it back to Virgil.

Virgil took the paper and read over he dare, "Guys, I just look like Thomas with messy hair without my eyeshadow, I don't need to take it off to prove that." Virgil snickered.

"No! No you wouldn't!" Logan pointed out, "you're still wearing Roman's shirt and sash so you would look like him!"

Virgil shared a glance of horror with Roman, the other shaking his head no as if to not hand back the patched hoodie he was hugging to his chest.

"Do I have to?" Virgil groaned.

"Well, you'd just be proving that it is hard to make a fashion statement."

"No. It's just eyeshadow."

"If it's just eyeshadow, then you won't have a problem with taking it off, you Gallus Gallus Domesticus!"

"I am not chicken." Virgil scoffed, "Plus I don't fall for that."

"Roman can convince you though." Logan suggested.

Roman held up his hands in defense.

"But he wouldn't- isn't that right?" Virgil gave a sincere smile. A sincerely threatening smile, that is.

Roman scoffed in offense before sitting up, "Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing you dress up as me."

"It's not dress-up, its blackmail." Virgil pointed out.

"Pwease?" Patton whined.

Virgil glanced over at Patton, pausing a moment before sighing in defeat. He took the sash and wiped the eye-shadow off, leaving a stain, much to Roman's dismay.

Silence filled the room.

It was soon broken, however, by a loud squeal- but this time, it wasn't from Patton- but rather from Roman.

"You look- adorable." Roman gasped.

Virgil scowled and shrank down, though his face was burning red, "You're just saying that because I look like you."

"You look a combination of both me and you!" Roman squeaked.

"Whatever." Virgil muttered, unwilling to admit he enjoyed not seeing a shade of darkness under his eyes, "Let's just...get this over with."

"Alright then." Logan nodded in agreement, "Feel free to go again, Virgil."

Virgil groaned and flopped onto his back, "Whatever gets this over sooner." He hissed out before reading his truth, "When did you first discover eyeshadow?" Virgil paused a moment, "I was born with eyeshadow in my hand."

"You werent born- you just came into existe- Oh, whatever, I give up." Logan shook his head.

"And my last one is...what is my happiest memory?" Virgil suppressed a noise of discomfort once again and pushed through, "Heck, I don't know." Virgil shrugged.

"You seem happiest with this one, kiddo." Patton suggested with a wink, pointing at Roman.

"N-nuh!" Virgil's voice cracked as a real word hadn't even come out.


Virgil rolled his eyes, "Fine, that's...may be...a little bit, little, true."

Patton clapped excitedly once again, "Specifics tho-"

"Nope. Just being with...Roman...I guess- next question just-"

"I believe Roman has the last truth and or dares." Logan stated.

"So it seems, I do indeed!" Roman flashed a white smile.

Roman looked over his question before a light blush gathered at his cheeks and he furrowed his brow, "Do you...really like Virgil?"

Virgil immediately shrank away and glanced at Roman expectantly while still trying not to be obvious.

"Well duh." Roman grinned, "He's my stormy, raisin cookie." Roman inched towards Virgil and paused before putting his arm around the other half jokingly, "And my princess of course!"

"SHUT uP." Virgil's face put the color red to shame.

"Well it's true!" Roman smirked, fully aware of how flustered the other was.

"Just read the next dare and leave me alone." Virgil groaned, though not moving away from Roman's arm.

Roman blinked in surprise at the next question, "Oh!"

"What?" Virgil shrank down further in dismay, "It has to do with me, doesn't it?"

"Well-" Roman sighed and looked from Virgil's eyes to his lips and back.

Virgil took notice of this and after a few moments it clicked, "No- No- No." Virgil stated firmly.

"It's for the fanders!"

Virgil tried to escape but it was too late, Roman already had him dipped down and was a few inches away from their faces bumping.

"I suppose we don't have to do this if you wish not to." Roman suggested.

"No-!" Virgil purses his lips together for a moment before continuing, "I mean- I want t- I just- just get it over with."

Roman nodded and pressed his lips delicate to Virgil's.

-And Virgil completed his half of the dare of course--

Virgil took in a deep breath once they parted and quickly spat out his statement, "WillYouBeMyKnightInShiningArmour?"

Roman snickered,

"Always M'lady."

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