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"Ms. Y/n." our professor asked for my attention, "Yes, sir." As I stood up. "Happy birthday. May your day get filled with happiness today." He wished me getting me to smile and look down. "Thank you, sir," I said as I sat back down not caring about the amount of attention I grasped.

And the class began...

I felt happy, finally, someone at least knows something about me. My smile made me ignore everyone's eye on me. And I opened my book.

"So, today we are going to read about the human reproductive system." Mr. Kim continued.

(After class)

I quietly made my way to my locker. Slowly caressing my recently healed arm. Opening my locker I placed everything in and closed the locker becoming free from a load of books and sighing softly. I closed my locker and turned around to lean on my locker to soon get on my phone to check for the next class. The class making a small smile appear on my lips.

As the next class was music; piano class. I was thankful that this school provided some activity class art and musical instrument class.

And me being an enthusiast took two of them up. Piano and art, I felt a connection to these classes at the root level. That's a different thing that my brother is my piano teacher while keeping this hidden from the students.

Soon, I heaved myself up from my locker and made my way to our class. Keeping my phone in my pockets I turned around to walk away but came to halt as I made eye contact with that particular someone...

Caught staring while leaning on his locker. He gave out a soft smile as he softly bit his lips out of nervousness. I looked behind and around me to make sure it was me as it got me confused cause no one ever did that to me. As I saw the corridor behind me had no girls so I looked back at him and smiled back at him. And sigh. Soon, leave him by his locker and making my way to my class.

Leaving him staring at my back...

I knocked at the classroom door, and heard a small 'come in'. And I entered the classroom. "Oppa." A small smile formed on my lips. Making the small mint green-haired man turn to me who was probably busy arranging his desk for the class that is to occur in 15 minutes. And smile at me.

"Sis," he came closer and hugged me making me hug him back. "How is your arm now?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug. Me and the man in front of me probably had the best brother-sister relation in the world, full of understanding.

"It's ok now, though it hurts a bit when I take a little load on it." I continued as I made way to sit on his now clean desk and took a seat on the chair in front of me establishing a little gap and smiled at me.

"So, how is everything at home?" He inquired further. As I looked down to answer, "Everything's quite fine though Mom gets a little worried and gets absolute tired from working too hard." "Do you help her in her work though?" He asked further as his hand moved up to his face to cup his chin and put up his elbow on his thighs. "I try to help her whenever I get the opportunity, which I suppose is not enough." My voice cracked making him sigh and soon followed by me sighing too. "When are you going to return?" I broke the little silence that was starting to form. He looked up at me "When appa apologizes, mark the date I will be there the very next day."

"Oppa, it's been half a year already." He said nothing but gave me a sad smile. "I miss you when they get into fights with no one to stop them from making the things fly at each other. It is just terrifying. Oppa you didn't care about me while leaving the house, huh?! That I might turn into the next victim of that drunk monster, with no one by my side. And you know damn well he would never apologize till his last breathe." I stated as a teardrop escaped from my eyes without even realizing it and he noticed it.

"Don't cry, sis. I'm still here to protect you." He got up and hugged me as I hugged him back while trying to swallow the pain formed in my throat from trying to stop myself from crying and getting swollen eyes in seconds. "It's Ok kitty, I will bring you with me once I start to earn enough to support both of us. You know, it's been just 9 months since I started working here. Without letting them know." He pulled away from the hug as I nodded.

"Then, what about eomma? You're gonna leave her with that monster?" He didn't answer as he got a little flash from the future.

"Sis, you don't know what will happen in this next month. But I know, and you will soon get to know what, so be prepared." I nodded and climbed down the desk I had been sitting on. This whole time, "Did you bring my Casio keyboard?" He nodded as he bent down to pull out the keyboard. As the bell rang, symbolizing that I should probably move to my seat with my keyboard. 

I sat down and started to prepare for the class. As students started to enter the class one by one. As the class settled down he went out for a few minutes as he soon entered the class. "Class, I have an announcement to make. We have a new student in class today." As he gestured him to come in. "Introduce yourself."

"Hello, I am Jungkook, and we met some people in the Biology class. Hope we have a great semester together." As he made eye contact with me while smiling softly. "You may move to that seat." Oppa gestured him a seat near me.

"I see many new faces here that were probably not present last class. So, let me introduce myself. I am Min Yoongi, and I will be your Piano teacher for this year's semester."

A/n: ~vote! You beautiful hooman beings~ 
Listen, I now know how to use punctuation... hehe
*whispers* Sorry, me is not dumb, but I like practice +_- 

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