Opposites Attract

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[An opposite side AU where Virgil is an absolute nervous and humble mess, Princey is a scowling procrastinator, Morality is a quiet and easily annoyed analyzer, and Logan is energetic and 'fun']

Virgil bit his lip as he watched the argument follow through of what next week's video would be.

"Slime tutorial!" Logan suggested with a squeak, "We can show them how to make homemade slime, and then-" Logan gasped, "Different fun experiments to do with it!"

"Dear god, no." Roman scoffed, "That sounds extremely messy and way too much work."

"Yes, but we have to choose between doing something that may be difficult if it means more views." Patton pointed out, "Or if we would want to do less work and less views."

"Valuable points." Thomas nodded, "Virgil? You haven't spoken up yet- what's your input?"

"Me...?" Virgil murmured, balling up the hem of his white hoodie in his fists, "I- really, I don't have that many problems with...slime and...with...opinions and-"

"Of course he doesn't have input- when does he ever?" Roman rolled his eyes, "I say just think about this later when we actually have good ideas."

"We've been pushing this video off for two weeks as it is, though." Thomas frowned.

"Yeah, well the viewers can wait, and get lives how about it?" Roman shrugged.

"They just...enjoy our work...but... if we don't post a video...they might not enjoy our work and...unsubscribe and then leave- and then we'll lose our popularity and-" Virgil let out a whimper and clutched his hoodie close to himself.

"The views have a choice between leaving and staying and if they actually like our videos then they'll stay." Patton nodded.

"Plus, who doesn't love chemical reactions?" Logan squealed.

"Literally everyone who has ever had to take Bio." Roman blinked.

"Bio actually has more to do with-" Logan shook his head, "Never mind- Okay!"

"Alright, well..." Thomas cleared his throat, "I don't think slime deals with any personal issues so...I suppose we will have to postpone this for awhile..."

"Thank the stars." Roman sighed, "I'm out." He began ducking down.

"Yes, well...if I serve no further purpose here." Patton dipped down as well.

"Bye, bye!" Logan giggled, waving as he ducked out.

"Oh uh...I should probably...go...too..." Virgil mumbled, waving shyly before disappearing to his room. He looked around and smiled at the shining, white walls an bed spread, the light seemingly calming him down for the time being. He crawled over to his bed and sat down, flopping backwards to look up at the ceiling. He took in a few deep breaths to calm his always racking nerves and tried to point out a few things in the room.

White and sterile walls, white and sterile sheets, divots in the ceiling, white ball in the corner of the ceilin-

"What?" Virgil muttered out loud, sitting up and squinting at  he white ball, it having not been there before, from what he could recall. There was a sudden feeling of absolute dread as Virgil realized what it was.


Roman was busy reading a book by Edgar Allan Poe when an high-pitched, ear-splitting scream filled the mind palace. He slammed his face into the book with a groan before closing it and getting up, "Probably got spooked again." Roman muttered, dipping down and reappearing in the anxious teen's room a few moments later, "Virgil, there is practically nothing in this universe that shall provoke such an unpleasant noise from such a being as y-"

"sPiDeR eGg sAcK!" Virgil screamed once again.

Roman froze, "Oh shiiii-" In an instant Roman scooped Virgil up and booked it out of there, leaping up quickly to appear in his room, trembling from the still shocking experience.

"It was HUGE!" Virgil cried out.

"It was the size of a dime-"

"Like I said- HUGE!" Virgil clung to Roman tighter.

This seem to have reminded Roman that he was holding the darker-trait and immediately dropped him onto the ground, provoking another screech, "Oh, grow up." Roman crossed his arms.

"You screamed too!" Virgil huffed as he got up and brushed himself off, "And cussed!"

"Not entirely." Roman mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." Virgil sat back on Roman's black and red bed spread.

"Are you being sarcastic?" Roman raised and eyebrow.

"No." Virgil smirked.

"So little nervous puff ball isn't all the innocence he makes himself out to be!" Roman accused.

Virgil was forcefully building up confidence, and it was beginning to falter, "And if I-I'm not?" Virgil lifted up his chin defiantly.

Roman approached Virgil slowly and stopped a mere inch from him, bending down to be face to face, "Then you best watch where you tread." Roman stage-whispered.

Virgil flinched, backing up a little.

"Scared?" Roman continued to approach Virgil and now sat on his knees in front of him.

"I swear- Thomas will be r-really mad if you hurt me!" Virgil yelped, his confidence dwindling.

"I doubt it, he'd hardly notice a change." Roman shrugged.

Virgil swallowed in fear as he was now pressed up against the wall as he tried to escape, "P-please don't hurt me." Virgil whimpered, shrinking back.

"You think I would?" Roman chuckled, now face to face with Virgil.


Roman lifted a hand, balling up a fist.

Virgil opened his mouth in shock.

He did the only thing that came to mind to defend himself.

Maybe it wouldn't work but- maybe wasn't an option right now.

Roman's eyes widened in pure astonishment as Virgil pressed a kiss to his cheek. His fist immediately fell to his side and he leaned back. He blinked a few times before speaking, "Lords and Gods, I was kidding!"

Virgil shook his head in disbelief, "Seriously...?"

"Yes! I may be...angsty- but- I'd never hurt someone- what kind of person do you think I am?" Roman chuckled.

Virgil melted down into relief, "Holy--"

Roman paused before speaking, "Though I do have to ask, ...what made you do...that?"

Virgil groaned, "It was just self defense." He murmured.

"Mhm." Roman nodded and flopped down beside Virgil,

"Want to practice some more self defense?"

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