Chapter 4

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Rosepaw saw her father proudly standing up on the High-stone and looked up at him. She could feel herself nearly bursting with happiness. What would her name be? Who would be her mate in the future? All of these questions seemed to be hovering over the horizon, not so far away anymore.

"Crown heir Rosepaw, please come forwards," he yowled.

Rosepaw proudly stepped forwards, puffing up her chest fur and tilting her chin up.

"From this day onwards, we will now know you as Rosethorn, and we welcome you as a full warrior of GoldClan!" he announced, light radiating off his yellow eyes, his dark grey pelt glowing silver in the midday sun.

"Rosethorn! Rosethorn!" the whole clan chanted, some voices more eager than others.

"Apprentice Silverpaw, please come forwards," he continued once the chanting had died down.

Rosepaw watched as her best friend stalked forwards, silver pelt glinting in the sunlight.

"You will now be known as Silverdream for your intelligence and charisma. We welcome you as a full warrior of GoldClan!" Cavestar declared.

"Rosethorn! Silverdream! Rosethorn! Silverdream!" the clan chanted.


"Cavestar told me to send for you two," Night, formerly Nightpaw, whispered, his head bowed low, not daring to make eye connection.

Rosethorn flicked her tail and said in a haughty voice,

"Very well. Hurry up and get out of my way. I don't have all day."

Night turned around and ran, sending Silverdream into silent giggles.

"Come on dear friend. Let's see what my father has to tell us," Rosethorn mewed, a small smile cracking on her face.

Rosethorn and Silverdream walked side by side towards the large entrance of her father's den. The dark grey tom looked up and once they sat down, he meowed,

"Well done on both of you getting your warrior names. It was a pity that Night failed his assessment though, but what is done is done and we can't do anything more about it. I asked you two to come so that I could talk about your vigil. Rumours have had it that BronzeClan warriors have tried to invade our camp. I want you two to pay extra attention when on vigil. No falling asleep or talking please, we don't want BronzeClan taking over us, do we now?" he said solemnly.

"Of course not!" Silverdream and Rosethorn replied simultaneously.

"Well then, I think you'll know what to do, go ahead and do what you want before moon-rise. I'll see you next morning. Good luck on your vigil," Cavestar purred.

"Thank you King Cavestar," Silverdream replied curtly, dipping her head slightly and turned around to leave with Rosethorn.

Rosethorn padded into the middle of the clearing and licked her paw.

"BronzeClan is no match for us! We'll slice their throats and cut them into pieces before they even set a single paw on our camp!"

Silverdream nodded and replied,

"Yes, we're too strong for them, they are making a grave mistake of underestimating us."

Rosethorn looked at the setting sky and took a deep breath. As much as she was optimistic about her clan's ability, what would happen is the entire clan of BronzeClan attacked? How would she wake all the warriors? No matter, she would do the best she could and after all, GoldClan was a clan to be feared.

When life gives you something that makes you feel afraid, that's when life gives you a chance to be brave, Rosethorn heard the wind whisper, or was it a voice in her head? She wouldn't be able to tell, but for all she knew, the voice was right and she would face the vigil with courage, even if it meant that she would die. But at least she would be known as a hero who valiantly tried to save her clan but failed.

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