58. Under the Stars (Unconditionally-TBOR)

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Most of you already know this, but I'll say it anyway:



This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

Come on Suzzanah, faster!

I dashed across the woods following the path lit up by the lanterns on either side. The darkened woods flew past me as I raced as fast as I could through the winding roads between the trees.

2 minutes may seem like a lot of time gap between me and Zuerien but an ordinary werewolf could probably complete the entire path through the woods and reach the finish line well within 2 minutes, and Zuerien was probably the one of the fastest werewolves alive so that still made my chances of winning pretty slim.

Don't give up Suzzanah! Just think! If by some stroke of luck you manage to win this, then Zuerien will have to forget about that ridiculous bet he forced you into making with him. AND you'll get to ask him to do anything you want him to!

That thought made me want to push myself to go faster. I was pretty fast runner ever since I was young which was the only thing I was counting on right now as I ran like my life depended on it.

Del had said that when the five minutes were over they'd fire a flare gun and the red flare in the sky would indicate that 'The Zuerien had been released'.

And even though I hadn't exactly kept tracks of time, I knew that my time was almost up. In order to prevent him from easily snatching the handkerchief away from me, I had tied it around a particular part of my body.

Not my hand, it would be too easy.

Not my leg, it would be too seductive and he'd enjoy removing it way too much.

Not my waist because it obviously fit around it.

And not my head because I had no idea how to tie it around there.

No, I had tied Rino's adorable penguin printed handkerchief around my neck!

And I had tied it quite securely too. Being the fragile kind of area that it was, he couldn't just yank at it or pull it off easily. He'd have to spend some time at it because damaging the handkerchief was not allowed! And I could take advantage of that time!

Ha! I'm a freaking genius!

A breathless freaking genius.

Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to tie it so tightly around my neck. Shoot, I'm slowing down! I pushed myself to go faster despite having absolutely no air left in my lungs to spare due to the lack of even a single athletic bone in my body.

Where the heck is that blasted finish like?!

Somewhere in the distance a muffled noise sounded and to my absolute horror, the dark sky above me suddenly lit up in a red-orange glow, and I almost tripped and fell over in shock.


My legs slammed into the undergrowth faster, harder, as I flew through the forest, gasping for breath but not slowing down. I didn't even know why but I was taking this whole predator-prey thing so seriously, but I really felt like I was being hunted right now.

Huffing and puffing, I ran along a long, curved row of trees, desperately hoping that the finish line was at the end of this bend, but just as I reached the end of the curved row of trees, all the lanterns around me suddenly went out like candles.

And everything became pitch black.


An alarmed shout escaped my lips and I stopped abruptly feeling as blind as a potato. What the heck happened?! My head whipped from side to side as I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do now. Was I in trouble? Did I need to call for help?

I didn't want to keep running because if I lost my way in the woods at night, it would be a disaster. And I was a pro at losing my way in the woods.

Panting heavily, I started to walk slowly, trying to feel for the lanterns as I went. Lanterns that has just a minute ago, been glowing with...fire!

The gasp that escaped my lips right then was so loud and outraged that it echoed throughout the dark woods like a resounding wave.

Zuerien Kai Royale!

That were-jerk had done this! He had put out all the lanterns so I wouldn't win! He was cheating!

My chest was heaving rapidly, my fists clenched by my side. Oh when this game was over I was going to scream like a banshee in those over-sensitive wolf ears of his!

For now, I chose to continue running as the path before me had looked pretty straight after the long curved route I had just taken. I quickly started to sprint once more, but this time far more cautiously, looking around me as I went.

With the lights all gone and the only light around being the silver moon rays seeping in through the gaps between the thick canopies of the trees, everything started to look far more eerie and unsettling. I didn't know if I was just imaging things but I all the dark shadows around me seemed to be moving rather peculiarly right now.

Keep running Suzzanah, its nothing. Just keep running!

I ran faster, hoping I didn't crash into a tree and break my face. I raced through a large clearing, appreciating the moonlight better now and immediately noticed that there were no lanterns in that clearing at all. And when the clearing ended and I once again dashed into a path between two rows of trees, I couldn't help but feel freaked out.

I really should have reached the finish lie by now! Please don't tell me, had I gotten lost again?!

Before I even had the chance to worry about that thought, the very real and very unnerving sound of paws hitting the ground hard filled my ears and my heart rate shot up to a thousand beats per minute.

Still running, my turned my head back to look over my shoulder just in time to see a humongous dark wolf dash out of cover of trees into the clearing I had just crossed. The minute he entered the clearing, his dark fur shone majestically under the moonlight, making him look stunningly regal and frighteningly dangerous.

His speed was so alarmingly fast that the minute he entered the clearing, he was out of it.

And upon me.

And despite knowing exactly who this was, I couldn't keep an ear-splitting scream from escaping my lips when without even so much as slowing down, the large wolf lunged at me like a hungry beast.

My jaw dropped and I watched in both alarm and awe as the ginormous wolf jumped right over my head landing smoothly and gracefully a few feet in front of me and skidding to a halt.

I, on the other hand, did not even fit the G of gracefulness when I literally crashed into his hard yet soft body, splattering onto his back like an ugly stain.

I even slid off his back and tumbled to the ground on the other side but he quickly sat down making my fall to the grassy earth soft and painless as I landed with a subtle 'oomph'.

Almost immediately he got up from the spot next to me and stood over me instead, caging me between his strong paws and underneath his colossal body.

And then he sat on me.

"STEROOOID", I shouted in alarm as he made himself comfortable on top of me before bringing his large head down and nuzzling it against my cheek.

Hi Suzzanah

His deep, husky, rumbling voice sounded extremely amused as he began licking my face.

"K-KAI! S-stop! Stop i-it!" I gasped out between laughs.

Don't wanna

"Stop it, I'm ticklish!" I laughed breathlessly.

I know


This is fun

His soft fur moved against my skin making me want to scream from how ticklish it was. And all the licking was making it worse.

"Kai! You oaf! You're heavy!" I cried out, chuckling with every word.

And you're soft

"You perverted wolf!"

We cannot deny that, can we human?

No we can't

I gaped in disbelief up at the giant wolf on top of me as he raised his head and lowered his gaze to mine. My eyes had grown used to the darkness by now and I could clearly see his beautiful dark eyes glinting mischievously.

I think you have something we want sweetheart, he drawled out, his gaze lowering to handkerchief around my neck.

Before I could even react he lowered his head, his teeth sharp teeth nipping at the cloth.

"Kai wait! You cant rip it!" I shouted, trying to wiggle out from underneath him, "KAI!"

He didn't pay me any mind and continued what he was doing. His nipping and moist nose grazing my skin only made the tingles and tickles intensify and I found myself cackling like a hyena while I tried to get the mammoth of an animal off me.

Human knots are complicated, he said to himself, gently tugging at the handkerchief with his teeth.

I pushed at his giant body with both hands but he didn't even budge.

"Kai! Stop! I can't!" I said breathlessly between chortles.

We love it when you laugh, he said happily and I felt him wag his giant tail against my legs.

"This laughter is forced!" I gasped out, feeling tears slide down my face from having laughed too much, "KAI!"

We're really enjoying ourselves right now

"Don't make me hit you with a stick like I did the first time we met!"

Ah, good old times

I felt the handkerchief around my neck loosen and my eyes shot open. Oh no!

"Get off you colossal canine!" I shouted, pushing at his head.

He responded by licking all around my neck making me go into another fit of crazy laughter.

"KA-HA-HA-HAI!" I guffawed, grabbing his head between my hands, "STAHP!"

His deep chuckle filled my head, flooding me with a sense of warmth and affection. He may love my laughter, but it could never beat his.

Licking my face one more time, he went back to tugging at the handkerchief which I knew he was miraculously almost done untangling.

"KAI! Stop right now!" I said sliding my hands up his head, grabbing his ears and pulling hard.


Almost immediately his large head shot up from my neck, his eyes wide in shock. I tugged both his ears repeatedly making his head jerk backwards with each tug.


"HA! Punishment!" I laughed at the sight of his wolfish features scrunched up in a wince.

Stop. It.

"Then get off"

He opened his eyes which were slanted backwards from all my tugging, making him look ten times cuter.

Don't make us punish you instead, heart

"No threatening allowed!" I shouted gleefully and he shook his head vigorously, trying to get me to release his poor ears. They actually felt really nice and soft against my fingers.

Just as I was about to tug at his long pointy ears once again, I heard an unmistakable crack and my body froze. Then another crack sounded.

And another.

And another.

I gaped in absolute shock and wonder as the large animal above me started to morph and transform. His large head was bent and body arched downwards, both shrinking in size rapidly.

His thick shiny fur receded swiftly to reveal smooth skin, nails retreating and paws elongating to form long lean fingers. The softness of his underbelly was replaced by the rock hard panes of a chiseled and sculpted chest. His straight fore and hind legs transformed into muscular hands and legs, tail receding into nothingness.

The long pointy ears in my hands started to get smaller and move down along the outline of his head. His eyes remained closed as his long canine face flattened significantly, his sharp teeth getting smaller and pointed snout giving rise to straight aristocratic nose.

All the while sound of several more bones breaking assaulted the silent air making me cringe and finally squeeze my eyes shut, turning my head to the side.

I felt the curved sides of his face sharpening to form a sharp angular jaw, the soft fur over it suddenly disappearing and the skin feeling smooth against my fingers and slightly rough along my palms as they brushed against the stubble on his jawline.

And when the last bone had been broken and rearranged and the woods were silent once more, I felt a warm fan against on cheek before familiar soft lips brushed against it planting a gentle kiss against the skin.

I gasped and turned my head again to come nose-to-nose with the handsome human version of my mate. I gazed into his intense dark orbs with my wide ones, my chest heaving with each breath and my heart hammering inside of me.

He gazed down at me, dark his eyes boring hungrily into mine, both our lips parted, our breaths mingling with each exhale.

The sight of him above me was pure perfection. His broad shoulders ere stretched out on either side, biceps bulging under the weight of his upper torso and smooth chest rising and falling with each breath.

His dark hair fell messily over his forehead, the golden streak gleaming under the moonlight. The night cast dark shadows over the side of his face, accentuating his god like features. I had never seen a more beautiful face in my life.

But what made the sight of him all the more exceedingly precious were the memories that flooded my mind every time I looked at him.

This man...I knew him. I knew who he really was. And that knowledge made my heart swell with so much affection that I felt like it would burst.

It was overwhelming.

It was only when his soft lips curved upwards into a dark smirk that I snapped out of my trance like state. And my heart nearly stopped for a second.

"Zue...rien", I breathed out and his eyes flashed in the dark.

"This is the most beautiful you have ever looked", he said, his voice a deep, seductive rumble, "But I think it has something to do with the position we're in"

And that's when my brain finally put two and two together.

I gasped horrified, my hands flying to my mouth in shock, "ZUERIEN! YOU'RE NAKED!"

His smirk morphed into a devilish grin and my heart rate skyrocketed, "Oh my god"

My eyes suddenly went crazy, wandering everywhere, not know where to look. I forced myself to not look down the gap between our bodies lest I see something that I could never un-see and turned my head to the side, staring at the ground instead. But that didn't keep me from squeezing my thighs shut as heat and wetness pooled between them.

"Is something wrong, mate?" Zuerien drawled out languidly, his voice sounding huskier and deeper with each word.

"Zuerien! Put something on!" I gasped out, feeling my face burn in embarrassment, "And get off!"

He chuckled darkly and I felt him lean closer, making my hands fly between us and press into his chest. His skin felt smooth and warm against my palms and it took all my self control to not let them wander along his broad frame.

What's happening to me?!

His lips grazed my jawline making a pleasurable shiver run down my spine. I had never before been in such a position with a man and it was driving my heart and mind wild.

He pressed another kiss right underneath my ear and I couldn't keep a soft gasp from escaping my lips.

"Zuerien, please", I said breathlessly, "Put something on! You're naked!"

I felt him smile against my skin before he whispered in my ear, "And so will you be"

The very next second I felt his hand on my bare thigh and my head whirled back to face him in shock. An alarmed sound left my lips as I realized that my dress was in complete disarray. The thin straps on the dress had slid down my shoulders and the hem of the skirt had hitched up almost to a point that I was sure my underwear was showing.

Oh. My. GOD!

One of my hand immediately shot forward to push my skirt down while the other pushed at Zuerien's chest, trying to get him off me. My face was flaming as I panted for breath, unable to move my eyes away from his intense gaze.

"We told you didn't we?" Zuerien said, his voice low and velvety smooth as he bent closer, "Don't make us punish you"


He smirked, "But you don't listen", he said and his hand pushed my dress up my thigh once more.

My hand immediately tried to push it down again but he grabbed it in his.

"Zuerien!" I shouted in alarm when he took both my hands and pinned them above my head with one hand.

"And we couldn't be more happy about that", he rumbled darkly while my I gaped at him, my eyes wide in disbelief.

A cool breeze assaulted my bare legs, making goosebumps form on my skin. They were completely exposed now, the hem of my dress hitched up and bundled around my hips.

My cheeks burned in embarrassment while a burning heat washed over my body. My breath came out in ragged pants as I squirmed in underneath him, trying to free myself from his grasp.

"Zuerien, we're in the middle of a game!" I told him desperately.

"I know", he replied.

"But then-"

"And play by my own rules", he added huskily.

"The others must be waiting"

"I don't care"

"Zuerien p-please w-"

He slammed his lips again mine, cutting off my protest mid-letter. My eyes widened in shock before squeezing shut as he kissed me hard. His lips moved feverishly against mine, molding into mine perfectly.

Both of us groaned in unison at the feeling of a thousand electric charges coursing through us. He let got of my wrists and my hands found their way into his hair, while his started to slide up and down the sides of my body.

The kiss was fast, urgent and full of need. Our lips devoured each others' ravenously, never slowing down. The past couple of days had been so intense and packed with trouble that we had barely had any time to just be together and feel each others' presence.

And the desperation and hunger we felt for each other was clear as day in this wild and fast kiss, that conveyed only three words.

Three yet unspoken words.

Zuerien caught my lower lip between his teeth before tugging and nipping at it before sucking it between his lips. My fingers weaved through his thick hair, fisting it and pulling him even closer.

Even though he had been right by my side all this time, I felt like I couldn't get enough of him. The feelings that were raging through my body right then could neither be explained, nor be contained.

And only he could do this to me.

One of Zuerien's hand's slid along my ribs and cupped my breast making me gasp in surprise. Without warning, he took the opportunity and slid his tongue into my mouth making heat surge through me.

Our tongues tangled in each others, moving in perfect sync, dancing to the rhythm of a song only the two of us knew. I moaned as his tongue dominated mine, exploring my mouth while I savored his taste. Molten fire coursed through my veins as he ravaged my mouth, leaving me feeling exhilarated.

The hand that had cupped my breast started to knead it sensuously making my eyes shoot open in both pleasure and shock. It was then that I remembered once again that we were currently in the middle of the woods, lying in the grass and dirt, one of us in a state of near undress while the other sported the statement -'what's a dress?'

With all the self control I could muster, I removed my hands from Zuerien's hair and lowered them to his shoulders, not missing the opportunity to feel his chiseled jaw and strong neck.

Trying to slow down the kiss, I simultaneously pushed at his shoulders with both my hands.


He groaned against my lips before turning his head to the side and deepening our kiss even further. A rush of pleasure that washed over it made it nearly impossible for me to want to stop. But I tried again regardless.

Zuerien, we need to stop

A low growl rumbled out of him as his other hand also cupped my other breast, massaging both together making me moan mindlessly into his mouth. I could feel my nipples hardening, my thin bra doing little to hide my obvious excitement as his thumbs found the sensitive peaks and began caressing them languidly.


The sensation of his thumbs moving against my beaded nipples even from on top of my clothing, was maddening. I found myself wanting to stop his torturous movements and yet arching into his divine touch.

This man will be the death of me.

Now completely breathless, I took the next chance I got and broke away from the kiss, turning my face away from his, gasping and panting. Zuerien however apparently did not need to breath as he started to pepper kisses along my cheek and jaw.

Still breathing heavily, I pushed at his shoulders once more, "Zuerien, stop", I said breathlessly.

He paid me no mind and took my earlobe between his lips, sucking gently. A soft gasp left lips and I found my efforts to push him away weakening.

"Zuerien plea-"

Taking both my erect nipples between his fingers, his pinched them hard, cutting off my protest and making me shout in alarm as my body jerked underneath him.

"ZUERIEN!" I shouted shocked, my nails digging into his shoulders.

His fingers immediately began massaging the pebble-hard peaks again, soothing the slight sting from before, while he began to pepper kissing down the side of my neck. I could feel it clearly against my flushed skin, that he was smiling.

And despite knowing that he was ignoring all my protests, the fact that he was happy thrilled me beyond compare.

Just when I thought that trying to stop him was futile, his lips grazed the handkerchief that was still tied around my neck and all his movements halted. And he finally pulled away from me to look down at me.

I could feel his intense gaze on my face, but I refused to look into his eyes, knowing that if I did, I would be lost once more. I must have been quite a sight to behold right now, my hair messily spread out around me face, my skin flushed all over, my lips swollen and red, and my clothes nearly falling off my body. In that moment I found myself thankful for the darkness that engulfed us.

Zuerien's warm chuckle sounded softly, and despite all the control I tried to exercise against it, my eyes shot back to meet his. And the look in them made my mouth grow dry.

Watching me with the most lustful and longing gaze I had ever seen, Zuerien drawled out.

"Werewolves can see clear as day in the dark, heart"


My hands immediately shot up to try and pull my straps over my shoulders again, but just like earlier, Zuerien grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head once more.

My body burned at the knowledge that he could see every inch of me as if I was on display with a in a museum. Oh dear God! And had he just read my mind?!

"Yes I did", Zuerien replied, his voice laced heavily with amusement.

My jaw dropped, "Zuerien, let go! We have to head back now!"

He smirked at me wickedly, "No we don't. We have all the time in the world", he said, "Besides, you haven't been punished yet"

"Punished?!" my voice came out in a high pitched squeak, "B-but I-"

"And we're going to enjoy punishing you, heart", Zuerien nearly growled out before his other hand came around my neck and with one soft tug the handkerchief was gone.

And the next thing I knew, he was wrapping it around my wrists, trying them together firmly to a thick root jutting out nearby.

Adrenaline surged through my body as I gasped in shock, "Zuerien what are you-"

"And you're going to love every minute of it", he cut me off, finishing up his work on my wrists.

I immediately tried to pull them apart but it was no use, the knot only got tighter with each tug. Without wasting another second, Zuerien slid both his hands down the sides of my body making tingles explode wherever his skin touched mine.

A long, loud, traitorously pleasurable moan escaped my lips when his thumbs traveled over the curves of my full breasts, lingering over the sensitive peaks once more before sliding along my waist and coming to rest on the curves of my hips.


I was shocked by how husky and breathless my voice sounded.

How needy.

The emotions that were racing through my veins right then were so carnal that I couldn't barely even believe that they were my own.

Zuerien's smirk widened and then I felt his fingers graze my panties. My eyes, which had squeezed shut earlier, shot open and immediately sought out my mates, alarm flooding my body.

"Zuerien, you can't-"

"Yes, we can, my Suzzanah?" he said huskily and I was stunned by the thrill that Zuerien's actions evoked within me.

"Zuerien I-"

"But since you tortured Kai so much earlier, I think he should get to the honors", Zuerien said and my breath caught in my throat.

As the moon rays illuminated Zuerien's handsome face, I saw his eyes visibly darken till their obsidian depths were gleaming with wild, raw, carnal emotions. The power and heat that was radiating off his strong, bare body was inconceivable. It set my body pulsing with unimaginable emotions.

And when he spoke again, I knew it was Kai.

"You're so beautiful", he rumbled, his voice far deeper, rougher and huskier than before as he added darkly, "But you'll look even more beautiful when you're screaming our name"

With that, one of his hands slid between my thighs and he cupped me in a place where no one else had never touched me before.


I gasped loudly as his thumb started to stroke me over my panties, which had grown completely moist from my arousal.

"So wet", Kai growled, his nostrils flaring, "And you smell so fucking good"


I couldn't believe this was even happening, it felt so unreal. I could barely even form any words in my mouth as the pleasure his hand was giving me had completely clouded my mind. His thumb stroked languidly at first, before it was replaced by his index and middle fingers.

Electric pleasure shot through me making my body quiver as he quickened his pace. He moved his fingers in circular motions, making my hips buck upwards. I panted and moaned relentlessly while he watched me take the pleasure with unwavering eyes. More wetness gushed out of me and Kai groaned, going even faster.

"Oh my God!" I gasped in shock, writhing underneath him, "Kai! Its too much!"

"I'm only getting started", he growled out, not once ceasing his torturous movements.

"Aaaah!" I panted loudly, thrusting my hips forward involuntarily, rubbing myself against his hand.

"You like this, don't you mate?" Kai growled and I moaned loudly, unable to say anything else.

My cheeks burned at my wanton actions but I couldn't think of anything but the pleasure right then. It was intoxicating, inebriating, overwhelming beyond anything I had ever felt.

Suddenly, a feeling started to build up in the pit of my stomach, something I had never ever felt before. It was tingly and gentle at first, but soon started to build up till it felt like a raging storm just waiting to be let lose to devour the rest of my body and flood it with never-ending pleasure.

"AAAHHH KAAAI", I screamed as his fingers rubbed me fast.

His other hand suddenly palmed my breast, kneading the mound sensuously. Breathlessly, I gazed up at my mate to see him watching me, dark eyes filled with lust and need. And another emotion that made my heart swell within me, those very same three words from before coming to mind again.


Just as I reached the zenith of unimaginable pleasure, Kai's fingers suddenly pulled away from me leaving me needy and wanting. Much to my horror, I almost cried out in protest.

But before I could figure out why he had stopped, I felt his fingers grab the sides of my panties and the next thing I knew, they were ripped right off me.

"KAAAIIII NO!" I shouted in absolute alarm as he took the moist garment between his fingers before tossing it aside.

Now I was completely bare from my waist down and the thought was nearly mortifying. I immediately brought my legs together, squeezed my thighs closed.

My face was flaming as I tried to get up but I was immediately pushed down by my mate who hovered over me, smirking wickedly.

"We always did tell you we liked you better without your coverings, didn't we Suzzanah?" Kai said and I gasped as I felt his large hand trailing up the side of my exposed thigh.

"Kai, please. Don't", I begged desperately, "This is too much. I've never- I-I'm..."

His eyes immediately softened, a tender expression taking over his face as he brushed a few strands of my hair away from my face and caressed my cheek.

"That makes us very happy to know, Suzzanah", he said, his voice gentle and loving, "That we'll be your very first"

I looked away, "I..."

"Shh, its okay, sweetheart", he said and undid the handkerchief around my wrists. Bringing them up to his lips, he kissed them softly, leaving fluttering tingles behind, "We'll take very good care of you, we promise", he said sincerely.

He cupped my cheek before kissing my forehead long and hard, "Just trust us"

When I looked back into his eyes, I was shocked to see something I had never seen before. One of his eyes was pitch black while the other was a glowing warm brown. And both were filled with deep longing.

"Just this", he said in an almost pleading voice, "Just this, heart"

His hand drifted along the curve of my hip till it came to rest right above the gap between my thighs.

"Let us make you feel what no one else ever could do", he beseeched gently and I felt reservations slowly fading away.

"Trust us, heart", he said once more and I closed my eyes before finally giving in.

I...wanted this

One nod was all the approval he needed before I felt his strong arms pry my legs open. I gasped, feeling more exposed than I ever had before, and I immediately tried to close my legs again.

"Its okay heart", Zuerien and Kai said, their voices mingling, sounding deep and reassuring.

"Its okay heart", Zuerien and Kai said, their voices mingling, sounding deep and reassuring.

I looked up to find him gazing right down at my intimates, his eyes wide in wonder. My cheeks flushed in absolute embarrassment as I tried to pull away once more but he held me firm.

"You're so damn beautiful!" he nearly roared before he started to pepper hot open-mouthed kisses down the inside of my thighs.

"AH!" ragged breaths escaped my lips as his kisses set my body on fire.

My feelings were raging wildly within me, a mess of age-old insecurities and new-found trust. And they were battling furiously inside of me.

It was overwhelming....!

I squirmed in his grasp, completely unused to this sensation. It was foreign, it was intense, it was beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of. I fisted the grass next to me, my writhing against the ground as he got closer to the his destination.

When I felt his hot breath against my core, my hands shot up and I covered my face, Oh God!

I heard him growl lowly but before I could make anything of it, his mouth descended on me.

And I was lost.


I screamed in shock and intense pleasure as his hot, wet tongue licked the entire length of my slit. Tingles and fireworks burst all over my body as he peppered kisses all everywhere on my pulsing core, before nibbling on the sensitive skin of my nether lips.


God Dammit! You taste so fucking good!

His deep voice sounded almost feral as he devoured my core hungrily. It made my body thrum with infinite powerful emotions as he continued his assault. He pulled me closer, pressing his face against me, licking even harder and faster than before. I gasped and squirmed, unable to take the pleasure. It was too much, I had never felt anything like it.

"Please I-"

He groaned against me, continuing to lap at my wet flesh ravenously and roughly. It was like he couldn't get enough. And in all honestly, nor could I.


His possessive growl resonated throughout my body, making unfathomable warmth burst within me. Zuerien made me feel like I was the most incredible person in this entire universe.

As his tongue explored my core relentlessly, it brushed over one particular spot that made an electricity shoot through me, making me shout in shock.


I yelled his name again, my hands flying to his head and my fingers tangling in his thick short hair. As he continued to suck, lick and taste my core, he lifted both my legs up, throwing aside my sandals and placing them over his broad shoulders. The position gave him even more access and had me on the verge of a mental breakdown from the unfathomable pleasure.

Just when I thought this was as high as it could get, his lips suddenly latched onto my sensitive nub and started sucking hard. Something within me shattered into a thousand shards and my eyes shot open as I screamed at the top of my voice in ecstasy.


He continued to suck on my nub making my jaw fall open in a silent scream. If I thought the build up of pleasure with his fingers was intense, his mouth was a whole different story all together. I felt wetness gush out of me and it only served to fuel his ravenous actions.


He suddenly bit into the soft flesh making my hips jerk upwards and my legs pull his head impossible close. His tongue immediately licked at the stinging flesh, soothing the ache before he went back to sucking on it again.

"Oh God, Oh God", I cried out, mindlessly rocking my hips against him, feeling the pleasure build up to a breaking point, "Oh my God! I'm so close!"

YOU'RE MINE! He growled once more, CUM INTO MY MOUTH, HEART!

With one long, languid lick, Zuerien suddenly spread my nether lips and my eyes nearly popped out of my skull when his tongue slid into my slit, spearing into me.


I felt myself explode over and over again, as wetness gushed out of me. Unbearable, unimaginable, unfathomable pleasure washed over me as my entire body shook and jerked wildly. My eyes filled with tears of immense joy, relief, exhilaration and pleasure but most of all, that one emotion.

Those three words.


I came for long moments, my body quivering against his lips, but even after the orgasm had passed, Zuerien continued to thrust his tongue inside of me. Jerking violently in his hold, I waited for him to stop.

But he didn't.

I gasped in alarm as he tilted his head, spearing his tongue into me from a different angle. And the unbearable pleasure I had just ridden out, suddenly started to build up once more.


Not enough! Zuerien growled ravenously, never ceasing his sinfully pleasurable actions, I can never get enough of this

"Zuerien! Please! Its too much!" I shouted, trying to pull away, but he didn't let me go.

Cum again, heart, he rumbled with deep yearning, Harder

Before I could protest, he pressed his thumb onto my nub and started to stroke it wildly. I screamed in shock as the pleasure went from 100-1000 in a flash. My hips jerked frantically, rocking incredibly fast, trying to keep up with the pleasure.


He tugged my nub between his thumb and index finger before massaging it fast and hard in circular motions. That did it and I was coming once again, shaking violently and screaming his name over and over again.

The feelings I had for him had intensified tenfold and as I found my release for a second time into his eager mouth, I looked up at the stars above us and said a silent prayer.

Zuerien's tongue lapped up all of my wetness before he finally relented and pulled away. Feeling absolutely exhausted, I went limp on the ground, panting heavily.

I kept my eyes closed, wondering if any minute now, I would wake up and find out this is a dream, but then I felt his presence over me once more, and when his warm fingers brushed against my cheek once, I let out a soft, contented sigh, knowing that it was real.

With my eyes still shut, I felt Zuerien's chest press into mine while he buried his face into my neck and inhaled deeply. A soft gasp escaped my lips as I felt his hard manhood pressing into my belly and Zuerien chuckled softly against my neck but said nothing.

I flushed at the foreign feeling of him pressed up against me, but welcomed it regardless. Zuerien was heavy even though I knew he wasn't putting all his weight on me, and even if he did, it would a weight I would forever be grateful to bear. Because this reminded me of the one fact that made me happier than anything else ever could.

He is mine and I...

"Are you okay, heart?" Zuerien asked softly, his voice overflowing with affection as he said the word 'heart'.

My eyes immediately filled with tears of joy and I sniffed, unable to hold them back. Immediately Zuerien shot up, his eyes going wide as he cupped my face in both his hands.

"Suzzanah?" he breathed out worriedly, his eyes going wide as they took in the sight of my tears. Alarm and concern flooded his gaze, "Sweetheart, did I hurt you?"

My heart clenched painfully at how broken his voice sounded at the thought of having hurt me. I immediately cupped his face in both my hands and smiled at him through my tears.

"No you didn't", I said, caressing his cheeks with my thumbs, "I'm just...so happy"

Relief flooded his features before it was replaced by joy and another familiar emotion.

Those three words.

Raising himself off me, he immediately picked me up from the ground and pulled me onto his lap, hugging me close. His warmth immediately surrounded me as I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest.

"Thank you heart", he said, his voice a genuine, warm and loving as it could get, "Thank you for being mine"

I soft laugh escaped my lips as tears slid down my eyes. The sound of his heart beating steadily inside his chest made me smile as more tears pricked my eyes. I felt it deep inside of me.

Today, I had given myself completely to Zuerien. I had shared a part of me with him that was only his to claim. I had surrendered completely and trusted him with my everything.

He was my home, and I...I wanted to be his forever.

I never thought such a day would come, but I was so glad it did. And I was so glad its him.



He pressed a gentle kiss against the crook of my neck before gently placing me on the ground again. Cupping my face, he wiped my tears with both his thumbs and smiled at me. I smiled back warmly and his eyes flashed with a strange emotion before he placed a long lingering kiss on my forehead.

Once he pulled away, he tucked a lock of hair behind my ears, "Come on", he said, "I want to show you something"


I blinked as he got off the ground and stood up, and suddenly my eyes exploded in shock.

"AIYAH!" I shouted in alarm and whirled to the other side, my cheeks burning like furnaces at the sight I had just seen.

A hearty chuckle sounded from my mate, making my heart flutter in joy despite my deep embarrassment.

"Really heart?" he asked amusedly, "After everything we just did, you're going to shy away at the sight of my-"

"Don't! Don't say it!" I shouted hurriedly, covering my ears with both hands and blushing wildly.

Get used to it heart, you'll be seeing me like this a lot from now on

I covered my face with my hands, the embarrassment making my whole body burn. I knew that I shouldn't be so awkward about this after all that had happened just a few minutes ago, but it would take some time for me to 'get used to it'.

Regardless, it didn't mean that I didn't enjoy what we just shared, or that I regretted it. And even if I never really 'got used to' being this informal with Zuerien, I knew I would always love it just as much.

The sound of bones cracking yet again filled my ears and my head shot up from the cover of my hands just in time to see Zuerien shifting into his humongous, majestic wolf. The sound of his bones breaking and rearranging themselves still made me cringe in pain, but the process was also strangely captivating. It made me marvel at the Supernatural.

Once he had shifted, he shook his head before promptly turning towards me. I was still sitting on the ground watching him wide-eyed.

"Doesn't that hurt?" I asked worriedly, "The shift I mean"

The first few ones do hurt a lot, he replied, But we've shifted so many times now that we're used to it. The pain is quite bearable now. Sometimes we don't even feel it

He lowered his large head and nuzzled it against my face. I laughed and put my arms around his neck, snuggling against him when he suddenly raised his head, lifting me with him to my feet.

Get on sweetheart, Kai said excitedly, The human and I want to show you something

I nodded and quickly ran to where I he had thrown my sandals earlier and put them on. My gaze then fell to Rino's blue penguin printed handkerchief and I picked it up, blushing at the memories it brought back. Tying it around my wrist, I turned around to found Kai sitting on his hind legs, his head tilted to the side as though in deep thought.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I walked back to him.

We're wondering why we didn't rip the rest of your coverings while we still had the chance, he told me seriously making my jaw drop.

"K-K-KAI!!!" was all I could say when he settled his body on the ground and jerked his head towards his back.

Come on

Clutching the handkerchief in my hand and blushing like crazy. I wouldn't even be surprised if after today, my face just remained red permanently for the rest of my life.

"Shouldn't we get back to the finish line?" I asked, "Won't everyone be waiting?"

I told them not to wait, he replied before adding smugly, That we'd be a while

"Oh goodness! Why do you do these things!" I cried out red-faced, "Now Roma will kill me for details. And my Roomie will kill me for not having won!"

No one is killing my mate on my watch! Kai said all too seriously, I'll bury them up to their necks in the ground and play golf with their mouths as holes!

I couldn't help but laugh as I got on top of him, "You know golf Kai?"

I don't know how to play it but I've watched a few games in that box that humans call television

I chuckled bending towards him and holding onto his neck. My lack of underwear made it extremely uncomfortable to be sitting on him, but I didn't say a word about it or Zuerien and Kai would never stop ranting inappropriately about it.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, trying to ignore the soft feel of Kai's fur against my bare skin.

Somewhere you'll love for sure, he said confidently, hang on

I smiled and held on tightly, feeling excited about where he was going to take me. And also nervous. Extremely nervous about tonight.

About what would happen.

And about how things would turn out.

Whatever may take place, I had made up my mind and I was not going back on it. Tonight could change a lot of things, but I knew that nomatter what happened, I wouldn't regret a thing.

Ready, heart? he asked me and I smiled at him, feeling my heart swell at the sight of him.

And my reply wasn't just to him, but also to myself and my insecurities.


And then he took of, running at full speed deeper into the woods.


"Favorite color"

Brown, because its the color of your eyes

"Hey!" I laughed, clinging onto him tightly as he flew through the woods like a missile, "Be serious here! Don't just say things to get me all mushy"

We're not, they replied in complete sync, We really like brown


We've always liked the color ever since we were younger, they told me, It reminded us of all the things we really liked, like the earth, trees, our mother's hair, they said making me smile lovingly at the back of Kai's head, And now your eyes and hair too, they added, But we also like black

I nodded, "Brown and black. Okay"

Yours are blue and gold, he stated

I grinned, "You remember", I said.

Of course we remember. We remember everything about you Suzzanah

I bent down kissed the top of his head making his ears immediately perk up.

That was only for me human, Kai said to Zuerien immediately.

Shut your face, Kai, Zuerien replied irritably.

I laughed, "Okay. Next question"

Kai suddenly jumped over a large bush making me cry out and cling onto him for dear life and nearly forget my question. Apparently the place that Zuerien wanted to take me to was quite far, so after enjoying the initial few minutes of riding freely through the woods, I had then decided to ask him random questions to get to know more about him.

"What is your favorite song?"

Don't have one, they replied.

"Alright, do you know how to cook?"


"YES?!" My face instantly lit up, "So do I! Awesome! What is your favorite thing to eat?"

Kai glanced back at me for a split second, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Are you one of the options? they asked in unison and I almost flew off the his back in shock.

"Oh God! You cant just say things like that", I shouted horrified and they laughed in unison.

We're not kidding though

No we're not

I'll never get over how she tastes

I agree. She's the sweetest thing we've ever tasted right?

Second sweetest. The sweetest was that horrid carnival candy that nearly gave us a cavity

Ugh I remember

But damn, her taste though human

I know


I couldn't even begin to express how horribly shocked and embarrassed I was right now. My face was a giant tomato and my jaw was literally dragging on the ground behind us as Kai ran. I couldn't believe they were talking about that so casually!

Did we embarrass you Suzzanah? We didn't mean to

But she's cute when she blushes

She's adorable!


I buried my face in Kai's fur and shook my head. Today I had seen a new side to Zuerien and Kai's love-hate relationship. The 'love' side of it.

Apparently when Zuerien was in a good mood, because apparently Kai was always in a good mood, Zuerien and Kai agreed on a lot of things. And they could often just talk to each other and forget that others were even around.

At first it had really been an 'Awww' moment for me, but then I realized that whenever they did forget about me ans start speaking amongst themselves, they were always speaking about me. And the topic was almost always something inappropriate that made me want to jump into a can of holy water and drown in it.

I'd just have to get used to it I guess.

I lifted my head and tuned back into their conversation.

We really should have gotten rid of Suzzanah's dress as well

The idea of getting used to it exploded in a split second.

Its your fault human. You should have ripped it when you had the chance

You're one to complain Kai. You took control of my body for sometime so you could have done it too!

Maybe we should do it now

I agree

"Will you both stop talking like a thousand year old pedophiles regretting their life decisions?!" I shouted in aggravation, "Don't make me attack the ears again"

Kai immediately slammed his ears onto his head, flattening them against the top of his skull.

You wouldn't want to do that heart or as punishment we really will get rid of all your clothes, Zuerien said amusedly.

I gasped and Kai's ears perked right back up.

The idea has merit, he agreed.

Quickly wanting to change the topic I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

"Next question! H-How old are you?!"

It was only after I had blabbered out the question that I realized the implications it could have. Oh shoot! Why did I ask that? What if he turned out to be a hundred years older? Wouldn't that make things a little awkward, even if just for tonight?

I quickly shook my head, No! Of course it wouldn't. He was my mate. He could be the age of my great grandfather and it wouldn't bother me.


Ugh, okay maybe it would bother me a little bit in the beginning but I'd get over it for sure. Age was just a number, even more so in the Supernatural world. No worries. I was cool. I was cool.

But pleaaasee try and be less than 50 years older!


I almost jumped off Kai's back in alarm when I heard both their questioning voices in my head and I also realized that they had already answered my question and I had been so deeply immersed in my little self-dialogue that I hadn't heard it!

What's wrong Suzzanah?

Are you alright?

Are you nauseous?

Are you dizzy?

Are you tired?

Are you in pain?

Are you hungry?

"I'm fine, don't worry!" I said before Zuerien could add another question to that list and gulped before asking hesitantly, "And...what did you say your age was again?"

Twenty four, why?

I blinked at the back of Kai's head before saying blankly, "What?"

We're twenty four years old Suzzanah, Zuerien repeated.

My face scrunched up in confusion, "You're...twenty four?"


"You're serious?"


"But you can't be twenty four"

Kai turned his head to glance at me once more.

Why ever not? He asked confused.

I blinked again, "Because that would make you only 3 years older than me"

Is that a problem?

I gaped in shock at him, "But...but...wait a minute. Are we talking human years here or Supernatural years?"

What is this Supernatural years? Kai asked in complete befuddlement.

There is no such thing, Zuerien replied just as puzzled.

"So you're really just twenty plus four years old?" I asked.


Heart, are you alright? Is something the matter?

Maybe she doesn't like the number twenty four

Well then we'll be twenty five next year. Or maybe the three year age gap is the problem after all

Its not too big an age gap. Its reasonable. Unless of course she likes younger men!


We should have told her we're younger

Oh sure! That would be totally believable given how you always act like a freakin 3 year old pup!

"But you guys are really, really just twenty four?" I asked yet again and Kai immediately came to a halt and looked back at me worriedly.

Suzzanah, is our age really a problem for you? Zuerien asked cautiously.

"NO!" I cried out, "Not if you're really twenty four!"

We are! they replied frantically in unison.

"But then why did Alpha Penson say that...", my voice trailed away as I thought back to my conversation with Alpha Penson and Mr. Talon.

I had asked Alpha Penson what Zuerien's age was and he had exchanged glances with Mr. Talon before saying...

"Why don't you ask him that yourself"

He hadn't said he was much older but the way he had said it had implied it. And he knew that I would get this idea. That 463 year old werewolf was playing with my head! And Mr. Talon played along!

"ARGH! I'm going to pull both their ears off!" I cried out making Kai immediately plaster his ears to his head again.


Is John one of these people?


Then I support you. He threatened to forbid us from seeing you.

"Ah! But you're really twenty four? Oh bless your young soul!" I said hugging Kai's broad neck and smiling goofily to myself in relief.

Kai lowered his head and sniffed my hair, Are you sure she's alright?

I don't know. I'm worried.

Should we take her back?

"NO!" I said sitting up, "I'm fine! Don't worry. Lets keep going"

Kai stared at me for a few more seconds before he hesitantly started to trot again before taking to full sprint.

I grinned happily, hugging his neck, feeling extremely relieved. Not that age would make him any less important to me but this three year age gap was really just perfect!

"So you must be considered very young in the Supernatural world", I said as Kai dashed through the woods.

Pretty young, yes, he replied, because of which some of the older werewolves objected to letting us take the throne at the age of 22, two years ago

But we proved to them that we had what it took to be King as soon they accepted us, Zuerien said before adding gently, Just how you proved how perfectly fit you are to be their Queen

You made us very proud Suzzanah

Incredibly proud

I smiled gratefully, feeling thrilled to know that I hadn't let them down. And I would do my best to never do so in the future either.

When I looked around, I realized that the scenery around us had changed significantly. The tree cover was thicker and denser, and we seemed to be in a much deeper part of the woods.

Kai had run for well over an hour and a half to get us here so I knew that we were very far away from the resorts but where were we going?

As he ran, I felt a familiar vaguely disorienting feeling and almost instantly I knew that we were passing through Marco's mazes. By the strange feeling that was continuously coursing through my body, there must have been several mazes around here.

What place was this exactly that it needed so much security?

The tree cover suddenly disappeared and we entered a humongous clearing. The moonlight shone down on us making me look up at the distant crescent moon surrounded by thousands of twinkling stars and gasp in delight. It had been so many years since I had seen a sky so full of stars before.

The sky right here was breathtakingly beautiful. It was like seeing the sky through a telescope- mesmerizing, awe-inspiring and quite unreal.

Kai suddenly slowed down and started to trot before looking back at me, his eyes gleaming excitedly.

What do you think? He asked and I looked in front of us only to cry out in absolute wonder.

"Oh my God...!"

A few feet us front us was an enormous lake that stretched from one corner of the clearing to the other. Its dark water shone occasionally in a mysterious manner, making chills of awe run down my spine. All around the lake was a thick tree cover, the tops of which were draped in thick mist. The sight was truly spellbinding and I found myself at a loss of words.

"This is so incredible!" I breathed out, "My gosh, its beautiful!"

Kai walked up to the edge of the lake before jumping onto an enormous rock nearby to get us a better view.

We used to come here all the time when we were younger, Zuerien said, his voiced laced with nostalgia, It always had a calming effect on us whenever we were troubled or when we just needed a place to think

I smiled and ran my hand through Kai's fur lovingly before sliding off his back. His body radiated copious amounts of warmth that kept the cool night breeze from getting me cold.

I walked to the edge of the rock and and took in the scenery before me once more. It was true, the place really did have a very calming effect. It immediately soothed my nerves, making me feel more certain of what was to come.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here", I said wholeheartedly, not taking my eyes off the breathtaking view, "This is one of the best surprises I have ever received"

I heard him shifting once again and I tensed but before I could even turn around, Zuerien's muscular arms came around my waist from behind me and he pulled me into his chest.

I gasped at the feeling of his still hard pride and joy pressed into my lower back, but he didn't seem in the least bit concerned as he kissed the crook of my neck before placing his head on my shoulder, nuzzling the side of my face.

"You're blushing", he said amusedly, obviously having felt the heat from my cheek against his.

"Well...that's because you're...you know!" I blushed harder and his chest shook against my back as he chuckled.

He had been laughing a lot more than usual nowadays and I couldn't be happier about it.

"What if someone sees us here?" I asked, "Doesn't it bother you that they'll see an appropriately dressed female accompanied by a butt naked male?"

"No because that werewolf will probably be just as butt naked as the male they're seeing", he replied seriously, "In fact they'll probably wonder, just like me, why you're still clothed in the first place"

I slapped his chest with the back of my hand and before I could pull away, he grabbed my hand in his before kissing it softly.

"How are you so sure that the person who'll see us will be a werewolf too?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

"Because the territory we're in is exclusively Werewolf territory", he replied, making my eyes widen, "You're an exception of course but no other humans or Supernaturals are allowed in here unless it is by my order"

"Why is that though?" I asked.

"Because this is Royal territory", he replied.

My brows knit together, "But isn't the resort also Royale territory?"

"Not just Royale territory, heart. Royal territory", Zuerien said smiling, "This territory exclusively under Royal jurisdiction. Even Royale pack members who are not permitted by the King cannot enter this territory"

"Oh!" I said wide-eyed, "So that's why there were so many mazes"

Surprise flashed across his face, "You could tell?" he asked and I nodded, "I can feel them"

A faint smile made its way to his face, "That's yet another thing you can do that normal humans shouldn't be able to without being marked"

My heart immediately fluttered at that word as Zuerien hugged me closer.

"I wanted to share this place with you", he told me, his warm hand rubbing my arms up and down, "I have a good lot of memories attached to this place and now our time here will become one of them"

My heart welled with warmth at his words and cupped his jaw lovingly.

"Thank you Zuerien, it means a lot to me", I told him honestly, "And I'd love to hear all about your wonderful memories here whenever you want to tell me about them"

He smiled, "Now is as good a time as any", he said and My face immediately lit up, "Really?"

He nodded, "If you want to hear about them"

I nodded vigorously, "YES!" I cried out happily.

He withdrew his arms from around my waist, "Have a seat, my Luna", he said and I hesitated as I turned to face him, making sure my eyes remained glued to his face.

"Uh, maybe you'd want to...um...put something on?" I suggested awkwardly making him smirk.

"Why?" he asked mischievously, "Am something distracting you, heart?"

"Of course you are!" I exclaimed and he immediately pulled me into him, my chest pressing firmly into his and his obvious arousal digging into my stomach.

I gasped, feeling my cheeks burn for the thousandth time that day, "Zuerien!" I breathed out in alarm, my hands flattening against his chest.

"You know, the knowledge that you're wearing no panties underneath this flimsy dress is making it really hard for me not to repeat what we did an hour ago", he drawled out darkly, making my breath hitch.

Moving my hair to the side, he lowered the strap of my dress and peppered kisses on my shoulder and collar bone making my heart beat speed up. He buried his face in my neck, sucking on the skin in the crook and his hands while his hands cupped both my butt-cheeks and squeezed none too gently.

My hips bucked forwards in shock making me unintentionally grind into him and both of us groaned in unison as pleasure seared through us. It was unbelievable how every touch was so sensuously pleasing when it came from ones mate.

Even though I was considered pretty human, I could clearly understand now why many werewolves got marked and mated the very day they met their mates. And it only made my respect for Zuerien rise knowing that he had probably been exercising a truck load of self control to not have done the same with me, at least after he had accepted me as his mate.

Placing one more lingering kiss against my skin, Zuerien raised his head and sighed, "I probably should go put on some pants or you wont leave this place a virgin, heart"

I smiled, feeling absolutely flushed as he reluctantly pulled away from me and jumped down the rock only to reappear within a few seconds wearing loose black trousers. He saw the shock on my face and smirked.

"Changed your mind about my nakedness, Suzzanah?" he asked and I closed my mouth and cleared my throat.

"Where did you-"

"Werewolves have clothes stacked up a lot of places in the woods, for obvious reason", he replied having guessed my question, or read my mind.

That didn't sound very hygienic but they were part wild animals after all. Who was I to judge their cleanliness standards. I wondered if they would have an extra pair of underwear around here somewhere too, but I decided it better to not ask.

As I settled down on the rock, I made sure that I sat in a manner that I didn't accidentally flash Zuerien. Once I was comfortable, I looked up at Zuerien and patted the rock next to me.

He sat down next to me before stretching out his long legs and lying down with his head on my lap. Despite being surprised, I immediately welcomed the gesture and caressed his thick hair making him smile at me.

"I could look at you all day and never get tired", he said softly as he looked into my eyes.

"Aren't you such a charmer", I replied smiling, "So, which memory do I get to hear first?"

"When I was 7 years old I used to come here with my mother", he told me, "She used to teach me how to use my flames here because there was plenty of water around, just in case things got out of hand, which they did on quite a lot of occasions"

"What was your mother's name?" I asked.

He smiled fondly, "Jenna", he said softly, "Jenna Royale. And my father was Aizen Royale"

I tried not to feel sad about the word 'was and asked, "So you were a mama's boy?" I asked.

"I was everyone's boy", he said, "Everyone used to fawn over me to no end because they thought me incredibly 'cute'"

"Is that so?" I laughed.

"As a kid I spent most of my time watching the world from on top of my father's shoulders", he said, "and learning to love it through both my parents' eyes. They both spent equal time with me. While my father taught me about my senses and abilities as a werewolf, my mother taught me how to use my Elemental abilities"

He pointed to the far side of the lake, "We used to practice there, by that big rock", he said, "My mother used to teach me offense, how to use my flames to attack, cause explosions and just burn things in general, all of which as you can see I'm very good at", he added.

I laughed, "If only you she taught you defense as well", I teased and immediately his smile fell, being replaced by an emotion that seemed almost bittersweet.

"My mother never taught me defense", he told me reminiscently, "Because frankly, she wasn't very good at it. It was my aunt who taught me defense. My mother's older sister, Aunt Tamara. The three of us used to spend a lot of time here, but more than practicing, we used to spend it eating and talking. My mother could never stop talking about soul mates. Apparently she started waiting for you and gushing about you the minute I was born"

Warmth flooded my body as I smiled, "That's so sweet", I said, "I would have loved to me her"

"And she you", he replied, "She would have been really proud and happy to see what an incredible person I have been mated to. Both my parents would have. My mother always used to tell me that my mate would make me the happiest person ever", he raised his hand and caressed my cheek, "And I know now that she was right"

Cupping my cheek in his large hand he smiled tenderly at me, "You are my everything now, heart", he said warmly, "And by bringing you here I wanted to tell you that even though I lost everyone- my entire family 14 years ago, I don't feel alone anymore. Because you're here. You're my family. And you are enough"

Tears welled up in my eyes and I looked away from him, feeling entirely choked up. I didn't know how I had gotten so lucky as to be blessed with a soulmate like him, but I couldn't be more grateful for him, and I couldn't ask for more.


Zuerien immediately got up and cupped my face, "Hey", he said softly, "I didn't tell you all that to make you cry heart", he said smiling and I laughed and nodded, feeling more tears start to form.

He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tightly, rocking me back and forth while I buried my face in his chest.

"I hope we get to spend many more days and nights here together", I whispered and he kissed the top of my head.

"Of course we will", he replied.

"And its not me", I said, looking up at him, "I'm not the only family you have. Rino, Alpha Penson, Cole, Marco, General Reginald, Prophecy and even Mr. Talon. They all love you like family"

He looked up at the sky again, his eyes filling with gratefulness. I grinned and added, "Especially Rino"

"Ugh", Zuerien snorted and shook his head smiling, "That boy is really crazy"

I slapped his chest, "Oh shut up, you love Rino"

Zuerien's face went from to serene to shocked in a split second, "Excuse me?!" he cried out.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about", I said, "If I had to take a guess, you probably love Rino and Cole the most out of our younger friends"

"I don't love either of them", he said bewildered, "This is ridiculous"

"You're in denial Alpha", I told him matter-of-factly.

"You're incorrect, Luna", he replied, "Cole is a good friend but Rino-"

"Is more?"

"You're asking for it, heart", Zuerien warned, his eye flashing.

I laughed, "Fine, don't admit it", I said, "But I'm not just stating any overblown bromantic fantasy you know. I can feel the emotions you feel for our friends. And I know that no matter how much Rino annoys you, deep down he's like a brother to you"

"You're definitely intoxicated, heart", Zuerien said shaking his head, "And everyone thought Prophecy was drunk"

"Drunk people speak the truth"

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Suzzanah, please shut up"

I threw my head back and laughed. The emotions that were coursing through my body right now were so strong and sure that any doubt I may have had earlier was immediately erased.

I knew what I needed to do.

"We love it when you laugh"

Wiping my eyes I looked at him to find him gazing down at me with the most warm and affectionate expression I had ever seen on his face. His eyes, I noticed were once more brown and black like earlier.

I cupped his face and rose to my knees, "Your eyes", I said, "they're both different colors"

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me into him, snuggling his face against my breasts making me gasp in surprise.

"Its happens really rarely", he told me, "When Kai and I are in complete and absolute sync, exercising equal control"

I raised his head and grinned, looking into his eyes, "Its very cool", I told him honestly.

"It seems to happen a lot more easily when we're with you", he told me, "When you're close to us we feel at peace. We feel like we're invincible as long as you are by our side"

"And I always will be", I told him wholeheartedly, before kissing his forehead, hoping that what I was feeling for him in that moment would reach him

When I pulled away, his eyes were brimming with an intense emotion that made my heart flutter. His gaze drifted behind me briefly before he looked back into my eyes, joy painting his face.

"I knew it was the right decision to bring you here", he said before standing up and pulling me up my feet with him.

I looked at him with questioning eyes as he turned me around before pointing in the far distance, where the fog had just cleared.

"Look", he whispered and I squinted in the dark trying to get a better view of what he was trying to show me.

And when the moonlight reflected off the structure, I gasped in shock, my hand flying to my lips at the absolutely astounding sight before me.

A prodigious structure stretched out magnificently in the distance, surrounded on all sides by thick tall trees. Its pillars looked strong and sturdy and its walls looked powerful enough to defend against any attack. And even though I couldn't see all of it, I was mesmerized by what I could behold.

"Zuerien", I breathed out, my heart racing, "Is that..."

He hugged me from behind and nodded, "The Royale Castle", he replied, his voice laced with pride.

I exhaled a choked breath, unable to express how incredibly blown away I was by what I was seeing. My vision blurred with tears once more at the sight of the place my dear mate had grown up in.

It was so overwhelming!

"Its so beautiful", I breathed out in a bare whisper, barely able to find my voice.

"Its my home", Zuerien said softly, "And now yours too"

My heart swelled with a thousand emotions at his word and I chuckled quietly before shaking my head.

"No", I said turning in his arms to face him, "My home is you, remember?"

He smiled widely, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he did and the sight made my heart clench within me. And I knew right away.

It is time.


"Its too far for me to take you there now", Zuerien said, pulling me close, "But once we return from Dublin, I'll take both you and your sister there"

I swallowed hard, unable to contain my feelings. The fact that had ensured to include Karina in his plans just made my feel it even more. It intensified the urge that was overpowering me from within.

"I can't wait for you to see it", he said eagerly, "After so many years, that Castle will finally have its Queen again"

My heart fluttered and he added, "I'll have the most exquisite tiara made for you. After all, a Queen's got to have a crown right?"

I nodded, "Of course", I said quietly and he smiled before looking back at the castle happily.

I took a deep breath and added,

"Just like a mate's got to have a mark"

Zuerien's head whipped towards me in a flash, the smile disappearing in an instant and being replaced by shock. His eyes were wide as though he couldn't believe what he had just heard and I immediately felt the numerous tangled emotions he was feeling in that second, one of which stood out the most.


As his eyes desperately searched mine to confirm if he had just heard me right, I cupped his face in both my hands and smiled at him.

"I want you to take me to your castle", I told him, my heart thundering inside of me, "But when I you do, I want to be bearing your mark on my neck"

He released a ragged breath, his lips parting but no words coming out.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Zuerien", I told him from the bottom of my heart, "And no one will ever take your place in my heart"

As I spoke, all the overpowering emotions I felt for him flowed out of me. And I hoped and prayed he could feel them. He could feel what he meant to me.

Feel the power of those three unspoken words.

His hands gripped my hips, his breath coming out in short pants of disbelief, his heart hammering against the hand I had placed on his chest.

"I want to belong to you, Zuerien", I told him, every inch of my being pulsing with affection for him, "Forever. I want to be yours forever. And I want to be marked as yours forever"


He exhaled a ragged breath as though he was overwhelmed beyond imagination.


I caressed his cheek feeling more certain than I had ever felt in my life. And as the hope in his eyes grew into something else, I told myself there was no better time than right now.


"I love you"

His entire body froze in paralyzing shock as he gaped at me with wide, blown eyes. And when neither my eyes nor my smile wavered for even a second, he brought one trembling hand up to my cheek and cupped it gently.

"Heart...is this..."

Is this true?

I nodded covering his hand with mine, "Its true, Alpha Zuerien Kai Royale", I replied wholeheartedly, savoring every letter of his name, "I love you"

A thundering barrage of innumerable exploding emotions crashed into me, making all breath leave my body. Unfathomable disbelief, longing, relief, desperation, hope, affection and inconceivable joy bombarded my veins as Zuerien's face was flooded with the very same.

He gasped out a laugh, then another and another and when I joined in, all our inhibitions crumbled away. Without wasting even another breath, he pulled me into his arms and slammed his against lips on mine.

My arms went around his neck, and his went around my waist as our chests molded together as though one. I could feel his heart crashing into mine as our lips moved ravenously against on another's. And I had never felt more content in my entire life.

Our lips devoured each other with a need that could never be sated. My love for him was so limitless that I couldn't even fathom it myself. I had waited until I knew that it wasn't lust that made me want him. No, it was my uncontainable love for him that craved him like my body craved breath.

I didn't know when it had happened, when exactly I had started to feel this way. And when my emotions had grown so much that I couldn't even bear to keep them caged inside of me anymore.

There had never really been an exact moment of realization. It was like my love for him had always been right there. As though I had loved him, even before I met him.

And I knew that my love for him would remain dormant within me long, long after my body faded away into nothingness.

Until we met again.

And I could love him with all my being once more.

Our lips parted and tongues tangles and hands roamed each others bodies urgently. I felt Zuerien lower me onto the rock, the cold surface pressing into my flushed skin, his lips never parting from mine.

My hands tangled in his hair while his tugged down the straps on my dress, his touch setting my body on fire. We groaned and moaned in unison, craving each others presence, unable to get enough.

Again, heart, his voice desperate filled my mind, Tell us again

I love you

He groaned against my lips, thrusting his hips into mine making me gasp at the sensation of his hard manhood against my bare core. He ground his hips into mine, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, moving my hips against his, frantically seeking the friction.

Our emotions were at their zenith, both our hearts beating as one. My soul had accepted every part of him as mine and now my body yearned to do the same. And with every touch of his skin, taste of his tongue and beat of his heart, I loved him more.


His possessive growl echoed in my mind making me wanting scream his name. His body thrummed with a heat and passion that had me breathless far before his lips had even claimed mine. I knew I would never again forget what he tasted like, nor would I ever grow tired of his kisses. I loved everything about him and that was never going to change.

When his lips finally parted from mine it was only to trail down my neck igniting all sorts of sinful flames within me. His lips latched onto the skin of my neck and he sucked and licked sensuously, making me moan and pant loudly.


Tingles and shock-waves tore down my spine as he continued to grind himself into me, going even harder and faster than before. I felt the pleasure building up to breaking point and it left me absolutely breathless.

He nipped at the skin in the crook of my neck, before dragging his hot wet tongue along the spot. His hand reached down and cupped my breast, kneading and massaging passionately. I gasped and my back arched involuntarily, loving everything he was doing and the pleasure that his thrusts were creating within me was indescribable.


Every time he said that word, it was like he was claiming every inch of me as his. His words turned more desperate, more heartfelt, more overwhelming each time he said it and it was driving my heart and body insane.

He peppered hot kisses all over my shoulder before returning to the spot in the crook of my neck. His hands roamed my body unhindered, massaging, kneading and caressing eagerly. And with one more thrust of his hips he made my entire world explode as I found my release in a kerfuffle of gasps and moans I slumped onto the ground, panting for breath, warm contentment pulsing through my flushed body. My hand caressed the side of Zuerien's rugged jaw, as he licked and kissed my neck one last time before pulling back to look into my eyes.

His dark eyes looked almost glassy as he gazed at me with tremendous affection, almost as if they were glistening with unshed tears.

"This means so much to, heart", he told me, his face a mixture of a joy and deep longing, "I've never wanted anything as bad as I want you"

I smiled tenderly up him, my chest heaving as I spoke, "I'm all yours, Zuerien. All yours, forever"

He exhaled an almost broken breath before his lips found mine again and my arms wound around his neck. And even though he hadn't said that he loved me back, it didn't hurt me at all because I saw everything I needed to see, in his eyes.

Slipping a hand underneath my back, he lifted my upper torso off the ground and pressed a soft kisses along my shoulder. I shivered and drew him nearer, seeking the comforting warmth his body radiated.

On reaching the crook of my neck, he nuzzled his face against it lovingly, before embracing me with one hand. His deep, unending affection for me washed over me like a breath of fresh air, and I let out a soft sigh.

I love you so much, Zuerien

He hugged me closer, his feelings intensifying every time I told him that. I could feel his happiness and thankfulness gushing through my veins, as my very own.


Opening my eyes, I looked up at the brilliant endlessly star-studded sky above me. Satisfaction and happiness filled me right down to my soul at the thought of being marked by my mate under this beautiful diamond sky. The cool night breeze and soft sound of rustling leaves only served to calm my nervousness as I took deep breaths.

I felt him kiss the spot where I would bear his mark and I gripped his shoulders with both hands.

This is it, heart, he said quietly, There will be no going back after this. Please, if you want me to stop-

No, I replied, sounding more certain than I ever had before, I don't want you to stop.


Mark me as yours Zuerien, I said, my voice filled with my love for him, I couldn't want anything more

A strangled groan escaped his lips as his feelings of gratefulness and ecstasy flooded my body.

Thank you, he gasped out as he took his teeth dug into my skin, Thank you for being mine

With that he bit down hard and his sharp canines sunk right into my skin. I screamed as searing pain shot through my neck, across my shoulder and down my arm. It seared through my skin and tore through my veins, racing wildly through me till it was transformed into a different feeling.

I screamed yet again and this time in absolute pleasure as my entire body exploded with tingles and electricity. Every molecule in my body became charged with energy and I felt my senses opening up to a new high.

Waves of intense emotions crashed into me as I felt thousands of bonds forming deep inside of me, while those that were already there strengthened tremendously.

Bonds with werewolves, bonds with other Supernaturals, bonds with the earth and the waters and the wind. Bonds with the fire that slept deep within my mate's blood, and bonds with the magic that was sprinkled all around us.

All these bonds weaved into my soul, seeping into the depths of my being, flooding me with a sense of belonging stronger than I had ever felt before.

But the bond that strengthened most of all was the one I had with the man I loved. Within his teeth still buried in my skin, I felt our souls intertwine as though they were one.

And if I thought I couldn't love him more, in that very moment I was proved wrong as the warmth and love contained within me right then started to feel as infinite as the sky above me.


The tenderness and possessiveness in that word had heightened unimaginably. Warm tears slid down my eyes as Zuerien pulled his teeth out of the crook of my neck before licking the aching spot and easing away the pain.

The connection with him seemed to have strengthened a hundredfold as every graze of his skin against mine suddenly started to feel like I had found a new intimate release.

When he kissed the spot where he had just marked me, my body shot upwards of its own accord as searing charges shot through me like wildfire, leaving me completely baffled.

As I tried to get used to the extremely exaggerated reactions my body was having to his touch, Zuerien raised his head and looked into my eyes. They were two different colors again and the sight of them immediately made me smile.

The warmth in the smile that he returned was so overwhelming that it nearly left me breathless. He gently brushed my cheek with his fingers before sitting up and lifting me off the ground.

Pulling me on his lap, he held me close for a long moment, neither of us saying a word, neither of us even needing to. Straddling his hips, I put my arms around my waist and pressed my cheek against his strong broad chest, his steady strong heartbeat soothing my soul.

Zuerien caressed my hair softly, his even motion loving and light.

"You okay, my heart?" he asked me tenderly and I nodded, not opening my eyes.

He kissed my temple before lowering his head to kiss my mark again. The second his lips touched it, I gasped and my fingers dug into his back as a wave of intense thrill tore through me, leaving me dazed once more.

I felt him smile against my skin as he gently rocked me back and forth again, "I can't even begin to express how happy I am right now", he told me, "To me and Kai, this really is a dream come true"

I smiled tiredly before snuggling into his chest, I'm really happy too

"Does it hurt?" he asked me, his voice laced with deep concern as his fingers barely grazed my mark.

I shivered and shook my head, It feels...really sensitive, I told him, feeling too exhausted to talk.

"It'll feel that way initially, but your body should get used to it soon", he reassured gently and I nodded once more.

"Tired, my Suzzanah?" he asked and I could hear the mirth in his voice.

I wanted to reply but my lips wouldn't move. I felt sleep weighing down on me heavily and I didn't have the energy to fight it. Tonight had been the most beautiful night of my life and I hoped that I could relive it in my dreams once again.

Zuerien continued to rock me back and forth, pressing soft kisses against my hair, forehead and cheeks. He seemed to be even more gentle with me now than he had been before, which I hadn't even thought was possible.

As I felt myself drifting out of consciousness, I felt him scoop me up in his arms and stand. A few seconds later, I felt him vaguely set me down again before I felt something cold and wet being carefully pressed against my sensitive skin over my neck. It felt like water and it made me shiver but almost instantly, I was pulled into a warm chest that made my skin tingle and my heart rate spike.

Once the cold liquid had been brushed off my skin, I felt myself being placed against a hard surface. I faintly heard some familiar cracking sounds before I was nudged by something big and soft into a large, fluffy and warm surface that immediately made me sigh contentedly.

The soft, furry surface curled around me protectively, and another thick, fluffy object draped over me like a blanket, engulfing me in its comforting warmth. I smiled, nuzzling closer, knowing exactly what it was and feeling my heart swell at the thought of the giant dark, majestic wolf that I adored more than life itself.

I love you, I repeated using the last embers of consciousness left within me and nothing could compare to the love that flooded by body following my words.

Love that was radiating off the giant wolf beside me.

Feeling completely safe and content, I then fell asleep, cocooned in the warmth of my mate's large werewolf body, under the watchful gaze of a thousand shimmering stars and the a giant silver moon that reminded me of my home.

And just before I drifted into sweet, sweet slumber, I heard a deep, warm, familiar voice reply to me with four heartwarmingly familiar words.




But it must, and the next one will DEFINITELY be the last. Do you know why I'm so sure? Because I've already written it!

And yes! There will be a DOUBLE UPDATE today! The last chapter of Unconditionally will be posted ON THE MAIN BOOK later today, around 1:30 pm GMT.

Also, how did you like this chapter?

I NEED YOUR OPINIONS since its my first time writing mature content. Did I do okay? Did you guys like it? Gaaahhh I'm nervous for feedback.

And I'm so emotional right now! Suzzanah confessed *does happy dance on rooftop* X'D

If you enjoyed this chapter, please do VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE. And please do VOTE on the clean version also, it would make my day!

Until 1:30 pm GMT,

All my love


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