Chapter 5

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The wind sang softly as it brushed her fur and caressed her muzzle. Rosethorn tensed every time the wind snapped a dry branch, whenever the leaves rustled in the trees and whenever an owl hooted in the distance. Rosethorn tried to stay still and wished that she could be as still as she was when Emeberblaze tried to attack.

Breathe my darling...Being still does not mean to not move, but to move in peace, the faint voice echoed through the air.

Rosethorn forcibly loosened herself and took a deep breath of the night air as she looked up at the crescent moon. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. She looked at the darkness around her then at the stars that glittered above her. She felt her neck fur lower slightly.

Silverdream's blue eyes shimmered with worry as she looked at Rosethorn.

"Are you okay dear Rosethorn?" she asked, her friend giving her a reassuring lick on the ear. 

"Y-yes, I'm fine," Rosethorn stuttered back, stumbling back one or two steps before regaining her balance again.

Silence fell between the two of them but Rosethorn still felt uneasy despite the calming voice soothing her soul.

An unnatural snap of a twig sent Rosethorn's head snapping into that direction. Silverdream must've heard it as well because she hissed into Rosethorn's ear,

"Do you think that's BronzeClan?"

Rosethorn whispered back after a few leaves rustled in reply,

"Perhaps or maybe it's just the wind?"

Silverdream's tail twitched involuntarily and she tersely whispered,

"Look, there. Do you see that? That's no wind, that's a cat's tail. BronzeClan no doubt."

Rosethorn groaned internally. Why couldn't she just have a calm vigil with no one disrupting her or giving her an annoying time.

More rustles sounded from the bushes and Rosethorn saw multiple pairs of glittering eyes staring at them.

"GOLDCLAN!! BRONZECLAN IS ATTACKING!! HEL-," Rosethorn shrieked before a cat lunged forwards and placed their paw on her throat. Rosethorn squirmed around, gasping for air as her lungs burned. Her eyes bore into the icy green ones of her attacker and she hissed slightly, but was abruptly cut off when her attacker's claws dug deeper into her neck.

"One more word, dear princess and your life will vanish without a trace," a high-pitched laugh sounded from her attacker.

Stay calm, sweetie. It's all about finding the calm in the chaos. Do not get riled up by this cat. After all, you are the sky and everybody else is just the weather. Don't let them control you, she heard.

"Much better," the green-eyed cat hissed. "Now let me see what I should do with you, should I slice your throat? Or maybe take out an eye? Perhaps I should cut of your ears?" the high-pitched voice ruminated, head tilting from side to side.

"No, I shall cut your tongue out and you can quit your blubbering," the green-eyed cat gleefully cackled as their unsheathed claws glinted in the moonlight and pried her mouth open.

"DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" a voice roared through the clearing and the cat was sent flying to the other side of the camp. 

Rosethorn looked up and saw her father, yellow eyes bristling with anger, pelt radiating fury.

As Rosethorn stood up she shivered slightly even though the air wasn't cold and said,

"Thank you father. Thank you for saving my life. I really appreciate it."

Cavestar dipped his head in acknowledgement and replied,

"Daughter, it was my pleasure. Now let's go teach those BronzeClan brats a lesson."

Rosethorn nodded and saw a glimmer of light darting from the corner of her eye and instinctively felt her paws lunging in that direction and they connected with something solid.

"And do you think you have what it takes to kill me?" a deep voice rumbled as a bulky figure as it stalked towards her.

The figure gave a heavy slap to her muzzle and Rosethorn flinched from the pain. She stumbled back a few steps until she gained her equilibrium and turned around to face her attacker again.

Duck underneath and swipe at his stomach. Pause and come back up the way you went under, as he'll be thinking that you'll be approaching the other way and leave himself exposed, breezy voice that carried through the air advised.

Rosethorn gulped and dug her claws into the dirt. Surely trying wouldn't hurt...right? She watched the bulky figure ominously glaring at her before quickly darting underneath and dragging her claws through his fur and flesh. 

As per the voice, the tom whipped around and Rosethorn scrambled back in the direction she came from before leaping onto him and dragging her claws deeply through his flesh, guaranteeing that he would leave with severe wounds.

The tom merely just grunted in surprise as he whipped around and lashed out at Rosethorn. Rosethorn growled in frustration and tried to tear the tom's throat out. However it failed. She was used to getting an abundance of sleep. She was used to not having to worry about when it would be the next time her eyes would be able to close. The lack of it tonight had a bad effect on her. When she lunged forwards, the edges of her vision began to blur and her head pounded violently. She tottered a few steps to the side before collapsing on the ground. Her head jolted violently against the ground.

She saw a brown tabby cat with green eyes flicker for a moment in front of her before she fell into the dark void below.

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