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Petalstar snickered as she headed toward the border of SilverClan. Tonight was the perfect night for murder and the clouds covering the half-moon promised it. Cavestar may have shamed her in front of the entire clan for not giving him a son, the clan may have started to freeze towards her, but she would make him pay, make all the clans pay soon.

Petal, this is Cypress. We need to get rid of one of SilverClan's princes, Petalstar's deceased sister whispered in her head.

Yes, yes, Cypress. Don't worry. I'll make sure to avenge your loss...both our losses very soon, Petalstar meowed back as she stalked into the marshy wetlands of SilverClan's territory.

Petalstar gracefully leaped into the clearing of SilverClan's camp. She crouched down and slithered her way to the princes' den.

SilverClan was getting too powerful. Too powerful for her liking. They needed a death to keep them in check.

How about the crown prince, Robinfeather? Petalstar asked as she silently slid into the den.

Of course not! We're only keeping the clans in check, not trying to obliterate them, Cypress screeched.

Petalstar winced at the volume and retorted,

Alright, alright, keep your fur on. We'll kill Flametail then. As much as I want to wreak havoc on the clans...

Cypress must've been satisfied because no reply followed.

Petalstar nimbly hauled Flametail out of his nest and onto the border of SilverClan's territory, the border that was beside a cliff.

The prince stirred and his eyes opened, quickly morphing into fear as he saw Petalstar looming over him.

"W-w-what are you doing?!" he asked, tensing up in fear.

Petalstar simply snickered and lightly traced one claw over his throat,

"My, what a sad loss this is going to be for SilverClan, isn't it? Such a handsome throat...even though I've slit ones far far more beautiful than yours."

Flametail must've pieced things together rather quickly as he gasped,

"Y-y-you're the one who-"

Petalstar licked her muzzle and purred in amusement,

"Killed the others. Correct. It'll be such a pity, losing a brillant mind like yours, but then...who will you tell before you die?"

Petalstar placed more weight onto her claw and saw a drop of blood pooling around it. She could feel Flametail tensing underneath.

"Such a shame you need to go this way Flametail. It's such a shame," she smiled wickedly as she whispered into his ear and neatly slit his throat, about to roll his body over the cliff when she heard a loud rustle come from the bushes behind her and whipped around.

Cavestar was glaring at her, grief filled in his eyes, every word he spoke filled with articulation.

"What. Did. You. Just. Do."

Petalstar sauntered over, her tail flicking in annoyance,

"If you were a smarter being, you would've already figured it out. Try and guess... Too hard? I'll tell you then." 

Petalstar leaned closer towards Cavestar and growled,

"Ever since you knew I couldn't give you any more kits, you left me for Willowhawk. You never loved me the way you used to anymore. You began to distance yourself from me. You began to chase after Willowhawk. My own sister! How could you?!"

Cavestar stood there and replied,

"Our clan needs princes. Rosekit won't be able to lead the clan to its full potential. Only a prince will be able to achieve that."

Petalstar laughed,

"Oh, you're so funny, darling. I wonder how SilverClan is so much stronger than us and their crown heir was a she-cat? Also, the problem I'm discussing here is why you never told me that Willowhawk was carrying your kits."

Cavestar flinched and Petalstar could almost hear him thinking on how she knew about that.

"Little Cavestar, I know much more than what you could ever know," Petalstar snickered and unsheathed her claws again.

Cavestar gasped and stepped back,

"You can't kill your own mate!"

"Who said I can't? Toms, toms, toms. Always thinking they're so self-entitled, when really, they're so much weaker than us," Petalstar meowed, amused.

Cavestar faltered as he took another step back and closed his eyes in fear.

Another rustle from the undergrowth sounded as Petalstar's eyes, glistening with fury, connected with a pair of dainty green ones.

"Willowhawk," she hissed, advancing slowly towards her sister.

I always knew she was no good, spat Cypress in Petalstar's head.

Willowhawk stood in front of Petalstar and defiantly raised her chin up,

"Cavestar never loved you. You were worthless to him. Couldn't even give him a decent heir. It's not surprising he chose me over you."

Petalstar's muzzle scrunched up in disgust,

"And what makes you think that you deserve to become GoldClan's Queen? You're pathetic, trying to catch everyone's attention, hoping they'll worship you and finally notice you. Well, guess what, they will. They'll know you as the she-cat who tricked her sister, tricked the Queen into thinking that we still had a stable relationship."

Willowhawk stalked forwards and growled,

"One thing about being evil cats, sis, is that," she launched forwards and shoved her over the cliff edge, "They never succeed."

Cavestar watched from the edge of the cliff, his heart breaking as his former mate fell into the darkness below them.

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