Truth or Dare [Prinxiety/Logicality]

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[Happy National Boyfriend Day, here, have some gay]
[P.1] [Answering the truths and dares given by you guys!]

[With all my mixed emotions about the latest Sanders Sides video w/ Nostalgia part one-- I'm- partially broken-- but I'm going to try and write anyway because--]

"Another one of these...?" Virgil groaned, "Why?"

"Thomas said it'would bringth forth More views!" Roman grinned.

"Well then, where is he?" Virgil snorted.

"He has a very busy schedule, so I offered we run it by ourselves!" Patton squeaked.

"Wonderful." Logan sighed.

"Well, now don't be such a twig in the dirt!" Patton put his hand on his hip.

"Even I know that the expression is stick in the mud- mostly because...I've been called that a lot but- anyway! Lucky for all of you, I am here." Logan grinned and fixated his glasses further up on his nose, "I've created a list of all the truths and dares submitted by the sanders and made a copy for each of you- and they're laminated!" Logan smiled excitedly at the last part as he handed each aspect their paper, "Each of your sheets has truths and dares for you and you only, I sadly was unable to read any of them, as Thomas said it would he less fun." Logan huffed, "But nevertheless, let's get on with this."

Virgil nodded in agreement, "-Who first though?"

Logan blinked, "You're asking me?"

"Well, you're mister plastic paper over here so- yes, I am." Virgil nodded.

"Alright then!" Logan grinned at the idea of being in charge, "The first one is a dare and should be on all of your papers as it is an all-play-"

"We're not playing pictionary you reali-?" Virgil stopped when Logan dismissed his comment, rEaDiNg allowed the dare.

"Pillow fight, all of you, no mercy." Logan stated, "Well it isn't exactly in a format of I dare you- but I suppose that will have to do- how does one pillow f-" Logan yelped as a pillow was slammed into his face and sent him flying back, into the couch cushions.

"Pillows!" Patton squealed loudly, chucking one at each aspect.

Virgil quickly grabbed one and leapt under a chair, hissing as he disappeared under it.

Roman hugged his pillow to his chest before galloping behind one of the sofa's.

Logan, who was still in a daze, raised up his pillow to see what was going on and saw other the other aspects hiding, Patton nowhere to be seen, "I don't get the purpose of this...but we use pillows as...weapons? Not very effective in my opinion but-" Logan fell to the side with a wack to the head from a sneaky Patton behind him.

"Logans dead!" Patton giggled triumphantly.

"I most certainly am not!" Logan got up and brushed off, only to be hit by another pillow.

"Oh, come on!" Roman groaned, "That was a clear shot at Patton until you stood up, nice going, Logan!" He crossed his arms with a huff.

"Aw," A voice came from behind Roman all too late, "Fussy Princey once again?" Virgil leapt forward and wrapped the pillow around Roman with a smirk, "Romans out!"

"Avenge me, Patton!" Roman squeaked as Virgil used him as a shield, quite ironic and coincidental to the patches on his shoulders.

There was silence...and then a few moments later, Patton struck. He leapt forward and onto Logan's shoulders, hurling his pillow over Roman and just barely hitting Virgil's head.

Logan went staggering backwards from the weight and Virgil fell dramatically to the ground, playing dead.

Patton scrambled away from Logan to stand in the center of the room and leap up and down joyfully, "I win! I win! I win!"

Roman picked up Virgil who laid limp in his arms, "But you killed a man!" He wailed sarcastically.

"I am- dead." Virgil nodded through closed eyes.

"This was a waste of time." Logan frowned and repositioned himself in his usual spot.

"It was fun, in my opinion!" Patton nodded.

"Everything is fun in your opinion, you're a cotton fluff ball, Patton." Roman chuckled.

"I will not deny that." Patton grinned.

"Whoever would like to read off one of their...truths or dares, may go." Logan sighed, "Or don't- just do whatever it says." He brushed a wad of lint, from the pillow, off of his shoulder.

"I'll go!" Patton bounced happily, looking down at his sheet, "Truth for me!- Do you...really love your dark, strange son?" Patton gasped and propelled himself towards Virgil, wrapping his arms around the one who was now groaning in disapproval, "Of course I do!" He squeezed the darker trait tighter, "He's my little ray of darkness!"

" too..." Roman mumbled incoherently.

"Who doesn't know that Patton loves any and all things?" Virgil muttered as he quickly gave a small, infinitesimal, hug, back to Patton. A-K-A, PATTing him on the back in a hasty matter.

"May I go next?" Roman offered, though it wasn't really a question as he was already preparing to read his truth or dare as Patton leapt back to his usual standing spot by the curtains, "Hug the h-" Roman let out a cough before continuing, "Do we have to state the dare?"

Logan thought for a moment, "Yes...but feel free to state it afterwards if you wish."

"Yes...okay." Roman nodded and strode over to anxiety, clearing his throat before proceeding, "I apologize in advance." He nodded and wrapped his arms around the other tightly, pressing their cheeks together.

Virgil's face instantly lit up like a Christmas tree and he let out a little squeak of a noise.

Patton gasped and put his hands to his mouth before letting out an inhuman noise.

Virgil let squealed in protest and Roman began to peck at his neck, he trashed at the fanciful trait and scrunched his shoulders up to his neck, but Roman only continued with kisses to his ear and shoulder blade.

Virgil continued with the high-pitched noises before letting out a tiny giggle and Roman released him.

Virgil's face was burning, and was redder than the ring of Fire at this point as he refused to look up at the others.

"That- was- the- cutest thing- EVER!" Patton screamed, leaping up and down with high jumps and happy noises.

"I have to admit, that was indeed, substantially adorable." Logan snickered.

"Shut. Up." Virgil put an emphasis on the words by flicking Roman on the head and then shoving him backwards.

"Hey! It's not my fault! It was a dare!" Roman whined.

"What even was the dare?" Virgil grumbled.

Roman was silent for a moment as blush collected at his cheeks, "It was...I believe said-"

"Spit it out."

"...Hug thehottestpersonintheroom andthen-ticklethem so- I DID WHAT IT SAID, OKAY?" Roman shrank back.

Virgil was gone. Half way to the floor and half way made gelatin.

Before matters could get worse, Logan interjected, "I guess I'll go then-" He nodded and continued, opening his mouth to speak before face-palming, "This is a pattern then, I suppose." He sighed.

"What is?" Patton cocked his head.

Logan took in a deep, dignified breath, before releasing all of that , "For whatever remains the purpose for this- Yes and no, I am only as ticklish as the others are and I have no further experimentations on that, thus I can't provide accurate insight on this."

Patton blinked in confusion, leaning over to take the paper from Logan, "What was the trut-" Patton suddenly smirked and turned to Logan who was currently standing causally as Virgil played out his revenge on Roman's underarms. Patton then pummeled Logan to the ground.

"Great Scott- what- wh-" Logan shook his head.

"I'm experimenting."

"I answered the question thoroughly!" Logan protested.

"Yes, but it states that despite your answer I can still try." Patton proclaimed.

"You most certainly will nOT-!" Logan screeched as Patton placed his hands on Logan's stomach, "Oh, please! This will be easy!"

"nO." Logan screeched.

"Ten seconds then." Patton sighed.

"I said n-" Logan once again let out a squeak as Patton began to run his fingers along the other trait's sides.

Logan bit down on his tongue as to not make a noise, but the maddening feeling was only hurting him more so the more he bit down. Finally, he came to the conclusion that submitting was the logical solution of this, and gave Patton the satisfaction of a three second giggle.

Patton gasped, "I've never heard you so so much as make one happy sound!"

Virgil and Roman scooted towards the other two traits with a snicker.

"You couldn't have escaped with Patton around for too much longer." Roman nodded.

"Or this one!" Virgil let out an audible hiss at Roman.

"Oh, hush." Roman put his finger on Virgil's lips as he sat down and put an arm around Virgil happily.

"I'm only letting you do this because I don't care enough to not." Virgil huffed.

"Alright, princess."

"Nope." Virgil instantly slid away from Roman and over to where Logan and Patton were siting adjacent.

"Who's next!?" Patton smiled excitedly.

"I can go." Roman suggested, pulling up his paper, "Roman and a clothing swap!"

"Oh, sure, call him by his real name-" Virgil glared.

"Stop being such a negative noonoo and take your clothes off." Roman put his hands on his hips.

"rOmAn!" Patton shrieked.

Roman sighed, "What? I don't actually mean take them off- just- snap, or whatever and it'll chan-"

Patton squealed at the sight of the two with now switched clothing.

Logan nodded admiringly, "It doesn't look too bad, how does it feel?"

"Like a typical weekend night?" Roman blinked, "This one is always leaving his hoodie around, it's not my fault if I slip it on every once and awhile." Roman shrugged.

"Every once and awhile? Try all the time." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Oh please! Don't act as if I haven't caught you checking yourself out in the mirror with my sash on!" Roman crossed his arms and resumed his position, sitting down in the bow made circle of aspects.

"Well?" Virgil kept standing.

"What?" Roman blinked.

"Are we going to change back or not?"

"Don't act like you're not enjoying being able openly wear that sash." Roman smirked.

"And you happy about wearing my hoodie." Virgil crossed his arms and slumped down into a sitting position.

"I'll admit any day that I may, partially, enjoy wearing your hoodie- it's comfy after all."

"Whatever." Virgil shrugged, hugging he white jacket of the Royal's particularly close to him.

"I'll go!" Patton suggested once again, reading his next question out loud, despite knowing Logan may react poorly, "Cuddle with Logan for twenty minutes-- gladly!" And with that, Patton was in Logan's lap and snuggling up to him.

Logan's face burned as Virgil and Roman let out multiple coos, "Any.Way." Logan stated through mad-blush.

Virgil winked over at them and Patton simply waved innocently as Logan's facial features deepened in a red hue.

"Next one is for all of us." Logan nodded, reading off the next question, "What is the most embarrassing thing you have caught your lover doing?" Logan frowned, "Well I wouldn't exactly calm Pat-"

"Patton's your lover, and Roman's mine, deal with it, its life." Virgil stated blankly.

"Alright..." Logan murmured, a bit fearful as to what Patton would say but ignoring that for the time being.

Virgil quickly added in, "I once saw Roman taking a nap in my room when he thought I was gone- hugging my pillow and all." Virgil smirked, almost fondly.

Logan jumped in before Roman could, "I suppose...there's not much about Patton that isn't embarrassing." Logan chuckled.

Patton frowned, "What does that mean?"

Logan instantly regretted what he said, "I didn't mean it like- a bad thing- I meant it like- nothing you do is really- you're just- really outgoing."

"Oh...alright!" Patton giggled happily.

"I guess I would go with...nope, I have nothing." Logan frowned, "Patton seems to be...though in a way impossible...perfect? I suppose?"

"My stars, that's adorable-- however, I cannot say the same for this one." Roman snickered as he pointed to Virgil.

"Careful of what you say, Princey." Virgil growled.

Roman simply rolled his eyes before continuing, "I once caught him practicing in a mirror how to say I love you, without wincing or breaking eye contact- with his reflection! It was adorable!"

"It is a difficult thing, I suppose." Logan nodded.

"Aw, well for me it isn't!" Patton looked up at the Logan above him, "I love ya', Logan!"

Logan froze up as his blush returned, "I l-I l-Y--t-Oo."

Patton giggled inoccently, "Lets put that as his most embarrassing thing...though I did catch him dancing in his unicorn ons-"

"nO." Logan stopped Patton, "nExT." He pointed to Virgil, "You. Go. Anything."

Virgil shrugged, "Fine." He looked down and immediately, his expression went to one of absolute horror.

"What? What is I-" Patton hushed himself as Virgil positioned himself to look at Roman.

"Roman...I-" Virgil winced and let out a groan, "I think you...have really cute...expressions and...comebacks...and...I" Virgil took in a breath, and out of spite for Roman's previous statement, he forced himself to keep eye contact, "I love you." He paused, "I-It was to compliment you and..tell you how I feel but- never mind, just- forget I said that- just- never mind." Virgil shook his head.

Roman, along with all the other aspects, sat in absolute shock, totally stunned.

"I-I think this should be a two-parter." Virgil announced as he was quick to shut off the camera.

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