Chapter 1

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Rosepaw gave a haughty sniff as she watched two servants carry moss over to her nest,

"Beetle, Tangle, late again? It's been the fifth time this moon and I'm going to tell Cavestar about it."

The dark orange female head servant bowed, and the brown tom shifted slightly before dipping his head respectfully to the crown princess.

"Hurry up! I want to relax in my nest this morning before training and I won't let you two spoil it for me," Rosepaw growled, scrutinizing the two servants as they quickly worked about, cleaning her den.

Once the two servants finished, Rosepaw meowed,

"Beetle, stay behind. Tangle get out of my sight this instant."

The dark ginger head servant bowed lowly and quickly scuttled out of Rosepaw's den.

"Beetle, why didn't you bow? You know I'm the princess, no wait the crown princess of GoldClan. The strongest clan of the three. And you've decided to disrespect me of all cats? I am going to tell Cavestar about this and I will make sure of that!" she yowled wildly at Beetle, whose eyes dilated with fear.

"No, I'm sorry, Crown-" Beetle began but was quickly cut off by the spoiled heir.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I will never do it again," Rosepaw mimicked Beetle's apologetic and frantic voice, "Too bad. I'm still telling Cavestar and there is nothing you can do about that."

Beetle gulped and crouched down so low his muzzle was brushing against the ground and Rosepaw unsheathed her claws as she made a deep nick in his ear.

"Now go! Hurry up! You've already spoiled my day today!" Rosepaw spat.

After Beetle left, she scurried over to Cavestar's den, a big frown on her face.

When she entered, Cavestar looked up and smiled,

"What is it, sweetheart?"

Rosepaw pouted and complained,

"EVERYTHING!! Firstly Tangle and Beetle were late. Next Beetele disrespected me and ruined my whole day!"

Cavestar's face dramatically dropped, stood up as his eyes darkened, and meowed gravely,

"Do not worry Rosepaw, I will call a clan meeting and have this sorted now."

Cavestar exited the den, Willowstar trailing behind and Rosepaw sauntered out, glad that someone had finally decided to listen to her woes.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey, please gather under the Royal-rock for a meeting!" Cavestar boomed, his voice echoing throughout the entire camp.

Rosepaw smiled smugly as Cavestar began addressing the clan,

"It has come to my attention that one of our servants has had the nerve to disrespect our crown princess."

Gasps of shock sounded from beneath the clan and Rosepaw smirked at Beetle.

"Head servant Beetle, please step forwards," Cavestar continued once the clan had settled down.

The brown servant trembled as he stepped forwards and the clan immediately moved away from him.

"You have disobeyed the warrior code and shall be punished for it. Crown Princess Rosepaw will decide what your punishment will be," Cavestar snarled.

Rosepaw grinned and took a step forwards,

"From now on, Beetle will become the lowest ranking male servant. Aspen will take his place as head servant."

Beetle's eyes widened in horror as he gasped,

"What?! I mean, I understand what I did wrong and I will never do it again."

Rosepaw's face lightened as Cavestar yowled,

"Beetle, you will also be cleaning out the nests of the she-cat servants for 2 moons. Gathering dismissed."

Beetle's head lowered in shame as the other cats swarmed past him, some giving him disgusted looks, with one or two giving him a heavy blow.

"There, sweetheart, enjoy the rest of your morning and I hope your training with Emberblaze will go well," Cavestar purred and gave Rosepaw a lick on the head before walking off with Willowstar, their tails entwined.

Rosepaw walked over to the apprentice's den to see if Silverpaw was there. The only cat in the clan who understood her troubles and woes.

Sure enough, once she entered the shady den, the snowy bengal was licking her pelt. When Rosepaw entered, Silverpaw raised her head and purred in a warm and welcoming voice,

"How are you doing Crown Princess Rosepaw?"

Rosepaw tried to fight back a smile back failed and responded,

"I'm doing fine, Apprentice and daughter of the Head Royal Advisor Silverpaw."

Silverpaw gave her light, bubbly laugh before meowing,

"I can't believe that Beetle disrespected you. After all, he knew what could've happened to him and yet he still did what he did."

Rosepaw growled,

"Because he was an idiot but let's not let that ruin our morning. After all, we both have training in the afternoon."

Silverpaw sighed and agreed with her.

"Let's rest in my den this morning!" Rosepaw suggested.

Silverpaw perked up and mewed back excitedly,

"Really?! Why thank you Rosepaw!"

Rosepaw grinned. Everyone in the clan respected her. It was just inevitable.


Rosepaw grudgingly trudged after Emberblaze, Silverpaw, Nightpaw, Snowblossom and Coldwater trailing behind her.

"Today Rosepaw we will be battle training. You can pair up with-"Emberblaze instructed.

"I will pair up with whoever I want, fleabag. Any problems with that?" spat Rosepaw, slightly irritated. She always was irritated when she was instructed by others to do something.

"Nightpaw, come here. NOW," Rosepaw growled.

Nightpaw stalked over and looked at Rosepaw squarely in her eye. He widened his stance as he prepared himself for the princess to attack him.

Rosepaw gave a fierce yowl before leaping towards Nightpaw, who quickly whipped out her way.

"How dare YOU!" Rosepaw cried, outraged.

Nightpaw merely just shrugged, but when he saw Rosepaw's frenzied eyes, he knew that it was time to give in.

Rosepaw launched and took a heavy swipe at his ear, screeching with fury,

"Don't you ever try to do that again! I need to win, otherwise my name isn't Rosepaw!"

Nightpaw took a dramatic step back before he pretended to collapse.

Rosepaw was satisfied and calmed down, her bristling fur starting to smooth down.

After battle training, Rosepaw huffed and stalked back towards camp before picking a plump rabbit from the prey pile. Cats these days, she hissed in her mind. Always thinking their superior. Always thinking they can get everything they want. How is everyone so spoiled these days?!

At the same time, a sinister plan was forming in her mind.

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