"While we search for the missing one, we lose the near ones."

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Kizka's POV. (Current time)

"...And that is when we left Boboiboy on Earth." I move my body to stretch my body a bit from being in one pose while telling this story to the kid in front of me.

"Wait.. they were still together here how is it they aren't okay now? How did that ended the relationship? Pang was in love with him and loving him before he left Earth?" Ask the Red Boy.

"Well.. "

(Past times)

Kizka's POV

As we arrived at Xixus, there was no rest given. We were given mutiple missions and task to handle. Fang was given a rank under me, for both of us to start searching for Kaizo.

We went from the place of the attack to the most random places we could find. There was not even a sign of Captain Kaizo.

In mean while of that, Boboiboy and Pang has contacted little to on once a week. And that has made Boboiboy felt left out and distressed.

It went from...

"Boboiboy! I miss you" said Pang

"I wish you were here Fang! But i always hope the best for your search on your brother my dear! Full support from here!" Boboiboy's voice scream out of love and care for Pang.

"Boboiboy! I wish you are here.." fang says out of sadness but towardness to boboiboy.

"Let's plan something! But i will always be there for you Fang!" Boboiboy's voice sounds very broken but he holds it hard

And it started to change..

"Fang i miss you so much. I haven't talk to you for awhile. Why haven't you been calling when you can call me?" I hear a very controlled voice by Boboiboy.

"How bout you understand me? Understand that i need to search for Kaizo. And it doesn't require me to be with you everyday!" Pang rudely answer. As i heard that i wanted to step in but shortly after that i hear Boboiboy's voice.

"I would stay up at 3 am everyday just to wait for you! Because i try to sync our time together!" Boboiboy said out of frustration.

They were having it hard with the long distance relationship.

But then i wanted to help them and started to pull some strings to get Boboiboy to come to our planet.

As it is not allow to bring Humans. One of the species in the universe that is considered 'exotic'. I know i know its weird but it is. And only under special circumstances they can be brought out by our higher up to be traveling with them or to bring them to Xixus.

Other Aliens or species would want humans to experiment on them and to see what human have compared to other species. The universe isnt the most walk in the park kind of places. People here is very cruel. They will kill you to get what they want.

As i broke the news to Pang that i have a date for Boboiboy to come, he was so happy that he started to jump around.

"For real!? FOR REAL KIZKA!!" He ran to his room and broke the news to Boboiboy.

Boboiboy was excited and we started planning the trip but it was 8 mounths till the date.

But because of the news both of them were really happy. Their relationship started to lighten up again.

1 month in from the news i broke to them, we got a tip regarding the rebellion. In hopes we were leaded to Kaizo.

For days me and Pang didn't sleep to do our search. Just for the tip to be bogus. I wasn't okay. But Pang was worse. He was throwing a fit.

"I thought that was at least 1 step closer to Kaizo! For months! We have been going up and down looking for Kaizo! How come there's nothing that we can know about this!? And who the fuck gave us this fucking tip!" Pang screams and storms to his room.

I slowly followed him and i heard this conversation. I heard Pang's phone ringing non stop for about half an hour now.

"WHAT!?" A loud scream was let out from Pang was shock. I was startled by it and came closer to the room in worry.

"F-fang, i am sorry.." Boboiboy voice sound very shaky. "..i was worried you didn't contact me for a while. I need to listen to your voice."

His words was cut off and Pang answered furiously.

"How bout this?! How bout you stay the fuck out of my face for a bit? I fucking stressed out right now and all you do is annoy me the fuck out." As i heard that from Pang i wanted to stop him i knew he was gonna regret it. Then, i heard boboiboy answered.

"I see... I will leave you alone until you need me." And i heard Pang tap on his phone and ended the call.

I reached out to his door scanner to open the door. I hold myself up and took a deep breath. Nothing i do will make this any better.

Suddenly i heard something was threw to the wall and sounded it broke.

"Arrrggggghhhhhh!" Pang scream and it continues with sobbing. "Kaizo!!! Where are you!"

As i hear that, i touch the door and lean my forehead to the door in hopes to give Pang support.

Then Boboiboy tried to contact Pang for days. And it became weeks and now its been a month of Pang not contacting him.

Boboiboy bave tried to contact him through me. And always kept checking on me and Pang. But i know that hurt him so much.

He can't be mad and Pang for how he is getting treated. In all the unfairness, Boboiboy will always say to me.

"Tell him I love him and my heart goes to him everyday."

Then, Boboiboy called me one day.

"Hi Boboiboy!" I answer the voice call. I ask him teasingly "You are checking on Pang again?"

"Hi Kizka. I am guessing Pang will not get on the phone right?" Boboiboy's voice sounded so sad and as if he just finished crying.

"As usual Boboiboy." I answered shortly. "You sound a bit different today what is wrong?"

"...." Quietness was given in the call.

"Boboiboy?" I asked

"I think it's time i let go of Fang." Said Boboiboy.

I took a second to hear that and registering it in my mind. Wait a min.

Is he breaking up with Pang?

"Wait, Boboiboy.." i am confuse to register this.

"I hope you can relay the message to Fang." And i hear that i start to feel sad.

"Boboiboy! There must be another way of doing this!" I ask him to rethink his decision before he regrets it.

"How much more do i need to suffer, Kizka!" Boboiboy scream with sobbing added in between it. "I know you guys are the closest to Kaizo. But i never had the time to mourn for him or to ever feel sad for him. He was a brother to me too! I always tended to Fang's feelings. I am suffering here! I have no one i can hug, cry on, kiss, give me comfort! That was Fang before. But he was barely there for me anymore! As much as i give to him i get back almost to none! What does Fang give on the table to me..."

Boboiboy scream his lungs out.

Oh.. right.. As much as we lost Kaizo. Boboiboy had to tend to me and Pang. And we never asked him or cared how he felt. And on top of that he got hurt by losing both of us physically with him. Then, Pang treating him badly.

Then it hit me. Boboiboy should have a life without us. Because we never meant to be there on their planet. We are aliens who came to disturb his life.

And now he regrets all his being to even know us.

"or should i say..." he continues his words after taking a break from the long screaming. "Pang."

My eyes widened and i knew it was the end for both them.

"Boboiboy..." i answer quietly and softly trying to comfort him with what ever i can.

"Kizka i am sorry— i tried every way and he wont even try." He starts to sob harder. "I am sorry—"


I hear the call ended and i hold on to my communication device and i started to tear up.

As much as those two we're together, Boboiboy have always taken care of me on Earth and always gave me comfort there. Friends. Family.

I took my time to calm down before i search for Pang.

As i found Pang i started feeling furious but i know i wont act on my feelings.

"Pang.." Pang turn around and look at me while he was busy on his big screen doing research. "While we look for someone who is missing, are we willing to lose the ones near us?"

"Huh? What are you talking about Kizka? Lahap? Nyx? Ivy? Everyone near us is in the building right now." He answered with confusion.

I do not know how to break the news.

I look straight towards Pang and hold his left arm.

Are you ready for this Pang?

"Boboiboy." I said one word to see his reaction.

"Huh? His on earth. Why would he be missing? You talking nonsense, Kizka." Pang turn around and tried to look to his screen that had the article of  "The missing legend" on the screen.

I yank Pang hard as my anger started to rile up.

"What the fuck Kizka!?" He screams as he realise i yank him to me.

"Boboiboy broke up with you!"

Return to current time

Kizka's POV

"Then after that you know what happens right Nyx? You were there to spectate that." I look at Nyx

"B-both of them suffered so much—" Nyx looks down to the floor while he sits on the floor with me.

"But.." Nyx rub his face to take of the tear that was running down his face. "Boboiboy isn't the bad guy as i have painting him all this while. I said mean things to him!"

I pull out my hands to put on Nyx's shoulder. Nyx looks up to me and i gave a soft look to him.

"But you fell in love for him for who he is right? Without needing to know who he is and what he has went through. You felt his presences wasn't a normal one right?" I talk in a very soft and quiet voice.

Nyx with a shock and confuse face starts to register. His young.

"It's to early Kizka to know how i love him." He answers shortly trying to deny what he feels.

"True.." i look up and down to him. "But you being the descendant of an 'ancient being' to open up to anyone that sacred. And look what you have done just now. You activated your power for him! And guess what? You kissed him too"

He starts to blush and he covers his face.

"Why am i so stupid!" Nyx cutely scream in embarrassment.

"Its okay to take time and process all you have went through today. Feelings and relationships dont start over night." I hint on him on how to deal with this.

"What should i do Kizka!?" Nyx seems scared.

"Start with saying sorry to him for bad things you did to him. And..." i try not to say this but i got to "..you were kindda the reason Boboiboy is hurt badly right now. You left him far apart from you at the Flee Market just now. To the point someone too the chance to 'attack' him."

Nyx looks at me as his face turn white.

"A-ahh... i am sorry." As i heard that i pat his shoulder and i stood up bringing out my hand.

He took my hand and stood up with me.

"Say sorry to him. Not me." I signal him to leave and talk to Boboiboy.

Nyx Nod and smile and he left my room.

I look at my table where i have my photos on it. And i saw one photo of me, Pang, Kaizo and Boboiboy.

"I want us to be back together."

Nyx POV.

I started brisk walking towards Boboiboy's room. I had a smile on my face.

It's dumb how love can change how a person is.

I am closing near to Boboiboy's room and my heartbeat is getting faster.

I open the door. As the door slides open i saw a figure's silhouette from the window and it turns towards me.

He looks so sweet and innocent with light beaming behind him focusing on his body shape

"Nyx!" He blushes as he sees me.

To be continued..

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